
The Third Party

Une jeune fille belle et riche, future héritière de la chaîne de télé GBS. Un beau présentateur de journaux à l'ambition sans limite. Une sublime productrice avec un secret. Trois personnes avec des objectifs et des envies différents. Un triangle amoureux à suspense qui va vous scotcher à vos écrans !
Le Troisième Testament -  The Third Testament: Mark, the Lion Awakens -  Third Testament
At the dawn of the fourteenth century, a disgraced inquisitor and his young disciple find themselves at the heart of a struggle for power between medieval Europe's occult powers ... From the roofs of Notre Dame to the most distant abbeys, they embark on a quest for the greatest mystery of all: the Third Testament. Because everyone is ready to fight to the death to recover this testament which could signal the end of an era and have the effect of a new Apocalypse ... Because the Third Testament is the light which will bring those who have strayed back to the true faith.
세 명이서 결혼 생활 중입니다
Projet réservé. Le premier chapitre arrive dans quelques jours.
범이 내려왔다 -  Tiger's Descent
개와 늑대의 시간
Kizutsuki Yasui Seishun
A series of short stories (some only a couple pages long) revolving around a girl named Milk. Very surreal.
A 2012 two-part oneshot by Imitation Crystal about people who just can't seem to get along.
The Trajectory of Venus (Yaoi)
Vénus perd ses souvenirs après un accident et fait le même rêve chaque jour. Dans ses rêves, la même personne apparaît. Deux personnes qui veulent quelque chose en retour. Se rencontrent-ils par hasard ? Ou est-ce inévitable ?
莲之实 -  Truth Of A Lily
Le père de Guo Guo voulait qu'elle aille à l'université, alors quand il est mort, sa mère a essayé d'accomplir sa dernière volonté, plus que jamais. En conséquence, Guo Guo sèche constamment les cours. Lian est le seul qui puisse l'aider. Quelle sera sa réponse finale ?
Futago-tachi no Shojijou -  双子たちの諸事情 - 
Kouki et Nao sont des frères et soeurs qui ont des sentiments l'un pour l'autre qu'ils n'ont pas le droit d'exprimer puisqu'ils sont jumeaux : "J'ai enfermé la clé doucement dans mon coeur mais maman révèle un secret sur Kouki ! "La personne que j'aime est mon jumeau !" Du pur romcom à 120%, commencez !
Futari wa Daitai Konna Kanji -  We're usually like this -  ふたりはだいたいこんなかんじ
Scriptwriter Sakuma Elly and rookie voice actress Inuzuka Wako. The two of them are pretty much like this.

