
魔石グルメ 魔物の力を食べたオレは最強! -  Magic Gems Gourmet
Dans ce monde, il n'y a que moi qui puisse devenir plus fort en mangeant des pierres magiques ! À un moment donné, j'ai reçu une offre de la déesse-sama pour une réincarnation en douceur.....Cependant, un jour, j'ai réalisé qu'à cause de cet effet d'habileté, je peux manger et obtenir de la puissance des Pierres Magiques ! J'ai aussi été informé que je suis le prince d'un pays voisin ! ? Ce qui m'attend dans le château, ce sont des jours d'expérimentation des Pierres Magiques et d'entraînement, l'environnement parfait pour que je devienne l'homme le plus fort qui soit....Et pour couronner le tout, j'ai reçu la Pierre magique de Dullahan ! L'histoire d'un garçon sur le chemin de devenir Roi alors qu'il est poursuivi par une fiancée et des Chevalières commence ici !


Découvrez ces 2 recueils d'histoires courtes signées par l'auteur de Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima.Parmi elles, Magician et Fairy Tale, deux histoires annonçant les deux célèbre séries de l'auteur...
仮面カタルシス -  Kamen Catharsis
Behind Student Council Vice President Yuuko's cool facade lies a secret that she is desperate to keep from flamboyant President Hasumi. But how long can she go before her mask cracks on Christmas Eve and she's exposed?
AkogaLady wo Momi Time -  あこがレディをもみタイム
Maki Oota has just finished her training to work at a massage parlor by women for women. For her evaluation, she needs to pick a senior employee to massage like a real customer—so she chooses the senpai she admires, Yamada.

Master Keaton

Son père est japonais, sa mère anglaise.Il est conférencier en archéologie et enquêteur spécial pour le compte de Lloyds, la plus grande compagnie d'assurance du monde. Pourtant, ce n'est pas seulement un érudit, c'est aussi un vétéran qui a fait partie du S.A.S et est passé expert dans l'art de la survie. Lettré et homme de terrain, c'est l'apparition d'un énigmatique héros.
MASTERキートン Reマスター
주인님의 주인님
Assis, pas bouger, va chercher, devient humain !En tant que chien, Jonggu a toujours écouté son maître Euncheol, mais lorsqu'il devient humain, c'est lui qui donne les coups... au lit !Maintenant, Jonggu est le maître qui plie Euncheol à toutes sortes de plaisir, où toutes les récompenses sont sous les draps !Euncheol peut même avoir une chance de vivre un véritable amour avec Jonggu.Découvrez qui est le vrai maître...Quand le sexe devient chaud, peut-être que le vrai amour peut être trouvé dans un monde de "bon toutou !

