
The Fable

Un génie légendaire du meurtre réside quelque part à Osaka. Enseigné depuis l'enfance à obéir aux ordres de son patron, il est obligé de vivre à Osaka comme une personne normale pendant un an afin que le patron fasse profil bas. Il a remporté le 41e Kodansha Manga Award pour le manga général en 2017.
ザ・ファブル The Second Contact -  The Fable The Second Contact
A new life with a special encounter started to bloom like a flower with him and his golden days.
The Fake Lady's Max Level Rabbit -  The Fake Princess' Overpowered Bunny -  가짜 공녀님의 만렙 토끼
"La duchesse de Gernoa de Lantera", attire l'attention de la haute société. Mais c'est une fausse ! Son vrai nom est Larissa. Une fille qui dirigeait des vendeurs ambulants sur le marché pour les familles pauvres. Elle a été vendue à un duc par sa famille, pour jouer le rôle de sa fille morte, et vit en danger. Un lapin à fourrure noire dans les bras d'une fausse duchesse. Ce lapin est faux aussi ! Le lapin est le grand-duc Hadelund Strelitz, qui est admiré par tout le monde sur le continent. Il est le maître et le héros du Grand-Duché, où résident les bêtes de l'enfer, mais il est maintenant un lapin mignon à cause d'un sortilège. Le Grand-Duc, qui a été sauvé par Larissa et a reçu ses soins, apprend naturellement la situation de Larissa et l'aide secrètement. Larissa, qui est forcée par le duc de séduire le prince et de l'épouser pour devenir la future reine du pays, et Hadelund, qui a de plus en plus appris à connaître sa valeur, s'est intéressée à elle. La rencontre devient le destin et la vie de Larissa recommence à changer.
Like black to white, the blood-curdling Blood Rakshasa, in an unexpected turn of events, became a teacher at the Shengtian College. And was even entrusted with an important task? In class, some truant, grinning students would ask, “Teacher, what is life’s greatest pain?” In response, rushing ahead to block the door, a certain woman would casually reply, “Life’s greatest pain is that you haven’t graduated since I came!”
The sole survivor of a magical plague, Noam Álvaro is accepted into an academy where he will be expected to defend Carolinia, the nation that persecuted his family. Noam decides to use everything he learns to destroy Carolinia . . . that is until he becomes distracted by a mysterious and powerful classmate who warns him that nothing is as it seems. (Based on the YA novel by Victoria Lee.)
Taekwon fights to become the best in RAC but is sucked into another world… This is a story of his path to becoming the greatest.
The Dance of a Flower and the Song of the Wind -  Танец цветов и песнь ветра -  Цветы танцуют и ветер поет -  꽃은 춤추고 바람은 노래한다
Ercella lived a glorious life everyone envied, but died of an illness at a young age.Before her death, she regretted not having become a proper mother to her son.But somehow, she went back three years ago.Ercella is living her second life.I promise to be a loving mother this time.However, is it too late?“Now that you’re doing this, you’re just making me feel uncomfortable.”The son only pushes her away and she realises that her relationship with the husband, who she thought was fine before her regression, wasn't actually...Russian / Русский:SpoilerЭрселла, жившая яркой жизнью, которой все завидовали, умерла от болезни в молодом возрасте.Она жалела, что не была настоящей матерью своему сыну перед смертью.Но чудесным образом девушка вернулась на три года назад. Теперь Эрселла живет своей второй жизнью."Обещаю быть доброй матерью на этот раз".Но не слишком ли поздно?- Теперь, когда ты делаешь это, я чувствую себя неловко. - Сын оттолкнул ее.И Эрселла поняла, что ее отношения с мужем, который, по ее мнению, был в порядке до ее возвращения, были неправильными.
This light, sweet supernatural oneshot has got it all. Intrigue! Romance! A mysterious woman made of flowers! Fluffy body-horror! Waifus! And some other surprises~One day Hiromi awakens to find himself face-to-face with a mysterious woman made of flowers, claiming to be his wife. She is a stranger, yet there's something familiar about her. Hiromi however, isn't married.
짐승의 꽃 -  Beast Flower
Hananusubito -  花盗人
Arima is a Flower Thief, or a marriage swindler; a person who’s goal is to make rich and lonely women fall in love with him so he can use them for their money. Even with his extraordinary good looks, he always seems to end up getting dumped because of his naive and clumsy personality. But one day he encounters a girl who is immune to his charms…
The Flower of Evil
Seh-Joon et Seh-Wah sont des jumeaux ayant une relation sombre, complexe. Seh-Wah, considérée comme psychotique aux yeux des autres, est attachée à son frère... un peu trop attachée. A ses yeux, il n'y a que Seh-Joon, et personne d'autre. Et qu'en est-il des sentiments de Seh-Joon ?
Moto yūsha wa shizuka ni kurashitai
Malgré la défaite du seigneur démon, le héros Noel Viga a été trahi par ses amis et son royaume.
元・傾国の美女とフラグクラッシャー王太子1 転生しても処刑エンドが回避できません!? Former Homewrecker Moto keikoku no bijo to furagukurasshā ō taishi 1 tensei shite mo shokei endo ga kaihi d
Adventures of a Former Structural Analyst -  Moto Kouzou Kaiseki Kenkyuusho no Isekai Boukentan -  The Former Structural Researcher's Otherworldly Adventure Story -  The Former Structural Researcher's Story of Otherworldly Adventure -  元構造解析研究者の異世界冒険譚
Kaoru Mochimizu, a 30-year-old female research scientist who studied the three-dimensional structure of everything. However, one day, she died in an earthquake and met a goddess. Having covered for her kouhai during the earthquake, she was allowed to reincarnate in another world with two skils. Kaoru Mochimizu is now Charlotte Elbaran, the eldest daughter of a duke in the Kingdom of Elida, on Planet Garland. With memories of her past life, and taking advantage of the skills "Structural Analysis" and "Structural Editing," she will live a good life.
Adventures of a Former Structural Analyst Moto Kouzou Kaiseki Kenkyuusho no Isekai Boukentan 元構造解析研究者の異世界冒険譚
Uranaishi ni wa hana kishi no koigokoro ga miete imasu -  占い師には花騎士の恋心が見えています
The 'Flower Knight' is famous for his love of women.But it seems he has a different 'heart' than what the rumours say--?"I can see people's emotions and the future."Silure Bedito, who runs an apothecary, has a power that she can't tell anyone about.One day, she saves a man by accident.He is the the most handsome and romanceable bachelor in town, known as the Flower Knight.But the truth is, he, Hector Alderde, is a misogynist and has never been in love before.A mysterious girl who can read minds and a knight with a women-hating problem.This is a love story of two unusual people!(raws:
Shijou Saikyou Orc-san no Tanoshii Tanetsuke Harem Zukuri 史上最強オークさんの楽しい異世界ハーレム作り
Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru -  航宙軍士官、冒険者になる
The spaceship which Imperial Galactic Navy Officer Alan Corinth helmed was shot down by a surprise attack during hyper-space navigation.Completely due to freak coincidence, Alan became the only one in the ship to survive.The severely damaged spaceship lost its navigation capabilities and plummeted onto a nearby planet.Using an escape pod, Alan headed toward the planet alone.Thus began Alan’s quest for survival on the underdeveloped planet utilizing the symbiotic nanomachines [Nanom] within his body.Surprisingly, the planet was home to a thriving human civilization whose genetic code closely resembled Alan’s own.Even while remaining at a loss due to being thrown into a world of swords and magic, he tries to live as best he could together with his newfound comrades.What would Alan achieve this strange world?The Sci-fi Fantasy story in a Medieval setting now begins![hr][*]Official Site: [url=]Link[/url][*]Web Novel [url=](raw)[/url]

