
プロポーズのオキテ; 求婚法则; มัดหัวใจนายไฮโซ (Thai); Proposal no Okite
Une jeune fille se retrouve mariée à l'héritier d'une grande chaîne d'hôtel afin d'acquitter la dette de sa famille... Que va-t-il lui arriver?
プロポーズのオキテ -  Proposal no Okite
A high school girl became a wife?! And her husband is the worst man? Because she had to pay for her family’s debt, she was married! The husband is the son of a big Hotel company. The first time she saw him she said “You got a wife thanks to your money! You’re the worst!” “I’m maybe the worst”, he said “but you’ll have to live all your live by my side…” And then, their became closer to each other and it was the beginning of their love story…
プロポーズの理由 -  Proposal no Riyuu -  The Baby Proposal
Andrea est sur le point de perdre sa dernière chance d'avoir un enfant. and so is stunned quand son sexy patron, businessman Gabe Corbin, lui propose de l'aider à devenir maman! Ils ont maintenant six mois pour réussir -- et Gabe compte durant ce temps prouver à Andrea qu'il fera un très bon père et... un mari parfait!
Kanno is the oldest sister in the family of 6. Kanno and her sister live in a haunted house!!Kanno is supposed to go to her date but she got struck with exorcism a ghost!!Will she finish and go on her date?? Read and find out!!
Planus Girl -  Puranasu Girl -  プラナス・ガール -  樱桃少女 -  櫻花樹下的小惡魔
Maki-kun goes to look at the results of his high school entrance exam results and meets a beautiful girl. Could this be a fated encounter? He's thrilled to find out that the same girl, Aikawa Kizuna, not only ends up going to his school, but is in his class. However, he's not so thrilled when he find out that Aikawa isn't a girl! Not a girl, and not really a guy, kind of both— and Maki finds himself getting along with popular Aikawa, getting pulled in to his pace!
The story of a hopeful new band, Prussian Blue: Sayuri Tsushima (singer & guitar), Jun Imai (singer & guitar), Keigo Miyake (drums), and Atsushi Kato (bass & band leader). Keigo and Atsushi discovered Sayuri as the new singer of Prussian Blue, and now she moves into the flat the band is sharing. And with that, the complications begin. Yonen Buzz (Prequel)

Pseudo Harem

Giji-Harem -  Pseudo Harem -  疑似ハーレム -  유사 하렘 -  Giji Harem
Voici l'histoire de Nanakura Rin du club de drama, ayant un talent indiscutable en tant qu'actrice, et de son senpai Kitahama Eiji. Grâce à ses talents d'actrice, Rin taquine Eiji avec de multiples personnalités, lui donnant le harem dont il a toujours rêvé.
サイキックアカデミー 煌羅万象, Ψchic academy 煌羅万象
Zerodaimu Kyupura Pa Azalraku Vairu Rua Darogu (a.k.a. Zero) once stopped the evil demon lord with his incredible psychic ability, and in the process saved the world from destruction and earned the honorable and highly imaginative title 'The Man Who Stopped the Evil Lord.' Now, he has accepted a position as a teacher at Psychic Academy, a school for gifted psychokinetic youngsters who have demonstrated incredible raw powers and want to learn how to hone their abilities. Among the student body is young Ai Shiomi, Zero's little brother, a somewhat meek boy who, despite parental prodding and his fraternal reputation, feels that his limited skills hardly justify his presence at the prestigious academy. However, everyone else is convinced that he, like his celebrated brother, is destined for greatness. A lot of pressure for a boy just entering adolescence!
Psychic Curse // One-shot // The fight between Fuko and the Shadoueruda.
灵能力者小田雾响子之谎言 -  霊能力者小田霧響子の嘘 -  Lie of the Clairvoyant Odagiri Kyoko -  Odagiri Kyouko no Uso -  Odakyo -  Psychic Odagiri Kyouko's Lies -  Reinouryokusha Odagiri
Story of a buxom and no-nonsense crime-fighting mentalist.
No one would have ever guessed that nerdy-looking Seongbin Cha is actually Neon Mask, the internet hero popular for punishing violent, bullying teens on ViewTube. He won’t rest until he eradicates every last delinquent in the country. Can he stomp them all out with the help of his bodyguards, or will they come back stronger than ever?Original WebtoonOfficial English TranslationSungbin was ordinary, but after the death of his sister, he takes on the moniker of 'Neon Mask'. As Neon Mask, he becomes a psycho streamer and wages war on all gangs.
"To Hiiragi Kouichi-kun. I'll be waiting for you after school behind the school gym. Sakuragi Umeko." These were the words written in the first love letter Hiiragi ever received. But when he meets Sakuragi, she tells him that she wants to take him to the planet R'lyeh!?! Disappointed that the love letter from the cute girl came from a nutcase, Hiiragi returns home, only to find that Sakuragai won't give up so easily. Not only that, she may have been telling the truth afterall! But then again, Hiiragi isn't such a normal guy, either... 


