
聖純少女パラダイム -  Holy Girl Paradigm
L'académie pour filles Paradigme est un établissement scolaire réputé, regroupant un collège et un lycée. Aoi espère une vie scolaire entourée de demoiselles vertueuses qui sauraient la transformer en grande dame classe et gracieuse. Riri a rejoint cette académie, pensant y trouver l'amour. Leurs rêves rencontrent une dure réalité. C'est le début d'une belle amitié (?)
KADO: The Right Answer -  Seikaisuru Kado -  正解するカド
On his way back from a business trip, negotiator Shindou Koujirou witnesses a large cube appear out of thin air, which swallows the plane he was riding, along with all of its passengers. Inside the mysterious cube is a being in the form of a human man, named Yahakui Zashunina. He is from a place called the "anisotropic," and he wants to "advance the world."
同人誌セレクション 盛家
A 200+ page One Piece doujin anthology by Seike. Various short stories with Sanji x Zoro or Luffy x Zoro pairings. Some cute chapters, some spicy chapters and some extra stories.
聖剣伝説レジェンドオブマナ -  Legend of Mana
The adventure of Toto, and his pet Rabbi, in the world of Mana. Adaption of the PS game with the same title.
圣剑锻造师, 聖剣の刀鍛冶, Seiken no Blacksmith, Seiken no Swordsmith, The Sacred Blacksmith, The Sword Blacksmith
The story takes place after an abominable war that foisted a "devil's contract" upon a land. Cecily Campbell, a former noble's daughter who joined a knighthood, encounters a man who dispatches some hoodlums with one sweep of a mysterious sword. The man possesses the power of the same "devil's contract" that has become taboo, now that peace has been restored. Cecily has been searching for a blacksmith who can repair an old sword she inherited from her father, and that mysterious young man happens to be blacksmith named Luke. This encounter launches their adventures together.
Seikimatsu Boys -  Sekimatsu Boys
While running to her new school in the morning of her first day, Marimo has an encounter with three guys from her school, that leave her a strange pack. Later on, in her class, the three guys appear again and kidnap her! Marimo is very scared until she realizes that they want the pack again... as it happens, they are the members of one of the school clubs... a club dedicated enterely to Kero-chans and their merchandise! (These are that typical cute Japanese green frog....) Marimo enters the club and starts to fall for the leader, but this, of course, is only the start of the fun....
End of the Century Angel -  Seikimatsu no Angel (End of the Century Angel) -  Seikimatsu no Enjeru -  世纪末天使
Suzuka got a tarot card reading from her friend Miyabi that she will meet her love. Could that be Konno, the guy in class D who confessed to her a year ago when they were in the same homeroom class? But before Suzuka could realize her feelings, Konno...?!


Sekirei raconte l'histoire d'un jeune lycéen nommé Sahashi Minato dans le Tokyo moderne.Après sa 2ème année consécutive ratée, il ne sait plus ce qu'il doit faire et pense peut-être à rentrer dans son village natal avec sa famille qui l'attend là-bas.Plongé dans ses pensées, il n'entend pas le cri féminin tandis qu'une jolie jeune fille tombe des airs sur lui.Après une petite échappée pour s'enfuir face à deux femmes qui la pourchassait, Minato connaît le nom de la jeune fille : Musubi.Celle-ci se prétend Sekirei et après un baiser ardent, elle lui annonce qu'il est son Ashikabi. Ainsi commence les aventures de Minato dans le monde des Sekireis, toutes aussi jolies les unes que les autres.
圣痕炼金士, 聖痕のクェイサー, 聖痕鍊金士, 성흔의 퀘이서, Seikon no Kueisa, The Qwaser of Stigmata
The St. Mikhailov Academy student Oribe Mafuyu comes across a mysterious silver haired boy. He is called a Qwaser, a being that draws power from Soma and is able to manipulate a specific element. And now, in the 21st century, the mystery revolving around an Icon turns the academy into the battlegrounds for the fight between the Qwaser!
清明ですがなにか? -  I'm Seimei. What of it?
As a descendent of the famous exorcist, Abe no Seimei, Yuuichirou has always been able to see ghosts. Yuuichirou, as a child, was proud to be a son of the Seimei Shrine and wanted to follow in his father's shoes and become an exorcist until he's bullied by Ishida in elementary school. Now, as a teenager, Yuuichirou has lost his faith in Seimei. Can a visit from Abe no Seimei, himself, restore Yuuichirou's faith and close the rift between father and son?
