Tome rêve de devenir une célèbre créatrice de mode. Elle est sur la bonne voie, en travaillant pour certaines entreprises. Alors que Tamara peut être une magnifique mannequin, mais dans sa vie quotidienne, elle est égocentrique, odieuse, autoritaire Toutefois, lorsque le porteur d'un collier "maudit" meurt à un défilé de mode, la seule aide reste Tamara et Tome vont-elles arriver à résoudre le mystère ?
One day, Miwa's little brother came home late from playing by the Tama River with one of his friends and an adult man. He convinced Miwa to come meet the man, claiming he looked like Johnny Depp. Miwa and her friend Aya come to meet him after school and discover that was a total lie.However, Miwa finds herself drawn to the goofy young man, whose name is Haruo. To Aya's annoyance, Miwa develops a major crush on him and talks about him constantly. But could anything come of this crush, since Miwa is a first year high school student and Haruo is an adult? Miwa starts to get to know Haruo, meeting him day after day, there by the Tama River.
Alex and Rite are two souls who died at the same moment on different ends of the earth. This is the story of their interactions with the humans who can see them as they travel towards each other.
When she merges her soul with that man, she will become the Goddess of War! Itsukushima Hinata is a cool high school girl who lives a normal life, but one day, all of a sudden, her life became not so normal anymore. The strange man that suddenly appeared insulted her best friend and enraged her. He's a mysterious man who has a costume like that of someone who just woke up from a sleep from the ancient times. While Hinata is still confused, that man hugs her out of the blue! And then, she transforms...?!
Sawatari Hu, also known as Potte, recently moved to her late father’s hometown and is restarting her life at her new school. She is typically nervous and shy but when it comes to photography, she is extremely passionate, especially since it makes her feel still connected to her dad. Hu becomes close friends with Kaoru, Norie and Maon and together, and they spend the best times of their lives together. This is an adaptation of the upcoming OVA from Hal Film Maker director Junichi Sato.
Alex hates hearing that she gets preferential treatment as the daughter of the CEO of a top department store, so works harder than anyone else. She is incensed by Jack, the rep of an ad agency who scuffily dressed, visits regarding a new ad and has the nerve to try to seduce Alex! There is no way this kinda guy can work properly...but seeing Jack's presentation the next day, Clara can't take her eyes off him...
Jun, élève je-m'en-foutiste, est tombé amoureux de Yûya, son "professeur particulier". Très vite, il se rend compte que Yûya est, lui-même, très amoureux de son grand-frère. Il utilise cette information pour forcer Yûya à coucher avec lui.
Je me suis réveillée en tant que fille du grand duc dans un roman - le même monde que Raon, mon personnage préféré. Ce doit être la grâce de Dieu envers moi, une fan ! Mais j'étais devenue Istina, la méchante qui a toujours causé des problèmes à Raon. Raon est dégoûté à la seule vue d'Istina. Cependant, j'ai persisté à le suivre partout, espérant devenir ami avec Raon.
Kang Eun-Hyun, the CEO of "Red Fit," is considered the next-generation leader in the domestic game industry. There was only one thing he lacked, with his good-looking face and perfect physical: when he opens his mouth, his sharp words attack those listening!Cho-Eun is Eun-Hyun’s secretary. With a calm and patient personality, she skillfully accepted the president's twisted words, and after work, continued her normal(?) work life by swearing at the same company colleagues and friends about Eun-hyun. However, Eun-hyun sharp words became worse as the days went by, and the moment she thought she had to make a decision whether to stay with Eunhyun, his words were so unexpected!Cho-Eun personality remodeling love project, a universal secretary who tamed Eun-Hyun, the absolute tyrant![hr]
Basically, some humans have the ability to negate a sphere of reality, neatly removing it from existence. This gradually alters their appearance until they become a hideous alien, with a giant eye in their forehead.
Tanaka is a middle-aged man with a face only a mother could love and a personality that no mother could love. After dying from an accident, a god sends him to another world where he has healing magic. This is a new manga version of the LN isekai series of the same name.
Ce manga est un hommage au roman The Boy Detectives Club du célèbre auteur Edogawa Rampo.Cette histoire mystérieuse se centre sur Mayumi Hanazaki, une collégienne vivant avec son oncle et sa tante jusqu'à ce qu'une personne se fasse impitoyablement tuer. Maintenant, à cause de cet incident, Mayumi va essayer de résoudre le mystère de ce meurtre à l'aide du légendaire détective Kogoro Akechi.
Tarepanda est un panda fainéant... A tel point que pour se déplacer, il roule sur le côté (on lui attribue la vitesse de 2,75 mètres par heure...). Et une beau jour, il décide de partir en ballade...
Incroyablement beau, Ritsuto Okumura a toujours su charmer tout le monde, qu'il le veuille ou non, et ce jusqu'à l'obsession. Bien qu'il soit le seul membre de la famille Okumura actuel à posséder cette capacité obscure, il s'habille de façon conservatrice et cache même partiellement son visage avec des lunettes pour tenter de contrecarrer cet étrange attrait qui ne semble lui apporter que des malheurs. A contrecoeur, il utilise ses charmes pour aider son cousin avec un client, qui le traque ensuite jusqu'à son lieu de travail. Alors qu'il se demande comment échapper à son harceleur, il heurte un homme aux longs cheveux noirs...
Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou no Deshi, relates the story of a peaceful yet weak boy, who one day, after being beaten up really bad by some of his school comrades, decides that being bullied around isn't an option anymore. Seeking revenge on his bullies, the young boy, Shirahama Kenichi, decides to join a fighting dojo. But what he doesn't know is that the dojo he wants to join is actually a place of gathering for those who have mastered different types of fighting styles. Thus begins his journey.. This is the original version that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is based on.
A comedy/SOL spinoff of "The Rising of the Shield Hero" series, drawn by Akagashi.Naofumi Iwatani was summoned to another world as the "Shield Hero". The slave girl—Raphtalia, and the bird-like monster—Filo. Even the shield heroes who have made enemies of the world have their daily lives to take a breath. ♪[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=][img][/img] Manga Artist's Twitter[/url][*][url=]Official Main LN (JP)[/url][*][url=]Official Main LN (EN)[/url]
I Won't Choose Her When the World's End - I Wouldn't Choose Her Even if the World Ended - Walaupun Dunia ini Berakhir, Aku Nggak Bakal Pilih Dia - Я не выберу её, даже если весь мир исчезнет - たとえ世界が終わっても、私は彼女を選ばない
In a world coming to its end, who do you want to be loved by? As the end of the world ticks by, this is a story of two girl's trembling love, and their terrifying memories. (This is a comedy)
Si vous faites de petites coupures sur la peau et appliquez de l'encre dans cette zone ... cela devient un tatouage - une marque durable qui ne disparaîtra pas, même après la guérison des blessures. Est-ce que l'amour n'est pas pareil?
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