Master's Pet

Masters Pet -  애완 주인
Lorsque Ein est amené au manoir du marquis Howard, il se retrouve au service de DEUX maîtres. Ignorant la tension entre les deux frères, Ein cherche à être le plus utile possible. Alors qu'il enseigne au naïf Collin le jour et qu'il donne son corps au marquis la nuit, Ein verra son désir de servir... mis à l'épreuve. Si l'on peut revendiquer son corps - pour l'instant - quel maître sera celui qui revendiquera son cœur ?
またまたお・ぼ・れ・た・い -  另一種被愛的感覺 -  Mata Mata O-Bo-Re-Ta-I -  Mata Mata Oboretai -  My Fair Gentleman (YOSHIHARA Yuki)
Volume one consists of two stories and one of them is called My Fair Gentleman: After being dumped by her ideal man (handsome, tall, and educated), Sugioka Yoriko, decides to jump off a cliff. But before she does, a guy literally bumps into a her. He also decided to jump off the cliff because of a massive debt his brother has left him. However, since Yoriko has left over money she saved, she decides to give it to him, under one condition: he must be her ideal man
魔侦探洛基, 魔探偵ロキ, Magical Detective Loki, Maloki, Matantei Roki, Myth D Loki, The Mythical Detective Loki
The Norse god of mischief Loki has been banished to the human world in the body of a young boy. In order to redeem himself, he sets up a detective agency and dispels the evil residing in people's hearts. He is joined by Mayura, a spiritually clueless high school girl with a passion for mysteries, and eventually, other Norse gods begin appearing around Loki for unknown reasons.
魔探偵ロキラグナロック, 魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK, Magical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Matantei Roki Ragunarokku, The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Private Investigator Loki is certainly an extraordinary fellow with an incredibly demanding profession. While his boyish good looks disguise his true nature, no challenge is too tough for Loki. He digs up evidence surrounding kidnappings, murders, suicides, and the like. Not only is it Loki's job to solve mysteries, but he must also protect his own interests, namely his family, especially when those who want him rubbed-out enter the picture. When old adversaries strike too close to home, Loki must prepare, not only to solve the crime, but to survive the vicious attacks! If the action's hot, you can count on Loki being there!
魔探偵ロキラグナロック~新世界の神々~ -  魔探偵ロキRAGNAROK~新世界の神々~ -  魔探偵洛基RAGNAROK~新世界的諸神~ -  Matantei Loki Ragnarok ~Shin Sekai no Kamigami~ -  Matantei Roki Ragunarokku - Shinse
Concerning Loki, who lost his godhood during the Ragnarok, a new story begins to unfold! The world of the gods that collapsed due to the loss of supreme god Odin. Meanwhile, Loki who has lost his godhood once again falls to the human world. Having lost everything, Loki is operating a detective agency in a small, crude hut….
瞬きするたび、恋をする, Matataki Suru Tabi, Koi wo suru, Matatakisuru Tabi, Koi o Suru, Matatakisuru Tabi, Koi wo suru., One More Time One More Chance
Ao moved from Tokyo to the country. She's not used to rural life, and leads a boring school life.She's collapsed often from a headache, and each day is filled with troublesome things...Then there is Araya-sensei, who encourages Ao's true intentions. After meeting sensei, slowly she is fitting in. But even so, do you know that Ao's mind withering away?
Osoroi -  お揃い
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
マテリアルパズル, マテリアル・パズル
A boy goes looking for the legendary magicians who can save his village from a giant fungus, but he finds more than he bargained for.
マテリアル・パズル ゼロクロイツ
Suugaku Golden -  数学ゴールデン
Onoda Haruichi, who dedicates his youth to Math, distances himself from his surroundings for the sake of his goal. His goal is to represent Japan in the International Math Olympiad (IMO). On the first day of school, a girl who also loves math, Nanase Mami calls out to him. "Do you like math?" she asks. His solitary daily life starts to shine as he meets people through math?!In the face of getting told by others that their goal is reckless, they earnestly face themselves, they pursue and break new ground as they expand their horizons. These are the boys and girls who love mathematics!Challenging the festival of geniuses, this is the authentic and passionate world of the Math Olympiad.
Off-the-mark Q-dou Club -  まとはずれQ道部
After a spree of students have been injured by an indiscriminate serial archer, Yumi Ishii has had enough after the 11th victim was hurt. She will stop at no lengths to bring the Q-dou Club to justice, whom she believes are the culprits!With the Q-dou Club members being Aarou Achiya, a modern archer delinquent; Yamato Kouinji, a traditional archer that creeps on women; One-Eighty Yuge, a gambling darts player; and the mysterious club leader, Q-dou Gen, who is...?!Who is the culprit behind these mysterious "serial archer" incidents? Will Yumi bring the culprits down on her quest for justice?! Find out in this one-shot! The Q in Q-dou Club stands for QUEST!!!
Yôjun voit en rêve le futur. Bien que cela soit une bénédiction pour son clan, cela entraîne la convoitise des chefs voisins. C'est pour cela que Yôjun doit se rendre à Isurugi, et refuse que Tôichirô, son intendant, ne vienne avec lui malgré l'insistance de ce dernier. Alors que Yôjun était en route pour Isurugi, Tôichirô apprend que son escorte s'est faite attaquer.
Voici la vie de la légendaire bureaucrate Matsurika Kou et ses débuts difficiles en tant que dame de la cour au palais impérial, plus précisément au harem. Dotée d'une qualité bien spéciale, elle va attirer sur elle le regard de l'empereur, réputé intouchable. Entre un empereur dont la renommée n'est plus à faire et une dame de la cour aux origines très modestes, quel genre de relation peut-il y avoir entre ces deux-là ?
"Au moment où je l'ai vu pour la première fois, j'ai vraiment cru qu'il allait me tuer !"Un garçon qui a dû tuer un homme et un garçon qui a regardé la scène par erreur.Max est un criminel et Chris est celui qui le poursuit.Le moment qui a changé leur vie les a réunis en tant que colocataires, mais... Quel est ce sentiment qui émerge de cette tension croissante ?
Level up From Max Level, 만렙부터 레벨업
Arts internes niveau maximum, arts externes niveau maximum
Without a stable job or home -  Joo May lives recklessly -  drifting from one lover's house to another. One day -  May passes out -  almost beaten to death by an ex-boyfriend he bumped into. When he wakes -  he finds himself chained up in the house of Shin Joo
Without a stable job or home, Joo May lives recklessly, drifting from one lover's house to another. One day, May passes out, almost beaten to death by an ex-boyfriend he bumped into. When he wakes, he finds himself chained up in the house of Shin Jooin, the clean-cut man who apparently rescued him. But there's something off about Jooin, who treats May almost like a pet* Who is Jooin really, and what is he hiding? Original Webcomic Official English translation
Mad Dog Princess -  May I Ask for One Final Thing? -  Puis-je demander une dernière faveur? -  Saigo ni hitotsu dake Onegai shite mo yoroshii deshou ka -  Saigo ni Hitotsu Dake Onegaishite mo Yoroshii Deshouka -  Son Bir Şey İsteyebilir miyim? -  Могу я вас кое о чём
The engagement between Scarlet, a noblewoman from a ducal family and the Second Prince Kyle was suddenly annulled during the ball. She had been falsely accused of harassing a girl called Terenezza, daughter to a baron, whom the Prince doted on heavily.Condemned by everyone around her, forced to burden all manner of crimes, she finally decided enough was enough.“Before I leave here, may I please ask you just one last thing?”As the crowd threw their boos and jeers, and that good looking guy flung his insults──Her palm spun like a drill and the ballroom floor was stained with blood. From her fists, their reckoning![hr][url=]Original Web Novel[/url]
The Night Owl Witch -  マヤさんの夜ふかし
Maya is a witch. At least, that's what she's always telling her friend Mameyama. To Mameyama, she's just an otaku girl that might have a few screws loose. Either way, the two of them spend late nights together on voice chat, talking about whatever random, trifling things come to mind.