
En 2060, 7 ans après la troisième guerre mondiale, le monde a été ravagé à l'exception de quelques villes, dont celle de Minami. Nous suivrons l'histoire de Kaname Suzutsuki, qui va dans le lycée de Minami. Si, en troisième année, elle parvient à être première de promotion, elle pourra affronter le président et prétendre à son titre, si elle le bat !
南鎌倉高校女子自行車社, 南鎌倉高校女子自転車部, Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club, Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-Bu, South Kamakura High School Girls C
Maiharu Hiromi has moved from Nagasaki to Kamakura at the start of her high school years. Kamakura is a beautiful, mountainous place, with a view of the sea and Mt. Fuji, and Hiromi is thrilled to explore the area. Hiromi hasn't ridden a bike since she was very young, but she attempts to ride to her first day of school anyway. In her case, riding a bike does not come naturally, and she ends up bumping into her first friend, Tomoe, who helps her learn how to ride. It turns out Tomoe is going to be in Hiromi's class, and their teacher is also a cyclist. Now Hiromi's exciting high school life, full of new friends and learning about cycling is about to start! [tethysdust]
みなみのジュエル -  南海的寶石 -  Đá quý biển nam
Husui une jeune fille de 13 ans, quitte son île natale pour entrer dans un collège sur le continent. Elle laisse à regret derrière elle son meilleur ami Kairi, le seul "mâle" qui occupe son coeur; un dauphin ayant grandi avec elle.En arrivant dans son nouvel environnement, Husui apprend avec horreur qu'il lui est interdit de nager dans l'océan, alors que c'était devenu aussi naturel pour elle que de respirer. Heureusement que la piscine de l'école lui permet de s'adonner à son passe-temps préféré. Mais ses performances en salle ne sont pas aussi spectaculaires que sur son île.Husui ne veut pourtant pas se déclarer vaincue et demande à Minato Aoba, le capitaine de l'équipe de natation de l'aider à devenir plus rapide.


Haruka, Kana et Chiaki sont trois sœurs vivant seules dans un appartement. Haruka, l’aînée de la famille s’occupe en grande partie des tâches de la maison, ce qui explique le profond respect qu’éprouve Chiaki (la plus jeune) envers elle, la prenant ainsi comme exemple à suivre. Respect qu’elle ne redirige pas vers sa deuxième grande sœur Kana dont le caractère est à l’opposé de celui d’Haruka. En effet, à la fois dynamique et paresseuse, cette dernière préfère passer son temps à s’amuser plutôt qu’à étudier. Avec son tempérament de feu et son énergie inépuisable, Kana apporte toujours de l’animation dans la maison. Ceci est d’autant plus vrai lorsqu’elle reçoit dans son casier une lettre d’amour de la part d’un de ses camarades de classe. Quiproquos et gags s’enchaînent alors rendant la vie de ses trois sœurs toujours plus délirante et euphorisante.
みなみっしょん! -  Mission in the South!
A tropical trio of lovely ladies undergoes survival training in the south! Three second-year high-school students from a military academy – tomboy Kasumi Minami, ditzy airhead Raika Utsuri, and dependable Subaru Toma – are stationed for survival training in Nonamimi, an uninhabited island in the southern seas. The girls find out that their wild tropical army life is fraught with all sorts of problems from day one! Will they be able to carry out their mission, and graduate in one piece?!
Minato Coin Laundry -  Minato Trading Coin Laundry -  Wash my heart! -  みなと商事コインランドリー
"I want to grow up quicker, so I can date Minato-san."Akira Minato inherited his grandfather's coin laundry.And so, the middle-aged former corporate drone, Akira, peacefully ran the well-loved coin laundry.One day, a high-school student, Shintaro Katsuki, enters the coin laundry.Despite the difference in age, they quickly became friends.However, Shintaro suddenly finds out that Akira is gay...

Mind Eyes

Aya est une jeune fille qui possède la capacité de voir les émotions des autres. Alors qu'elle est en vacances avec des amis, elle fait la rencontre d'un homme dont la présence va la mettre extrêmement mal à l'aise. Lorsqu'elle se retrouve submergée par des visions du passé de ce dernier, la panique la gagne.Aya arrivera-t-elle à l'empêcher d'atteindre son but ?
