
Elio the Fugitive
Dans un match à mort où les prisonniers seront libérés après 1000 victoires, Elio qui porte le péché d'avoir tué son frère est relâché dans le monde extérieur après trois ans.
Touch is a shounen story about two twin brothers, a pretty girl next door, and that good old pastime of baseball. The manga was written by one of the most well known manga-ka out there, Adachi Mitsuru in the early 80's (1981-1986). He's a wonderful writer who tends to write stories that are related to baseball and Koshien, the stadium where the All High School Baseball Tournament is held.
Two friends watch a couple making out and one of them, Mayuki, wonders why a couple would do such simple things. Her friend, somehow asks her to "try going out" with her. And many complicated things awaits...
From Kurogane 1) Touch Me Again Seven years ago, Touda and Oshikiri crossed the friendship line once. Right after that incident however, they chose to pretend nothing had happened just so they could go on being best friends. But life is never so simple and seven years later, they begin to see the strains in their relationship show. 6) Stars Spica Spectre Kiji is paid a visit by the ghost of his dead friend, Osaka. Although Kiji sees Osaka, it is only an afterimage of his friend, as Osaka's spirit is actually in Spica, a star that is 260 light years away from Earth. As a result, everything Osaka says goes through a time lapse and Kiji only hears him after the afterimage disappears. This is a sad, poignant story about two men who never found it in themselves to confess to each other until it was too late.
ヒーローガール×ヒーラーボーイ -  ヒーローガール×ヒーラーボーイ~TOUCH or DEATH~
Moi, Junhee Baek, je suis tombé amoureux à première vue. Mais il m'a immédiatement rejeté ! Un jour, j'étais dans un mariage arrangé par mon grand-père et il s'est avéré - "Argh !" Nous ne nous sommes pas vus après douze ans... "Junhee Baek, veux-tu m'épouser ?" Pourquoi diable veut-il m'épouser ? ! "Mais tu n'es pas mon genre" Je ne veux pas non plus t'épouser ! Mais pourquoi mon coeur bat-il rapidement chaque fois qu'il me touche ?

Tougen Anki

Demon’s ArcadiaDemon’s Shangri-LaDemon’s UtopiaTogen Demon桃源暗鬼
Ichinose Shiki, un héritier du sang d'Oni, avait vécu toute son enfance dans l'ignorance de ce fait. Cependant, lorsqu'un inconnu se précipite chez lui pour tenter de l'assassiner, son père adoptif finit par révéler la vérité. Dans un monde où Oni et Momotarou n'ont jamais pu coexister, rejoignez Ichinose dans sa lutte pour le pouvoir et l'unification des deux races !


