
Right Hand Gun, Left Hand Love, Right Hand Gun Left Hand Love, Sweet Prisoner
Synopsis 1) Right Hand Gun, Left Hand Love (3 chapters) : Rookie policeman Hiroshi Bondi Tokidas dream is to capture Frances famous Phantom Thief Jack. But after he moved into French male residence he realized the old man owning the house, Genshirou is someone with an interest in disguising, and he is also the person Hiroshi dreams of capturing, Phantom Thief Jack!! But he never thought that the famous Phantom Thief Jack would propose to him, and kiss him...?! 2) Sweet Prisoner - Its hard to move on when you are still in love with your childhood friend. What happens when you meet up again after 13 years. 3) The Wealthiness of Poverty
5 Pengantin Apartemen Miharashi -  6 Pengantin Apartemen Miharashi -  Miharashi-sou no 5-nin no Hanayome -  The Five Brides of the Miharashi Apartment -  The Six Brides of the Miharashi Apartment -  みはらし荘の5人の花嫁 -  みはらし荘の6人の花嫁
This harem manga centers around a young man whose mother who lives separately asks him to become a manager of a room-share apartment building and take care of five older and pampered young women.Edit: The title of the manga changed after Chapter 5; the title is now 'Miharashi-sou no 6-nin no Hanayome'.
未熟な彼氏; Aimai na Kankei; Ambiguous Relationship; Itsuwari no Daishou (MINASE Masara); Kodomo Ijou Otona Miman; Man On; Miracles Don't Happen; Sweet Restraint; Yasashiku Toraete
1 - Aimai na kankei - Alors qu'il rentre du travail, Satoru trouve un jeune homme seul sous la pluie. Celui-ci s'appelle Reiji et se fait 'adopter' par Satoru. Seulement, ce dernier qui n'attendait rien en retour se retrouve à partager son lit avec lui.2 - Yasashiku Toraete - Suite d'Aimai na kankei.Itsuwari no Daishô Kazaoka, au poste de secrétaire mais aussi d'amant du patron de l'entreprise dans laquelle il travaille. Lorsque le président décéda, le fils de celui-ci, Mahito, reprit la fonction précédemment occupée par son père. Mahito, tout à fait conscient du type de relation entre Kazaoka et son père, réclame de lui qu'il occupe cette même fonction auprès de lui.3 - Man On - Nagumo et Oono étaient ensemble au collège, mais Nagumo ne comprend pas pourquoi Oono est venu dans le même lycée que lui, alors que le niveau du club de foot n'est pas aussi élevé que le niveau d'Oono, qui a reçu plusieurs propositions de clubs nationaux. Cela aurait-il un rapport avec la déclaration qu'Oono avait faite à Nagumo ?4 - Kodomo Ijô Otona miman - Depuis qu'il est enfant, Kotarô fréquente la même clinique. Seulement, à présent, du haut de ses presque 16 ans, 1m83, il ne désire absolument pas troquer son pédiatre, Yûma-sensei, contre un autre médecin ! Si cela attendrit les infirmières, cela n'amuse pas du tout le docteur Yûma qui ignore les sentiments de son patient pour lui et qui ne sait pas s'il doit les prendre au sérieux.5 - Amai Kôsoku - L'entreprise du père d'Atsushi ayant des problèmes financiers, celui-ci n'hésite pas lorsque Fukami, le président d'une puissance firme, lui propose d'adopter Atsushi. Cependant, cette décision ne ravit pas le principal concerné car bien que Fukami et lui aient des liens pratiquement fraternels, il déteste se voir imposer des choses contre sa volonté...
From BH007: Mika's sister gives her a mirror that supposedly grants her any wish she deisres, so she wishes for a world where boys don't get perverted thoughts when looking at a girl. The result? Mika is thrown into a world where girls happily walk around topless! What's more, wearing panties is considered perverted and girls who walk around with a top without good reason are chased down and punished! Now that's only the first of Mika's many bizzare adventures, thanks to her sister inventions!
