
Shiki l'ennemi du roi, a pris Akira comme prisonnier.


Tôbé fut un criminel à l'époque des samouraïs. Pour cette raison, il a erré aux enfers pendant trois siècles. Un jour, le seigneur Emma, une des ravissantes intendantes des mondes souterrains, lui propose un marché : il quittera les enfers s'il parvient à anéantir cent huit "péchés" en cent huit jours. Pour l'aider dans cette quête, Tôbé reçoit une épée : Togari, qui a le pouvoir d'anéantir les mauvaises énergies poussant les hommes à agir de manière malsaine...
咎狩白, Togarishiro
Togari continues the story of Tobei as he continues to rid of 108 sins to free himself from hell.
Goshujin-sama to Isshou
A young girl has collected pets...only thing about these pets is that they are humanoids. Follow this tale as Usagi (The one who misunderstands things.) tries to earn the respect of her "Master."
Slice of life story about an orange tabby cat named Suzunyan with her friends. Created to promote LINE stickers/themes/emoji of the character.Official blog: stickers:
In modern Japan, the strong have their horns broken and the weak have their horns broken. Junio, a high school student who is in the hospital with an intractable disease of unknown cause and not much time left to live, has been seeing a cracked "horn" on his head since he was a child...? This is the latest work by Kenta Tsuchida, the author of [i]Lock On![/i][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
とはずがたり -  古典结情恋物语 -  Towazugatari -  The Confessions of Lady Nijô
Manga adaption of Towazugatari ("Unasked-for Tale"), the autobiography of a woman who was a concubine of Emperor Go-Fukakusa.
You and me -  baby : Love Harassment !
Je n'ai jamais pensé que tu serais celui à qui je XXX !" Homare et Sanjo, deux camarades de classe, sont comme une paire de chiens sauvages qui deviennent de plus en plus compétitifs pour des petites choses. Mais quand leurs concours tournent au nombre de fois où il peuvent effectuer une certaine action intime, les choses deviennent étranges... Ces rivaux deviendront-ils des amoureux... ! ? ?
Fragments of Happiness -  吐息にふれて
- Fragments of HappinessPresident Midou has been interested in waiter, Sakura Kaname, since he flew into his Midou's arms escaping a molesting relative.- Part 2.Persued by Midou, Kaname feels he can't trust him now matter how attracted he is.- Story 2."I won't ever open up my heart to anyone else again. I won't like anyone else again. That is the only way I can protect myself from harm." Minato Yuuya refuses to accept the feelings of his kouhai, Takami Naota, because of his own past.- Forbidden LustAsahina has been in love with Manager Kizaki ever since they met a year ago, but it could never be mutual, could it?- Heart Throbbing LoveA teacher's promiscuous private life is discovered by a student.

Tokage no Ou

J'ai un superpouvoir. Je suis un marginal dans ce monde. Je possède un pouvoir dans mes deux yeux, ce qui me donne l'habilité de "Repeindre le monde". En d'autres mots, je ne peux que changer la couleur de mes yeux, ce qui est totalement inutile. Je déteste retourner à la maison à cause de mes parents; alors j'ai décidé de m'entraîner à utiliser ce pouvoir dans un bâtiment abandonné, priant que le pouvoir enfouit dans mes yeux s'éveillerait. Tout ce que j'ai trouvé, c'est un vieil homme avec des doigts en moins, une camarade de classe exposant trop sa peau, le meilleur assassin vivant, un homme qui peut sauter très haut et un bon nombre d'autres personnes toutes aussi folles. Est-ce dans ce monde que j'ai toujours rêvé de faire partie ... ?

Tokage Ouji

Tokage Ôji ~ Lizard Prince
Canary Dahlberg est la princesse du royaume de Linaria. Quand son père père père père père père père père père lui propose une rencontre avec le prince Heath, du royaume de Gazania, elle accepte pour lui faire plaisir mais s'apprête en réalité à dire ses quatre vérités au prince le plus frivole des trois royaumes. Pourtant, quand elle rencontre le prince, il se montre charmant et totalement différent que ce à quoi elle s'attendait et c'est le coup de foudre. Mais elle découvre rapidement qu'en réalité, elle n'a pas rencontré le vrai prince mais un simple lézard avec qui le prince avait changé de corps pour éviter la corvée de la rencontrer.................
Hành Trình Hisame
Ayaka has a dear friend named Hiroko. Hiroko suddenly vanishes from Ayaka’s life, saying that she must save someone important to her. Since that time, Ayaka hasn’t heard anything from Hiroko, until a girl’s corpse is washed up on shore, and she’s holding a letter from Hiroko which reads: “Come save me.” Ayaka sets off to save her best friend, and ends up in a mysterious school where everything seems too good to be true. Is it?
時計仕掛けのりんご -  Clockwork Apple
Short story collection of a variety of more mature Tezuka work. The story "Clockwork Apple" was borrowed from the book, before the movie was made, but has very little to do with the book either as Tezuka admits to writing it without reading Clockwork Orange.

