
Pocket Monsters Black White: Good Partners -  Pocket Monsters BW: Good Partners -  Pokémon Black White: Good Partners -  ポケットモンスター ブラック ホワイト グッドパートナーズ -  ポケットモンスターB・W グッドパートナーズ
ポケットモンスターB・W グッドパートナーズ
Manga basé sur les jeux Pokémon Versions Noire et Blanche.
ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール -  ポケモンD・P -  ポケモンDP -  ポケモンDP 2―ポケットモンスターダイヤモンド・パール物語 -  Pokemon - Diamond and Pearl Adventure -  Pokemon DP
Volume 1: New friends, new lands, and all-new Pokemon--the next chapter of one of the greatest adventures! Most kids spend their days at school, but not Hareta. Raised in the wild by Pokemon, he can climb as high as an Aipom, swim as fast as a Magikarp, and even eat bark like a Bidoof! Recruited by Professor Rowan, Hareta decides to become a Pokemon Trainer. Along with his first Pokemon, Piplup, and his new friend Mitsumi, he sets off in search of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga. But Team Galactic is hunting for Dialga too. Can Hareta and Piplup defeat Team Galactic and stop their evil plans? Volume 2: Hareta, Mitsumi and their Pokemon friends continue on their quest to find Dialga, the legendary Pokemon that rules time! As they journey through the land of Sinnoh, Hareta and his partner Piplup grow stronger every day--while ruining Team Galactic's schemes and getting into plenty of Pokemon battles along the way! In Celestic Town, they come across the first major clue to Dialga's whereabouts but discover that Cyrus, Team Galactic's boss, has beat them to it. After battling with Cyrus, Hareta's even more determined to improve his skills as a Trainer. Luckily, he meets just the man to help him do it: Canalave City Gym Leader Byron, one of the toughest teachers in all of Sinnoh. Will Hareta and Piplup be able to pass Byron's test at the Fortress of Steel?
Pocket Monsters HeartGold & SoulSilver Go! Go! Pokéathlon -  Pokemon HGSS: Go! Go! Pokeathlon -  ポケットモンスター ハートゴルード ソウルシルバー Go! Go! ポケスロン
A one-shot manga created by Shigekatsu Ihara and published in CoroCoro. The manga is about a Trainer named Takashi in the Pokéathlon, along with his childhood friend Lyra.
In yet another area of the Pokemon world, there are no trainers, only rangers who temporarily borrow the service of wild Pokemon for good. The main character finds himself on an almost impossible mission, and discovers with the Pokemon he has borrowed from the Pokemon he has gathered, hopefully a way to stop the evildoers who have started havoc.
Pocket Monsters Pocket Monsters Special Pocket Monsters SPECIAL Sword & Shield Pocket Monsters SPECIAL Sword Shield Pokémon Pokémon Adventures Pokémon
ポケスペ ブラック・ホワイト編 -  ポケットモンスター SPECIAL ブラック・ホワイト編 -  ポケットモンスタースペシャル ブラック・ホワイト編 -  Pocket Monster Special: Black & White -  Pocket Monster Special: Black &am
The Black and White arc of Pokemon Special. (Pokemon Special has several different arcs serialized in parallel in a few different magazines, so the exact numbering for the BW arc is unknown. Hence, this is registered under a completely new series)
Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai
Ash may think he's seen everything when it comes to Pokemon, but is he ready to face the mysterious Darkrai in his latest awesome adventure? While touring Alamos Town, home of the Space-Time Towers, Ash and his friends discover that the town's special garden has been ransacked. Some of the townspeople immediately blame the destruction on Darkrai, a sinister-looking Pokemon said to haunt the garden. But is Darkrai alone responsible for all the strange happenings around town? And what is its true nature? Will Ash and his friends discover the answers in time to save Alamos Town? There is a movie of this.
100万$キッド, 100man$ Kid, Casino Kid, Million Dollar Kid
Nikaido Hiroshi and his two brothers each inherit 100 million yen. Who will become the sucessor to the Nikaido Tycoon? None other than the son that uses the money the best. So how does young Hiroshi use his money well? Stocks? Of course not. He goes straight down to Vegas and starts playing poker.
Fukei-san to Ansatsu-san -  婦警さんと暗殺さん
The assassin with a scary mug has arrived in the town where the (air-headed) policewoman with a strong sense of justice lives! Although his target is a businessman, his constant flirting with the policewoman is causing him great trouble! The assassin constantly tries to stop the businessman who is in love with the policewoman… and if you look closely, there's a possible love triangle?! Will the day the assassin can complete his job come?! Keep an eye on this fantastic love comedy.

