
This is the story of a prince, Izegole, the sixth son of the Agon family. The family that years ago took control of all the 500 villages of their continent. Izegole and his brothers and sisters are in charge of security in all the villages while the king, their father, takes care of politics. But one day everything changes, when a killer is sent to kill Izegole, a God comes to Earth with a secret mission and one after an other, his World, all that he considers important crumbles before him and leaving him but with hobson's choice: fight or fall? What will he choose? (find more info at the link:
Akun Sosmed Kakak Tiriku -  Ogishi-chan no SNS -  Социальные сети моей сестры -  お義姉ちゃんのSNS
EN:About a little sister who is secretly taking a peek at her stepsister's social media account. ID:[spoiler]Adik yang diam-diam ngintip akun sosmed kakak tirinya[/spoiler][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Creator Pixiv[/url][*][url=]Creator Twitter[/url][*][url=]Support Suzumi-sensei on Fanbox![/url]
Izumo est un étudiant effrayant. Tout le monde a peur de lui, mais en réalité, il voudrait juste se faire des amis avoir une jolie petite amie. Un jour, une succube nommée Anastasia lui rend visite pour essayer de voler sa virginité.
In the city of Localsburg, Miss Sunshine fends off evildoers, including the maniacal Mad Spade! However, the super heroine is no sunshine and Mad Spade isn't so evil... as she pines for the affection of her self proclaimed "archenemy”!Português:Na cidade de Localsburg, Miss Sunshine luta contra criminosos, incluindo a maníaca Mad Spade! No entanto, a super heroína não é exatamente um raio de luz e Mad Spade não é tão malvada... tanto que ela anseia o afeto de sua autoproclamada “arqui-inimiga”!PS: o cambada vão dar um apoio a autora no weebtoon dela
Chihaya, a 3rd year junior high student, is the only daughter of the priest who tends the small shrine dedicated to the Ryuujin. One day, while cleaning the shrine, she finds a sleeping boy who is actually the transformed Ryuujin. Fantastic love begins.
Utiliser notre système de location pour vous trouver un petit ami. Vous n'avez pas à le ramener, donc vous pouvez le garder aussi longtemps que vous le voulez. Recueil de Oneshots.
Rumiko Takahashi's and Adachi Mitsuru's autobiographical short story regarding their memories and experiences before and after their entry to the manga world and their rise to fame
I miei gusti -  私の好み
October 2014 issue (Monthly Comic @ Bunch)
Cultivation Return on Campus -  Super Teacher -  修仙归来在校园 - 
Il était l'empereur le plus impitoyable du monde immortel, terrassant tous ses collègues immortels. Il avait apprivoisé et chevauché un Dragon d'Or, transformé un Tigre Blanc en chat, et transformé un phénix en poulet frit. Il avait couché avec la déesse des Neuf Cieux et s'était déshabillé dans le Palais Céleste... Maintenant, il est retourné à la vie urbaine et est devenu un professeur ordinaire pour bavarder. Les filles, mettez vos vêtements, je suis là pour vous apprendre les bonnes manières !Traduction anglaise officielle
My Company's Small Senpai -  Senpai Mungil ditempat Kerjaku -  Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi -  うちの会社の小さい先輩の話
[b]-[i]"My senpai from work... is tiny and cute."[/i][/b]Shinozaki is an office worker who is taken care of and coddled by his senior team member Shiori Katase, who is a gorgeous, profoundly kind, loving, and diminutive woman.Shinozaki certainly hopes that she's not doing it out of duty... but her joy of doing so increasingly exposes her feelings!Creator-approved version created by [url=]Rotoscopic.[/url](Not to be confused with [i][url=] My Short Senpai Is Way Too Cute[/url][/i], an unrelated work with a similar premise)[b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Creator Pixiv[/url][*][url=]Creator Twitter[/url][*][url=]Twitter Raws[/url]
Un bel ancien enfant acteur se réveille dans un cercueil après avoir été renversé par un camion sur le chemin de l'école. Une mystérieuse fille aux yeux rouges le salue.
He is a punk, and he is a nerd, can I make it any more obvious? When two complete opposites share a room.
