
純血+彼氏, 纯血加彼氏, 绝对+彼氏, He's My Only Vampire, Pureblood + Boyfriend, Junketsu + Kareshi, Pureblood+Boyfriend
Kana Takachiho, despite her disadvantages, is a pretty nice girl. She’s friendly, outgoing, and used to be good at sports until she was injured in a freak accident, losing the scholarship keeping her in school, and earning her the disdain of her fellow classmates. Oh, and her childhood friend and (self-proclaimed) boyfriend, Aki, just so happens to be a vampire who turned her into his slave after drinking her blood on their first date. But Aki’s not just any vampire; he’s a Pureblood, and he’s participating in a game to find the seven “Stigmas” in order to wake his twin brother and Kana’s other childhood friend, Eriya, from his mysterious slumber…-------From now on, I will destroy you..." This bewitching, heartrending, most wicked boyfriend appeared in front of Kana!? A dangerous and sweet new serialisation starts!Takachiho Kana who attends a distinguished private school is bright, well-behaved and extremely soft-hearted no matter what the time. She's neat, and doesn't seem to have any problems, but she carries a darkness within her heart. On the night of the full moon, the world around her starts to grow loud.The meeting that changes Kana's fate is already drawing close.
煉獄デッドロール -  Purgatory Dead Role -  Rengoku Deadroll -  Rengoku Dead Role
Partez à la rencontre de Sakai Hiroaki, un lycéen surdoué qui est las de tout ce qui est trop simple pour lui. Un jour, en essayant d'empêcher une élève de se suicider, il se suicide accidentellement. À son réveil, il se retrouve dans un endroit appelé le purgatoire, entouré de personnes s'étant également suicidées. Sakai découvre que lui et ses congénères sont forcés à participer à une boucle sans fin de jeux mortels pour des raisons qui lui sont inconnues, et essaie d'y échapper.

Puri Puri

Boy of Pudding
He's giving headaches to the serious student council president. But they are strangely in tune with each other...!?*included in Anthology Sweets Fortune Telling
プリキュウ, 瞄准你的心, Love Arrow, Mengintai Busur Beradu, Ngắm Trúng Tim Anh, Purikyu
Katsuragi Anna used to be a Prima Ballerina. Now, she leads a normal high school life. Her friend tells her to join the archery club and she accepts the offer. Right when she opens the door, she finds a guy stringing the bow, when he turns around, she is astounded to see Jinnai, her childhood rival!! 
プロレス狂想曲 -  La République du catch -  Professional Wrestling Kyousoukyoku -  Republic of Pro-Wrestling
From a genius in the world of Bande Dessinée comics, Nicolas de Crécy comes La Republique du Catch (the Republic of Pro-Wrestling), a 200 page comic serialized in Ultra Jump from July 2014 to January 2015. It's a story about Mario, a piano salesman who aspires to gain favor in the eyes of Bernice, a member of the Republic of Pro-Wrestling.
Sa capacité à détecter les mensonges a fait d'elle un officier de justice hors pair - même si elle est hantée par son incapacité à sauver ceux qu'elle aimait d'un destin horrible il y a de nombreuses années. Maintenant, elle utilise son don puissant pour défendre les sans-défense quel qu'en soit le prix - même si cela signifie faire équipe avec un assassin mortel pour combattre le mal dans un monde devenu fou.
An errant traveler comes across a mysterious old woman who warns him about his destination.Apparently, only The City of Death awaits him...[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]
In the Night When the Purple Moon Shines -  パープルムーンが輝く夜に。
From KCG Scans & -menos- FreeTime[Every 100 years, the Purple Moon causes a miracle."Be careful of the Purple Moon that is coming in 3 days."]After receiving such a warning from a stranger on the streets on her way to pay a surprise visit to her long-distance boyfriend, something incredible happens to Yuu, a high school girl who under her new unexpected circumstances can't go back home. Fortunately, Ryouya her dear boyfriend offers to let Yuu live with him till everything goes back to normal. Because everything will go back as it was before... right?
プッシュマン, The Push Man and Other Stories
A lone man travels the country, projecting pornographic films for private individuals while attempting to maintain a normal home life. A medical student lives a secret life as a sperm donor, and finds his world turned upside down when his donations are rejected by the fertility clinic. A young couple's marriage is irrevocably affected when a sewer rat takes up residence in their home. The lives of two men become intertwined when one hires the other to observe his sexual escapades through a telescope. An auto mechanic's obsession with a female TV personality turns fatal after a chance meeting between the two.The volume consists of the short stories: Pirahna, Projectionist, Black Smoke, The Burden, Test Tube, Pimp, The Push Man, Sewer, Telescope, The Killer, Traffic Accident, Make-Up, Disinfection, Who Are You?, Bedridden, My Hitler
Pushuke Psyche -  ぷしゅ~け~!!
Toutes les écoles ont leur idole, c'est le rôle de Akira, elle à même son fan club, il faut dire qu'elle est jolie et super cool, alors forcément, ça force le respect.Mais ce qu'ils ignorent tous, c'est que la charmante demoiselle est une totale otaku et seul son ami d'enfance, Asuma est au courant de ce terrifiant secret.Il doit donc l'aider à finir ses dôjinshi, ses cosplayer, bref en plus avec la convention qui arrive on ne peut pas vraiment dire qu'elle soit dans les temps.Mais pire que cela encore...Akira est une super fan de yaoi, un secret encore plus grand à cacher devant le garçon qu'elle aime et qui fatalement, la croise à son stand.


