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Les Monstres - 요괴
Rumours about a werewolf appearing on nights when there is a full moon quickly spread through Bato’s school. Bato suspects that his strange roommate, Kadirael is the werewolf, but Bato gets an even bigger surprise when he confronts Kadirael about his true identity.
Pendant une période agitée dans le monde du murim, le numéro 2044 a été kidnappé alors qu'il était enfant et amené à la Faction démoniaque afin de s'entraîner aux méthodes d'assassinat. Après avoir enduré tout son entraînement difficile et avoir survécu jusqu'à la fin, il a pu obtenir le titre de "Mook-Hyang". Cependant, Mook-Hyang a toujours eu une soif insatiable, et c'était son désir d'avoir l'épée ! C'est à cette époque que Mook-Hyang a rencontré son nouveau maître, "Lame des illusions, Yoo-Baek", qui est devenu un tournant dans sa vie ! Mook-Hyang pourra-t-il s'élever jusqu'au royaume démoniaque profond qu'il a visé toute sa vie ? C'est l'histoire de Mook-Hyang qui finit par se battre contre de nombreux maîtres martiaux afin d'atteindre son but !
月の子 -  月の子 MOON CHILD -  Đứa Con Mặt Trăng -  달의 아이 -  Tsuki no Ko -  Moonchild -  طفل القمر (arabic)
From CMX: Will a half-mermaid, half-human girl bring an end to the feud between humanity and the mer-people — or bring about the destruction of all life on Earth? As a merman named Shona is returning to his birthplace to spawn, he meets a young human, Jimmy, who suffers from amnesia. Together, Jimmy and Shona set off to find the missing girl. Will they be able to avert a mysterious prophecy, or will finding the secret of Jimmy's identity delay them enough to set Earth on the path to destruction?
In a ruined city, Takeru comes across a suicidal young girl named Konoha. She's deathless, and she's being used as a guinea pig by a cruel organization. Seeing no meaning to her life, she fled her captors to seek a way to end it. Takeru has a lot in common with Konoha-- he's also deathless. He's made a life for himself, though, locating people by contract. After he rescues her from her pursuers, he convinces her to continue living. Maybe she'll be able to find a purpose, as she and Takeru face the future together.
Devildom's Moon -  Moon in the Demon Realm -  The Moon In The Demon World -  The Moon of the Witchcraft -  마계의 달

Moon Rabbit

Les intrépides astronautes d'Astro sont de retour, cette fois avec des terroristes qui cherchent à mettre fin à la colonisation lunaire.
Every night, strange happenings visit the residents of shared pension and cafe 'Tsukishiro'. One evening, the main character Touya saved Yuzuriha, and there's something about the mysterious beauty that makes him feel nostalgic. Yuzuriha asks him "Do you believe that there are beings from another world?" From Morimoto Shuu, a lovable story of living together!
MOON 昴 ソリチュード スタンディング, MOON 舞吧!昴, MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing, Moon
A sequel to Dance! Subaru.After the events of Subaru, the ballet dancer Miyamoto Subaru works in a German ballet company. However, after using pneumonia as an excuse to cancel at the last minute on her company's tour of Japan, she is forced to accept the damage she has done to her professional career. As she struggles with her sense of self-worth, she meets Nico, an amazing, handicapped ballet dancer. Nico lost his vision, in addition to his ballet partner and lover, in a tragic accident. Will Subaru be able to reach out to him, and help him to once again dance with a partner? In doing so, will she be able to find her own place in this world? 
お伽噺をあなたに月夜の舞姫, 女神様のしっぽ, 獻給你的童話:月夜舞姬, A Fairytale For You: Moonlight Dancers, Megamisama no Shippo, Moonlight Dancer, Otogibanashi wo Anata ni Tsukiyo
Once upon a time in Arabia, there was a young prince named Alexander. A group of female thieves (Roses of the Desert) planned to raid his palace for gold, but in order to collect information, the girls decided to disguise into exotic female dancers. The youngest, Sheba, had the Muses' voice and immediately caught the prince's attention. However, the prince cannot love her because she is a poor orphan girl. Even worse, the girl was captured during the raid and the prince must execute her in public according to the law. But before that... he called her to his bedchamber... o_oAlso contains another short story called Megamisama no Shippo.
月下美人 Moonlight Flower's, Midnight Flowers
A classic yuri manga about a woman who leaves her husband for an old friend from school. The story is told in two parts - one from the married woman's point-of-view, and one from the friend's point-of-view.
Kisuke has a dream of dating a girl, but the super sensual boy, Naka-chan (Uke), stands in his way with his overwhelming love and temptation! Can Kisuke overcome the pleasure of having his c*ck sucked by him?!
서로 더 -  More Than Each Other
Lorsque son jeune ami, qui était aussi mignon qu'un petit ange dans son enfance, le retrouve des années plus tard dans sa ville natale, il découvre que son gentil ami a radicalement changé. Il doit assumer la responsabilité de discipliner son ami "rebelle", Bai Yun. Ce qu'il ne sait pas, c'est que Bai Yun veut seulement lui dire : "Tu me considères seulement comme un frère, mais je ne veux pas te considérer comme un frère !". Ce coup de foudre de plusieurs années va-t-il se concrétiser ? Ils ne sont PAS frères, c'est juste un terme poli "Gege" attachant en chinois.
Motto, Zutto, Gyutto. -  もっと、ずっと、ぎゅっと。
Meet four couples, each with their own cute little quirks.
Les aventures torrides d'animaux au sein d'une société, perdue au fin fond de la jungle.


