Having to repeat his final year in Tsurugamine High School, Kotaro is drawn to Judo through the encounters he make with first-year students Kumi Mifune, Sanshiro Saigo and Daigo Daigo. Having lost to Kotaro, first-year Judoka Kumi Mifune endeared to learn the Karate discipline in order to defeat Kotaro. However, the ambitious delinquent Judoka Daigo captured her as a bait to take on Kotaro and take over his long-standing Kyokutan dojo. Sanshiro Saigo who happened to be with Kumi was taken as well and caused the Judo Club to be involved in the conflict with Kotaro. With the return of many previous characters (though many of them just making brief appearances) such as Shikato Tenzen, Momotaro Ushirono, Teruhiko Tenkouji and Kyoushiro Inamori; mixed with the appearance of new characters such as the leaders of the male and female Judo Clubs; Toshihiko Iga who seemed to know Kotaro very well and Rumiko Mitsugi whose panties Kotaro and Tenzen could never "possess" respectively, the new arc of Kotaro brings him and Mayumi to the world of Judo filled with the familiar mix of comedy, ecchi, and martial arts.
I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment - Shin no Jitsuryoku wa Girigiri Made Kakushiteiyou to Omou - Я думаю скрывать свои истинные способности до последнего момента - 真の実力はギリギリまで隠していようと思う
A world where you can form a pact with gods and gain skills. Born as the third son of a famous knight family, Yuno was so busy controlling his innate power that he was eventually called "incompetent.".However, in the magical knight academy, where he was enrolled for some reason, he fulfilled his fateful encounter with an unnamed god who was despised as "incompetent" like himself..Yuno, who formed a pact with the goddess and named her [Athena], secretly decided to make her the highest god, and decided to get a little more serious.IndonesianSpoilerDunia di mana kau dapat membuat kontrak dengan dewa dan memperoleh skill. Terlahir sebagai putra ketiga dari keluarga ksatria terkenal, Yuno begitu sibuk mengendalikan kekuatan bawaannya sehingga dia akhirnya disebut sebagai "tidak kompeten".Tapi, di akademi ksatria sihir, dia terdaftar karena suatu alasan, dia bertemu dengan dewa yang dipandang rendah sebagai "tidak kompeten" seperti dirinya ..Yuno, yang membuat kontrak dengan dewa dan menamainya [Athena], diam-diam memutuskan untuk menjadikannya dewa tertinggi, dan memutuskan untuk menjadi sedikit lebih serius.LINK :Artist's TwitterOriginal Web Novel (jp)
I Was Kicked out of the Hero’s Party Because I Wasn’t a True Companion so I Decided to Have a Slow Life at the Frontier - Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Slow Life Frontier - 真の仲間じゃ
Red, who was a member of the Hero's party acting as a scout, strategist and negotiator, is the elder brother of a young girl that has the Divine Protection of the Hero and that battles against the Demon Lord. He has the Divine Protection of the Guide, which grants him a high initial level. As this Protection only grants him that and nothing else - no magic, martial arts prowess, or supernatural ability - he gradually becomes unable to keep up with the battle. As a consequence, one of his companions, a Sage, accuses him of not being a true companion, snatches all his equipment and kicks him out of the party leaving him just a copper sword.Having his heart completely shattered, Red distances himself from the battle against the Demon Lord’s army despite knowing that the fate of the world rests on it, aiming to live an inconspicuous life alone at the frontier town of Zoltan as he earns money to open a herbalist shop by utilizing the knowledge he acquired throughout his journey.Together with the Half-Elf Carpenter living downtown and the Princess who couldn’t become the Hero’s companion, he aims to live a slow life in the frontier of the world governed by a person’s inborn Divine Protection!
Count D has opened his petshop again, this time in Tokyo's Shinjuku!For those who haven't read Petshop of Horrors, Count D's Petshop is a place where one can find animals from the most ordinary housepets to savage predators to mystical beasts that should belong only in legends. Customers often find that their new pets change their lives more than they expect, fulfilling their dreams, or realizing their nightmares.