The Two of Us

On est en mai-août ~ J'aime Yoriko ~
2人はこなみるく -  Futari wa KonaMilk
After nee-san found a special someone, the little sister decided it was time to do the same. Well they say if you try to imagine kissing someone and it feels right, that person might turn out to be pretty special. Read this cute and short oneshot to see what`s this kissing business all about. (- NephThys -)
Ii Fuufu ni naru dearou Futari -  いい夫婦になるであろう二人
Lover world problems... But science always has the answers.
부드러운 폭군 -  残酷皇帝的新娘 -  残暴皇帝的新娘 -  優しい暴君 -  The Gentle Tyrant -  Soft Tyrant -  Kaisar Tiran yang Lembut -  Gentle Tyrant
Saikyou no ossan hunter isekai e ~ kondokoso yukkuri shizuka ni kurashitai ~Saikyō no ossan hantā isekai e ~ kondokoso yukkuri shizuka ni kurashitai ~最強のおっさんハンター異世界へ~今度こそゆっくり静かに暮らしたい~
Dans ce manga, le chasseur d'âge moyen ultime voyage dans un autre monde. Cette fois, il veut vivre une vie lente et paisible.
Sacchi Sarenai Saikyou Shoku Rule Breaker -  察知されない最強職《ルール・ブレイカー》
By some ill fortune, Hikaru died in a traffic accident. He was in heaven standing in line, waiting to be judged, when he took an unexpected request to transfer his soul to a person in another world. He received an ability called Soul Board which he could use to allocate points to Skills to make himself more powerful.But there was a catch…「I want you to kill someone for me within an hour. If you don’t, I’ll destroy your soul.」To pull off the task assigned to him, he poured all his available points to the Stealth skill tree.This is a story of a boy who specialized in Stealth. With his skill trees as weapons, he would demonstrate his unrivaled strength in another world.
Rakumei Majo to Toki wo Kakeru Danna-sama no Shinanai Konyaku Shirushi -  落命魔女と時をかける旦那様の死なない婚約印
Michela is a 13-year-old student at the Clausura Academy of Magic and Sorcery, a school for magic-holders aspiring to become “Wizards”. Unfortunately, she lacks even the most basic control over her powers, with all her attempts at spell-casting inadvertently ending up in explosions. One day, Michela sets off a particularly nasty explosion that stood to consume anything and everything around her. Just when death seemed imminent—A young man appears before Michela, deflecting the blast in the nick of time.Introducing himself as Eusius, the young man tells of a foreboding tale: that he has come from the future to save her... and that she’s fated to die at the young age of 18......[url=]Alternative Raw[/url]
Lengku De Wo ; Бесчувственный ; 冷酷的我
Même un zombie amnésique doit aller à l'école ! Au milieu de son combat quotidien contre la faim de chair humaine, notre protagoniste parvient d'une manière ou d'une autre à rencontrer sa destinée et à tomber amoureux. Le hic, c'est que cette "âme sœur" semble tout savoir sur la façon dont il est devenu un zombie....
Lisa is a school girl who wants to know the secret behind Eva’s perfect life, and she will soon, but what she finds is not what she was expecting from her flawless classmate...
THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介 -  The Unlimited - Hyōbu Kyōsuke -  The Unlimited - Hyobu Kyosuke -  The Unlimited Kyoubu Kyousuke
In the Room Next to Me -  옆방의 주라 - 
J'ai été obligé de laisser la jeune sœur de mon ami vivre chez moi. Elle ne paie même pas le loyer et ne fait pas le ménage ! Ce n'est pas juste ! Original WebtoonTraduction anglaise officielle
L’utilisation d’une cravate, 넥타이의 용도
Inha aimait autrefois sortir avec n'importe qui, quel que soit son sexe.
Set in an era of pirate beginnings, an eccentric boy of tricks and a speciality for gambling finds himself entangled in the lives of others with mysterious pasts and awe-inspiring abilities. As the eccentric Raveko Iritalli sets out on his exploration, he discovers the chilling secrets beyond the seas, leading a trail of blood in his path.
옆집 총각네 뱀파이어 그녀
Un célibataire sans emploi rencontre une énigmatique vampire. Que va-t-il se passer ? Découvrez-le dans ce webtoon hilarant.
Kyuuketsu Baito Kirishima-kun -  吸血バイト霧島くん
He's a vampire destined to lead the world to ruin... So why is he working part time at a convenience store?! A 4-koma about demi-human working!The new clerk in the convenience store where Amamiya works at is half-human and half-vampire?! Not to mention, their colleagues are a werewolf and an android... Watching these demi-humans work with the half-vampire Kirishima-kun should be entertaining in this working comedy☆
Kaimetsu Ou to Juuninin no Hoshi no Miko -  Kaimetsuou to 12-nin no Hoshi no Miko -  Исчезнувший король и его 12 звёздных дев -  怪滅王と12人の星の巫女 -  怪灭王与12人的星之巫女 -  괴멸왕과 12인의 별의 무녀
After saving a loli devil, Yomikadou Meijirou discovers that he was born with the Seal of Solomon on his tongue, a special power that allows him to control all forms of sorcery and devils. He also discovers that he will die in three years as every use of his power uses up his lifespan.He is told that the only way to save himself is to establish a contract with the twelve Starlight Maidens who were born with a special sign somewhere on their body, and to do so he must lick their sign with his tongue where his sign is located.The MC then begins living alone with a loli devil in his room while seeking out the twelve Starlight Maidens to lick the signs on their bodies.