Pom le Panda

L'histoire d'un Panda au grand coeur qui par delà la Mort saura rendre ce one-shot attachant et plein de bons sentiments.
PONKOTSU X ISEKAI -  Strongest Human Trash Reincarnation -  The Invincible Reincarnated Ponkotsu -  When Ponkotsu ReIncarnating He's the Strongest Out There -  When the useless childhood friend reincarnates in another world she's surprisingly the strongest. -  Отбр
[ENG]A bit dumb yet cute girl and a kind-hearted and tolerant girl. Those are the childhood friends of the boy whose peaceful life is turned around after being reborn in another world. Will they be able to survive in another world with only useless skills!? They’ll manage somehow...!Ponkotsu: literally means “Trash” or “useless” or “unreliable” when insulting a person. [hr][RUS][spoiler] Миленькая подруга детства, у которой чутка не все дома, и добрая, эмпатийная подруга детства. С этими девочками парень тихо и мирно проводил свои дни, пока всё резко не поменяло «переселение душ». Можно ли выжить в ином мире с одними лишь помойными скиллами?!!Как ни странно, всё-таки как-то можно!.. [/spoiler]
Investigating with Junk-chan -  Расследование с бесполезной девушкой -  ポンコツちゃん検証中
Mito is a boy with a big heart and the frightening face of a thug. He wants people to rely on him, but he scares people off at first sight. That is, until his schoolmate Yumesaki asks him to help her.Yumesaki has a problem. Every day she is given a new, random supernatural ability by an mysterious being called God, as she has to test them in order to stop a giant meteorite that will destroy the planet in a year.Sure, the goal is to save the planet, but when a boy and a girl spend time together, there are more tender things to discover too!
popute han nachisu -  ポプテ版ナチス
A collection of assorted Pop Team Epic parodies by Katsuyuki Terashima.
Un jour de pluie, un jeune homme se trouve sur un point et regarde la rivière déchainée. Soudain, une jeune fille blonde apparait, chaussure en main et bravant la pluie. Le garçon décide de l'ignorer. A ce moment là, la fille le pousse du pont et lui dit "Essaye de voler!". Et surprise, il y arrive. C'est le pouvoir du vent. La jeune fille s'appelle LisaLa guerre entre les dieux et les démons. Le résultat de cette guerre est lié à ce jeune garçon. En apprenant ça, Wada Kurando n'a pas l'air très enchanté. Mais a t-il le choix ? Lisa est en effet sa camarade de classe.


