Super Yankee, Tendô Haruku, lives in the Ibaraki countryside. A lover of rebel yankee girls and MAX canned coffee, he is living peacefully... Until he meets the beautiful Sawa and the sport of Ping Pong. The beginning of a legend!
Delivery Cupid is a collection of six short stories. The title story is a romantic comedy about Tsubasa, who is half-human and half-cupid. In order to become a full cupid, he must successfully unite a couple. However, the target is an evil man named Norimasa who shows no love for anyone. When Tsubasa accidentally ends up as Norimasa's match, the trouble begins. Are Tsubasa and Norimasa attracted because of cupid magic, or is it true love?
Shidou highschool Institute is an all-boys dormitory school located far from the city inside the mountains. Takumi, who is going out with the famous Gii - Saki Giichi in the academy, has a secret which no one knows...Series goes on like that:1. June Pride - licensed by Blu (September 2007)2. Barefoot Waltz - licensed by Blu (December 2007)3. Tales out of Season - licensed by Blu (March 2008)4. Bibou no Detail5. Jealousy6. Hanachiru Yoru ni Kimi wo Omoeba7. Pure8. Pure 2
Un écrivain qui a échoué aux examens nationaux est recruté par un maître d'arts martiaux et chargé de consigner sa vie dans un livre. À travers leur voyage, Son Bin rencontre de nombreuses personnes formidables et se retrouve bientôt sur la même voie que le maître, pour devenir le roi des arts martiaux.
Les Maîtres de Murim sont chassés par des robots sortis de nulle part, et c'est lors d'un de ces combat qu'un des Grands Maîtres du Murim se voit dans l'obligation de transmettre toute l'énergie vitale des précédentes générations du Murim dans le corps d'un étudiant : Eun Aran. Il se rendra compte au fil du récit de la tâche qui lui incombe, et devra tout faire pour sauver la descendance du Murim.
Avec le cri du caoutchouc et le crissement du métal, Dojin quitte le monde des mortels, laissant derrière lui sa sœur et sa nièce bien-aimée. Il se réveille dans le royaume de Yooguk, où les gens l'appellent "empereur" et servent un dieu nommé Dragon jaune. Dojin découvre rapidement que le Dragon Jaune l'a appelé à Yooguk dans un but : partager sa "force vitale" et protéger le royaume. Alors que Dojin s'enfonce dans l'étreinte froide du Dragon Jaune, jusqu'où ira-t-il pour rentrer à la maison ?
A long time ago, a traveler knocked on the door of an innocent young man's house and asked for a night's lodging.If you let her in, you'll get eaten?! ♡
Le monde qui entourait les Saintes Montagnes Ancestrales était occupé par les créatures du Blizzard et ceux qui y vivaient étaient isolés de l'extérieur depuis des centaines d'années. On disait que, quand l'humanité était à son apogée, elle était composée de puissants empires qui s'étaient depuis effondrés. Cependant, grâce à son emplacement bien dissimulé, une ville fut préservée de "l'Age Sombre" si bien que malgré les assauts incessants des créatures, elle survécut aux guerres dévastatrices et fut reconstruite encore et encore. Ses murs cent fois rebâtis s'élevaient tel un monument invincible ! Cette ville représentait l'espoir de l'humanité, on la nommait... La ville de la gloire !chaps supprimés au fur et à mesure des sorties en france des tomes
Stahn Aileron was just a simple country-boy who left in search of adventure. While a stowaway on a transport that got taken down by monsters, he found the sentient sword Dymlos, a relic of an ancient war. Now he's stuck with Rutee, a brazen bounty-hunter, Mary, a kind-hearted warrior, Philia, a naive priestess, and the stuck-up Leon as they pursue enemies who have stolen an object with the power to destroy the world!
Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- - テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット - -儚き刻のリオン- - Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion - Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...
La première histoire concerne Asbel ayant des pensées pas très innocentes en aidant son ami, Richard. La seconde est sur Asbel avouant sa culpabilité à son ami, et Richard le réconforte.
Momo, an OL working at a black company, reunites with her childhood friend, Shiban, a beastman.Author's Pixiv: [url][/url]Author's Fanbox: [url][/url]Author's Twitter: [url][/url]Youtube: [url][/url]
Once upon a time, there existed a giant tree that was the source of mana. A war, however, caused this tree to wither away, and a hero’s life was sacrificed in order to take its place. Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens. The goddess left the angels with this edict: "You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed." The angels bore the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world.
