
Shadow Cat

Naji est un chat ordinaire qui vit dans un petit village. Sa personnalité égoïste lui fait commettre des méfait qui lui apporte régulièrement des problèmes. Un jour, Naji mange l'offrande sacrificielle, le Shrimpfish (traduction : crevette mais vu que c'est un poisson, je garde Shrimpfish) qui était destinné au monstre Taowu. Celui-la même qui a apporté la désolation sur le villages plusieurs années plus tôt. Pour se repentir de son crime, on lui confie la mission de trouver un autre Shrimpfish. Cependant, la legend dirait... que tous les chats ayant mangé un Shrimpfish seraient destinés à devenir des monstres.
The story is about Fumi Sekijyou, a well-meaning but very jittery and nervous girl. This is due to a past trauma that also makes she can't touch anyone, because she will get a nose bleed. One day the store she works for asks her to get rid of a customer that keeps occupying the roof. Once on the roof she sees the customer dancing by himself; the young man ends up introducing her to the world of ballroom dancing and awakens her passion for it. Will Fumi Sekijyou overcome her past trauma and advance in the world of ballroom dancing?

Shadows House

シャドーハウス -  影宅 - 
Des nobles de l'ombre sans visage vivent dans un vaste manoir, en compagnie de poupées vivantes qui passent une grande partie de leur temps à nettoyer la suie sans cesse émise par leurs mystérieux maîtres... Suivez l'histoire d'Emilyko, une jeune et joyeuse poupée vivante, qui apprend ses devoirs en tant que préposée de Kate Shadow-sama. Quels sont les dangers et les sombres secrets que Kate et elle vont rencontrer, alors qu'elles s'impliquent de plus en plus dans les rouages de la société des ombres ?
Shana of the Burning Eyes -  灼眼のシャナ
Yûji Sakai est un étudiant qui voit son existence changer lors de sa rencontre avec la Flamme Haze. Alors qu'il n'a d'autres choix que de regarder des individus brûler par des flammes bleues alors que le temps est figé, un monstre venu d'ailleurs se rend compte que contrairement aux autres humains, il peut se mouvoir et l'attaque. Shana, ou Flamme Haze, le sauve d'une mort certaine. La jeune fille lui explique qu'en réalité, il est déjà mort et qu'il est une Torche : un être de remplacement de l'original qui disparaît petit à petit. Continuant sur sa lancée, Shana lui explique qu'il est une Torche spéciale puisqu'il possède un Trésor en lui que beaucoup convoite. Yûji découvre alors que les monstres viennent d'monde parallèle, Guze, et décide de s'allier à Shana pour découvrir ce qu'il est réellement.
灼眼のシャナX -  灼眼のシャナX Eternal song -遥かなる歌- -  Shakugan no Shana X -  Shakugan no Shana X Eternal song
Set in the 16th century in Europe, this is a prequel story of Shakugan no Shana. In the world where the seals didn’t exist, the Great War burst between the Flame Hazes and the Crimson Denizens. The story centers around Mathilde Saint-Omer, the former “Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter” and reveals details that haven’t been explained in Shakugan no Shana.
灼眼のシャナX, 灼眼のシャナX Eternal song -遥かなる歌-, Shakugan no Shana X, Shakugan no Shana X Eternal song
Based on the events of the tenth Shakugan no Shananovel.
Voici le tout-puissant manga Dogeza !!Dogeza est l'acte de s'agenouiller sur le sol afin de se prosterner jusqu'à ce que la tête touche le sol. Il peut s'agir d'une forme de gratitude, d'excuse ou de prière !Faites l'expérience des miracles qu'il provoque avec le professeur excentrique, Ogami. Il est le "Shaman", un homme spirituel et un homme qui s'agenouille. Ne manquez pas ce chef-d'œuvre bizarre et touchant de Keisuke Itagaki.
Kanna, a young girl from a good family. Matilda, a witch. Marion, an orphan. All of these girls have special powers as shamans are marked and feared as “monsters” and are fighting loneliness in their small worlds. That is until they meet the overwhelmingly powerful shaman named Hao…[b]Links:[/b][*] [url=]Kyo Nuesawa's Twitter[/url]
SHAMAN KING レッドクリムゾン - 
The start of the first official spin-off series for Shaman King featuring the Tao Family and their fight against the Red Crimson!
YooYakWoo (Cleaning Ghost), who turned 20 this year, is an ordinary eunuch, except that he loves cleaning. One day, the eunuch who was cleaning the Emperor's private office and the palace is overworked. As a result, the yooyakwoo receives a recommendation to fill the spot. "No, I can't...", "What do you mean you can't? Didn't you say with your mouth that dirty things should be cleaned?", "B-But... Emperor...", "Suck it. Take a deeper bite. Close your lips and suck it properly." However, Yakwoo cleans not only the Emperor's building but also the Emperor's 'objects'.
遮那王義経, Shanaou, Thiếu Niên Vương
Manners of Love in Company -  公司戀情STYLE -  社内恋愛スタイル
From Attractive Fascinante:1-3) Tokunaga Atsuya fell in love with his new superior, Kawai Hitoshi. Kawai gave people a feeling that he’s always horny to hide his unrequited love for their colleague and dorm manager, Yuki. Tokunaga didn’t want to be a replacement and tries his best to win over Kawai. Kawai wants him to decide to be a stress-relieved partner or to be capable team player. Can Tokunaga excel in both roles? Includes Yuki’s love story with his own superior, Hoshina.4) Beard and AdolescenceHigh schooler Yamazaki's goal is stern teacher Takashina. Yamazaki's even grown a beard to look more manly, and because sensei will find him and scold him every day for it. With an adult appearance and childish nature, will Yamazaki confuse even the confident Takashina?5) Everything's Fine as Long as There is LoveYuusuke is madly in love with his tutor, college student Nari Ogihara. One day when he accidentally confesses his love, he's shocked when Nari accepts his confession! But Nari has scars from the past that make a relationship difficult, if not impossible...
上海丐人賊, Los Monstruos de Shang-Hai, Shang Hai Kaijinzoku, Shang-Hai Kaijinzoku
Fay Tonpou is a Banbetsu (half-man half-animal) who became a mercenary. He is contacted by a young girl who gives him a very special mission. She is in possession of a yeast that would allow to distill a very special alcohol, the Dream alcohol. Eager to recreate the alcohol that has not been manufactured for decades, she asks him to protect her in order to safeguard the precious yeast that she always keeps it on her...
ふううんさんしまいLIN³ -  風雲三姉妹LIN³ -  Fuu un Sanshimai LIN^3 -  Fuun San Shimai Lin³ -  Fuun Sanshimai LIN3 -  Lin 3 -  Fuuun Sanshimai Lin³ -  The Fung Fu Sisters Lin³ -  Th
From Tokyopop: Separated at birth, three Shaolin Princesses trained in the arts of supernatural and physical combat must work together to defeat evil.
新・風雲三姉妹特LIN -  Shin Fuuun Sanshimai Toku Lin
From Tokyopop: When Julin Misumi has a recurring dream about an age ruled by martial arts, strange things start happening. She is attacked by a mysterious bird woman, saved by a masked man and given a bell by a little bird. Now she must team up with an enigmatic man named Hitoshi Ninno, who has given her the title of Toku-Lin - and the mission of saving the world. (sequel to Shaolin Sisters)
爱情的形状, A Serious Love Found by Seduction, an*do Twin Star, Shape of Love: Omizu de Mitsuketa Honki no Koi
1) Shape of Love"Akasa, you only have to look at me; think of me!!" Men who work in dissolute places, mostly have dark and dangerous pasts. Although bar girl Akasa knows the danger, she can’t help but fall in love. Can she too accept her boyfriend’s past--?2) an*do Twin Star