Miyabi cherche quelqu'un qui la complèterait, comme deux pièces de puzzle qui s'assembleraient.
パズル (MORIE Satoshi)
Miyabi is looking for someone to complete her.
ピグマリオ, Dragon Pigmario, Hoàng Tử Hiếu Thảo + Anh em sinh đôi, Pygmalio II
 A tale of love in all forms: pure like a child's, twisted like a scorned and lonely woman, and multi facets between. Kurt, prince of a faraway kingdom, leaves home to find a way to heal his petrified goddess-mother. Battling numerous monsters, overcoming challenges set forth by Medusa's apostles, and helping other people all seem so heavy for a ten-year-old boy. Never fear, he's not alone. His youngest aunt, a goddess from heaven, his girlfriend collected along the way, his-not-quite-adversary, not-quite-friend, mysterous dark apostle... and various others. All are drawn in by his charisma, his will and his purity. Let's join Kurt, to travel to far, far away lands, meet interesting people, monsters, gods and goddesses... then kick their asses.
ピューと吹く!ジャガー -  ピューと吹く!ジャガー -  Blow that Flute! Jaguar -  Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar
异种少女Q -  Q[クー]

Q & A

Q and A -  QあんどA
Atsushi Ando, 15 ans, revient au Japon avec sa famille après 6 ans d'absence. Il va vite découvrir que son grand frère a laissé beaucoup de choses derrière lui avant de mourir, et pas des moindres, son fantôme, qui semble encore avoir des comptes à règler. Ce dernier décide donc de venir hanter Atsushi.
q.Heavenly Music -  q.天上の音楽

QQ Sweeper

QQスイーパー -  QQ扫除者
Après le "nettoyage"... qu'effectue cette personne, tout est parfait et propre ! Une fille un peu étrange demande à être l'apprenti de Kyûtarô... ? Calme ton cœur, je vais nettoyer tout ça !
Crossdressing Boys Who Cannot Crossdress Because of Quarantine -  外出自粛のせいで女装できない女装男子たち
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url]
Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers -  Yeowang Cecia'eui Banbaji -  異世界女王と転生デザイナー -  여왕 쎄시아의 반바지
Avec 99 nations conquises et la coupe du souverain entre les mains... on pourrait penser qu'elle est partie pour une conquête héroïque, mais le vrai souci de la grande reine Cecia était son corset inconfortable ?La reine de Valence souffrait des lacets compliqués et des corsets lourds, et a donc ordonné à son frère de confiance, le duc Ennon Cœur de Lion, de lui apporter des vêtements confortables.Pendant ce temps, Yuri, une créatrice de vêtements, a été tuée dans un accident après avoir souffert d'un petit salaire minimum dans une entreprise de vêtements de taille moyenne en Corée. Elle renaît dans un pays médiéval dirigé par Cecia.Yuri a juré de révolutionner le dilemme des vêtements dépassés, elle s'est donc déguisée en homme et a travaillé comme designer au sommet de la plus haute cour du continent pour faire des affaires faciles.Mais... que se passe-t-il quand Ennon découvre la véritable identité de Yuri ? [hr]D'après le [url=]Webnovel original[/url] de Jagyum.Traduction anglaise officielle sur l'application Comico [url=]Pocket Comics[/url].
クィーンエメラルダス -  Queen Emeraldus
Note: A one-shot prototype titled Emeraldas was published in 1975 in Akita Shoten's Monthly Princess.
Kim Sohye's life changed after being chosen as the empress. Unfortunately, Shoye's life after marriage is not exactly happy. The king who previously had a concubine doesn't love her and always insulted her. The concubine turned out to have evil intentions to the king. But, slowly but surely the king begins to feel the empress's sincere heart. The feeling of their love began to grow like a flower in bloom. How does their story continue? Will the empress be strong and fight the king's concubines?
A compilation of QB stories by different artists.
クイーンズブレイド リベリオン:ZERO
Kuiinzu Kuoritei -  Kuiinzu Kuoriti -  QQ Sweeper: Season Two -  The Mind Sweeper -  クイーンズ・クオリティ
The adventures of mind “Sweepers” continue in this supernatural romance sequel to QQ Sweeper!As Fumi’s dangerous new powers blossom, Kyutaro might be the only one who can help her keep them under control. Then, when Kyutaro tells Fumi that he’ll never leave her side, she unexpectedly starts to fall for him!
퀸즈 -  Zhi Zun Bo Li Xie
Girly boy Pil-Hyun Jung, also called Teddy Boy, strives to become a real man to win the heart of the girl he likes. He needs help becoming more manly so he becomes an apprentice to the author of a manhwa series about a pretty boy who wants to be a man. As Pil-Hyun works to overcome his problem, his love interest likes someone else, he gains a crazy stalker girl, and the women he lives with are all scary in one way or another. Will life ever go the way he wants it?
Which Me Do You Like the Most? / お前好みの俺はどれ?
Nous sommes en 2117, et le scientifique Youichi vient de réaliser la percée scientifique de ses rêves : il a créé deux clones, tous deux avec des personnalités étonnamment différentes !