
お姫様のレシピ -  Ohime-sama no Reshipi -  Ohimesama no Recipe -  The Princess Recipe
Satoru Takamiya's 'First Love Masterpiece' collection consists of five stories. [Taken from ShoujoMagic]: 1) Princess Recipe (Ohime-sama no Reshipi) - Makoto lives alone until two strange boys from the world of games appear before her! One is a knight, and the other is a wizard. And just like in the game, Makoto becomes the "princess"! In order to save Princess Makoto from the wicked wizard, the cool knight Nanase begins living with her!? 2) Angel Falling (Tenshi Tsuiraku) - This is a secret: Heaven is a company, and angels are its employees! Hashiba is just a beginning angel in the death department, so she spends most of her time on earth. She's very excited when she receives her first assignment--until it turns out that the soul she's supposed to take to heaven is that of Toujou-kun, a human boy who's always been nice to her. She doesn't want him to die... Is this the beginning of an angel falling? 3) The Light of the Moon, the Shimmer of Love (Tsuki no Hikari, Koi no Kagayaki) - A tremendous force pulls moon fairy Kouya down to earth, but when she finds the boy responsible, he claims he did nothing to draw her to him and tells her to go home. But Kouya is literally stuck to Takimoto Sui and can't go home as long as he has a wish to see something and it remains not granted. What is the wish that lonely Sui is keeping locked inside, that was so powerful it reached as far as the moon? 4) A Program that Loves (Koi Suru Puroguramu) - Year 2487, Kirika is 16 years old, and it's high time she got married. Not exactly enamored with the idea, she runs away from her wealthy home, only to land herself in bigger trouble with a group of hoodlums! And the only one who can save her is...walking away!? Konoe is a mercenary with a sci-fi secret who'll only help Kirika for money! (So it's a good thing Kirika has some.) She purchases him for three days, but when Konoe goes above and beyond the call of duty, Kirika gets in the mood to...*cough*...install his hardware in her system! 5) A Love Fragrant with Kisses (Kisu de Kaoru Koi) - Hikari wants to know all there is to know about kissing, and she wants her teacher to teach her! She has a million different wishes, so it's a lucky thing that she stumbles upon a magic lamp! But what's wrong with the genie Izumi? He's so unenthusiastic, and kind of a jerk. He tricks her out of her wishes until she's down to just one. What will it be...?
Takaki loves ranking the popular and beautiful girls at his school. The one standing at the top is the foreign transfer student Emilia Shutrause, and being a student from Europe, she is extremely popular among the male students at Takaki’s high school. Although he was just a spectator of this school idol, that would change when one day he accidentally bumps into Emily (Emilia’s nickname) and he finds out her secret...
プリンスと結婚 -  The Blacksheep Prince's Bride
Description: King Edenbourg's traffic accident turns out to be an abduction. Under orders from Princess Isabel, lady-in-waiting Rowena investigates the king's disappearance by playing nanny to a son of the primary suspect, Jake Stanbury. While living with Jake, Rowena finds out he is a man of faith. She begins to be attracted to him as she becomes convinced of his innocence. However...
プリンスと婚約 -  Code Name: Prince -  The Stanbury Crown, Royally Wed III
Was I kidnapped by an angel? While Edinburg kingdom is rocked by the disappearance of the king, Ben, a marine acting as a double for his cousin, Prince Nicholas, is kidnapped. As he lies strapped to a bed, he is met by a beautiful woman smelling of roses. Seeing guilt in her eyes, Ben is sure she's taking part in this kidnapping against her will. Whatever her circumstances, Ben vows to protect her! Part 3 of the "Wedding of the Century�Kingdom of Edinburg" 4-part miniseries!

Princess Tutu

Принцесса Тютю; プリンセスチュチュ; 梦幻芭蕾
Ahiru est une jeune fille positive mais surtout maladroite, ce qui ne l'aide pas dans son rêve de devenir ballerine ! Elle est amoureuse de Mytho, et un jour elle découvre que son coeur est éparpillé en fragments... à l'aide d'un pendentif offert par une gentille femme, Edel, elle se transforme en "Princess Tutu" et récolte les fragments. Ceux-ci lui permettent petit à petit de ressentir des émotions... autant positives que négatives.
Riding high on the memory of a boy named Hikaru with whom she spent a day during her last year of grade school, Megu went through middle school without romance. Now that she's a high school student, she has decided she is finally completely over her first love and can look towards the future. But! Megu meets a pretty girl on her first day of high school who gives her a big hug, and her name is Hikaru?!