鉄道員,ラブ・レター -  Poppaya - Love Letter -  Poppoya, Love Letter
Goro just got out from jail, but a police officer wants to talk to him right away. He announces to him that Goro's wife is dead and that he has to go to Chiba and take her body. Goro has no recollection of having a wife, but then he remembers he married a Chinese woman a long time ago. He married her for her money, and had she married him because she needed a Japanese visa to work. In fact, she's a prostitute who came to Japan hoping to find better life. At first, Goro can't be bothered by this situation, but he goes to Chiba just because he can earn a lot of money. Later on, during his trip, Goro finds a letter she wrote him and through it he discovers the pure person that lies beneath this common prostitute. She is a woman of such kindness and love that Goro is moved to learn something about the woman he married. With those few words of love and tenderness, he understands her fears, her goals, and her hopes for the future -- a future that he knows will never come.
Poppy's Wishポピィの願い
Poppy est une IA créée par Takashi, un scientifique et un reclus. Avec le souhait unique de Poppy, le monde changera.
Pops. 2nd
[From Lililicious]: In Pops 2nd, Tsukasa recommends Masami for a position on the Student Council.
GariGari-kun no Atari wo Misebirakasu Joshi to Super Cup wo Taberu Otoko -  ガリガリ君の当たりを見せびらかす女子とスーパーカップを食べる男子
Deux enfants mangent une glace ensemble par une chaude journée d'été.
Rio, Noa and Rei Olmsted are brothers living on Olmsted Island who were raised as girls. They live in a world where only traps can use magic, and the brothers are about to start using it themselves.
Et si votre ami d'enfance vous considérait comme son petit frère, alors que pour vous, il représente autre chose ? Portrait est un one shot traitant de deux amis dans le déni en ce qui concerne leur affection mutuelle
Dans cette série, l'auteur nous raconte des anecdotes du quotidien pas si ordinaire que ça de la jeune Keiko Sukiya et d'autres personnages tous aussi sympathiques.Faites une pause, installez-vous confortablement et savourez ces délicieux moments...
Un habitant aime recevoir du courrier simplement pour pouvoir voir le facteur...


Girl Got Game -  وة!! -  活力100%
L’Académie Seisyu est un lycée connu pour ses adorables uniformes pour filles. C’est pour cette raison que Kyo Aizawa est impatiente d’y entrer : elle a toujours voulu porter ce genre d’uniforme. Quelle n’est pas sa surprise quand elle ouvre le paquet censé contenir son futur uniforme, et découvre que c’est celui d’un garçon qu’on lui a envoyé ! Son père lui apprend alors qu’il l’a inscrite en tant que garçon, pour qu’elle puisse poursuivre le rêve qu’elle n’a pu atteindre quand il était plus jeune : celui de devenir une star de la NBA. Car l’Académie Seisyu est aussi célèbre pour sa très bonne équipe masculine de basketball. Kyo devra dès lors se faire passer pour un garçon, et pour ajouter à ses problèmes, elle devra partager sa chambre avec un jeune homme qu’elle détestera dès leur première rencontre...
ポヨポヨ観察日記, Poyo Poyo Kansatsu Nikki, PoyoPoyo's Observation Diary


Break the Clouds
Il y a trois ans, le chef de l'opération Jiang Ting a commis une erreur de jugement, une explosion de chaîne s'est produite sur les lieux et il y a eu de lourdes pertes dans l'unité. Trois ans plus tard, il, censé être mort dans l'exercice de ses fonctions, est revenu au monde, faisant tout ce qu'il pouvait pour apporter la vérité sanglante et bizarre. Des âmes héroïques qui se reposent dans la mort, celles qui se cachent derrière tout cela s'approchent de près, des sentiments construits se battant côte à côte dans le sang et le feu..."J'ai utilisé toute ma chance dans cette vie, pour me battre contre toi. Merci de m'avoir ramené dans ce monde, Yan Xie. "
4P恋爱小短篇 -  Tootoi: 4P Short Stories -  Tōtoi. 4 P shōto sutōrīzu -  尊い。 4Pショート・ストーリーズ -  존귀. 4P숏 스토리즈 - 
A volume collection of sweet, short and fun 4 pages manga for everyone to enjoy and adore.

Precious Lies

Les destins de Maa-chan (Mayu Misono) et Mii-kun (le narrateur) se croisent au cours d’un tragique événement. Kidnappés et maltraités, seule la mort du ravisseur leur permettra de retrouver la liberté. L’histoire prend place dix ans plus tard, dans la préfecture d’Okayama. Maa-chan est aujourd’hui une jeune lycéenne brisée, qui évite tout contact avec les gens qui l’entourent. Quant à Mii-kun, menteur compulsif, il décide après ces longues années de séparation de lui rendre visite.Mais dans quel but ? Et comment Maa-chan va-t-elle réagir face à ces douloureuses retrouvailles ?
This is a sweet story about a rough-looking girl that can only be her girlish self with her blind girlfriend, and her feelings when her girlfriend is getting a corneal transplant to see again.