The Gamer

더 게이머
Que se passerait-il si soudainement le monde que vous connaissez se transformait en jeu ? Si vous pouviez monter de niveau et augmenter vos statistiques ?
조무래기 공작가의 깡패 아기님
Réservé par la team "The Sorrow of a precious stone", premier chapitre à venir... (ceci est une promo la team se vera réserver le manhwa s'il venait à sortir)
Repugnant Gateway -  Revolutionary -  The Gateway of Rebellion -  大逆之门 - 
Fang Zheng, the head of the Ministry of Justice in the Da Yi Dynasty abhorred evil, a stance that antagonised many against him. Surrounded and attacked from all sides by his enemies, Fang Zheng died on Cang Luan mountain. But his soul would resurrect in a weak child, along with the memories of his past life, his passionate desire for justice, and his belief in punishing evil with evil. Fang Zheng will strike down those in his path without mercy until he becomes the most revered and respected on both heaven and earth.
수업시간 그녀
Un étudiant tombe amoureux de la fille assise à coté de lui.
날 보고 가요 -벽에 숨은 여자- - 
Na Bomi est une employée de bureau typique... avec un secret. Exhibitionniste chronique, elle aspire à se promener nue et à montrer à tous ce qu'elle a à offrir. Lorsqu'une escapade particulièrement risquée conduit à un accident malheureux, elle fait une expérience extracorporelle. En tant qu'âme sans corps, elle peut parader à poil sans craindre de se faire prendre ! Est-ce sa chance ? Pourra-t-elle assouvir ses désirs refoulés ? Original WebtoonOfficial English
Cette fille charmante habite à côté de chez moi… Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais après la mort de ma femme… j’ai n’ai eu d’yeux que pour elle…!!
La maison d'a côté
Aiko a toujours pensé que la maison d'a côté était vide... Alors qui est ce garçon qui prétend y vivre depuis cinq ans. Pourquoi sont-ils dans la même école et la même classe mais ne se sont jamais rencontrés... Et qui est cette ombre qui lui apparaît en lui disant de ne pas s'attacher à Nagisa et pourquoi lui fait aussi peur
The 5th oneshot from Yuri Tengoku Anthology. In The Glade in the Forest Behind the School, two girls share a secret place, and become close because of it.