Périphérie de la Capitale. Maiden, 16ans, passe en secteur contaminé, des quartiers en proie au Fléau, un parasite qui assimile les organismes vivants.Infecté lui aussi, Maiden n'a qu'un seul espoir de survie : la destruction du parasite-mère.Une entreprise désespérée ? Pas quand on a un plan. Et ça tombe bien, celui de Maiden est en béton !... enfin presque.


Sairen - Psyren
Ageha est dégoûté par notre monde et rêve d’une vie meilleure. Un soir, il trouve une étrange carte rouge sur laquelle il est écrit Psyren. Il s’agirait d’une société secrète à l’origine de nombreux enlèvements.Peu après, l’une de ses camarades, qui semblait connaître cette société, disparaît devant ses yeux. Ageha décide alors de la sauver : il utilise la carte rouge et se retrouve soudainement projeté dans un monde parallèle. A présent, Ageha doit lutter pour survivre et arriver jusqu’au bout du jeu, car c’est le seul moyen pour lui de retrouver son monde originel, qui n’est peut-être pas si horrible que ça finalement.Dans cette entreprise, il n’est pas seul. D’autres personnes sont dans la même galère. Et c’est ensemble, qu’ils vont affronter le danger et peut-être même le vaincre…
Shishunki to Danshikou!? to Nakano-kun -  思春期と男子校!?と中野くん
Hajime Nakano is forced by his mother to enroll at a newly opened all boys high school, and he laments over having to spend the next three years surrounded by other guys. However, he doesn't know that all of the other students are girls secretly pretending to be guys, and each of them think they are the only girl in the whole school.
ぷちモン, 漂亮怪兽, Petit Monster, Petit Monstre, Puchi Mon
Adventures of Melty and friends that attend an academy in order to become questers!
Petit Monster -  Petit Monstre -  Puchi Mon
Adventures of Melty and friends that attend an academy in order to become questers!
Born with an abnormal tumor on his cheeks, Victor was nicknamed "Pufferman".However, he would soon grow to take a liking to the name.Hi this is 10gusensei, author and artist of "Pufferman". This comic contains scenes of NUDITY, EXTREME AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE.This series will continue to be 'violent' and 'graphical' in nature,here on this platform you'll be reading UNCENSORED version of my comic.From Season 2 onwards, I'll be placing more emphasis on improving my art style. Hence, uploads between chapters would vary. *work has started for me, so in my free time i'll draw and upload chapters, thank you readers for your patience, I appreciate it*Thank you all for following my first ever comic. <3
May I Ask for One Final Thing? -  Mad Dog Princess -  Saigo ni Hitotsu Dake Onegaishite mo Yoroshii Deshou ka -  最后再拜托您一件事可以吗最後にひとつだけお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか
Les fiançailles entre Scarlet, fille de duc, et le Second Prince Kyle ont abruptement été annulées lors d'un banquet.Elle a été faussement accusée d'avoir harcelé une fille du nom de Terenezza, fille de baron, envers qui le Prince portait une affection toute particulière.Condamnée par tous ceux qui l'entouraient, et forcée de porter le poids de toutes sortes de crimes, elle finit par décider que trop, c'est trop."Avant que je ne parte d'ici, puis-je demander une dernière faveur ?"Alors que la foule huait et que ce bel homme lançait des insultes, la paume de sa main se mit à danser telle une toupie et le sol de la salle de bal se retrouva taché de sang.

Pumpkin Night

Naoko Kirino, élève martyrisée par ses compagnons de classe, est envoyée dans un hôpital psychiatrique suite à une brimade qui a tourné au drame et lui a laissé des séquelles irréversibles. Un jour, elle tue ses médecins et s'évade dans un seul but : faire connaître l'enfer à ses bourreaux. Sous son masque de citrouille, elle va repousser les limites de la cruauté et se délecter de la souffrance de ses victimes sans épargner tous ceux qui se mettront sur son chemin.
-  Punch Up! -  Punch↑
Maki is an elite architect who's a sucker for bishies! And his favorite hunting ground is a construction site! Unexpectedly, this time his target is an ironworker named Kouta. A totally unrefined brat who talks with his fist first then cuts you down with his sharp tongue next.. Will Maki be able to capture this wild youth for keeps!? ~~~~~~~~ Note ~ Play Boy Blues, Gaten na aitsu, Kawaige, Stepping Stone, Punch Up!, Mayou Otoko and Otonage. are loosely connected.
As desventuras apaixonadas de Hades e Perséfone!