Tales of Xillia 2 is set one year after the events of Tales of Xillia, in Elenpios, which currently remains in harmony with Liese Maxia. However, due to the two world's differences in culture and terms of opinion, they also remain in opposition. Elenpios is a highly technological world where the residents live in prosperity. The residents of Elenpios continued to fear the people of Liese Maxia by calling them "monsters" due to their ability to use Spirit Artes, which are rare skills in Elenpios. After the events in Tales of Xillia, mana begins to decrease in both worlds, which causes the Liliale Orbs to lose their power, and they are later replaced by Arrowcell Orbs.We follow the story of a twenty-year-old man, Ludger Will Kresnik, currently living with his older brother in a city called Trigraph in Elenpios. He excels in cooking. During his first day of work, his brother, Julius, is nowhere to be found, which begins putting him in debt.Based on the role-playing game of the same name by Bandai Namco Games.
Legends tell of a race of divine beings known as Seraphim, whose unseen influence is felt throughout the world. Those with the ability to commune with the Seraphim became known as "Shepherds", the most pure-hearted of which could even be granted a Seraphim's power. While some would praise these empowered Shepherds as living paragons, others would fear their strength and call them demons. Sorey is a young human who has spent his entire life in The Divine Forest, a holy place where he lives in harmony with many Seraphim. Enraptured by the legends within an ancient tome, he makes daily excursions into a nearby ruin in the hope of learning more about the Seraphim and their history, along with his Seraphim childhood friend Mikleo. One day, he is trapped by a cave-in alongside his friend and a young knight named Alisha, who is investigating a series of natural disasters that have been plaguing the world. When Sorey discovers that the Seraphim may be involved, he resolves to leave his home alongside Mikleo and Alisha in order to find the truth.
In a fantasy universe, a feudal lord raises alone his adopted daughter: Talli, a descendant of the Summoners, a dead tribe endowed with fabulous power but also very dangerous. Hiding from everyone, the young girl begins a great journey beyond the mountains in pursuit of her origins and this mysterious power.
Kitama Tamaki is a young girl who lives with her grandmother, a dorm mother, in a Goldfish Manor, a dorm, in a school. But this is no ordinary dorm! This is a dorm where only handsome boys(Ikemen) are allowed to reside in! Everyday, Tamaki has to put up with her grandmother and the wacky, arrogant but handsome young men who resident in Goldfish Manor! But who is the new, extremely hot and perfect transfer student who comes along? Tamaki's life in Goldfish Manor will never be the same!
Tama and Aoi are friends from childhood. Tama is a shrine maiden that is not allowed to ever leave the village she grew up in because if she does, a terrible curse will unfold. Very much unlike Aoi, who's a normal girl and is free to do whatever she wants with her life. When Aoi's parents die, she has to move out of the village. To her dismay, Tama follows her in order to make sure Aoi fulfills a promise she made to her when they were younger...
The planet of Salami is almost identical to planet Earth. Judging from the appearance, there's nothing different from Earth... Except... The sense of beauty is VERY different. Aimi is an orphan living with her step-mother and step-sisters, and she is what we consider as being beautiful, but what THEY consider as ugly. Yet, that doesn't end the story. Just by an accident, Aimi stumbles upon Earth and meets Kyou Naruse, a self-centered person or someone called.... "The Narcissist." Our very own Cinderella Story... [except for the fact that Aimi's sense of beauty is ALSO different] or not.
Hayato est un lycéen qui pratique le kendô avec peu de ferveur, contrairement à sa voisine Sakura qui s’applique avec passion. Alors qu’ils découvrent un vieux sabre dans la remise de la maison de Hayato, les deux amis sont brusquement projetés dans le passé...Et plus précisément en 1864, une période agitée dans l’histoire japonaise où se heurtent les partisans de l’Empereur et ceux du Bakufu (le gouvernement militaire). Dans ce milieu hostile où ils sont poursuivis par des tueurs, Hayato découvre que le sabre qui était dans sa remise n’est pas ordinaire et que lui-même détient une force hors du commun. Heureusement, car il en aura bien besoin pour tenter de regagner son époque...
Long ago a magical cat disguised as a human woman fell in love with a human man. It is said that during their time together they even had children. They say that afterwards, the magical cat dwelt happily as a human, that she ascended to the heavens and became a cat-god, and is even now watching over the world of cats and men.Of those descendants, the cats of Cat Forest Town say that they have mysterious powers. The townsfolk care for the cats as their guardian dieties, and the cats, too, have become attached to the humans.
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