The manga that made Tezuka famous. It is an action-adventure drama inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's book. One day a boy named Pete finds a map of "Treasure Island" that his deceased father left behind. He starts on a voyage to find it together with "Captain," who was a friend of his father. But his ship is attacked by pirates, led by Bowarl, and the two are caught. When a storm hits the pirate ship, the two are thrown into the sea and washed up on the shore of a solitary island in the southern ocean. To their surprise, this island is the one they have been looking for.... The Western-style art and fast-paced storyline attracted much attention, and it became a best seller with 400,000 copies sold, laying the groundwork for the manga craze and its modern style. The original version of "New Treasure Island" was based on Tezuka Osamu's manuscript, but substantial modifications were made by Sasaki Shichima, who cut nearly 60 pages and also changed some of the lines. When publishing "The Complete Works of Tezuka Osamu," Tezuka Osamu remade it based on his memory to make it closer to his original. Was adapted into animation.
In the previous "Kung-Fu Boy" series, Chinmi became the master of Kempo at Dairin temple, where he trained disciples. When they lose contact with Kyorinji, a temple of the same sect, Chinmi is dispatched to the Kanan Autonomous region to investigate.He tries to enter Kanan with Pushin, a swordmaster whom he met traveling to Kanan. But they are attacked after trying to enter Kanan and pursued by the Border Police who chase them into a waterfall. A fisherman saves them and aids their entrance into Kanan. The people of Kanan are forcibly oppressed by the government. Chinmi befriends the people and makes the big decision to free them with his Kempo. Sorabi Boru, Lieutenant of the Border Police and Jirai, the evil king of Kanan attack Chinmi...
Tenchi Masaki is a shy high school boy, yet honest and hard working. He looks forward to living a basic humble life, taking over his grandfather's shrine. However, nothing is ever as simple as one would want, as Tenchi soon learns. A series of events beginning with the sudden appearance of Ryoko, the space pirate, creates madness in his home. Now he must figure out how to juggle 2 princess's, a space pirate, 2 galaxy police, the worlds most intelligent genius and a Rabbit-turned-Spaceship in his quiet country home.
My Dearest Self With Malice Aforethought - The Killer Inside - Мое дорогое Я со злым умыслом - 親愛なる僕へ殺意をこめて - 亲爱的我饱含杀意 - 친애하는 나에게 살의를 담아 - प्रिय म, हत्यारा नियतले - The Killer Inside
Dear Myself with Murderous Intent - My Dearest Self with Malice Aforethought - Shin’ai Naru Boku e Satsui o Komete - Shinai naru Boku e Satsui wo Komete - The Killer Inside (FR) - Мое дорогое Я со злым умыслом - 親愛なる僕へ殺意をこめて - 親愛的我飽含殺意 - 친애하는 나에게 살의를 담아
Urashima Eiji, a college student, goes to sleep after a fun drinking night with his friends. When he wakes up he discovers a beautiful girl next to him who treats him as if they are in a loving relationship. Later, Eiji finds out that 4 days have passed since he went out with his crew. What did he do during all that time and why does he have no memory of it? By confronting that reality, he will be caught in tragedy...
Shinba, who's always isolated himself and never made friends, finds stones that contain the souls of dead famous people. With his special power, he uses the stones to be people he thinks he could never be like.
Sadao, a graduate of a low class college, finds himself surprised that he was moved to a different department in a high level office building, located on level B2 (basement level), of the building. Upon entering his new office, he encounters a miko, and is told by his superior to follow her. He follows her and finds a man about to rape a woman, but the miko, named Ichiko, enters the scene and purges the man. A spirit exits the man, and things are back to normal. According to Ichiko, the number of sexual harassment and rape cases have multiplied by 20 times over the past 3 years! In order to do so, Ichiko is to reduce the number of such cases and prevent chaos from occurring by purging these souls that affect the minds of humans. Sadao was believed to have potential to fight against these souls, which is why he was moved to that department. So what's the secret to her powers? Read and find out!
"Shinbuki" or the true weapon, is the art of channeling inner energy into your sorroundings and materializing it into a weapon. A shinbuki is much stronger than normal weapons, so this technique is widely taught. Souma Kenichi is a wandering young man who hasn't learned this technique, but can summon shinbuki himself.While he is hunted by an organization with an unknown reason, he encounters a famous teacher of Miyazaki School, there he finds out he's one of the prodigy children called "Tensaiji'.