A story based on the super popular song series from NND. Eruna Ichinomiya, a freshman who dreamed of a school life filled with cuteness, entered a boarding school – Mikagura Private School. In this school, each of the cultural club representatives have to battle each other, with unique powers…!! What will happen to Eruna, who somehow ended up becoming the representative of a certain club!?
見かけの二重星, Mikake no Nijyusei, The Faces of a Double Star
Ayako, a normal high school girl caught up in the experiment of an enigmatic genius, is divided in two. In the midst of the confusion of sharing her life, she remembers her sister who had died suddenly. What lies beyond the feelings she remembers and the feelings she’s forgotten…
三神くんのヒミツ -  Mikami's Secret
Mikami est effrayant, Je vous le dis ! Mais attendez, c'est quoi son secret ?
Tachibana Ichigo, âgée de 10 ans voit un super beau mec emménager à côté de chez elle et c'est le coup de foudre immédiat. MAIS c'est alors qu'elle commet une erreur en se confessant à son jeune frère , Shuji. Incroyable ! Et c'est depuis ce jour qu'elle commencera à le remarquer, jusqu'à... ?
Mikazuki Mao wa Seibetsu wo Erabenai -  三日月まおは性別をえらべない
“I hate men!”Mao was harshly dumped by her boyfriend. She fell asleep while feeling totally dejected... and turned into a man the next day! Not knowing how to turn back, it was decided that Mao has to live in a dorm as a guy. However, her roommate, Ryuusei, is extremely curt and annoying.How will her life turn out?!
三日月竜異聞 ~伊達政宗嚆矢~ -  Mikazuki Ryuu Ibun -  Mikazukiryuu Ibun -  Mikazukiryuu Ibun - Date Masamune Koushi -  Tale of the Crescent Moon Dragon
ミキの放課後, Miki After School
This series follows the adventures of two main characters as one of the characters goes through a series of episodes in discovering his female identity as a trap. This is a series in which each adventure is a self encapsulated oneshot not dependent on previous oneshots for a coherent understanding of a story to occur.
ミキの放課後-after school-
This is a continuation of the previously published Miki no Houkago.After Itsuki finds out that his classmate, Miki, has been crossdressing after school, he's worried, but goes along with it. One day on a school trip, they find themselves alone in a room...
From ShedgeScans: The daughter of a game shop owner finds a pocket game on the street. However, it was actually an invitation to a game of horror and slaughter!? The Game of Hell where humans are invited by the Shinigami as characters begins!
Après la mort de ses parents dans un accident, Yukata a vécu pacifiquement au Sanctuaire de Mita. Un jour Yukata rencontre deux jeunes filles et est entraîné dans leur combat avec un esprit dangereux. Il découvre qu'il a aussi une sorte de pouvoir mystérieux. Maintenant il va s'impliquer la lutte dangereuse contre les mauvais esprits !
7-Nichi-go ni Shitsuren suru Miku -  7日後に失恋するミク
There are two routes for this, a bad end and a good end.
Beaucoup d'enfants disparaissent mystérieusement en 2005. Cela s'appelle le "phénomène de Reasal". Certains des enfants reviennent avec des queues ou autre protubérance. L'un d'entre eux était Hana Yamaguchi. Elle va inviter les enfants à créer une légion, et leur donner des pouvoirs particuliers...
ミルクとビタミン, Milk & Vitamin
Milk is a young and childish girl living with her aunt in Orange Town. One day, she is told that a guest is coming over to stay with them for a while. Milk's aunt had said that the guest is cute and pretty. Milk, excited about her new friend goes to meet the guest at the fountain. Milk's childhood friend Vitamin and others accompany her at this time. Through an unforseen event, Milk arrives late at the fountain with the guest nowhere to be seen. They did however, find a handsome young boy asking for directions to Orange Town.
Pas de résumé pour le moment.
ミルキーウェイ -  銀河銀河
From Dragon Voice: First of Jack & Elena series, where Jack meets Elena. The two are robots. They can live forever. Do they want to? Maybe yes, since they found each other. From PRISMS: It's a story of a love triangle composed of two sexless (but not completely genderless) androids and one human woman.
