The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with his blood, and later meets other girls who soon take a romantic liking to him.
ロザリオとバンパイア Season 2 - ロザリオとバンパイア Season II - Rosario to Vampire - Season II - 十字架与吸血鬼 season II - 吸血鬼与十字架2 - Rosario + Vampire 2 - Rosario + Vampire II - Ros
Youkai Academy has reopened since the damages done to the school during the riot (Season 1). Aono Tsukune now returns to school, but unlike the last time he first walked into the academy, he now has the blood of a vampire flowing within him. Dealing with girls and school life has never been tougher, but now Tsukune must control his new inner vampire as he encounters many new types of enemies. Follow along with Season II of Rosario + Vampire and find out how life at Youkai Academy is anything but ordinary. Résumé by: Krasae
Le 1er avril 1944, un désastre naturel sans précédent frappe le Japon, mettant brutalement fin à la guerre. Suite à cela, les États-Unis et la Chine se lancent dans une compétition pour la reconstruction et le contrôle du Japon, amenant avec eux des millions d'immigrés. Rapatrié après trois ans, un vétéran beau parleur mais un brin désabusé retrouve une ville de Tōkyō méconnaissable, où les Japonais désormais minoritaires ont tous adopté un prénom occidental - lui-même adopte celui de "Leo". Il y rencontre par hasard Rose Haibara, Madame du Club Primavera, un... établissement pour femmes de la nuit convoité par la mafia d'Alfred Akagi. Bientôt engagé comme garde du corps, Leo commence ainsi son combat pour soutenir Rose, qui rêve de restaurer l'entraide entre les compatriotes japonais dans cette époque morose.
L'histoire commence avec une jeune fille poursuivie par des proxénètes qui veulent l'attraper pour la revendre comme prostituée. En s'enfuyant, elle heurte une voiture, celle de Wayne ; celui-ci, accompagné de Rose, protège la jeune fille inconsciente et l'emmène dans un hôpital. Là, elle y fait la rencontre de Charles, Nina et Oliver, des personnes sous les ordres de Wayne. La jeune fille, amnésique même de son nom après le choc contre la voiture, est désormais protégée, grâce à Rose, par le Club Primavera....
Leo Shishigami revient à Tôkyô après trois années d'absence. Dans le District 23, il rencontre Jeanne Amakawa, une jeune femme pourchassée par des hommes de Primavera. L'organisation serait-elle devenue son propre ennemi ? Et qu'est-il arrivé à sa fondatrice, Madame Rose ?
Shohei Aiba est un jeune Lycéen dont la principale préoccupation est de photographier les culottes des lycéennes dans les trains, pour approvisionner son site internet... Jusqu'au jour où il rencontre Kasumi Asakura. Sous son air de jeune lycéenne plus ou moins naïve, se cache Rose Hip, une combattante hors pair et le membre le plus efficace des brigades d'intervention de la police.Suite à un quiproquo, Shohei et elle se retrouvent à combattre un mystérieux "Bélier" terrorisant Tokyo.
Appearances can be deceiving. There is trouble in Tokyo as a mysterious terrorist organization called ALICE plots against the government. Just as the police are tasked to bring these men to justice, they are given a "secret weapon": a young girl with a mysterious past named Kasumi Asakura. She may look innocent, but she walks softly and carries a big gun.
Rin's village getting attacked by bandits doesn't keep her down in the dumps for long! Picking up a sword housing an extraordinary pervert... I mean hero, Siegfried, she sets off on a journey of many bouts with various degenerat... ahem, heroes![hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Artist's Twitter[/url]
In the village where you can see stars clearly, villagers will have to leave the town within a year as a new strange powerplant is scheduled to be built. By the time they realize it, there were weird bars being build around the village and it seems like it's going to swallow the town soon. In the village where Koutarou grew up in for 11 years, Koutarou didn't want to accept the fact that the village will disappear one day. During the summar break, a woman, Osaki Kanna, arrived at the village before Kotaro and his best friend. This encounter marked the beginning of an unforgettable summer...
Subaru has only ever wanted to play basketball, but right after having transferred to a high school specifically to play in their basketball club the team captain, whom Subaru looked up to as a hero, vanishes leaving behind rumors that he ‘eloped’ with a grade-schooler! The team is disbanded and the members are shunned by their schoolmates. In the middle of this Subaru’s aunt, who teaches grade school, asks Subaru to come coach a girl’s basketball club at her school. At first Subaru wants nothing to do with it, but the determination and drive of one of the girls on the team gives him a change of heart.
Le lycéen Eisen réunit la fine fleur des sportifs de haut niveau. Parmi eux, Ami Ninomiya, championne de plongeon, a le coeur qui balance entre Hiroki Nakanishi, recordman de nage libre, et Keisuke Yamato, champion de natation. Malheureusement, les familles Yamato et Ninomiya se détestent cordialement, suite à un différent majeur. Ami est pourtant bien décidée à continuer à fréquenter Keisuke, malgré le danger...
