
猫の恋 -  Cat's Love
[back cover] Chihiro is the heir to Tsurumaruya, an old, well-established Japanese confectionary. He is secretly in love with Katsumi, a childhood friend, who is also the manager of the store. His feelings for the over-protective Katsumi keep growing, but Katsumi wants to fulfill the last wish of the previous owner and live his life as the manager. With the two of them unable to connect their feelings, Chihiro is asked to go to Tokyo by an important customer. The lives of the master and manager are bound by family tradition. In addition to this popular series is a story about a nephew who suddenly ends up living with President Mori and two new stories.
猫の街の子, The Children of the City of Cats, We Love Shirou
Many stray cats are living at a certain tea house that dates back to the pre-war days. There is one young boy who wants to befriend them. Because the mother cat suddenly disappeared, Shiloh, along with the other cats locked themselves inside Awara-ya. Seeing as he is the only one who is domesticated, he decides to become the parent for these stray cats.
Once every hundred years a bride is chosen to be sacrificed to god. This time though, Will was chosen. However, the one lying in wait for Will was not a god, but instead a huge savage beast like he had never seen. This beast was a lion named Sachs. He was one hungry lion, so he told the naïve and delicious-looking cat that he was God and took him home…
猫ラーメン -  Neko Raamen -  Neko Rahmen
Neko Ramen is a Japanese four-panel comic strip manga. The comedy centers around a cat (Taishou) and his encounters while running a ramen shop. Taishou is the entrepreneurial ramen chef and sole proprietor of Neko Rahmen, the only restaurant in Tokyo run by a cat! His primary goal is to make money and expand his ramen business, with a secondary plan of customer satisfaction, or at least entertainment… Mr. Tanaka is a Japanese business man who is the only regular customer at Neko Rahmen, despite rarely receiving a decent meal. Mr. Tanaka plays the straight-man to the easily excitable and scheming Taishou. He is extremely diplomatic and polite, and will try to intervene to soothe Taishou when he gets agitated.
ネコ侍, 处女浪人, Tales of the Best Rascal's Search for the Ideal Man!!, The Neko Samurai, Uke Samurai
Ifukube Yamato has a dream... a 30-year-old warrior, he longs to find his "Ideal Man." Far and wide, Yamato searches for a man he can surrender himself to... but his sword is strong, and the search is going to take a while...
Cat Convention -  ネコ集会
Neko doujin about all the ukes from Yuuhini Fureru Sonomaeni, Tonaride Hanasaku Otogashita, Kataomoi to Parade, Boku to Neko to Hatsukoi Kousa, Irony Dress ni Sayonara, Eden no Uragawa and Kagerini Komorebi, Sorekara Midori.
Cat and Magic Unravels with a Kiss
Lucas, un élève inférieur d'une école de magie, avait soudain des oreilles et une queue de chat ! Il est incapable de bloquer les sorts puissants, alors il demande de l'aide à Dylan.
Cat and Silverine [One Shot]
Yutai and Gou have been going out for several months. Gou is like a cat and when he’s angry he always leave Yutai’s side. The day after a fight, Gou left for his hometown. What will Yutai do?

Neko x Neko

Keita qui pendant ses années de lycée était mince et avait des traits féminins, est tombé amoureux de Satochi. Un Sempai qui avait le physique mince et masculin dont il rêvait. Keita s'est déclaré, peut-être qu'en raison de son apparence girly et mignonne, puis ils ont commencé à sortir ensemble.Trois ans plus tard, leur relation est plus forte que jamais et ils vivent actuellement comme des jeunes mariés.Cependant, il y a eu un grand changement... ! Keita est devenu un jeune homme viril ! Comme Satoshi était hétéro, Keita commence à se demander ce que son petit ami pense de cette situation.Malgré qu'ils aient des relations sexuelles..
众神中的猫神 -  猫神やおよろず -  猫神八百万 -  Nekoshin Yaoyorozu
Even in this day and age of the 21st century, many gods live amongst humanity. Mayu is a cat god who is the master at finding lost objects, but she is very lazy and all she does all day is eat, sleep, and play video games. Mayu lives with her caretaker, Yuzu, who operates a pottery store while at the same time doing everything for Mayu. The pair meets other gods in their daily lives and have exciting adventures.
Un manga fou sur Minako, une jeune et belle femme vivant seule avec son chat, Moeko. Et ahegao. Il y a aussi l'ahegao.
Neko-Ka Kareshi no Ayashikata
Kokonoe is a werecat who turns into a cat when he is excited. Destiny has it that one morning, Kokonoe, runs into Natsume, who seems to have a special relationship with cats. With Natsume's touch, Kokonoe soons finds himself purring and getting excited. However, Kokonoe is determined to keep his cat side and the feelings he has for Natsume under control.How will their love blossom? A love lesson between a white coat school doctor and a werecat.
Nekomata-chan no Koi Jijō -  Nekomata's Love Affair -  猫又ちゃんの恋事情 -  猫又的恋事情 -  貓又的戀事情
Cat's Eye Hall: Tales of the Heart, Renai Higan, Renai Higan - Nekomedou Kokoro Tan, Shoujo Hakumei, Yuri Shinjuu, Yuri Shinjuu - Nekomedou Kokoro Tan
Cat's Eye Hall is a mysterious shop that exists to guide lost hearts. If your heart is lost, follow a black cat and you might just end up here...In the Nekomedou Kokoro Tan series:V.1 - Yuri Shinjuu (A Yuri Double Suicide)- A Yuri Double SuicideShiho and Hiyori think they can only be together in death. But as they're looking for a place to commit suicide, Hiyori disappears and Shiho follows a cat to a mysterious shop called the Cat's Eye Hall.- Beautiful, Cruel Pride- Hana ga Chittemo- Shitataka de Ite Bukiyou na- KaminagahimeV.2 - Shoujo Hakumei- Shibaru Ito- Stella Maris- Satou Kashi wa Yume wo Miru- Amai MoumokuV.3 - Renai Higan
ねこみ, Neko Michi
A collection of sweet, realistic tales about the everyday lives of various cats and the people who come to associate them.
Nekomori's Secret Door -  Nekomori-kun no Himitsu no Tobira
Je veux juste dire, les filles ressemblant à des chats ne sont-elles pas mignonnes ?, I just wanna say, aren’t cat-like girls cute ?
Coucou nous sommes une nouvelle team, nous débutons avec ce projet qui est un one-shot shojo ! J’espère qu’il sera à votre goût et que vous nous excuserez pour les fautes que vous pourrez trouver ▼・ᴥ・▼


