
Story takes place in a world that is gradually decaying because of the approach of an "evil god" from another dimension. Seishirou Shikizaki meets Ajisai Misaki at a party before school starts, and the meeting feels predestined...

Mugen Spiral

夢幻スパイラル -  夢幻螺旋 -  คู่กัดต่างภพ -  Infinite Spiral
Yayoi, 78ème exorciste de la famille Suzuka, possède d'immenses pouvoirs. En essayant de les lui voler afin de devenir le roi des démons, Ura est pris à son propre piège et se retrouve scellé sous la forme d'un chat noir. Ils doivent alors combattre ensemble des démons qui, tout comme Ura, en ont après les pouvoirs de la jeune fille.
ムヒョとロージーの魔法律相談事務所 -  魔法律事務所 -  무효와 로지의 마법률 상담 사무소 -  Muhyo & Roji -  Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation -  Muhyo & Roojii -  Muhyo an
From Viz: Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away...or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is yes, then you need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
ムヒョとロージーの魔法律相談事務所, 무효와 로지의 마법률 상담 사무소, Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation, Muhyo & Roojii, Muhyo and Roojii’s Magical Law Consultatio
Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away...or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is yes, then you need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
無情的戀人 -  無慈悲なアナタ -  Amante Despiadado (Spanish) -  Merciless Lover
List of Warui Series: Vol 1 Warui Koto Shitai [1-1] Vol 2 Waruiko Demo Ii? [1-2] Vol 3 Kirai ja nai Kedo [2-1] Vol 4 Koi Ja nai Kedo [2-2] --- Warui Koto Bakkashite GomenNasai [1-3 &/ 2-3] Vol 5 Warui Yatsu Demo Ii [1-4] Vol 6 Mujihi na Otoko [3-1] Vol 7 Warui Koibito ja Dame? [1-5] Vol 8 Kare ja nai kedo [2-4] Vol 9 Mujihi na Anata [3-2]
What do a demon who gets sucked into a dead body and a guy who gets rid of demons have in common? Not much, but that doesn't mean there isn't a story.
無情的身體 -  無慈悲なカラダ -  Ruthless Body
The story of Nanao Shirahane and Kuon Aikawa from Mujihi na Anata continues. List of Warui Series: Vol 1 Warui Koto Shitai [1-1] Vol 2 Waruiko Demo Ii? [1-2] Vol 3 Kirai ja nai Kedo [2-1] Vol 4 Koi Ja nai Kedo [2-2] --- Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai [1-3 &/ 2-3] Vol 5 Warui Yatsu Demo Ii [1-4] Vol 6 Mujihi na Otoko [3-1] Vol 7 Warui Koibito ja Dame? [1-5] Vol 8 Kare ja nai kedo [2-4] Vol 9 Mujihi na Anata [3-2] Vol 10 Sunao ja nai Kedo [2-5] Vol 11 Mujihi na Karada [3-3]
恶作剧系列C -  惡作劇系列C -  我的冷酷爱人 -  无慈悲的男人 -  無慈悲なオトコ -  無慈悲的男人 -  Hombre Despiadado (Spanish) -  Merciless Man -  Tendre Voyou 6 (French)
Nanao Shirahane is notorious for being a male siren, able to lure in and 'slay' any man simply upon his will. And while these rumors hold no truth, Kuon Aikawa, a fellow student attending the same university, still can’t help believing them and despising Nanao along with it. Warui Series characters, Nanao and Kuon, now star in their own love story! Can they both survive this disastrous misunderstanding or will Kuon’s hate and Nanao’s unrequited love continue unresolved? Part of Waruiko series: - I WANT TO BE NAUGHTY! / Warui Koto Shitai / - WARUI KOTO BAKKASHITE GOMENNASAI - KIRAI JA NAI KEDO - KOI JA NAI KEDO -MUJIHI NA OTOKO
無人島ラバーズ -  Lovers on a Desert Island
Hiroshigu, riche fils à papa, décide d'embarquer sur un bateau de pêche. Mais suite à des intempéries il se retrouve échoué sur une île déserte. Et quelle ne fut pas sa déconvenue lorsqu'il se rendit compte que le seul autochtone présent dans cet endroit n'est autre que le barbu, l'un de ses plus désagréable garde du corps...