Voici Sefiria. Elle n'est peut-être plus qu'un bébé maintenant, mais elle a un secret dangereux : elle a des souvenirs de sa vie antérieure de salariée japonaise. Elle est morte et s'est fait réincarnée, regardez-la dans cette aventure mignonne où elle fait de son mieux pour maîtriser la magie.Maintenant, la viande et les pommes de terre des choses. Après avoir vécu l'enfer de vivre dans une société aussi rigide que le Japon auparavant, Sefiria veut éviter de faire la même erreur dans sa seconde vie. C'est alors qu'elle se souvint d'un célèbre dicton de sa vie antérieure :"A dix ans, tu peux être un prodige. A quinze ans, on peut être un génie. A vingt ans, tu seras une personne normale."Alors que le nouveau monde dans lequel elle est née considère que l'âge adulte commence à l'âge de 15 ans, Sefiria dispose d'un réservoir de connaissances de son ancienne vie pour l'aider à se reconstruire. Peut-elle devenir une prodige dès son plus jeune âge, révolutionner son monde et s'assurer une vie lente dans laquelle tout lecteur japonais aimerait s'insérer ?
Après avoir vaincu le Roi Démon et sauvé le monde, Shion a été exilé à la frontière. Ici, le héros le plus fort a profité de sa vie tranquille avec 4 jeunes filles compétentes.
Asaki, a member of the photograph club, takes ordinary pictures, and can not take interesting ones. One day, on the rooftop of the school building, she sees a particularly beautiful sunset, and a special person.
深淵の魔術師~反逆者として幽閉された俺は不死の体と最強の力を手に入れ冒険者として成り上がる~ - Magician of the Abyss: I Was Imprisoned as a Traitor, but I Obtained an Immortal Body and the Strongest Power to Rise as an Adventurer
Makoto est un reclus (hikikomori) qui est invoqué dans un autre monde. Il a reçu de la déesse Liana l'Oeil de Vérité, c'est-à-dire l'Oeil de Dieu. Makoto est maintenant capable de voir différentes choses, y compris le passé et l'avenir, en utilisant cette capacité qui lui permet de vivre comme un aventurier dans un monde différent.
Shindo Eruko est une jeune femme à forte poitrine qui a trouvé un emploi dans une entreprise de bricolage. Lors de son premier jour de travail, elle tombe immédiatement sous le charme de son collègue, Hoshi. Mais il y a un problème : Hoshi est un lycéen de 17 ans tandis qu'Eruko est une otaku fofolle et un peu perverse de 27 ans. Elle établit alors tout un tas de stratégies un peu loufoques pour se rapprocher d'Hoshi...
Eroko-san on the Attack - Shingeki no Eroko-san - 進撃のえろ子さん - 進撃のえろ子さん~変なお姉さんは男子高生と仲良くなりたい~ - 진격의 에로코 씨 - Атака на Эроко - Атака на Эроко ~Взрослая сестренка, которая хочет стать ближе со старшеклассником~ - Затворница-извращенка Эроко - Eroko-san ao ataque
Il y a des centaines d'années, l'humanité a faillit être dévorée par des géants. Ceux-ci faisaient plus de 5-6 mètres, ne semblaient pas intelligents et de plus ils mangeaient les humains juste pour le plaisir. Mais une partie des humains ont survécus en habitant dans une ville protégée par un grand mur qui était plus haut que le plus grand des géants.Retour dans le présent, la ville n'a plus vu de géant depuis 100 ans. Mais Eren, un jeune garçon, et sa soeur Mikasa vont être témoins d'un carnage. En effet, sorti de nulle part, un géant (encore plus grand que les précédents) fait son apparition dans la ville et détruit tout. Les 2 jeunes voient ainsi leur mère mangée par ce géant. Elen décide alors de prendre sa revanche et de tuer un par un tous les géants.
Eren et Mikasa font leur entrée au collège des titans. La cohabitation entre humains et titans s'annonce difficile, d'autant qu'Eren déteste ces derniers depuis une sombre affaire qui s'est déroulée cinq ans auparavant. Le spin-off de la série «L'attaque des titans» en milieu scolaire.
Dans un monde ravagé par des titans mangeurs d'homme depuis plus d'un siècle, les rares survivants de l'humanité n'ont d'autre choix pour survivre que de se barricader dans une cité-forteresse.