
Fukugyou Mahou Shoujo -  Side-Job Magical Girl -  サイドビジネス・マジカルガール -  副業魔法少女
An original oneshot for Sunday Webry about job-juggling part-timer Ayaka Isogai, and her eye-opening recruitment into the magical girl business.[url=]Pixiv Announcement[/url][url=]Author Twitter[/url]
어차피 조연 인데 나랑 사랑 이나 해 , どうせ脇役なんだから私と恋でもしよ
Geumja Kim est la plus grande (et seule) fan de Kyle du Vilteon, un personnage secondaire du roman fantastique King Maker. Sa quête sans fin de contenu de Kyle prend un tournant totalement différent lorsqu'elle meurt tout en lisant le roman... Et s'éveille à une nouvelle vie on ne sait trop comment dans la chambre du dit Kyle, à l'intérieur de l'histoire ! Elle est également choquée d'apprendre que Kyle peut entendre ses pensées - mais bien heureusement, seulement si elle pense à son nom. Mais même, cette fan incontestée n'a pas le temps de rêver car Kyle est voué à mourir. Pourra-t-elle sauver la prunelle de ses yeux... Et devenir sienne au passage ?
Saki Shinohayu -  Shinohayu -  Shinohayu: The Dawn of Age -  Side Story of - Saki - Shinohayu the Dawn of Age -  Side story of -Saki-: Shinohayu the Dawn of A
Even if people are born with super powers -  they must serve as sidekicks of superheroes in order to become superheroes themselves. Dream Girl has the power to make people fall asleep. She is the sidekick of Darkslug -  who is not a great hero compared t
Même si les gens sont nés avec des super pouvoirs, ils doivent servir de sidekicks de super-héros pour devenir eux-mêmes des super-héros. Dream Girl a le pouvoir de rendre les gens endormis. Elle est l'acolyte de Darkslug, qui n'est pas un grand héros par rapport à sa réputation. Un jour, Dream Girl et Theo travaillent ensemble pour se débarrasser des méchants et sauver le monde.
The First Mission -  퍼스트 미션
Hero's first mission to preserve Prana, the origin of superpower! The story of the birth of a superhero
A venir.
Eat and Go! -  Please Have a Meal -  Please Have a Meal! -  식사하고 가세요! - 
Une période de croissance de l'expérience des cinq sens dans [Real.], un jeu de réalité virtuelle, tout en cuisinant et l'aventure et de re-défier le rêve du chef dans la ré-abilité.
Shô est étudiant qui est accompagné d'un faucon comme meilleur ami. Ce faucon s'appelle Pii-tan et Shô dispose d'un certain pouvoir dont il ignore l'origine de celui ci même qu'il a un tatouage sur le buste et qu'il a renversé une bande de voyoux en utilisant le Bakuretsuken. Un jour alors qu'il est au lycée, il découvre une petite fée quand soudain un T-Rex l'attaque. Shô se sert du Bakuretsuken mais ce coup est inutile quand Shô apprends par la fée d'ou vient ce T-Rex. Ce T-Rex vient de l'organisation Neo Society pour Shirin de la fée qui est une traitresse à cette organisation et par la même occasion apprends à Shô qui aurait être membre de cette organisation puisqu'il revet un armure qui n'est autre que Pii-tan son faucon et se débarasse du T-Rex. Cependant la Neo Society envoie d'autres Knight éliminer Shô et Shirin mais d'autres Knights preteront main forte à Shô, il s'agit de Okô du Tigre et Ryô du Paon
サイレントメビウス -  Sairento Mebiusu -  Silent Möbius
From Viz: In the 21st century, just when the human race needs new heroes, the Lucifer Hawks enter Earth's dimension. The members of the A.M.P., six young women with incredible powers, are set to defend the human race against these monstrous entities from another world.
サイレントメビウス・クライン 完全版00, Mobius Klein: Silent Möbius SIDE ZERO, Sairento Mebiusu kurain, Silent Mobius Klein - side 0
Mobius Klein is the prequel Manga to Kia Asamiya's Silent Mobius Manga. It tells the story of how Fuyuka and Gigelf met, and introduces many characters that later appear in Silent Mobius, including; Rally Cheyenne and Ganossa Maximillian, as well as the relatives of other characters like Yamigumo Razan.

