
The story of an Ω (Omega) girl who is torn between "a favorite person" and "a man she wants”. In addition to gender, the world has three "attributes": elite α (alpha), ordinary human β (beta), and Ω (omega) who go into estrus. Mio works as an apprentice to the bestselling author Aida. "I loved the gentle Aida, but one day I met Kariya, my fated mate. There’s someone else I like, but I want to do it with this man… I can't take it anymore! I should have been embraced by my favorite person, but I somehow ended up going into estrus with a man I just met!"
上を向いて歩こう!, Ue wo Muite Arukou!
The story is about a girl who has constantly fighting with an orange-haired boy since the first day of high school. One day she meets Shintaro, her first love. Suddenly the orange-haired boy confesses his love to the girl. Shintaro mistakes them for a couple and thus ruins the girl's chances of expressing her love for Shintaro. 
うえきの法則, Law of Ueki, Peraturan Ueki, The Law of Ueki
A group of powerful beings called tenkaijin are holding a special tournament. The rules of the game--each tenkaijin selects a kid in junior high to be his champion and grants him a special power. The kids take each other on in heated battle, but if they hurt innocent bystanders, then they lose one of their natural-given abilities. Every time they win a battle, they gain a new ability. The ultimate winner of the tournament is granted any power of his choosing, and the tenkajin who he represents succeeds in becoming the next god. Kosuke Ueki has been chosen to fight in the tournament. His special power--the ability to turn garbage into trees.

Ueki Plus

Ueki PlusUeki Kousuke est maintenant au Lycée. Mystérieusement, tous ceux qui ont participé au Battle game d'il y a deux ans ont perdus la mémoire à propos de la personne la plus importante à leur yeux. Ueki, lui, est le seul à ne pas avoir été touché. Il fera tout pour ramener la mémoire de ses amis.
Aya Ueto Monogatari
Ce One-Shot retrace comme son nom l´indique une période de la vie de l´actrice/chanteuse/idole Aya Ueto. Précisément l´histoire qui entoure la réalisation du film "Azumi".
At a mysterious antique shop that appears only on rainy days, Sou finds the keepsake of his grandfather that he supposedly lost a long time ago. He asks the owner, Tsukiji, who has a different air about him, to hand it over to him, but it's not money that this shop accepts as payment. With a fearless smile, the condition that Tsukiji put forth is "Please give birth to my child" -- ?!
Ukatsu ni mo Hodo ga Aru -  うかつにも程がある
うっかりチェリー -  Nemurenu Yoru ni Nomikonda Hoshi
5) Nemurenu Yoru ni Nomikonda Hoshi Sawa is confessed to by Shiroi, a kouhai in his art club, but as he struggles to come to terms with being confessed to by a boy, Shiroi manages to act entirely too normal. Does Sawa really matter to him all that much? Contains art classroom sex and what may possibly be the mysterious usage of painting supplies as lube. Please do not attempt this at home. - Vices and Devices.
私立極道高校, 私立極道高校 復活版, Shiritsu Kiwamemichi Koukou
De nos jours, Etoile d'oiseau est en état de siège permanent. Seuls ceux qui ont un puissant esprit de gardien, un "esprit de guerre", peuvent changer leur destin et s'opposer seuls à toute une armée. Le père de Juvénile Rogue avait l'esprit de combat le plus fort, mais il a trahi le pays, provoquant l'aliénation de Rogue et de sa mère. Afin de nettoyer son honneur et de changer le destin de sa famille, l'adolescent entre dans le Collège Luogi le plus féroce et le plus effrayant du monde et se bat contre des adversaires dotés d'un esprit de combat puissant. Rogue peut-il se débarrasser de la misère et des limites entourant sa vie ?
究极维纳斯 -  究極ヴィーナス -  究極維納斯 -  얼티밋 비너스 -  Naughty Honey -  Ultimate Venus -  Kyuukyoku Venus
Poor Yuzu is an orphan who's too clumsy to hold a job. She's reduced to living in a playground -- until a handsome stranger named Hassaku informs her that she's heir to a fortune, and whisks her into a world of wealth, power, and more hot suitors than she can shake a scepter at! But there's a catch: Hassaku must turn this klutz into a lady of refinement, or Yuzu will lose everything! Also included in this manga is an extra story called Naughty Honey: "The boyfriend I made in college cheated on me." When she caught her boyfriend sleeping with another woman, Kayako Ueno broke his front teeth... and it will cost her a hundred-thousand yen to repair them. So she takes a part-time job as a home tutor-- for playboy Haru-kun.
Kyôsuke veut devenir détective. À cause de cela, il essaye toujours de faire justice et d'aider les autres.En sauvant une fille de quelques voyous, il finit en slip et porte jartel. Peu de temps après, elle a nouveau besoin d'aide et il termine avec le slip de la femme sur la tête, slip qui lui donne une force surhumaine.Un super anti-heros.Note : Ce manga n'a rien à voir avec un Hentai.
UBS: Ultra Battle Satellite, a reality show program in real time where several fighters win awards by the heads of other fighters. The more victories accumulate, the more money will but increasingly their reward will increase to defeat you. No rules, no law and no mercy! Obviously, we are not responsible for any, bruised, cut, fracture, injury or perhaps death... Say gold attracts strong. This is an absolute truth for all ages and cultures.
ウルトラマニアック, 恋爱小魔女, 戀愛小魔女, UltraManiac, UruMani
Shy Ayu Tateishi has just made a new friend at school. But this new friend, much to her surprise, is no ordinary classmate. Nina Sakura may look like a normal middle school girl, but she's got a big secret.She's a witch. 
How strong are you? In this manga, the hero is an idiotic little boy who has a frightening style of fighting. But he isn't the only fighting monster. Sumeragi Sen will discover people that are stronger than him, and maybe even the limits of his strength.