Toki Doki

刻どキ -  Tokidoki
Comment passeriez-vous le temps restant quand votre vie est mesuré en battements de cœur ? C'est l'histoire de Hato Iijima et Hatsu Takagi, reliés entre eux par une maladie rare appelée "Tempocardy". - De l'auteur de la série "Nisekoi"
Shinogu, Haruhi et Moe sont tous les trois en sixième année et forment un groupe de très bons amis. Pappy Haruhi est amoureuse de Shinobu, de même que Moe....... Vont-elles se déclarer ?
時の羅針盤; A Time Compass; Toki ni rashinban
Le groupe financier "TACHIBANA" garde sous sa coupe les membres de la famille TOBA qui ont le don de double vue qui leur permet de voir le futur.Akito Toba est l'héritier de cette famille TOBA et n'a jamais vu le monde extérieur, les TACHIBANA le gardant précieusement dans un complexe souterrain.Shin Takamizawa veut prendre sa revanche sur les TACHIBANA qui ont ruiné sa vie.Les deux hommes se rencontrent par hasard. Que va provoquer cette rencontre ?
時の守護者 -  Time Guardian
A girl named Miu stumbles upon a mysterious pawnshop where the only item for trade is time itself! Everyone always searches for extra time, but are they willing to exchange something that is more valuable and irreplaceable — their most precious memories? These memories could be wiped out forever if the borrowed time is not returned. Tokiya, the shop owner, recruits Miu to work part time as a "Time Go-Between." Her new boss is sweet, but he has his own motives regarding the time he trades. And Miu must always remember the most important rule: Never speak of the shop to anyone.
時と永遠 ~トキトワ~ -  Toki to Eien -  Toki to Eien (Towa) -  Toki to Towa -  Toki to Towa - Toki Towa -  Toki to Towa~Toki Towa~
Toki is a Princess and she is to be wed to a Knight, to which there is mutual affection between but she still has concerns. Toki also has a second persona within her named Towa. Towa has blonde hair, and is much different from the reserved Toki as she is much more unyielding.
Toki Tsukai Majutsushi no Tensei Musou -  時使い魔術師の転生無双
One day at the sorcery academy at the borderlands, broke student Avis was forced to win against a genius at the academy otherwise he would be expelled. It’s said to be an impossible feat for him. Avis raises his blind and frail younger sister by himself. He goes through the necessary training to get past his insufficient scholarship. But he doesn’t get any stronger, and eventually collapses of exhaust.But at that time, he sees a strange dream. In the dream, he sees the grand sorcerer who used the legendary [Time Sorcery] that had been used to defeat demons and is no longer present in the current ages.And after Avis awakes from the dream, he realizes that the legendary [Time Sorcery] is his own--?!
時は.., As for Time...
Toki wa… is a manga about two guys who travel back in time and visit Tokiwa Manor in the 1950′s. Tokiwa Manor is an apartment building where Osamu Tezuka, the father of modern manga / anime, and many other early influential mangaka once lived.
時をかける少女, 穿梭时空的少女, A Girl Who Runs Through Time, La Traversée du temps - Les Origines, The Girl Who Runs Through Time, Toki o Kakeru Shoujo
Kazuko is a high school senior who has no idea what she wants to do in the future. Alone one day after school, she discovers a broken beaker in the science lab. She smells something sweet in the air, passes out, and finds herself transported back to her own past! Will Kazuko use her ability to travel through time wisely or selfishly?Based on the 1965 novel.
時をかける少女 -TOKIKAKE-, La Traversée du temps, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Toki o Kakeru Shoujo - Tokikake, Tokikake
After 17 ordinary years on Earth, Makoto Konno's journey was about to be ended by a freak accident. Then, life gave her a reset button. With her new found time-leaping powers, she immediately sets out to wipe off all the little annoyances in her daily life, from failing grades to iffy relationships she can't handle. But as her time-leaps get more frequent, she is forced to realize that every change she makes has profound repercussions that she can't foresee...and should her powers fail her, the consequences could be disastrous...This was set as a prelude to the 2006 animated film of the same title, which was in turn loosely based on the 1965 novel.
ときだまりの姫, 刻だまりの姫, 午夜公主, Kokudamari no Hime, Toki Damari no Hime
 Story about a mirror princess/demon. It seems that a new condo building was built on a certain location where this princess was housed and worshiped with a stone monument but it was moved due to the new construction. One room in particular seems to have a direct link to the princess who calls herself the owner of the pool of time. Beware when mirrors are placed opposite of each other because you may just be drawn in her world and powers.
刻どキ; Toki doki; Тик-Тук
Comment passeriez-vous le temps restant quand votre vie est mesuré en battements de cœur ? C'est l'histoire de et Hatsu Takagi, reliés entre eux par une maladie rare appelée "Tempocardy". - De l'auteur de la série "Nisekoi
Yasaka Tokiwa vit des moments étranges, et selon ses rêves, cela ne va faire qu'empirer. Il fait des rêves sur une femme nommée Ri'in depuis que le robot nommé Makina et arrivé chez lui. Lui et Makina vont à la même école où les autres élèves incluent un ninja secret (Kusanaki Kanata) et un sorcier (Yata Haruka).Quand Tokiwa, le robot, le ninja et le sorcier se précipitent pour sauver la présidente du conseil des élèves d'un démon, les garçons découvrent qu'ils ont tous fait le même rêve !Qu'arrivera-t-il à leur monde ?


時屋 -  Time Traders
Dans une ville, où seuls les riches sont soignés vivent deux orphelins, frère et soeur. Mais un jour, son frère tombe soudainement malade. Milan, sa soeur, ne sachant que faire, accepte l'aide de deux étranges personnages, Clock et Chrome qui, en échange de son souhait, lui demandent son temps....
Tokko Devil's Awaken, Tokko Phantom Hunter, Tokko特公
Shindou just became a new investigator for Tokki: The Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he finally saw the half-naked girl that he had always saw in his dream in real life and finds out that she's part of Tokko: The Special Public Safety Task Force. Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' deaths, whose bodies were ripped into pieces...