Worldly knowledge and artistic refinement! Literally [i]wise beyond her years[/i] Hinata-chan is on a completely different level to your average toddler. But she has a secret... that she's the reincarnation of an 88 year old grandma, with her memories intact! Enjoying green tea on the veranda, a taste for pickles, and an old-fashioned dialect, all inclusive! Why has she been reincarnated? And what happened to the things and loved ones she left behind?
From Attractive Fascinante:Sakuya, a high-schooler, went to a place called Romantic Villa Hakuou to look for Shinonome to fulfill his grandfather’s final wish. This is a place where only those with power and money can come to buy a man’s night. Shinonome is the most beautiful and the number one oiran there. Sakuya had wanted to leave once he settled the issue. However, he was forced to stay because of Shinonome’s stubbornness. And that night, he witnessed the number two oiran, Asagi, serving his benefactor. What will he do from then on?
Song Qing Chen died a regrettable death after being killed with a sword by Song Huai Chen. She wakes up in fiery after awaking to her younger self. The reborn Song Qing Chen only wants to avenge those who have looked down upon her, but she never knew that it was so hard to kill the youth Song Huai Chen....
Honami Kairi est un lycéen sans le sou qui accepte de travailler comme gouvernante pour une riche famille afin de payer l'opération de sa tante, qui l'élève depuis la disparition de ses parents. Mais son travail va vite se révéler très différent de ce qu'il pensait car si il a été engagé, c'est pour devenir en réalité le fiancé de Shou, un de ses camarades de classe et futur roi !
Lorsque Oh Jae-yeol, le président de l'organisation criminelle nationale coréenne, le Hwarang, meurt dans un mystérieux accident, des divisions internes apparaissent suite à une lutte pour la succession. La société noire, qui n'a pas manqué le vide, est venue prendre la place du Hwarang, provoquant un grand chaos. Les dirigeants de chaque région du Hwarang commencent à prendre le pouvoir en développant leurs propres ambitions alors qu'ils commencent à faire face à la société noire. En raison de la société noire, des victimes civiles commencent à apparaître, mais la police et les politiciens qui ont déjà été pris en charge par la société noire et les galeries "ignorent les victimes". Pendant ce temps, lorsque la mère de Baek-Han Yu, un ancien membre de l'unité des forces spéciales, tente de chasser la société noire de son quartier, elle est assassinée par celle-ci. En apprenant la nouvelle, il ne peut contenir sa colère et commence à se venger d'eux.
The story begins 15 years after the demon king was defeated and the world has become peaceful. Kotone, who graduated from school and became a magician, inquired the kingdom-affiliated RPG Real Estate in order to find a new home. In reality, RPG Real Estate was Kotone's place of employment, and together with Fa, a demi-human, the priest Rufuria, and the soldier Rakira, they help support the searches of new homes for the customers with various circumstances.
Welcome to Rubbers 7, a small Japanese convenience store with a reputation for some odd owners. Rumors of mob connections and one rather eccentric boss with a passion for Ping-pong tend to keep business low. But when a young, quiet girl is framed for shoplifting and ends up working for the store. Can her touch, with the help of her unusual coworkers, including a shy boy and a drag queen, turn the fortune of the store around?
At the convenience store, "Rubbers 7", the owner, small-time yakuza leader Tounomoto Munenori, has a mad devotion to the sport of table tennis -- so much so that he'll challenge shoplifters to a match. They win, they go free. They lose, they have to work for him at lousy rates. Needless to say, he's a very good player. But one girl, Soeno Natsuki, changes the rules on him... --summary from
A Tezuka One-Shot that was included in the Complete Works release of Apollo's Song but wasn't included when Apollo's Song got an official English release. It tells the story of two brothers, one a cop and the other an aspiring songwriter, who find themselves mixed up in the student protests of the late 1960's in Japan that are being led by a Christ-like folk singer.
From Renta!: Royford, a travelling merchant, arrives in Kataris, hoping to taste both money and the thrill of adventure. A chance meeting with a mysterious red-eyed boy, Reza, changes his plans and perhaps even his entire life... Reza's past holds many secrets and ruthless enemies won't seem to leave them in peace.Read at Renta!
Yashima Kashiwagi est un étudiant de première année qui a été transféré au lycée d'élite Kususushu Gakuen. Il s'est rapidement lié d'amitié avec Hasebe Yuki vivant à côté et Kimi Miyazaki. Il essaie de s'adapter à son nouvel environnement et d'être amical avec tout le monde mais apparemment la classe a des "règles" que tout le monde doit respecter sinon il y aura des conséquences ! Mais qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Une raison pour l'intimidation ou quelque chose de plus sinistre se produit ?