1. Prism Heart 2. Teen's Road :Sakurai Izumi, 15 ans, est chanteuse dans un groupe qu'elle a formé avec ses amis Akio et Tetsuya. Elle va au lycée par obligation, où son comportement marginal l'isole. Un jour, elle se glisse sur le toit de l'immeuble et y rencontre Manabu, le président du conseil de discipline. Contre toute attente, des liens vont commencer à se tisser entre les deux adolescents.3. White Hot Kiss :Yuki est amoureuse de Kouji depuis deux ans déjà, mais alors que celui-ci s'était déclaré à l'époque, elle l'avait rejeté. Peut être la situation va-t-elle changer depuis qu'on lui a demandé d'être la manager de l'équipe de foot dont fait partie celui qu'elle aime.4 - 17 ans : Ema aime Hiroto, mais celui-ci aime Namiki. Leur participation au comité de bienvenue des nouveaux élèves fera peut-être évoluer leur relation.
Kangoku Jikken -  プリズンラボ -  監獄実験 -  감옥실험
囚人リク -  Jail Time Ricky -  Shuujin Riku
"Born into a world beyond imagination, imprisoned for a crime he never commited. Young Riku's life couldn't sink any lower...or so he thought. Determined to survive no matter the circumstances, Riku now faces the impossible task of outliving a prison sentence in Earth's worst penitentiary." - Courtesy of Project Bite Me! Scans
Shûjin Riku
Dix ans déjà qu'une météorite s'est écrasé sur Tokyo, séparant la métropole en deux : d'un côté, une ville réservée aux riches, de l'autre, un terrible bidonville, véritable zone sinistrée et de non-droit. C'est là que vit le jeune Riku. Malgré un quotidien difficile, il prend la vie comme elle vient, aux côtés de son grand-père. Mais quand ce dernier est assassiné, car il voulait révéler au peuple les magouilles et trafics des grandes institutions, le quotidien du pauvre Riku bascule... en enfer !! Accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis, on l'envoie dans une prison de haute sécurité, aux côtés de terribles gangsters et autres chefs de gang. Il y devient très vite la tête de turc de ses co-détenus. Et pourtant... grâce à sa rage, à son envie de survivre, mais surtout celle de venger son grand-père en dévoilant au monde la réalité du système, il devra trouver en lui la force pour faire sa place au sein de la prison... et peut-être même de s'en évader ?
プライベートアロマ -  Puraibetto Aroma
From Midnight Scans: Ootori Rara is searching for a fragrance which is sweet and kind, a fragrance she had once known a long time ago...
(私的)探偵物語 -  (Shiteki) Tantei Monogatari
"À partir d'aujourd'hui tu seras mon détective !" "T-Très bien".Rudy est un détective sous-couverture... Spécialisé dans l'espionnage d'un certain noble... Lorsqu'il était enfant, il accepta rapidement de devenir le "détective" d'Elise, en pensant que les détectives étaient des personnes de confiance. Il n'imaginait pas à quel point il avait raison... car Elise réclame son aide pour tout et n'importe quoi... et ses ordres impliquent souvent d'enquêter sur Albert... qui n'est autre que le grand frère de Rudy ! Albert est beau, adroit, et riche. De nombreuses femmes tombent sous son charme, Elise y compris !Mais tout le monde a un côté caché. Des rumeurs courent sur le fils aîné d'une riche famille qui se faufilerait dehors et s'amuserait la nuit (sous-entendus inclus). Albert semble cacher quelque chose et c'est à Rudy qu'il incombe de découvrir quoi !
Summary: (from Shi-ran) Kasumi's day just keeps getting worse and worse. First he's dumped by a classmate, and then a strange fortune-teller shakes his world as he reveals himself to be in search of a master. And who could the lucky boy be...?
Private Prince (ASATO Eiri)
From Beautiful Soup: Matsuno Kaoru works for a department store that sells very elegant men's clothing. At this department store, there is a mannequin named Mister Veirne that brings about good business to the store. Strangely enough, Kaoru begins to notice how life-like Mister Veirne really is...
Sept anciens camarades de collège sont contraints de participer à un "jeu de la mort" par un "lapin" étrange. Ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés après l'obtention de leur diplôme, mais ils doivent maintenant terminer 6 parties de la mort en une heure pour échapper à leur piège ! Un jeu de désespoir commence alors que leur passé sombre est révélé et que leurs relations fragiles sont mises à l'épreuve !
From mochi*mochi Taki wants to become a great chef just like his dad. His best friend Issei understands this very well, but when he calls his cooking "crap" Taki can't help but feel hurt...