Neoki ni gomi-dashi ni iku tsuma -  寝起きにゴミ出しに行く妻 -  Ma femme sort les poubelles après s'être réveillée -  Mi esposa va a sacar la basura después de despertarse
The Great Wife / Hullyunghan Myeoneuli / 我的老婆是大佬 / 훌륭한 며느리
La gentille et vertueuse femme au foyer était une chef de gang ? ! Après avoir été attaquée par des assassins et son mari kidnappé, la femme au foyer, reprend du service pour sauver son bien aimé.
Oku-sama wa Joshi Kousei -  太太是高中生
Ils ne peuvent pas attendre pour se marier, mais pour cela, elle doit avoir 16 ans...
아내 가 돌아 왔다
«Nous devrions divorcer.»
My Yandere Girlfriend Won't Let Me Sleep -  Yandere Kanojo ni Nemurasete Moraenai -  Моя дівчина-яндере не дозволить мені спочити з миром. -  ヤンデレ彼女に眠らせてもらえない
Rei had died at the young age of 17, but as he was about to move on, he was summoned back to the realm of the living as a teddy bear by his witch girlfriend, who seeks to be together with him forever and ever.[hr]
(naui nappeun yeonhanam) -  나의 나쁜 연하남
When Sol receives an engagement party invitation from Minji, the girl who stole her first love, she's determined to attend just to prove how great she’s doing. But she needs to find a hot boyfriend first, when her dating life's been nonexistent! The only viable candidate she can find is her younger brother’s friend, Joohyuk, who has had a major glow-up since his scrawny teenage years. “I’m not a little kid anymore. You’d better watch out.” The tall, sexy Joohyuk seems like trouble…but desperate times call for desperate measures. As long as she can see Minji’s jaw drop in shock, Sol is willing to put up with his demands. Little does she know that Joohyuk is actually out to get her for ruining his life in high school! Will Sol be able to make this rocky partnership work in her favor, or will the plan backfire on her?
남동생이 꽃길을 강요한다
남동생이 꽃길을 강요한다
--- Réservé par la Yeogsa Scantrad et la YusealScantrad le 31 mars 2021 ---
前任为王 -  My Ex is the King
Haruka est une jeune fille qui, dans ses rêves, incarne des créatures de légende. Ceci l’amuse, jusqu’au jour où elle se fait percuter par une voiture. Blessée, elle est retrouvée par Kyôsuké, un de ses camarades de classe, qui la ramène chez lui.
Yun Tian Yao -  云天 谣
Une histoire fantastique basée sur des jumeaux ! Le passé déchirant qui a refait surface dans le présent.Dans ma vie passée, j'étais en couple avec mon disciple, et dans ma vie actuelle, des sentiments compliqués entre ma sœur et moi ont commencé à surgir ...
Summary by Kyon Dreams Kokoro is a simple fifth grader whose life is living hell. Each day she have to practice summoning shikigami !!Since her family is very vulnerable to demon attack !!But will she be able to summoning one?
名も無き鳥の飛ぶ夜明け -  天使与魔鬼的禁恋 -  Innocent Bird -  The Dawn the Nameless Bird will Fly
From Storm in Heaven: Karasu is an angel of the class Powers; Shirasagi is a demon, a Marquis. One day Karasu is assigned to convince Shirasagi to return to Hell. However, Shirasagi doesn't act like a demon at all -- not only is he a priest, but he's forsworn the use of his demonic powers, and wishes nothing more than to live his life as a human. But the Archduke of Hell also has his eyes set on Shirasagi, and Karasu's own deviant behavior soon throws him out of God's favor. Will the pair be able to overcome the restrictions and laws of being an angel and a demon and live their lives freely?
Reo-chan, a first year girl, gets dumped by her boyfriend because she's not skilled in the home economic traits women should possess in his mind. Her ex tells her that she must apply to a "housework" club before he reconsiders going out with her. Therefore Reo-chan has little choice but to join. But here's the catch: the only members are four gorgeous bishies. The other first year in the club, Irinaka, competes with her a lot. As the story progresses Reo and Irinaka get forced into a lot of interesting situations together and in the meantime become closer and closer.
An Earthquake Rocks, 地动天摇, ナエガユル
The Tokyo area has been hit by a gigantic earthquake. In the midst of this chaos, Akito and Yumi meet and together they start traveling through the city in order to survive.