Silent Snow

Snow Talk -  スノウトーク
One shot from yuri hime

Silent war

My Kingdom / 작은 전쟁 / 冲突
La vie de Hyun n'est pas ce qu'il attendait et un jour, il se rapproche trop de quelqu'un qu'il ne devrait pas aimer.
During the prefecture tournament competition, in the midst of the cheering in the gymnasium, the scream of Aoba who collapsed echoed through it. Aoba, who was terribly injured who only lived life as an athlete went into despair. In the midst of that, a classmate, Gin, who is a little strange, nominated Aoba as a volleyball member for the ball tournament. “I want to play with you”… is how the two of them met and now, they are discovering the reason why them met and the real love. A sweet and painful, miraculous pure love story
シルバーダイヤモンド, 銀色鑽石, 银色钻石, S♢
Rakan lives alone, and the plants in his garden grow so thick and fast that it seems like a jungle. One day a man, holding a gun made of wood, falls right down into his garden. He seems to come from another world, and he's searching for someone who can bring back the green into his own dark and inhospitable world.
JK kara Yarinaosu Silver Plan -  JKからやり直すシルバープラン
Her grandfather is a politician, and her father is a real estate owner.Ninomiya Sayuri is an arrogant young lady whose power and wealth peaked during the 90's bubble period.However, it all came down together with the collapse of the bubble. Now aged 46, she's a homeless person eking out a living.One day, a group of delinquents attacked her while eating scraps at a public park and knocked her unconscious.Just when Sayuri thought she had died while clinging to her past happiness, she somehow time leaped almost 30 years before to the days of her high school period...!?To save her family from the tragic future that awaits them and gaining hold of true happiness by not relying on money, she comes up with a "Silver Plan" by putting all her effort to make friends, save money, be healthy and more. Sayuri's second life begins now!
Précédant l'animé pour le scénario, le manga Simoun nous emmène à la découverte d'un monde alternatif où ne naissent que des femmes, qui choisissent lors d'une cérémonie leur sexe. Mais dans ce monde en proie à des conflits, les combattantes ne prennent pas le temps de faire ce choix, certaines en ont peur, d'autres veulent défendre leur pays et d'autres rêvent de voler. Nous suivons l'arrivée d'une petite nouvelle qui sait bien ce qu'elle veut.
Simoun~Magical Biyuden~
(From Tranquil Spring) A comedy version of Simoun.
Il vous aimera jusqu'à ce qu'il vous dévore enfin !
Cursed with life, our MC struggles to find any form of meaning.
Le style de vie confortable de Lyra est soudainement bouleversé lorsqu'elle plonge accidentellement dans le monde des sirènes. Empêtrée par un sort, Lyra va apprendre que son monde est peut-être bien plus grand que ce qu'elle avait imaginé.
シリウスの痕, 天狼星13号, 13号天狼星, Cicatrice of the Sirius, Cicatrice the Sirius, Sirius Scars
This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a "cyborg dogfight circuit". When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with "survivor's guilt" and a "co-dependent" inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or "The Ice Doll", and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of "sirius"...
Une série de huit one-shots par divers artistes.
On the lookout for a boyfriend suited for his little sister, Takemiya-san stumbles upon something quite unexpected.
Elena est une sœur pieuse et dévouée à l’Église. Richter, un ténébreux vampire, la prend pour cible et décide de mettre à l’épreuve sa foi en lui faisant découvrir des plaisirs jusque-là inconnus pour elle... La jeune femme va tout faire pour résister aux assauts sensuels de son ravisseur et prouver qu’il n’est pas qu’un monstre dépourvu de pitié...De la religieuse ou de l’insatiable créature de la nuit, qui cédera le premier ?
シスタージェネレーター 沙村広明短編集, 下層戦略 鏡打ち, Mirror Play Sister Generator ~Samura Hiroaki Short Stories~, Sister Generator ~Samura Hiroaki Tanpenshuu~, SisterGenera
Contains six short stories:• Kuzein-ke no Saidai no Show (久誓院家最大のショウ)• Seifuku ha Hugenai• Brigit no Bansan (Brigit's Supper)• Shizuru Cinema• Kasou Senryaku - Kagami-uchi (Mirror Play)• Emerald
シスターレッド -  不死身少女
From the DrMaster manga outlet site: This is the story of Mahito, Alice and the "The True One" All sorts of odd things begin to happen when Mahito survives being rundown by a car traveling at high-speed. What lurks behind the world of the living? What is it that hides just out of sight of human perception? There is more to our world than our eyes reveal, as Mahito, a young High School girl, is about to find out. Questions mount as one thing becomes painfully clear; Mahito did not survive her accident at all. Modern-day vampires, the occult and hunters of the undead� 'nuff said! When walking home, Mahito suddenly gets killed by a hit-and-run by some drunkards. When she thought she had already died she was revived, in her house without a scratch. Thinking it was merely a dream she thought nothing of it until Alice appeared. Alice was a median that was already dead but was alive due to Scarlett's heart, Alice had one half of Scarlett's heart while Mahito had the other half. That meant that the only thing keeping mahito alive was Scarlett's heart and that wasn't even hers! But many people sought the heart because it brings immortality. But Mahito is still clinging to life because of her half-sister Erika and uses the Scarlett power with Alice to defeat the true enemy that poses a threat, Yuri, who is Alice's brother who is to be destroyed.