ネクラートホリック; Necratoholic; Necroholic; Nekroholic
Sakuya était autrefois un redoutable vampire de haut rang, jusqu'à ce qu'il perde une bataille contre Atsumi (un chasseur de vampires) qui lui fit boire son sang. Maintenant, le sang humain répugne Sakuya, sauf celui d'Atsumi. Éprouve-t-il quelque chose de plus...
根暗娘とインターネット -  Miss Gloomy and the Internet -  Nekura Musume to Intaanetto
Morinonaka Iyo est une ado qui refuse d'aller à l'école, préférant s'enfermer chez elle toute la journée à surfer sur internet et plus particulièrement les sites de ventes aux enchères. Cependant, son professeur principal est prêt à tout pour la faire aller en cours...
The Silk Tree Boarding House -  ねむの木の下宿荘
Chidori, une lycéenne de 14 ans, s'occupe de la "Pension de Soie". Elle y vit avec son père, un inventeur farfelu, et les locataires de la pension.Lorsque l'une des chambres se retrouve vide, Chidori n'arrive pas trouver un nouveau locataire à son goût. Cela est sans aucun doute dû au fait que cette jeune demoiselle déteste les hommes.Mais un jour, son père lui offre sa nouvelle invention : un androïde de sexe de masculin, nommé Sawara. Et ce, dans le but de l'aider à guérir son aversion envers les hommes et aussi de l'aider à s'occuper de la pension. La "Pension de Soie" a ainsi trouvé son locataire manquant.Cependant, ce dernier n'est peut-être pas ce qu'il veut faire croire à Chidori...
Sleepless Butterfly -  Kaze ni Hana ni Kimi ni -  Monochrome World -  Alice -  Kaze ni -  Hana ni -  Kimi ni -  眠れぬ蝶
Recueil de One-shots.
Recueil de oneshots plus terrifiants les uns que les autres...
Because of the trauma Kozue has faced from the past, he has trouble falling asleep. The only way he knows is to make himself exhausted and tired. Which is why he maintains a physical relationship with his childhood friend Katsura and classmate Ibuki. But one day his feelings start to change because he caught interest in Kuwai, a boy from the same grade and same school.

Nemureru Mori

Sleeping Forest -  ねむれる森
Une histoire d'amour entre deux frères à la limite du rêve et de la réalité.
眠れる森美男 -  Sleeping (Male) Beauty -  Sleeping Beauty Boy -  The Handsome Man in the Sleeping Woods -  The Sleeping Beauty Man -  The Sleeping Male Beauty in the
From PRISMS: 1982. Tomoi Hisatsugu went to New York to work as a doctor. But that's not all. He hopes to lead an easier life as a young homosexual than in Japan. Indeed, he meets another doctor, Richard Stein, and they become lovers. Nemureru Mori no Binan tells of their relationship in an extremely realistic way. It portrays the life of homosexuals in the early 80s very exact and conveys the mood of the secrecy gays and lesbians had to live in well. It is also a very down to earth story with characters that could meet in the street every day and doesn't use the elements so common in today's Shounen'ai-Manga.
沉睡公主 : 一段如梦似幻的爱恋, 眠り姫 ~夢みるように恋してる~, 眠り姫 夢みるように恋してる, Nemuri Hime, Nemurihime, Nemurihime - Yumemiru You ni Koishiteru, The Sleeping Princess
"Ever since that day, my love has been in a sleep. I'll be dreaming until I'll wake up with your kiss"Alice is a bright high schooler who had been taking care of her father, her only family. she is beginning to grow feelings for Ryuu, who is a son of the owner of the hospital where Alice's father is at. One day her father's condition drastically changed and she became alone in the world. She decides to join a project called venus project, and their unimaginable secret was...
ネムルバカ, NemuruBaka, Sleeping Idiot
A lightly paced manga about two girls who live together. A classic odd couple setup featuring a responsible character with a caring atmosphere and a more free spirited musician who has trouble both feeding herself and paying the rent.
ネムルバカ -  Nemuru Baka
A lightly paced manga about two girls who live together. A classic odd couple setup featuring a responsible character with a caring atmosphere and a more free spirited musician who has trouble both feeding herself and paying the rent.
ねんがらねんびゃくあんさつれんか -  年年百暗殺恋歌
The Haiboshi family's line of work is assassination. Takatori, their princess, picks up a boy named Raika who swore to dedicate everything.
年々彩々, Derashine no Hana, Kingyo Sukui, Nennen-Saisai, The Komukai Household's Circumstances
1. Kingyo SukuiYohei lazes around all day, not working. Which means he can expect a visit from the god of poverty.2-4. Derashine no Hana5. The Komukai Household's Circumstances