L'histoire s'ouvre sur la scène d'un père accompagné de sa fille, qui semble vouloir répondre à un mystérieux appel. Un homme dont la vie ne semble pas lui faire de cadeaux, car en plus de voir sa femme le quitter, des industriels manipulateurs profiter de sa naïveté, il se retrouve à crouler sous les dettes. Un homme qui a pour seul soutien sa fille. Mais quelle est la signification de ce corbeau et de ce signe ? Un nouveau manga sous le signe du mystère et qui semble traiter de la condition humaine si chère à Urasawa.
A venir ...


Un garçon rencontre une fille dans un monde où rien ni personne ne bouge, sauf eux. Pourquoi ?
Mukai is amazing! -  Mukai, you're amazing! -  向井くんはすごい!
High school student Yuki Mukai is gay and out of the closet. His classmate Makoto Moriya can't stop thinking about him. Why? Because the two of them are "the same". A series depicting the lives of authentic youths in modern-day Japan.
無傷じゃいられねぇ; Can't Help Getting Hurt
Alors que Shouji a une relation amoureuse avec Honami, celui-ci ne peut s'empêcher de vouloir se rapprocher de Terumi, le premier amour d'Honami. Ce dernier est un hétéro qui n'a jamais eu le moindre sentiment envers un garçon sauf pour Honami, dont il regrette de ne pas avoir pu répondre aux sentiments de celui-ci lorsqu'il était plus jeune. Après s'être plus ou moins rapproché de Terumi, Shouji se rend compte qu'avant même qu'ils ne se rencontrent,il était déjà obsédé par lui, au point d'utiliser la jalousie et les sentiments de Terumi pour pouvoir se rapprocher de lui, au dépends de Honami.
無垢な公爵夫人 -  The Spanish Duke's Virgin Bride
Revenge, passion, and a convenient marriage… Duke Javier Herrera is a ruthless Spanish billionaire. He’s learnt the hard way never to fall in love. Now he needs a wife if he’s to inherit the family banking business. Grace Beresford is the daughter of a man who’s fleeced Javier of millions, and he sees an opportunity for revenge and a convenient wife. At first, Javier doesn’t care that Grace hates him – all he wants is her body. But then he finds that even this small price is one she refuses to pay…despite their explosive mutual attraction. How long can Grace remain his wife in name only?
無垢なプリンセス -  The Royal Marriage
The handsome man who appeared in front of Gabriella said: "Your father just asked me to marry you." . He is Prince Ricardo of the principality of Moldoravia. "I won't marry a notorious European playboy!" Fortunately, he doesn't want to get married, either, but that fact shakes Gabriella. What dramatic event will bring them together in marriage...?
Oogimi Tsumugi is completely ignored at school because his parents are murderers and he has not talked to anyone in school for months. Then one day, a transfer student, Konohata Maya starts a conversation with him, but there's something eerie about her. She understands why Tsumugi is being ignored, but she seems to be even more interested after learning about his situation. What does Maya want with him and more importantly, what is she?
無口な恋の伝え方 -  表达爱情的方法 -  How to Tell a Few Words of Love
The calm, composed and shrewd restaurant owner, Hatakeyama, is in love with Yamasaki, the cool, beautiful chef from a rival restaurant. In the past, Hatakeyama tried to embrace him and Yamasaki hates him for it. Despite this, Hatakeyama refuses to give up and aims to start again as friends. Although Hatakeyama often asks him out to eat, Yamasaki still doesn't show any interest in him... but what happens when a cool, good-looking fellow chef appears?