マインド・ゲーム, 猜心游戏
On top of being bad at studying, Misato - a grade 9 student - has bad luck with her love life as well. This is a story about this girl’s fresh first love.Side Story 1: Cast Your Magic (Mahou wo Kakete)Side Story 2: Whipering Softly in My Heart (Kokoro ni Sotto Sasayaite)
Voici le dernier Oneshot de l'auteur de Eyeshield 21
MINI BLANCIA'S ANTHOLOGY -  Anthologie de Mini Blancia
みにあまる彼氏 -  高段位男友
Iroha Aoyagi is a normal 16 year old girl, except, she's never fallen in love. She suspects there might be something wrong with her; until she meets her classmate Kusakabe-kun who seems well-versed and cynical about matters of love. Will Iroha be able to handle someone like Kusakabe-kun?Pt/Br:[spoiler]Aoyagi Iroha é uma garota normal de 16 anos, exceto pelo fato de que ela nunca se apaixonou. Ela suspeita que há algo de errado com ela, até que ela conhece seu colega de classe Kusakabe-kun, que parece bem versado e cínico quanto aos assuntos do amor. Iroha será capaz de lidar com alguém como Kusakabe-kun?[/spoiler]


Mikio taquine Mariko, son voisin d’appartement, sur sa taille et l’appelle le nain.Quand, un jour Mariko devient pas plus grand qu’une pomme, Mikio finira par prendre soin de lui. Début alors une drôle d’aventure et ils découvriront alors comment chacun se trompait à propos de l’autre…
ミンミン!, Min Min, Ming Ming!
MinMin was a witch who lived in the Magic World and studied magic under Balma-sensei. Because of her stupidity, MinMin was cursed into a doll and exiled to the Human World. As a mini-sized doll, MinMin was able to live and do many things just like normal human, but she can't use magic when she was still that form. One day, MinMin was found by a poor college student named Ichiya who lived in a poor apartment. When he kissed MinMin in her doll form, she changed back into a witch girl. However, every time she went to sleep, she will returned back to her form as a doll, and Ichiya will have to kiss her again.
みんなきらきら -  Minna Kira Kira
Daddy, Mommy and Mika make up the perfect modern family. Mika is Daddy's little princess, and he won't hand her over to any one. But when handsome Atsushi-sensei at the daycare center becomes Mika's perfect prince, sparks fly. What ever will Daddy do?
Everyone is Inside My Stomach -  みんな私のはらのなか -  大家都在我的肚子里
Moriyama Seiko seems to have it all. She’s pretty, she has a good job, and she has men lining up to ask for her hand in marriage. But she has two problems. One, she loves food, and most people are horrified by the amount she eats. Two, she’s in love with her roommate, Umino Nagisa, the only person who accepts her and her incredible appetite. Seiko's been in love with Nagisa since they were in high school, almost a decade, but hasn’t been able to tell her how she feels. This is a story about delicious food and disguising your feelings.
All Esper Dayo! -  Everyone's an ESPer! -  Planet Waves - Minna! Esper da yo!
La comédie psychique suit un lycéen ordinaire (puceau) nommé Yoshirō "Yocchan" Kamogawa. Sa vie change du jour au lendemain lorsqu'il se réveille avec la capacité de lire dans l'esprit des autres. Yoshirō n'est pas le seul à gagner des pouvoirs dans sa ville. Teru-oichan, un travailleur (apparemment puceau) dans un café près de l'école de Yoshirō, acquiert de la télékinésie mais l'utilise pour ses jouets sexuels.Yōsuke Enomoto, un joueur de basket-ball senior (probablement puceau) et ancien joueur de l'école secondaire Yoshirō, se téléporte, mais seulement à poil.
Minotauros no Omoibito -  ミノタウロスの想い人
The Mighty Minotaurus, ruler and protector of the forest, is a powerful but gentle being. One day, a patrol of humans enters the forest, and he opts to chase them all away, which they promptly do save for Captain Ruviné, a beautiful and tomboyish young woman warrior with a renowned reputation. While she's seeking quarrel, and knowing that they're not a match for Ruviné, in order to find something to fend her off, one of the forest sprites gives Minotaurus a book of human phrases illegible to the forest beings that one of the Captain's subordinates dropped ... which ends up working, but not in the way anyone expected...This is a tale of two individuals who, in spite being in opposite camps, are somehow reaching an understanding through multiple misunderstandings.
