
Trace 1.5

트레이스 1.5
L'histoire commence peu après la fin de la saison 1 qui est Trace (que vous pourrez trouver ici).Le capitaine du Service national des enquêtes (Han Si-Hyun) essaie de démarrer un programme de communication avec les Tourments mais celui-ci est rejeté à plusieurs reprises.De plus, avec un ami ils ont l'idée absurde de partir à la recherche de Kim Yun-Seong, seuls.

Trace 2.0

2014. Après le Jour de la Paix et de l’Harmonie, les apparitions de Tourments se sont faites moins fréquentes et de nombreux Traceurs ont perdu leurs pouvoirs. Cependant, de nouveaux Traceurs naissent chaque jour, ou de simples humains le deviennent subitement. Certains Traceurs, profitant de leurs capacités, deviennent des criminels et l’opinion publique se divise en deux camps : ceux qui sont hostiles aux Traceurs en général car les considérant comme dangereux, et ceux qui continuent de les considérer comme des humains bénéficiant donc de droits fondamentaux. Au sein de ce monde troublé, nous suivons désormais le regard et la lutte de Seo Beom-Gi, officier de police et simple humain.
In "Traces of Snow," by Takahashi Mako, the protagonist goes to visit an old friend.
Perversité dans le train -  Perversité dans le train
トランス・ヴィーナス -  Trans-Venus
This is the story of a boy who one day walks into some strange wood and is saved by a nymphomaniac goddess who can not only take over his body (turning it into hers in the process) but can also transform him into a girl.
Toransufoma x Hogen Joshi: Uchi no Omacha
The three chapters follow the daily life of Kahori Hanamura, an 18-year-old romance prodigy who has recently moved from the countryside to Tokyo to write for a literary magazine. She spends her time causing trouble for her cousin and editor Satoko Hanamura, who would much rather she meet her deadlines instead of skipping showers and ordering Transformers online.
Kiss Players -  Teletraan 15 -  Toransufōmā Jouhou Kanrikyoku Teretoran 15GO!GO! -  Toransufōmā Kisu Pure -  トランスフォーマー キスぷれ -  トランスフォーマー情報管理局テレトラン15GO!GO!
トランジスタティーセット~電気街路図~ -  Transistor Teaset - Denki Gairozu
This story is about a girl named Handa Suzu who runs a store by herself while making a living off of the money she earns. One of her distant relatives used to own that store before he passed away. When Suzu was younger she had a child hood friend named Midori that went overseas with her parents. One day she goes out to town with and receives a phone call from someone unexpected…
転生少女 -  Reincarnation Girl
It's a different world where puberty is the result of a butterfly-like metamorphosis rather than simple growing up. Sometimes it goes wrong...
My Boo; Призрачный сосед; 隱形的同居者; 투명한 동거; Transparent Housemate; Tumyeonghan Dong-geo
La faculté de Yuri à voir des fantômes ne lui a causé que des problèmes. Elle veut à tout prix les éviter. Ce qui n'est pas choisi aisée, car le jour où elle emménage dans sa nouvelle maison, elle se rend compte que le fantôme d'un jeune homme y habite. Que faire ?
A man breaks up with his male lover as he enters an arranged marriage.
Tadao Tsuge was one of the key contributors to the legendary avant-garde Japanese comics magazine Garo during its heyday in the late 1960s and early 1970s, renowned for his unpretentious journalistic storytelling and clear, eloquent cartooning. Trash Market brings together six of Tsuge’s compelling, character-driven stories about life in post–World War II Japan.“Trash Market” and “Gently Goes the Night” touch on key topics for Tsuge: the charming lowlifes of the Tokyo slums and the veterans who found themselves unable to forget the war. “Song of Showa” is an autobiographical piece about growing up in a Tokyo slum during the occupation with an abusive grandfather and an ailing father, and finding brightness in the joyful people of the neighborhood. Trash Market blurs the lines between fiction and reportage; it’s a moving testament to the grittiness of life in Tokyo during the postwar years.
トラウマイスタ, 馭魔少年, Torauma Isuta, Trau Meister, Trauma Ista, Trauma Isuta

Triage X

Arashi est un nouveau membre d'une escouade secrète travaillant pour un hôpital chargé "d'exciser" le "cancer" de la société.