Koko Tekken-den Tough
Kiichi Miyazawa est un petit voyou au grand coeur qui veut devenir le combattant le plus fort du Japon. Son père est l'héritier d'une des écoles d'arts martiaux les plus secrètes et les plus mortelles du Japon, le Nadashinkagéryu, et Kiichi est naturellement destiné à devenir un jour le grand maitre de cette école. Soutenu et entrainé sévèrement mais justement par son père, il va affronter de nombreux adversaires grâce à certaines techniques interdites de la fameuse "école de l'ombre"...
Touhou dj - Anata ni Ichiban Niaumono!!, あなたにいちばん似合うもの!!, Touhou dj - What Fits You Best!!
A sudden explosion in the furball “population” leads Marisa to organizing a hunting competition And Koakuma seems to care a lot about the SDM’s standing in it.
A Certain Love Spell, ある愛のまほう
A short story about Marisa visiting Alice home. MarixAli.
ちれいで, Chirei-de, Touhou - At Chirei, Touhou dj - At Chirei
A story of the inhabitants Palace of the Earth Spirits before the events of Subterranean Animism. Told with humor and feeling in a unique drawing style. Take place before the event of Subterranean Animism, and Koishi Komeiji still hasn't close her 3rd eye.
Idobata Kaikitan Dappi -  井戸端怪奇譚 脱皮
What if I Told You, touhou girls are looking up to tying the knot in Gensokyo. Kanako is there to help. Not everything goes according to the plan. there is someone who is trying stop it. Are you still going to join the battle royale?
Touhou dj - Days Woven with Illusion ~Girl Of The Dusk~
"Since a long time, Rumia lives with a couple which wasn't blessed with an own child. They love her deeply, even while knowing of her dangerous nature.In this story, a foreseen tragedy is bound to happen."From One night out of nowhere, Rumia appears in a couple’s home and eventually becomes part of their life. However rosy things may seem, is it what you would call a family?
Brudne Uczynki Robione Tanio Jak Barszcz
Yuyuko is being forced to fast.She's forced to fast, and she can't take it anymore, so she takes a hamburger from the garbage dump, but someone shoots her and breaks it down.That's right, you can't steal and eat because you are always being watched.The disassembled hamburger begins to form a new shape.The person who appeared was, what? Marisa? Oh, ......, thank you .......The mysterious atmosphere and characteristic style of the painting are addictive.Please take a look at it.
Touhou dj - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!!, 気になるキミに効くクスリ!!
Shanghai went to Scarlet Devil Mansion, she brought a news for Patchy. It looks like Alice has literally worried herself sick, so it’s up to Patchy and Koa to go help her recover.
Touhou dj - Eternal Meek
Remilia and Sakuya talk about the red string of fate.
Kanako seems to be having some faith supply problems, and that’s affecting a little her appearance, to say the least.
(C84) [Amidakuzu (Sano Sanoko)] Kuishinmoko! -  Glutton Mokou! (Touhou Project) -  (C84) [あみだ屑 (佐野さのこ)] 喰いしんもこ! (東方Project)
グリモワール オブ アリス
Ever wonder what Alice's childhood was like?
Touhou Project dj - Heart
[spoiler]Portuguese: Kokoro quer dar um presente de gratidão para Mamizou, mas ela não sabe como transmitir o sentimento de agradecimento. Então ele pede conselhos para Nue para escolher um ótimo presente.[/spoiler]
人といふ字は人と人が支えあって云々!!, Touhou dj - They Say That the Kanji for Person Also Means Two Persons Supporting Each Other!!
Today is a "No Humans Allowed" day at the SDM, so Sakuya is kicked out. Why Remilia does this to Sakuya?
夏の地底の過ごし方, Touhou dj - How to Spend Your Summer Underground
Even Hell has summer, and the Earth Palace inhabitants had cope with it in their own ways. Although, Only Satori who find the heat is a problem. She wanted a break from her work.
走狗ノ牙, Touhou dj - Hunting Dog's Fangs
Momiji is torn between trying to reconcile her white wolf instincts with the order and protocol of tengu society. But what is a domesticated wolf if not but a dog?
Anata Nante Watashi ni wa Hitsuyou Naiwa!, あなたなんて 私には 必要ないわ!
Patchouli had put up enchanted lock on her books to prevent Marisa's stealing. But, Marisa's still have another trick to play. Will this have a happy end?
An adorable Marisa x Reimu story set around Christmas.
Touhou - Izayoi Scramble, Touhou dj - Izayoi Scramble
It seems Sakuya’s most important possession has gone missing. But she’s quick to take strong measures to retrieve. Maybe too quick and too strong…
神社生活+ねこ, Touhou dj - Jinja Seikatsu + Neko, Touhou dj - Life at the Shrine + the Kitty
One day Reimu decides to adopt a little kitten, and from then on the daily life at the Hakurei Shrine was changed. litte kitten day to day interaction with the resident of Gensokyo.
風通しの良い職場です!, Touhou - Well Ventilated Workplace!!
A messenger bat just arrive at Hakurei shrine. Meiling has vanished! Now with Reimu's help, Will they able to find her?