Quand ils étaient enfants, Utsusu et sa petite sœur, Yume, étaient battus par leur père. Lorsque leur mère divorça et s'en alla avec un autre homme, ils restèrent seuls. Utsusu promis alors de protéger sa sœur coûte que coûte. Un jour, alors qu'ils rentraient ensemble du collège, ils tombèrent nez-à-nez avec une étrange scientifique au visage mutilé, Maria. Juste après leur rencontre, de gigantesques papillons rouges apparaissent et Yume se transforma en monstre anthropophage. Son frère, incapable de la ramener à la raison, fut obligé de demander de l'aide à Maria, qui en savait plus qu'elle ne voudrait en dévoiler. Il s'avère finalement que les deux adolescents ont été touchés par un virus inconnu, que la scientifique a appelé pupa. Il leur confère une régénérescence extrêmement rapide des tissus musculaires mais, en contrepartie, l'hôte éprouve une faim insatiable. Utsutsu est obligé de devenir la source de nourriture permanente de sa sœur ! Parviendra-t-il à élucider le mystère pupa ? Et surtout, arrivera-t-il à ramener sa sœur à son état normal ?
至尊瞳术师:绝世大小姐 -  Extreme pupil teacher: Miss Peerless -  Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress -  Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss -  Maître Des Élèves : Miss Univers
Traduit en français avec l'autorisation de l'équipe anglaise "TimelessLeaf".Luo Qingtong, une jeune femme du 24ème siècle qui se classait au premier rang des superpuissances, a miraculeusement transmigrée dans un monde différent. Là, elle commence son voyage de vengeance en tant qu'infirme, fille aînée d'un duc des bas royaumes, où les méchants font la queue pour se faire gifler et où les ordures et les salopes manipulatrices attendent d'être torturées ! Oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent. Elle exterminera tous ceux qui l'offensent ! Tout va bien... mais elle se retrouve accidentellement avec un homme d'une beauté incomparable, avec lequel elle tente de flirter chaque fois qu'elle ne parvient pas à gagner contre lui dans un combat. À partir de là, c'est l'histoire de leurs aventures amoureuses...
プピポー, プピポー!, プピポー!, Pupipoo!
Himeji Wakaba is a 5th year elementary school student, and she has the ability to see things that others can't. They are mostly frightening evil spirits, and they tend to do bad things to people who are close to her. As a result, Wakaba has no friends and rarely smiles. On a couple of occasions, she brings home stray animals, but her parents won't let her keep them. However, they're worried about their sad, creepy daughter, so one day they decide that whatever Wakaba brings home next, they'll let her keep.The next thing she brings home is a pink monster called "Pupipo," but her parents stand by their decision and let her keep it. No one is quite sure what Pupipo is, but it protects Wakaba from the other things she sees. Pupipo also helps Wakaba make friends with an occult-obsessed transfer student and solve problems with bullying. Wakaba's life is a much better place with her pet pink monster! [tethysdust]
멍멍한 관계 -  狗狗的恋爱 -  汪汪的关系 -  Doggy Relationship -  Doggy Relation -  Mongmonghan Relationship
パピー、マイ・ラブ -  Domesticating Luc
Dog trainer Julie is in trouble. Workaholic business tycoon, Luc is planning to find another home for Puppy, a huge mastiff he has inherited from his grandmother. For that, Luc hired Julie to give an intensive training for Puppy for 6 weeks, staying at his home. No way! He has to look after his dog. As Julie works hard to develop intimate relationship between Luc and Puppy, she finds herself gradually falling love with him. She has to remember that Luc needs her only as a dog trainer...
讓我們結婚去! -  ± Junkie -  ±ジャンキー -  +/- Junkie -  Plus Minus Junkie -  Cute and Dangerous Love ± Junkie -  Negative and Positive Junkie -  ±Junkie
A short shoujo story about a girl who wants to continue the family tradition of her family...that is, get married at 16 and have a girl child at 17! A very crazy story about a very crazy girl named Ren who falls in love with one of the most popular boys in school, Juuya, at first sight!
純愛360°, 롤러코스터, Pure Love 360°, Roller Coaster
A cute story about a strong looking girl who is actually a very lonely girl.On her 15th birthday, our main protagonist is playing by herself at the amusement park.When she suddenly meets a very special big raccoon dog who makes her spend an unforgettable birthday.But the girl actually does not know his true identity....
純愛360° -  롤러코스터 -  Pure Love 360 Degrees -  Roller Coaster
From NCIS: A cute story about a strong looking girl who is actually a very lonely girl. On her 15th birthday, our main protagonist is playing by herself at the amusement park. When she suddenly meets a very special big raccoon dog who makes her spend an unforgettable birthday. But the girl actually does not know his true identity....