Shiina is a serious man who has wanted to be a zoology professor since he was a child. He was infamous for always carrying around many massive books. Now 28 years old, Shiina is an associate professor who works diligently to train future zoologists at a university while looking after his childfood friend, Chitose. Chitose is also an associate professor in the biology department and apparently always walks around with penguins. So he is quite infamous in his own right. Chitose has a weak constitution and always needs Shiina’s help. This manga focuses on the trials, tribulations, and future of the young associate professor, Shiina.
One day a high school student named Haruhiko who is aiming for Tokyo University has discovered a very important secret. From the closet, appeared a beautiful girl with a black pony tail, Utsuki who came from "Moon Village" with her Ninja Troop said to him, "It's been 7 years, master."
Le plus grand seigneur démoniaque de toute l'histoire, Varvatos, a régné pendant plusieurs millénaires comme souverain absolu. Maintenant, il ne lui reste plus qu'une chose à faire... profiter de la vie d'un roturier moyen ! Lorsqu'il se réincarne en villageois dans une ville innommable, tout semble se dérouler comme il l'avait prévu, mais il n'y a qu'un petit problème : même s'il se retire, Varvatos est encore trop fort ! En peu de temps, des rumeurs se sont répandues à son sujet, et maintenant, toutes sortes d'hommes, de femmes et d'agresseurs s'approchent de lui ! La vie tranquille dont j'avais toujours rêvé me semble si lointaine...
Le jeune Kenichi SHIRAHAMA, grand amateur de livres, est victime de brimades dans son lycée. Sa seule amie de classe est Miu Fûrinji, qui vient d'arriver dans son établissement. Kenichi ne va pas tarder à découvrir son talent pour les arts martiaux. Cela l'abasourdit, mais en même temps, l'attire de plus en plus vers Miu… Voici une histoire d'arts martiaux pour devenir un homme courageux !!
History's strongest Orc-san Fun Harem Building - La divertida vida del orco más poderoso de la historia, creando un harem en un mundo alternativo. - La vie amusante du plus puissant Orc de l'histoire, à la recherche d'un harem dans un autre monde - The fun
Our protagonist Oroku, is the son of a female knight and an orc. Due to his appearance taking more after his mother, he was harassed and bullied by the orcs of his village. After meeting a beautiful elf and other demi-human girls, and being rejected for his lineage, the strength of his blood awakens and plots a plan to become the strongest warrior in history in order to make a harem of beautiful women.[hr]ESPAÑOL: [spoiler]Nuestro protagonista Oroku, es el hijo de una mujer caballero y un orco. Debido a que su apariencia se acerca más a la de su madre, fue acosado y molestado por los orcos de su aldea. Después de conocer a una bella elfa y a otras chicas demi-humanas, y ser rechazado por su linaje, la fuerza de su sangre despierta y trama un plan para convertirse en el guerrero más fuerte de la historia y hacerse con ello un harem de hermosas mujeres.[/spoiler]
From Fantasy Shrine:As a salesman in the competitive world of beer sales, Sawatari has to gain the approval of the legendary God of Sales, Shino. It’s rumored that whoever has sex with him will improve sales dramatically. Although, Shino is the one who seduces Sawatari, it’s Sawatari who becomes increasingly attracted to Shino, a serious yet down-to-earth businessman with glasses and a wanton in bed without glasses. But could Sawatari fill Shino’s heart with love…?
Miu has always been aggravated with a certain problem: She has a weak constitution and spends most of her days either sick or extremely exhausted.After falling ill before a very important date, she decides to take a large quantity of a mysterious medicine which was supposed to cure her and keep her looking fresh and energetic. To her surprise, she finds it has turned her into one of the undead instead!
L'histoire d'un garçon nommé Osamu Hirota qui perd sa capacité à mener une vie normale à cause d'une ancienne vampire. Il se retrouve maudit avec une forme de monstre et le besoin de chasser pour du sang, afin de retourner temporairement à sa forme humaine. Comment Osamu va-t-il faire face à sa nouvelle vie ?