Décembre 2019
Shiba, a college student with a communicative disorder, has been reading rumors circulating on Internet forums about women 'clones', which look like a human, but are not actually a human! Instead they are perfectly obedient to their owner's orders and fulfill every desire! This should have been hastily dismissed as an urban legend but then an incident started when Shiba was hospitalized after an accident...
Cuộc sống hai mặt của giáo sư -  Gyosunim-ui Ijungsaenghwal -  la doble vida del profesor -  Professor's dual life -  The double life of a professor -  โลกใบที่สองของอาจารย์โอตาคุ -  宅男教授的隐秘生活 -  教授の二重生活 -  教授的双重生活 -  교수님의 이중생활
Jaeyoung Ha, a young professor at K University's Department of Business Administration. His lectures and kindness were top quality and he's quite popular among the teachers at the university. However, he has been keeping a secret about being an otaku who is obsessed over some animated girl. Then one day, when a student discovers that he's an otaku who is a Dakimakura, his peaceful daily life fell apart.[hr][b]Links[/b]:[*][url=]Original Webtoon (Bomtoon)[/url][*][url=]Original Webtoon (Comico)[/url][*][url=]Official Thai Translation[/url][*][url=]Official Japanese Translation[/url][*][url=]Official Vietnamese Translation[/url]
プロジェクト ドールフォン
Shinjirou's brother is a brilliant scientist whose chosen career is making weird cell phones. Shinjirou has received a gift of his brother's latest product, the Doll-Phone, which is a walking, talking, tiny girl who doubles as a cell phone. But he can't help feeling that a phone like that seems kind of perverted to use...
Tokyo Akatsuki Special Zone, a city that has become a lawless zone. However, there are heroes in the city.
Project SEKAI: Цукаса и Эму -  Project SEKAI: Цуккасса тата Ему -  司えむ
Lazy Idol Yamada's Life as an Youtuber
Yamada est une idole paresseuse et démotivée chargée par le PDG de Square Enix, Yosuke Matsuda, d'acquérir 1.000.000 d'abonnés sur Youtube.
From DMP: At a time when giant department stores and supermarkets dominated the Japanese retail industry, two businessmen, Toshifumi Suzuki and Hideo Shimizu, discovered a new type of small retail store flourishing in America - the Seven Eleven. Called a "convenience store," it was a concept new to the Japanese. Intrigued by this new idea and convinced that it would also succeed in Japan, the two men put together a project team of fifteen members (all virtual novices to the retail trade) to bring this venture across the Pacific. Staking his entire livelihood, young storeowner Kenji Yamamoto volunteers to convert his family-owned liquor store into the first seven eleven in Japan. The hardship of negotiations, the oil shock and the struggle to cope with inadequate space were all met with quick thinking and resolve, culminating in Japan?fs retail revolution!
In a time when the Japanese food industry was struggling economically, a man named Momofuku Andou sought to turn the tide. Seeking a new type of food for a new era, he ordered the development of a "cup noodle" - a revolutionary idea for a convenient instant noodle. Overcoming public skepticism as well as doubts, even from those within their own company, Andou and his staff of young developers constantly challenged convention to create this new product. Behind the now familiar cup o' noodle, which has sold over 8.2 billion worldwide, lies a dramatic story of the struggles of the men behind its success. [taken from the blurb of the English volume]
I died in a bizarre way but that gave me the chance to start again from zero in another life!!
プロミス, 愛的承諾
A older brother with a serious brother complex for his little brother, made it a point to dress his little brother as a girl, as his little brother got older, the love for his older brother fades. This is a comedy between a brother obsessed with his little cross-dressing brother.
Jigoku no Sonzai Shoumei
Jigoku no Sonzai Shoumei 地獄の存在証明


Yokokuhan -  予告犯 - 
La section de lutte contre la cybercriminalité de Tokyo est sur les dents. Un individu coiffé d'un masque en papier journal poste sur Internet des vidéos menaçantes où il prédit les pires crimes : incendies, agressions, viols... Le problème ? Dès le lendemain, ses prophéties se réalisent à la une des journaux télévisés.Qui est-il, comment procède-t-il, quelles sont ses motivations ? C'est le début d'une course contre la montre qui mène les inspecteurs jusqu'au siège vide d'un cybercafé de la banlieue de Tokyo. Mais tandis que l'enquête piétine, contre toute attente, le soutien populaire grandit autour du mystérieux personnage. Marginaux, employés tyrannisés par leur hiérarchie, internautes qui hantent les forums de discussion : ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à se retrouver dans son combat...