Watase Marin a une capacité spéciale : elle est capable de voir les fantômes. Cependant, il y a un piège. Les fantômes peuvent s'emparer de son corps si elle les regarde dans les yeux ! Que se passe-t-il quand une jolie fille fantôme décide de créer des ennuis et de la faire avouer, puis d'embrasser Horin-kun, un gars de sa classe qu'elle aime ?
From M.N.M.: Young Chaeyeon has just lost her father and suddenly ends up living on an island with her grandfather. That's where she'll meet a strange boy coming from the sea who will change her life. Apparently mute, the young man will quickly give proof of great intelligence. But his previous aquatic life seems to catch up with him...
Nagumo Yumi est une lycéenne idiote, dont le plan post-diplôme est d'aller aux Etats-Unis et de devenir présidente. À la grande surprise de ses camarades de lycée, elle parvient à se rendre aux États-Unis pendant les vacances d'été. Après s'être liée d'amitié avec des vétérans âgés, elle devient convaincue que rejoindre le Corps des Marines est le meilleur moyen de faire avancer son rêve. La serveuse Linda Crawford se joint à elle pour s'inscrire au centre de recrutement, et elle rencontre aussi des amis parmi les nouvelles recrues, Rita Fernandez et Donna King. Auront-ils ce qu'il faut pour devenir Marine ?
Lee Sol a été conçu lors d’une expérience étrange conduite dans l’hôpital où sa mère a été amenée dans un état critique. Il en garde une cicatrice sur le front. Arrivé au lycée, une organisation secrète entre en scène et semble entretenir un intérêt bien particulier à son égard. Au fil des jours, Lee Sol découvrira qu’il possède un pouvoir surnaturel qui semble avoir un lien avec sa cicatrice sur le front. Après le décès de son père dans un tragique accident, Lee Sol décide de venger sa mort en utilisant son mystérieux pouvoir.
All Miki Koishikawa wanted was an ordinary family and that's exactly what she had until her parents decided to move in with another couple (as in switching spouses!) and turned Miki's world upside down. Now she lives in a house with four parents and her totally cute stepbrother, Yuu. It's bad enough being brought into her parents' strange soap opera, but Miki will star in a soap of her own as she deals with friends having affairs, trying to survive in school and ending up torn between her long-time crush, Ginta, and her new stepbrother! Related Series Marmalade Boy Little (Sequel)
Dans le but de mettre fin à une guerre éternelle, les matriarches de deux clans mafieux décident d'unir leurs enfants par les liens sacrés du mariage. Mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Cette histoire connaîtra-t-elle une fin heureuse, comme dans les contes de fées ?
Rin Suzumiya gets into the high school of her dreams, but she ends up in the same class as Yukichi Sakamoto, a total jerk who always picked on her when they were in elementary school. It seems like nothing's changed about Yukichi in the three years that they hadn't seen each other, so when he tells her to write her name on a piece of paper, she does it just to make him go away. However, Rin completely misses that it was a marriage registration form! And to make matters worse, Yukichi refuses to give it back unless she stops avoiding him for 3 years! How is Rin going to survive high school now that she's stuck with such a tyrant?
Xin Lan and Tingyu Lei were married with purpose for business connection. Two months later, Tingyu Lei suddenly asked for divorce! Xin Lan was full of anger while signing the contract. However, is what happened trick played by the scheming boss? Unexpectedly, the little kitty did’t buy it, but attacked him by its sharp paws. Tingyu Lei prefers this style, actually!
Kira believes that Rei and all other men in the world are dirty. She stays away from her classmates, hiding in her art. What happens when the delinquent motorcyclist and playboy, Rei, gets ahold of one of her drawings, and actually wants to keep it?Note: Was adapted into a 20 episode Taiwanese Drama, MARS
"Mars Gaiden" it's a collection of three stories by Fuyumi Souryo. The first, "Namae no nai uma", it's a "Mars" prequel telling the first meeting between Rei and Tatsuya and the beginning of their friendships. Moreover, they're also presented other main characters as Kira and Harumi. The second and the third stories, "Nemuru Raion" and "1 Karatto no Kajitsu", are oneshots not related to "Mars". The first tells the strange relationship between Isomu, a guy who pretends to don't have any fear, and Ayame, a girl with particular behaviours; at the contrary, the second tells about Nina, who has some family's problems, and Rui, her classmate who is interested in a close friends of the girl. But what if he's interested in Nina?