Carlos, un canard ordinaire vivant dans la grande ville de Featherbay, vient de se faire plaquer par sa petite amie. Sa vie en tant que freelance ne va nulle part et doit prendre une grande décision : GRANDIR. Afin d’obtenir un vrai travail, reconquérir sa petite amie et arrêter la picole.


Ultraman (SHIMIZU Eiichi)
Plusieurs décennies se sont écoulées depuis qu'ULTRAMAN a sauvé la Terre de la dévastation. Les actes de bravoure de ce super-héros des temps passés sont désormais relégués aux livres d'histoire ou aux musées.Qu'arriverait-il si les extraterrestres n'avaient jamais réellement quitté notre planète et coopéraient avec le gouvernement ? Et si la paix n'était finalement qu'un feu de braises attendant que le vent de la guerre se remette à souffler ?Quand la menace ressurgit, l'humanité doit se trouver un nouveau sauveur, une nouvelle génération d'ULTRAMAN.


Ce soir là, alors que l'équipe nationale a remporté la coupe d'Europe de football, tout le pays est en fête. Leon et Al ne font pas exception, et submergés par la joie, ils finissent par passer la nuit ensemble. Le lendemain, Leon se rend compte qu'il a tenu compagnie à une personne qu'il aurait préféré ne jamais rencontrer... En effet, Al est un supporter ultras de Libertad. Il comprend alors que cette histoire ne pourra pas durer, et pourtant... Il semblerait qu'Al se soit déjà approprié une petite place dans le cœur de Leon. Ultras est donc une histoire à la Roméo et Juliette, entre deux fans d'équipe de foot rivales, suivi par plusieurs histoires parlant d'un beau parleur, de réalisateurs de films, un voyeur et plus...
Uma Musume Cinderella Gray
Please Don't Be Born Again -  生まれ変わらないでいてくれ
A bishounen and a former bishounen try to find out who's killing the other bishounen.
Kasako -  La Ragazza Ombrello -  傘子
ウメニウグイス, 單戀少女的妄想日記
The leading lady here is a girl called Ume-chan. That isn’t her first name, it’s actually a nickname based on her last name, Umehara. I won’t say what her first name is, because it’s kind of funny, and it’s sort of a surprise in the scene where it’s first revealed. Anyway, Ume-chan is suffering from an unrequited crush on a boy in her class. His name is ISEZAKI-kun. He sits directly in front of her, and she spends a lot of her time observing him and writing down her thoughts in a little notebook devoted entirely to him. Ume is fairly comfortable with her situation of loving him from afar (well, from one seat behind). After all, there is no hope for her. Isezaki-kun has a girlfriend who is pretty and nice, and practically perfect. He seems to really like her. So Ume spends her time writing about him instead.
The story of castle otaku, Ume, meeting a sexy blonde escort girl named Shigure...Is that really it or is there more? Read and find out!
The year is 1996. Shinya Oonuki is another gifted gamer living in the same era as Umehara. This man encounters the glamor of fighting games which leads him towards the path of obsession. This story covers the raging battles between Umehara and Nuki, two players who have carved their names into the history of fighting games!