Cela fait 10 ans que la mère d'Hiromu a disparu.Elle décide de se rendre dans le dernier endroit où elle l'a vu : La forêt interdite. Elle y fait la rencontre d'un garçon qui aurait une requête à lui faire...
Chiaki Honda is a middle-school boy who neglects his studies. Furthermore, he smokes, and has dyed his hair a bright green. One evening at the arcade, a girl challenges him to a match. The girl, who straightforwardly introduces herself as Nanako Kikuchi, suggests a bet, nonchalantly wagering her body for Chiaki's watch. Chiaki is soundly defeated, and he goes home fuming.
Let me tell you the story of Arcs Reytheft A great feudal lord’s disgraced eldest sonBecause he was weak, he his family leftAnd so he strives to become the strongest oneFor you see, Arcs was once a Japanese manAnd got sent to this world as soon as he diedHis father wanted to have Arc inherit his landBut in terms of magic, he was disqualifiedThe background is set, and Arc’s goal draws nearGet back at the people who mocked his weak skillsWhether by training or cheats? That part is unclearBut who cares? It’s time for some self-insert thrills[url=]Web Novel[/url] (Raw)
Dans le pays de Hinomoto, il y a une secte appelée Lunar dont la croyance "La mort est bonheur". Dans cette secte, il y a un professeur, Momo, qui pense le contraire. Un jour, elle fera la connaissance de Ten, un jeune homme curieux qui est tombé du ciel. Ensemble, ils partent à l'aventure.
TJO's 8th manga is Suzuki Noritaka's Shikotama, a comedy involving demons and more demons and uh, a little bit of snowboarding.The sexy demon Mako has been sent from the demon world with an ultimatum mission from her father: bring him the "Supreme Soul," or else! However, getting the "supreme soul" proves to be a lot more problematic than Mako ever imagined as her friends fight back and a group of rival demons show up...
Atarashii Hana no Asuka-gumi - Shin Hana no Asuka-gumi! - The New Glorious Asuka Gang! - The New Hana no Asuka-gumi - The New Magnificient Asuka Gang! - 新・花のあすか組! - 新花のあすか組
From Okazu:Asuka has returned from America, eighteen years in real time, and about 3 months later manga time. And immediately weird stuff begins to happen. Strange markings are being drawn upon people, things and buildings around Tokyo. The Area Masters, the leaders of the gangs in each section of Tokyo, are hearing strange whisperings about Hibari's new favorite, and about a possible takeover of power among themselves. And in the middle of all this, Asuka strolls in, with her studied nonchalance, and hyper-mad gang fightin' skillz, and basically turns everyone on their heads.
Adaptation of the climax scene from chapter 1 of the first volume of NISIOISIN's Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka novel series, done in commemoration of the fourth volume's release.
Centuries in the future, in the year After Colony 195, Earth is surrounded by orbiting space colonies. The colonists are cruelly oppressed by the Earth Alliance, which uses huge humanoid fighting machines called "mobile suits" to control the populace. Behind this tyranny is the secret society called "Oz," which has infiltrated the Alliance military and steered it towards its repressive course.Now, the space colonies are ready to strike back. Five young pilots, equipped with advanced mobile suits called "Gundams," are sent to Earth to wage guerilla war against Oz and its Alliance puppets. The war to decide humanity's destiny begins...
Episode Zero - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Episode Zero - New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: 新機動戦記ガンダムW EPISODE ZERO - Episode Zero - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Ep
Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left
The original Kotaro Makaritoru contained 7 Major Archs and 1 side series. Initially the comic was filled with slapstick comedy and small sexual humor, but as the story progressed, the comic became more mature and serious. However, some of the classic humor remained. Koutarou Shindou - A high school aged karate expert who is descended from a long line of ninja. While he may be a fighting genius, he lacks common sense and any inhibitions whatsoever. He spends most of his time getting into trouble with school officials, and trying to steal girls' panties; especially Mayumi's. He is very protective of three things: his long hair, his panty collection, and Mayumi.
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