Yukari is a "bad girl." She rebels against her controlling mother by dyeing her hair, polishing her nails and having an older boyfriend, with whom she has an intimate relationship. In fact, as she notes, that's kind of all they have right now. He never takes her anywhere; they just go to a karaoke box, sing a bit, and have sex. Miki is a "good girl." She's tall, and has classic Japanese beauty. She's quiet and bookish and smart. And a bit aloof. The two are forced to share a double desk at the beginning of the term which annoys Yukari no end. Like most bad girls, her initial reaction is disdain and derision for the good girl's behavior. But, one day, after school, she sees Miki in the Art Room, gently kissing a statue of Mars and her heart starts to race. When someone comes up from behind, both Miki and Yukari know that they've been seen, and everything changes between them.
Mars, a continent of tension where several races live in conflict. On the Mars continent, a successor is born from the'Elyos' that everyone fears. What twins? But is it a joke of fate? Prince'Ans (Angelus)' is born with poor wings, a symbol of the Elyos. For the Elyos who ruled over the continent by defeating God with the power of their wings, the weak wings were no different from being crippled. The Elyos king who wants a strong successor abandons'Ans' and makes Princess'Dea' the successor. Luckily, the abandoned'Ans' was found by a human adoptive parent and grew up lovingly knowing that he was a human being. However, when their adoptive parents were killed by the demons, they decided to become a knight to defeat the demons. On the other hand, Princess Dea, who is raised as a successor to the Elyos, has an inferiority to'Ans' when he compares it with his younger brother'Ans' whose father has been abandoned. In the end,'Dea' tries to stain the Mars continent with blood once more to prove that he is a true successor. 'Ans' organizes an expedition with the human princess, the giant prince, and the demon prince and goes on an adventure to save the world, but representatives of races with different purposes continue to cause conflict. Moreover, I thought he was a human race, but Ans, who was an Elyos, caused even more confusion in the expedition! Who will be the true king of the confused'Mars' continent! The fateful confrontation of two twin brothers and sisters! Large fantasy !
Une fille apparemment naïve prépare sa vengeance. Chaque coïncidence est un calcul précis. Chaque accident est un acte réfléchi. C’est une histoire d'amour contre le destin entre Qingzhou Gu et le jeune général. Qu'adviendra-t-il de cette fille ambitieuse qui est déterminée à reprendre l'héritage de sa mère?
Le légendaire maître martial Qin Chen fût trahi par ses amis qui le tuèrent. 300 ans plus tard, il se réincarne en tant que fils illégitime d'une grande famille. Grâce à l'aide des pouvoirs de sa vie passée, Qin Chen a recruté sa légende sur ce continent. Il envisage de prendre sa revanche et se lance dans la route de la reconquête de sa gloire passée, une route tâchée de sang.
Kaguya is a boy in an all-girl's school for demons [fox spirits, succubi, werewolves, etc.]. He may not be the only human there (there are daughters of demon hunters attending from time to time), but this is still an all-girl school. And his attempts to conceal his gender lead to silly and unbelievable (yet deliciously enviable) situations.
Hatsune is a useless, devious girl. One day, Hatsune's father decides to make her live with a fastidious boy! Kaede-kun, being fed up with how unladylike Hatsune is, decides to become her tutor.
A fantasy story for kids featuring a girl named Melmo, who can change her age as she wishes by eating special candies.Melmo's mother dies in a traffic accident, leaving young Melmo and her younger brother Totoo. Anxious, Melmo's mother in heaven asks God to prepare some magical candies, and hands them to Melmo.There are two kinds: Melmo can grow 10 years older to become any sort of adult she wishes by eating a blue candy. By eating a red one, she can become 10 years younger.Using these miracle candies, Melmo disguises herself as a nurse, schoolteacher, policewoman, and overcomes troubles together with her brother, Totoo.
1) Mascara BluesMugino falls in love with any boy who "sparkles" in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the "sparkle" slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his "sparkle", Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a "sparkle" too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again.2) Draft of RomanceTsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said "Thank You" but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't...3) So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream-Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to "play" with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?
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