梅衣堂ひよと旦那様の野望 -  梅衣堂阳夜与主人的野心
Moe and career, mystery and reality, modern science and modern technology, maid and husband. The hired maid brings out future weapons and items, cheats on her with a mysterious radio wave, and problems occur one after another in the daily life of her husband. Such a cheat maid Umeido Hiyo, today also uses future items to serve her husband with a high desire to succeed!?
海ニ眠ル花, Sleeping Flower
The young pirate head Sakaki met the autistic but beautiful samurai Murou...Why did Murou have the other half of the treasure island map left by Sakaki's grandfather? Why did Murou keep to himself? Could Sakaki open Murou's closed heart? And how should he handle his best friend who loved him, Juurou? 
海に堕ちるツバメ, 海に墜ちるツバメ, A Swallow Falling into the Sea
Collection of mysterious stories by Chie Shinohara, a great artist of suspense manga.Story 01 Part 01 & 02: 海に堕ちるツバメ (Umi ni Ochiru Tsubame - Swallow Falling into the Sea)Masako Minase, a scriptwriter, was murdered by Shiki Morimura, her rival in the same profession. Shiki was sure that she had destroyed evidence completely. However, someone who knew the truth appeared, and tried to get Shiki in his power. Is it a mysterious spot or unhappy desire that lurks in her mind?It was also published in Akatsuki ni Tatsu Lion(bunkoban version)Story 02: 記憶の足音 (Kioku no Ashioto - The Footsteps of Memory) This is the story about Shouko and the almost tragic moment that changed her life and emotions ...It was also published in Akatsuki ni Tatsu Lion(bunkoban version).Story 03: 死刑台の72時間 (Shikeidai no 72-jikan - 72 hours of death stand) Five young people receives a letter saying that they murdered someone and they must go to the address in the letter if they don't want other people to found out. They all find themselves in a old European house, where a crazy lady tells them that one of them is a murder and if that murder don't confess in 72 hours, they will all die.It was also published in Toubou Kyuukou (bunkoban version).
海の天辺, Where the Sea Meets the Sky
"A mermaid will fall in love with the first human she sees."Shiina is your average grade 8 girl----that is, except for her height, which makes her tower over the other people in her class. She's never met anyone SHE had to look up to...until a young male teacher begins teaching at her school. Because of his good looks and easy demeanor though, the other girls in her grade have turned him into the resident school idol, and there's little chance of him ever noticing her.That all changes one day when they end up in the same train during rush hour. She's surprised to find that he not only recognizes her---but he remembered her name! What could this mean?
海の闇、月の影, 海之闇月之影, 바다의 어둠 달의 그림자, Ánh trăng bí ẩn, Darkness of the Sea, Shadow of the Moon, Moon 's Shadow on a Dark Sea, Umi no Yami Tsuki no Kage
[Unofficial description] Youth manga story about two middle schoolers in a rural setting.