Shards of Sin

죄의 파편
Cinq personnes différentes sont rassemblées dans un hôpital abandonné après avoir reçu un mystérieux coup de téléphone, et le cerveau derrière les rideaux retient leur famille en otage. Il leur ordonne de trouver le seul coupable du meurtre de son frère... Qui ferait parti des cinq personnes.Sinon, ils mourront tous.
共享情人 -  友真与银夏 -  不简单的闺蜜 -  여친공유

Shark Girl

サメガール! -  상어소녀 -  Same Garu
Je suis Shark Girl. J'aime les requins. Shark Punch ! Shark Punch ! Shark Girl est un peu timide.
Same Garu -  サメガール
Artist's Twitter: [url=]@yukimotosyuji[/url]
A cliché story about a good girl and a bad boy. Eros is a rebel and one day he meets Eris, an angel (literally). She must save him to save herself. A fantasy romance story that will teach you lots of lessons in life. He didn't believe in God then one day he started praying to get her back.

She Hates Me

Une bande dessinée subtile, mais douce d'un homme passif et brutal et d'une femme cynique et persévérante.
Kanojo wa Saikyou no Akuryou ni Tori Tsukarete iru -  She is Haunted by the Strongest Evil Spirit -  她被最强的恶灵附身了 -  彼女は最強の悪霊に取り憑かれている
Sakanoue Ogamu likes his childhood friend, Kannagi Miko, but the evil spirit haunting her is a cockblock.[*][url=] Author's Twitter[/url]
She is Also Cute Today -  She Is Cute Today as Well -  今天的她也是如此可爱
An asocial girl who's obsessed with her studies seems to be interested in a lowlife delinquent?! She's still so cute today. A cold, high school girl who loves studying and a stupid yet sweet delinquent. Guo Si Te's new GL school manhua, now licensed in English by Webcomics!
The 7th oneshot from Yuri Tengoku Anthology. [From Lililicious]: The yuri in "She, I, and the Red Book" is more subtext than maintext, but it's a nevertheless sweet story about two girls and a book with a startlingly red cover.
One day while playing videogames, a strange creature called Didi approaches Yu Yong Gi and claims he has a chance of becoming a Hero of 0.05%. And as such she has to aid him in becoming one.She starts showing him the evils of being a Hero, and after a while Yu Yong Gi realizes she is actually attempting to deter him from that path rather than aid him. With the cat out of the bag, she confesses she is a minion of the Dark Lord, meant to make sure he never wishes to become a Hero.Does the average Yu Yong Gi actually pose such a threat to the Devil Lords plans?
Chwihyangjeogyeok Geunyeo -  She is Exactly My Type -  취향저격 그녀
After tomboy Haedam is thoroughly friend zoned by her first love, she's determined to glow up before college. But when she makes the wrong impression on her first day of school, she realizes she needs the help of her reluctant neighbor. In exchange, she promises to put up with their living circumstances and keep his secret. What could possibly go wrong?