Sans père et vivant avec une mère qui travaille beaucoup, Noa a toujours rêvé d'une fratrie. Un jour, sa mère lui présente Misaki et Akari, deux frères qui vivront dorénavant avec elles. Noa se réjouit de cet événement mais Misaki n'a pas l'air de partager son engouement. Le rêve de Noa va-t-il devenir réalité ?
Noa doesn't have a father. She lives together with a working mother. That's why she always hoped for a sibling. One day her mother brings Mizuki and Akari to live with them. Noa is extremely happy with that, but why does Mizuki always show an unhappy face? Will Noa's dream for a sibling come true?
The world changed because one girl lost the one dearest to her. The grief-stricken girl kept searching for a way to bring him back to her, eventually became a scientist, creating a substance that looked to have promising results.That substance was ‘Metaphysic particles’ which could transform mankind’s wildest dreams into reality, wondrous particles that could smash the divide between the spirit and the being.But a grave error occurred in the research before it reached completion, and the Metaphysic particles were spread throughout the world. Incredible occurrences were happening throughout the world.‘Monsters’ which preyed on humans appeared, recognized by the masses to be a consequence of the Metaphysic particles. It appeared to them to be the girl’s fault, and they ostracized her, calling her ‘The Witch’.But from the masses emerged people who could use the Metaphysic particles to do battle with the monsters, Knights of Justice who transformed their beliefs into magical creatures to defeat the monsters. Using the twelve devices ‘Accessories’ that could magnify these beliefs, they became known as ‘12’This is a story of a world where dreams become reality…
あたし★★★よ!, トリックスター(あろひろし), TRICK STAR トリックスター, Trickster (ARO Hiroshi)
If you come by this girl, you better be extremely careful - nobody knows what kind of prank she will play the next moment! She practically lives to cause mischief!
En 2021, Harry Makito, magicien de génie, tenait son dernier spectacle de magie. Mais lors de son tour final "L'échapée" de l'incinération, il se retrouve propulsé dans un autre monde. L'Europe médiévale. En pleine chasse aux sorcières.Apres avoir découvert que celles ci ne sont que de vulgaires humaines, Makito est bien decidé a leur montrer c'est quoi, la vraie magie.
No one really knows what the 60 billion dollar-wanted-man named Vash really looks like, only what damage he has been fabled to have caused. Due to over 300 insurance claims filed by the inhabitants of the cities Vash the Stampede has supposedly demolished, the FIA has sent two claims inspectors - Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson - to find Vash and investigate / fine him for all the damage he has caused. Now Vash must not only deal with merciless bounty hunters, but hounding insurance companies too in a setting very reminiscent of such American westerns as Bonanza or Gunsmoke.
Trigun Tribute -Rising-
L'histoire se concentre sur Rai The Blade, l'un des Gung-Ho Guns, qui vit dans une petite ville-plante.
Trigun - Multiple Bullets -  Badlands Rumble -  Rai the Blade: Rising -  Trigun Badlands Rumble -  Trigun Bangaihen -  Trigun Rising -  Trigun: Rising -  Trigun: The Lost Plant
Pas de résumé pour le moment.
トライガン, トライガンマキシマム, 枪神, Trigun, Trigun: Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action!!
Our hero Vash the Stampede disappeared for two years after blasting a crater onto the moon above the desert planet he saved from annihilation. But with good people and bad alike trying to track him down, he won't stay lost for long! Count on more crazy gunslinger action, new dastardly villains...and a new outfit, to boot!Note: Nightow changed publishers to Shonen Gahosha and the series continued to be serialized in Young King Ours magazine. Due to the original publisher retaining the name Trigun, Nightow had to change the title to Trigun Maximum, which isn’t a sequel--just a new name for the rest of the same series.So, the first 3 volumes were published under the title 'Trigun' and the entire series compiled into 14 books as 'Trigun Maximum' (the numbering was also restarted when the title changed).
Reborn On The Mars
The background is in the distant future, a post-apocalyptic world after the destruction brought about by Armageddon. The war between humans (Terran) and vampires (Methuselah) continues, as a struggle between two factions: the Vatican and the New Human Empire. Yet, amidst the bloodshed and violence, many desire a peaceful co-existence between the two species. However, standing between them and this goal is the Rosenkreuz Orden, a group of vampire extremists who manipulate the two sides and pit them against each other. To combat them, the Vatican special operations group -AX- led by Cardinal Caterina, must use everything they have - even a vampire who preys on the blood of other vampires.

Troll Trap

Троллья ловушка 트롤트랩
Avez-vous déjà remarqué que quelqu'un que vous connaissiez n'est plus vous-même ? Les changements subtils qu'ils montrent indiquent qu'ils ne sont plus... humains ? Rejoignez le chasseur Ha-Te et le chasseur à temps partiel Ji-Hyun dans leur aventure de chasse aux trolls pour sauver l'humanité !
Soma rêve de devenir un grand photographe et de partir au Vietnam. Mais voilà, il ne peut aller nulle part et sa vie n'est que Drogue et sexe. Un soir après avoir sombré dans le désespoir de ne pouvoir partir au Vietnam, le destin fera que Soma empruntera un chemin qui changera sa vie pour toujours...
トラブ ルダブルフェイス -  Trouble Doubleface
Trouble Double Face (4 chapters) Kou has gone to an all boys private school because he's in love with his naive and sweet stepbrother Naruki. But when Naruki follows him to the school Kou's life gets very hectic, defending his innocent brother from other students. Kou's roommate Yoshino comes up with a plan for Naruki to fend for himself, but his motives aren't entirely innocent. Additional story : Only You Are Pure Model Satoru loves his best friend Riku. But Riku only mothers him.