Shounen shoujo haru o musabore -  Youth and girl, coveted spring. -  青年少女よ、春を貪れ
-[b][i]"At that time, I still didn't know the special meaning behind it."[/i][/b]Katsuyuki, a junior high school student, who has never known love and Haru, the school's madonna, who moved here from Tokyo. In a strange turn of events, the distance between them grows closer... It's beautiful, it's fragile, it's miserable, and it's painful. A coming-of-age mystery spun by the spell of first love.[*][url=]Mangaka's Twitter[/url]
渴求被爱的男子, 青年は愛を乞う, Seinen wa Ai wo Kou, The Youth Yearns for Love, The Youth Yearns Love
Hiding that fact of being gay for years, high school student Kaede has a thing for his friend, Okuda."I must never let him know about my feelings", decided Kaede deep down in his heart.Where will all these mixture of feelings lead to?
精霊学者綺談 れいきょうかでん; 精霊学者綺談 黎鏡花伝; Fairy Doctor Tale Reikyou Kaden; Reikyou Kaden
Yuika Aoi fait un cauchemar récurrent dans lequel elle n'est pas en mesure de sauver un homme aux mystérieux yeux verts appelé Rei. Sa grand-mère, qui est née dans l'ère Taisho, vit très traditionnellement, et semble parfois avoir des pouvoirs magiques. En dehors de tout cela, elle est une lycéenne normale jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe d'un toit et se retrouve dans l'ère Taisho, au milieu d'une bataille entre Rei et une fée. Peut-être qu'elle sera en mesure de le sauver cette fois ?
精霊の守り人, Guardian of the Sacred Spirit, Seirei no Moribito: Guardian of the Sacred Spirit
Once every 100 years, a Water Fairy implants an egg into a person who then becomes the Guardian of Fairies. This time, the responsibility falls on Chagum, the second prince of the New Yogo Kingdom.Chagum`s life isn`t easy. The king finds Chagum an inconvenience and attempts to have him killed. As a result, the queen asks a female guard, Balsa, to protect Chagum. In addition to this, beings from another world, known as Nayugu, constantly attack him in order to eat the egg carried in Chagumu`s body.
Seirei Tsukai No Blade Dance -  Seirei Tsukai No Kenbu -  Blade Dance of Elementalers
L'histoire se situe dans un monde où seul les jeunes filles pures peuvent conclure un "Contrat avec des esprits". Au sein de l'académie Areishia Spirit, les filles issues de la noblesse sont rassemblées pour former des classes d'élites afin de devenir des "Esprits élémentaires". Un garçon nommé Kamito conclut accidentellement un contrat avec un esprit à la place d'une étudiante nommée Claire. Kamito a désormais accompli quelque chose qu'il était normalement impossible à accomplir, il est devenu un "Esprit élémentaire".
精霊使いの剣舞 (氷樹一世), 精霊使いの剣舞(ブレイドダンス) (氷樹一世), Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (HYOUJU Issei), Seirei Tsukai no Kembu (HYOUJU Issei)
This is a manga based on a popular light novel series of the same name.Kazehaya Kamito has been summoned to the girl's school Alessia Spiritual Academy, which teaches noble young ladies how to make contracts with powerful spirits. On his way, he has the misfortune of catching sight of one of these lady spirit contractors bathing. She is Claire Rouge, and she is contracted to a spirit named Scarlet, though she has her sights set on a more powerful spirit. Kamito convinces her to lead him to the school, but she stops on the way to make a contract with this powerful spirit. When Kamito ends up 'stealing' the powerful spirit, it is revealed that he is actually an unheard-of male spirit contractor! What could be the origin of his power? Now Claire is determined that he's going to have to support her, since she believes that the spirit he now has power over what should rightly be hers...
Paradise of Spirits and Ideal Life of Different World Spirits Paradise and The Idle Another World Life Рай духов и идеальная жизнь в другом мире 精霊達の楽

Seirou Opera

青楼オペラ -  青楼绮谈
Pendant l'époque D'Edo (ancien nom de Tokyo) à Yoshikawa dans le quartier rouge. Akane, est une jeune fille qui vient d'une famille de samouraïs, elle se retrouve orpheline et vendue à un bordel. Dès son arrivée, on lui demande de ramener un client. Elle rencontre un homme très particulier...
星陵最恐物語 -  Scandalous Seiryo University -  Seiryou Scariest Tales -  Seiryou's Scariest Tales
Being the notorious school president of Seiryou Academy, Hashizume had control over every student and staff member. But when the transfer student Misonoi appears with his nonchalant and unassuming attitude, Hashizume sees his newest challenge in taming this new toy. The Series Goes Like This: Volume 1: Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari (Scandalous Seiryo University) Volume 2: Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari Returns (Return To Scandalous Seiryo University) Volume 3: Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari Limited (Beyond Scandalous Seiryo University) Volume 4: Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari: Yano x Ishida Hen Volume 1-Chapters 1-2: Being the notorious school president of Seiryou Academy, Hashizume had control over every student and staff member. But when the transfer student Misonoi appears with his nonchalant and unassuming attitude, Hashizume sees his newest challenge in taming this new toy. Chapters 3-4: A story about cousins who fall in love. Chapter 5: Oneshot about professor/student relationship.