MILKY WAY ~遠距離恋愛のススメ~, Milky Way (SATOU Kaede), Milky way ~ 天河相戀 ~
Sayo is a high school freshman. She and Nao are neighbors and childhood friends. Nao is a year older than her, and they have been together forever. They ride the train to school every day. Nao is a very caring friend and treats Sayo as his little sister; however, Sayo is in love with him, but is afraid of confessing because he might turn cold towards her.
みれみら, みれみら MILLENNIUM MIRAGE, みれみら, 新恋爱生活, Millenium Mirage, mire mira, Miremira
一瞬間のロマンス -  千年の雪 -  千年之雪 -  เจ้าหญิงหิมะพันปี -  A Thousand Years of Snow -  Isshunkan no Romance -  Millennium Snow -  Sennen no Yuki
From Viz: Seventeen-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka was born with heart problems, and her doctors say she won't live to see the next snow. Touya is an 18-year-old vampire who hates blood and refuses to make the traditional partnership with a human, whose life-giving blood would keep them both alive for a thousand years.
Insufficient affections
Twenty-nine-year old Kurose Kazumi is a programmer in a eroge company and has played plenty of galges when he was younger, but he's completely uninterested in young girls. A chance encounter changes that when he meets a middle schooler who suddenly says she can't date him, but he realizes how cute she is and wants to keep her with him. 
黒瀬くんと小沢さん(夏編), Kurose and Osawa (summer edition), Miman Renai dj - Summer Story
Mimasaka-kun to maoeryu kobuta
ミミが消えた日 -  The Day Mimi Disappeared
Depuis que Mimi a disparu, Tsukino passe tout son temps seule dans le clapier à lapin. Mais que s'est-il passé...?
後ろ姿の夏の猫 -  摸耳垂的理由 -  耳たぶの理由 -  A Reason for Earlobes -  On the Palm of Your Hand -  The Reason His Earlobes Redden -  The Summer Cat Turns Its Back (KUNIEDA SAIKA
From Bushido Angel Adventures Yamaguchi is a notorious womanizer. Some men admire him; others can't stand him. Ishikawa is definitely one of the latter. Nevertheless, when Yamaguchi's latest girlfriend dumps him, Ishikawa jokingly offers to comfort him with his own body. Unfortunately for Ishikawa, Yamaguchi takes the offer seriously. And, to make matters worse, Ishikawa discovers that he can't say no! (by presencedear). The series (of 4 oneshots) goes on like that: 1. The Reason for Earlobes (Mimitabu no Riyuu) 2. Yubisaki no Biyaku 3. Kuchibiru no Teppen 4. Sumuji no Mannaka
Mimizuku, a small girl with chains on her wrists and ankles and the numbers "332" branded onto her forehead, wanders into the Forest of Night seeking to be eaten by a monster. However, when the ruler of the monsters, the mysterious and beautiful "King of Night," refuses to eat her, she tries to formulate a way to convince him otherwise.
"Vous le sentez dans votre bouche ? ...Pendant le traitement, c'était dressé tout ce temps, n'est-ce pas ? "Le plus grand secret de Mimori, un homme d'affaires, est le fait que sa bouche est en fait sa zone érogène.Ainsi, il a fait en sorte d'éviter d'aller au dentiste pendant toute sa vie, mais soudain, un jour, sa dent de sagesse commence à lui faire mal. Le problème ? Pendant son traitement, lorsque le dentiste tripote l'intérieur de sa bouche, il se voit ressentir un immense plaisir , et il ne peut retenir sa voix et son érection ! Alors qu'il rougit d'embarras, le docteur va lui faire une bien drôle de proposition...
Mimoza's grandfather was worried about her until the time of his death. Before he dies he tells her that since she was too vulnerable and easily lied to by everyone to never trust people. He also leaves behind Kyle, a robot, to protect her from others. Thanks to Kyle, Mimoza no longer feels alone. But will she ever discover the secret this robot hides? (summary from Aria)