木兰要出嫁, Mulan Wants to Marry
Traversée, ou remplacement ? Hua Mulan, l'ancienne héroïne, a voyagé dans le monde moderne à travers le temps et l'espace, elle a découvert que Xiao Li Feng était exactement le même que Xiangfan. Est-ce une coïncidence ? Ou est-ce le sens de sa traversée miraculeuse ? Pour cette raison, Mulan est devenue l' assistante et la nounou de Xiao, les deux ont commencé à vivre ensemble dans une vie amusante et intéressante.
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url]
宗像教授伝奇考 -  Munakata Kyōju Denkikō -  The Legendary Musings of Professor Munakata
Munakata is an anthropology professor that studies the relationship between folklore or fairy tales and real historical events. He believes that many of these stories that most presume to be entirely fictional are actually based on real events. This manga tells the story of Professor Munakata as he follows the clues left from both the imaginary world of fairy tales and the real world historical evidence. This manga is highly educational and entertaining at the same time. The connections between the history of the land and the implications it has on the fairy tales are extremely intriguing. It is a breath of fresh air if all you read are the typical genres and want some diversity.
宗像教授異考録 -  Munakata Kyōju Ikōroku -  The Case Records of Professor Munakata
Les bagues pour couples que l'on échange avec celui qu'on aime... Que se passe-t-il quand votre bague est avec celui qui vous aime et non ce lui que vous aimez ? Mika a été rejetée par celui qu'elle aime après lui avoir déclaré son amour et sa bague se retrouve désormais au doigt de Keigo. Que va-t-il se passer entre eux et avec qui finira-t-elle ? Celui qui l'aime ou celui qu'elle aime ?
胸が鳴るのは君のせい -  Mune ga Naru no ha Kimi no Sei -  Mune ga Naru noha Kimi no Sei -  Mune ga Naru nowa Kimi no Sei -  You're the reason for the ringing in my ches
We were sharing the same feelings but he didn't realize it at all. Even though, I love him. That's what I have always thought for these passed two years...
無能の人, A Worthless Person
The story of a disillusioned mangaka who is forced to stop drawing and take up various odd jobs in order to feed his family.
Rise of Moonsoo, 문수의 반란
L'histoire d'un couple qui arrive pas à se décider sur qui sera le top et qui sera le bottom !!
C.V. :Le protagoniste Ryuuto est mort dans le monde moderne, et s'est réincarné dans un monde fantastique où les gens ont des rôles spécifiques tels que "sage", "combattant", et "chevalier".Mais Ryuuto n'est rien de tout ça, c'est un villageois !A cause de ses statistiques basses, il est mortellement empoisonné un jour... et se retrouve face à face avec un dragon !Ryuuto n'a qu'un seul souhait qu'il veut que le dragon exauce -- le rendre plus fort !Et ainsi, il se réincarne (de nouveau) au moment de sa première réincarnation, et revit la vie avec un seul but : devenir le villageois le plus fort du pays ! !
ムラマサ, 妖刀
Shiro Masakatsu is a boy people can't stand to touch, whether they be male or female. One day, he sees a girl with a weird katana finishing a fight with someone, so naturally, he ran away. He later meets the same girl at school, and another katana-wielder picking a fight with her. But it turns out these katanas have abilities, called Youtou, making them cursed katanas; but to use their Youtou, a certain condition has to be met...
紫色のクオリア -  紫色的Qualia -  Qualia the Purple
Hatou Gaku has a very odd friend at school named Marii Yukari. Yukari has purple eyes and a bizarre way of looking at the world: she sees all living things as robots. This has not always worked out well for Yukari, even costing her a best friend when she was younger. However, Yukari insists that the things she says she sees is true, and her vision seems to give her insight into the abilities of others. Gaku thinks she's just weird, but she soon realizes that Yukari has unexpected talents. It seems she can fix anything, and even the police come to hear her insights. It turns out that Yukari's purple eyes are not unique in the world! However, there is one important distinction among those who see humans as other objects. Do humans appear as unimportant as objects, or do those objects appear as important as human beings?