聖戦記エルナサーガ -  Elna Saga
The land in ELNA SAGA is called Gimrey, and supposedly in the far past, before magic became a part of every person, a great monster had swooped down from the north and ravaged the world. Fanning great gusts of destructive magical wind, it reduced nearly everything to empty wasteland before a knight appeared to challenge it. Bearing a sacred sword and shield which repulsed magic, this knight finally struck the monster down after a tremendous battle. But this creature would not die, and as it lay immobile, the wind poured forth from its wounds unrelentingly. With the last of his strength, the knight planted his sword high atop the mountain where the battle had been fought, so that it would shield a part of the land from the wind. This was the beginning of Gimrey, and the reason why everyone is born with innate magic. As time passed, people began to fight over fertile ground. ELNA SAGA begins right before the outbreak of yet another war, and tells of a princess named Elna. Born without any magic whatsoever and as such being the only person who can actually touch the sacred sword guarding Gimrey, she becomes a pawn used by her kingdom to threaten other countries with destruction. A rival kingdom's assassination attempt turns rescue, however, when the ones behind this plot reveal that they have no qualms about killing Elna as long as they can maintain a facade using a lookalike. With the help of her would-be assassin, who is drawn to her innocence and compassion, Elna journeys to define herself and stop a terrible war that her country has started. The first thing one notices is the richness of the world in which this series has been set. The ideas behind ELNA SAGA are drawn loosely from Nordic culture and mythology and the story, people, and names all bear a medieval Northern European flavor. There are no gods or non-human races, but Valkyries, Berserks, and the world tree Yggdrasil make their appearance in one form or another, and the castles and towns evoke nostalgic memories of old storybooks.
Kamoshida Hajime Asakusa Kuju
Seishun Buta Yaro wa Petit Devil Kouhai no Yume wo Minai est la suite de Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai : attention il est requis de lire le prequel pour comprendre la suite.
Il y a un autre "moi" dans ce monde. Futaba Rio du club scientifique s'est transformée en deux personnes pour une raison mystérieuse. Sakuta a caché l'une d'entre elles dans sa maison, et Sakurajima senpai a dit qu'elle emménagerait dans sa maison aussi. Les vacances de Sakuta ont été complètement gâchées."Je me déteste"Quelle est la douleur dans le coeur de Rio ?
青春カタルシス -  Baby an Bord – Seishun Catharsis
青春フォーゲット! -  青春forget! -  Seishun Forget -  Youth For-get -  Youth Forget!
From FairGame: "Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was her classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
青春フォーゲット!, Seishun Forget, Seishun Forget!, Youth For-get, Youth Forget!
"Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was her classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
แผนพิชิตใจวัยสะรุ่น (Thai) -  青春攻略本 -  Fuyu Hodoki -  Manual to Teenage Life -  Seishun Kouryaku-bon -  Youth Strategy Guide
Isezaki, un second année de l'école supérieure de garçon Kamiyama, a eu le coup de foudre pour une fille qu'il a vu derrière une fenêtre dans l'école de fille voisine. Le trajet de l'école d'une madonne! Après 2 mois, il est temps pour elle d'être diplômée...?!
青春の病は -  Seishun no Yamaiha -  The Sickness in Youth
A collection of three stories: 1. Seishun no Yamai wa - ch 1-4 2. Tengoku ga Mieru - ch 5-6 Sequel to Negai Kanae Tamae (Grant My Wish). Former bodyguard Kudo is harassed by a nosy thief while on a trip to Europe. 3. Good Night - ch 7
セイシュンノート -  青春笔记 -  Youthful Note -  Youth Note
青春乙女番長! -  青春少女魔头 -  Young Maiden School Gang Leader!
Hirata Mihane has a scary face and isn't ladylike at all. In fact, she lets her temper get the better of her and often lets out small bursts of violent behaviour—even though she doesn't mean to. Because of this, the entire school calls her a "Satsujinki" (murderous monster). Even so, she's in love with the kind and popular Touma-kun, who doesn't mind the way she looks and is always nice to her. But... will Touma ever see her as a love interest?
Youth Outsider -  青春アウトサイダー
“I like you.”After ranting about his recent break up, Hisashi received a confession from Kazuya.It slipped out of Kazuya's mouth by accident. Because of his mistake, Kazuya was frazzled and didn't want to know Hisashi's reply. He told Hisashi that he'd like them to remain good friends, and Hisashi agreed.But as Kazuya wants to express his affection towards Hisashi, and Hisashi considers getting back with his girlfriend, Kazuya slowly becomes more and more depressed each day...A heart wrenching love story between a student who doesn't know much about love x a pure-hearted delinquent.