Akira sort avec Mikoto, une nouvelle élève... mais cette relation n'est pas "normale" du point de vue du garçon, c'est alors qu'elle lui montre le lien qui les relie ensemble... la salive !Mikoto semble posséder certains pouvoirs, elle est capable de tout couper avec ses ciseaux... mais peut faire ressentir et ressentir les sentiments des/aux autres personnes grâce à sa salive..........
Dabin Choi est la fille du criminel le plus puissant de Seoul et cette petite fille à Papa a craqué sur Eugene, le fils de l'un des "amis" de son père. Il y a juste un problème: Eugene ne ressent pas la même chose pour Dabin. En faite il la considère plus comme sa petite soeur(La baiser de la mort!). Pour rendre les choses encore pire, le nouveau camarade de Dabin n'est rien d'autre que le fils de l'ennemi juré de son père. Bientôt commence à l'école un rapport de jeu de force ce qui ne peut rendre que leurs pères fières de leur progénitures!
One night an android which looked like a cat (a Necossass: Six type) suddenly appears in Katsuhiko Katsu's room. The android said she comes from the 22th century and that Katsu has left a note in a time capsule that he wanted to live with a robot-cat.
Une jeune fille suit la tradition de sa famille en essayant d’être une tueuse de démons. Durant son test, un vampire s’échappe et la mord. Afin d’annuler les effets de la morsuse, son grand frère et le vampire en question doivent remplir ensemble une mission visant à tuer des démons.
Kaju is a normal boy, have a girlfriend also. but his life will change when he will be reborn by a necromancer who wants to conquer japan.what will be next....
Est-il possible de ressusciter une personne ? Le "Necromancer" Asutsuo est là pour ça. En échange de votre âme, il pourra ressusciter un être qui vous est cher, à condition de lui en apporter les ossements. En passant un contrat avec lui, vous serez capable de retrouver l’être aimé. Vous le trouverez rue du Taudis, mais prenez garde : chaque chose à son prix, alors réfléchissez-y bien...
The NEET Yamano Masaru (23 y/o) went to Hello Work and finds an interesting job offer. [A test play of the Miniature Garden "Razgrad World." Extended period of time, preferred to be able to live on site. Monthly salary of 250,000 + commission.] Immediately goes to the interview and signs a contract. However, the place of employment is another world. Because of the contract he's taken there, to survive Masaru received a cheat, but he is told the shocking truth. "This world will be destroyed in 20 years." Can a simple NEET prevent the destruction of the world?!
Hilarious! The Hinomoto Kingdom's Princess Guard - an elite squad that directly protects their royal princess. Kasuga Haru was newly appointed to this prestigious position and was next to the Kingdom's one and only princess. There's only one problem. Their "royal princess" is a hikikomori, a recluse who stuffs her room with video games and refuses to leave even a nanometer out of her room. Kasuga's special mission given by the Queen is to make Princess Terras into a proper human. Can Kasuga succeed in turning this otaku princess into a proper princess full of charm and beauty?
Nega Shouya et Hoshi Sayaka sont camarades de classe.Nega est terriblement pessimiste, alors que Hoshi est une fille optimiste, à tel point que ça en devient pénible pour les deux.Ils s'aiment l'un l'autre mais interprètent mal les signaux qu'ils s'envoient. Lui, manquant de confiance, et elle, excessivement sûre d'elle. La loi fondamentale du magnétisme dicte que les opposés s'attirent et... ces deux amants si différents l'un de l'autre ne font pas exception à la règle !
Kinukawa was a second class pianist and he occasionally played in small clubs. He had a fairly loyal audience, a man who always listened to his piano and after a while, he was attracted by the man's admiration for his piano. One time, he accidentally spilt water onto the man Fukami's jacket. As a result, Fukami's subordinate stabbed Kinukawa's hand right through. Kinukawa then worked at his father's coffee shop as he liked making cakes and Fukami came. He then told Kinukawa that if he could make cakes there were not sweet, he would come. The next time Fukami came, he told Kinukawa that he bought a piano and would like him to teach him how to play. Kinukawa agreed and he was happy teaching Fukami, but teaching a yakuza piano was more than what it seemed. by nanya
Eri Yukizaki is a girl who fights. She is a "pretty soldier." Her foe is the evil Chainsaw-man, who doesn't die even after being slashed. If he isn't defeated, the world will have no future. I was wrapped into this battle, and my life has changed completely... A "non-stop" negative youth story!
Eri Yukizaki est une fille dont le quotidien se résume à combattre un mystérieux inconnu armé d'une tronçonneuse. Un jeune garçon va passer de témoin à acteur de cet affrontement. En effet, cette jeune fille est mignonne et pourquoi ne pas se rapprocher d'elle...
Extremely negative Fujiwara-kun and overly positive Tachibana-kun are... a couple. While eating lunch hand-in-hand, they have their dates. In the midst of a bustling routine, this duo's carefree tale of love occurs--a small part of which is shared in this book.
Based on the Negima! anime, this is a fresh take on the beloved Negima! story.Negi Springfield is ten years old . . . and a powerful wizard! This boy wizard is the greatest prodigy ever to graduate from his magic school in England. After graduation, however, Negi’s given an unusual assignment: teach English at an all-girl school in Japan. Now Negi has to find a way to deal with his thirty-one totally gorgeous–and completely overaffectionate–students . . . without using magic!
In grade school Juuzou was tortured by his classmates and develops an alter ego. Years later, Juuzou has to work with one of his bullies named Akai, who move into the apartment above his. As time progress Juuzou's revenge minded alter ego takes over and becomes a psychopathic killer. Made into Live action movie in 2005.
Ryu is sleeping with his college professor, but doesn't feel loved, so he decides to kidnap his professor's son, Hayato, out of revenge. As it turns out, Hayato's relationship with his father is not very good, so he winds up living with Ryu. The doujinshi called "Nezi no Kaiten - EX", (done by the mangaka) begins when they start living together. It was released inside the book -6mm no Taboo.
Nineteenth century England... After her parents pass away, ten year old Coco inherits the title of "marquise" and the expectations that go along with it. Nidell, a young tutor, is hired to teach Coco, but quickly finds himself facing a past he's tried to hide.
Tucked away in the mountains and cut off from the rest of the world, Rosa Academy is your typical boarding school... at least on the surface. Like most schools, it has its share of urban legends. But, as Raum and his friends—Tulli, Yan, and Karel—are to find out, there is more to Rosa Academy's legends than meets the eye...
This is the tale of a boy whose mother was killed in a meteor strike on their island home 6 months ago – something everyone knows was the crashing of an alien ship but no one will confirm – who one day quite literally has a girl drop out of the sky on him. She at first takes him hostage from people hunting her but it eventually comes out that she’s from outer space and if there’s one thing that this boy’s mother taught him, it is to NOT leave a damsel in distress…
"Aren't you always thinking about that guy?!"An arrogant Bakeneko (cat monster), named Kuro, is taken in by ordinary honor student Noeru. Kuro however leaves Noeru alone in a classroom after turning him into an erotic beauty with his powerful ero-magic.Things get complicated when he ends up sleeping with cool guy Shouei, the person he's secretly in love with! The dutiful honor student becomes a lusty boy... ♥♥♥ Erotically sweet and troubled high school days ensue! ♥♥♥