Yûkoku no Moriarty
19e siècle en Angleterre, la famille Moriarty a recueilli deux orphelins William et Louis mais en leur conférant un statut de domestique. Albert, le fils aîné de la famille est pétri d'ambition et il déteste le système social qui régit la société britannique, dans lequel les classes supérieures se pavanent et oppressent le peuple sans pour autant être dignes du respect qu'elles exigent de lui.C'est pourquoi Albert abhorre sa propre famille et voit dans les deux orphelins l'incarnation d'un souffle nouveau. Albert son offre son statut, sa richesse et son influence à condition que les garçons mettent leur intelligence au service de son rêve : se débarrasser de sa famille et du système de classes actuel ! Les trois garçons complotent ainsi pour devenir les seuls héritiers de la famille.Treize ans plus tard, à seulement 21 ans, l'aîné des orphelins William James Moriarty est devenu professeur de mathématiques à l'Université et il pourrait voir surgir sur sa route un certain Sherlock Holmes...
Moriguchi Orito est transféré dans une nouvelle école, mais perdu dans le brouillard, il n'arrive pas à s'y rendre et finit par croiser une belle fille et a été frappé par une vision d'elle dans une pose très sexy. Le voyant avec son téléphone portable à la main, elle pense qu'il a pris une photo d'elle et s'enfuit en criant : "Ma vie est finie ! Il trouve enfin le chemin de l'école, il se rend compte qu'elle est pleine de gens très bizarres, et que son nouveau siège est à côté d'un bureau vide où un sac est accroché avec la même sangle que celle du téléphone portable que la belle fille a déposé....
无口少女森田桑, 森田さんは無口, Miss Morita is Taciturn, Morida san ha Mukuchi


«Je me suis réveillé à l'hôpital sans aucun souvenir, il y avait un homme debout près de mon lit qui se présentait comme mon amant, je ne pouvais me souvenir que d'être laissé pour mort dans un champ de neige. Qui diable est-il? "
Moriyamachu Driving School -  Moriyamachū Kyōshūjo -  森山中教習所
MoroMono's Circumstances -  モロモノの事情
In the year 21XX, robots are a typical part of everyday life. Even in this world however, Mono-1 is quite the oddity as the newest model of Robot. Although her intelligence is at the level of a child, her creator designed her to grow through observation, and leaves her in the care of his son, Morohito, to help her find new experiences to learn from.
もろとも -  With Thou -  Without Honor
Collection of short stories: 1) Morotomo (With Thou) 2) Jingi Nashi! (Without Honor!) Inept yakuza Sekiguchi loves getting arrested, for it's his best chance to get up close and personal with no-nonsense detective Murata. But when Murata warns him about the imminent closure of his gang, Sekiguchi faces an uncertain future. Can a guy who fantasizes about fondling the nipples of macho men in handcuffs ever go straight? 3) Seinaru Otoko (The Holy Man) Pastor Andy, a missionary on a remote island, finds the brawny Taka washed up on the beach. Taka is the exact opposite of him in every way: a tough, brutish lout engaged in drug trafficking. Despite the danger, Andy offers Taka shelter and assistance - but his acts of Christian kindness conceal a dark obsession of his own. extra chapter - Matta Nashi! (Without Delay!) Murata is determined to be on top, but Sekiguchi won't play fair.
Mortal METAL 尸钢 -  Mortal METAL 屍鋼
From MangaHelpers: The weapons of the future, Metal Vessels, are being developed by different companies. One company, Sigma, has created a vessel that is controlled by two people-- a telepath and an anti-telepath. These two people are the teenage girl telepath, Yuiri, and her friend Io, an anti-telepath. They use their vessel mostly in demonstrations, such as competitive exhibitions with rival company Ciel's newest model. While these vessels may seem to be the way of the future, the technology can also be very dangerous. A serial murderer is on the loose, who chooses targets through a website, and the police are beginning to suspect that the killer is actually using a Metal Vessel... [tethysdust]
A young high school couple out on a date saw what looked like a falling meteorite, and inside, they discovered a little baby girl! The two of them married and adopted the girl, who they named Morumo, as their own. The only problem with this feel-good story is that now, as a high school freshman, Morumo is 16.4 meters tall! Morumo still has a pretty happy life. She's popular with locals and tourists alike, and she goes to school everyday with her childhood friend Miharu. Then one day, a mad scientist, who specializes in experimenting on young ladies, injects Morumo with a serum that reduces her to 1/10 of her normal size. Her weight remains the same, so she is super-dense and tough like a superhero. Suddenly, it seems like all the joys of an ordinary life are within her grasp!! Sadly, the serum's effects are temporary and soon Morumo returns to her giant state. But now that she knows a normal life is possible, Morumo is not going to give up! Even if it means she and Miharu have to allow a mad scientist to experiment on her, surely the ends will be worth the means!
モザイク男 -  Mozaiku Otoko
Suite à une grosse méprise, la jeune Hinata se retrouve dans les bras d'un homme lors du tournage d'un film porno, bien sûr elle tente de se défendre et blesse la main de l'acteur.Le gros problème c'est que cet acteur est connu justement pour sa dexterité des doigts, Hanata en remplacement doit donc jouer dans ce film porno, mais curieusement il lui propose une autre alternative.... travailler chez lui en faisant la bonne à tout faire.
If I were a dictator -  もし私が独裁者だったなら -  如果我是独裁者的话