Her stepbrother from her mother's remarriage is the classmate that she's always been interested in!! with an arrogant and cool boy under the same roof, this is the start of many sleepless nights full of love and flirting!
ミントで Kiss me, ミントでKiss me, ミントでKiss me, Kiss Me with Mint
) Mint de Kiss MeThere is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body.2) GenseikaChiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home.3) Furimuke Romance!The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vendor, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air.4) Hang in there NakagoInvolves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.
ミントな僕ら, Mint Na Bokuro (We are Twins), Minto na Bokura, Những cô bé bạc hà, We are Mint
Noel has a close connection to his twin sister, Maria. When Noel learns Maria's gone to a boarding school to be near her first love, he goes after her to stop it. The only problem is that the school has only one bed left, for a girl student. Disguised as a girl, Noel attempts to bring his sister home. In the process, love is found, lost, and found again for both of them. The twins Maria and Noel have always lived together and are very closely linked. When Maria decides to enter Morinomiya School because of the beautiful eyes of its basketball coach, Noel, who refuses to be separated from his sister, decides to enter the same establishment. Unfortunately, there are no spots left for boys. He thus decides to pass himself off as a girl! But school life is not easy when one must constantly play in a comedy! Especially when Noel rapidly falls in love with Miyu, a fellow classmate, while he himself is courted by another student. There are not really 16 volumes. There is really 6 but the scanlation was done from the Spanish version and it was released in 16 small volumes. Each volume is about 2 chapters.
Taken from When class representative Takeyama comes to the house of a classmate to collect school lunch fees, she is drawn into the problems of Yasumi, the only living member of the debt-plagued Matsudaira family, and her loyal maid Miharu as they struggle to pay off their debt in spite of Yasumi's "minus fortune".
Hakumei to Mikochi
Hakumei et Mikochi mesurent 9 centimètres et vivent dans la forêt. Elles habitent dans un tronc d’arbre, se déplacent à dos de scarabée et construisent des tentes avec des feuilles de mandarinier… C’est fou tout ce qu’on peut réaliser quand on n’est pas plus haut que trois pommes ! Venez partager leurs aventures à la fois simples, paisibles et attendrissantes. Ces minuscules personnages et leurs amis à fourrure vont enchanter votre quotidien !
ミラクルダイエッター MIYUKI -  ミラクルダイエッター・MIYUKI -  ミラクルダイエッターMIYUKI
Yukimi, a chubby junior high student, discovers a magical dumbbell that can transform her into Miyuki, a beautiful and slender young woman in a revealing costume. But she must do battle with an evil three-star chef who tempts young girls with calorie-rich treats and dubious weight loss products, and keep her identity secret from her family and schoolmates.
Just a set of illustrations from Miracle Tarot. However, the scanner cut out all the Tarot names. Well, either that or the artbook was published in this form.
미라클! 용사님
ミラキュラス レディバグ&シャノワール
Marinette and Adrien, two normal teens, transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir when an evil threatens their city.
未来日記モザイク, 未来日記: Mosaic, Future Diary: Mosaic, Mirai Nikki Mosaic
Find out more about the other characters from Mirai Nikki - Future Diary. These stories start out a few days prior to them receiving their own diary and give us some insight as to how they think and their personal reasons for using the diary they've been chosen to have. In the process learn a little more about Deus ex Macchina, the 'God' of Space and Time, and what his goal really is.
Mirai Nikki Koushiki Guidebook -  来日記フラグメンツ 公式ガイドブック
In a parallel world where the strongest of the non-diary holders "Akise Aru" takes the place of yukiteru for a few days, what will happen? 
Après la mort de "second", Gasai Yuno, Yukiteru, "first", est devenu le dieu du deuxième monde. Yuno du troisième monde parallèle mène désormais une vie tranquille avec ses parents et ses nouveaux amis. Mais elle sait que quelque chose ne va pas. Elle ressent du vide, comme si elle a oublié quelqu'un de très important. Les mémoires de cette personne oubliée vont s'éveiller lors d'une rencontre mystérieuse...