
Magic Girls Academy Assistant Teacher -  Assistant Teacher In a Magical Girls School
Lou Brandel, un magicien de génie avec un talent millénaire. Un jour, il a aidé une belle fille aristocratique, Franc, et devait être affecté au "Magic Girls' Gakuen" où il joue le rôle de professeur ! Maintenant, la vie d'enseignant "hors normes" du plus fort des sorciers s'ouvre !
魔法少女かずみ☆マギカ, 魔法少女和美~无辜的恶意~, Magical Girl Kazumi Magica - The Innocent Malice, Mahoushoujo Kazumi Magica - The Innocent Malice, Puella Magi Kazumi Magi
A girl is surrounded by darkness, with a voice from somewhere calling her out. She escapes from the darkness that is inside a suitcase. What appears before her eyes are an unknown room and an unknown man. Only fragments of her memories, and her name, Kazumi, remain.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Kiss x Kiss x Kiss -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Stand By Your Side -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - Kiss x Kiss x Kiss -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - St
Nanoha and Fate take a day off and share some sweet moments together in the morning.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Let Me Sleep Near You -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - Let Me Sleep Near You
A pixiv doujinshi about Fate and Vivio watching their house while Nanoha is away.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - Sentimental Rhapsody
A 14 page long doujin, about Fate and Nanoha sharing some moments in the morning after they had a night together.Note: The only mature content in the doujin is the setting.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - The reason why we are in love
魔法少女リリカルなのはVivid, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, Mahou Shoujo Ririkaru Nanoha Vivid
Four Years have passed since the resolution of the "JS" incident of Urban Terrorism. The "sixth Mobile Unit" has already been dissolved. It's ace of aces, First Class Captain Takamachi Nanoha has finally found time to rest her wings. A new generation is being raised. This is the tale of the only daughter of the former ace of sky, Takamachi Nanoha. A vivid tale of Takamachi Vivio 
魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s -  魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
A manga adaptation of a thirteen episode sequel to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, a magical girl alternate universe spinoff of the Triangle Heart series of games and OAVs
魔法少女リリカルなのはA's PORTABLE ‐THE GEARS OF DESTINY‐ マテリアル娘。 -  魔法少女リリカルなのはA's PORTABLE ‐THE GEARS OF DESTINY‐ マテリアル娘。ダッシュ -  Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Po
In the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable - The Gears of Destiny - Material Musume. series: V.1 - Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable - The Gears of Destiny - Material Musume. V.2 - Dash
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha dj - Let Me Sleep Near You -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha dj - Let Me Sleep Near You
From NanoFate: This is a 28 pages long doujin, in which Fate finds the middle school uniforms she used with Nanoha, planning use them to have a kinky night together. Or at least they try. For sure you can expect to get some good laughs from this doujin.
魔法少女リリカルなのは INNOCENT, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Innocent
The manga alternate re-telling of the first season of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha that correlates with the Movie.
Lyrical Nanoha Strikers -  Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS the Comics -  Nanoha StrikerS -  Nanoha StrikerS: A's to StrikerS -  StrikerS THE COMICS
StrikerS takes place after the epilogue of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's. While the epilogue connected A's to a world six years later, StrikerS advances the timeline another four years, where the main characters have gone on to work for the Time-Space Administration Bureau (TSAB) and come upon a new case. The series focuses more on team-based battles and bureaucracy rather than individual rivalry and school life, due to the change in character dynamics. The name StrikerS refers to an SS rank given to top mages, much like how A's refers to A rank mages. - Taken from Wikipedia
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica dj - Sayaka-chan Hyper Battle Fanbook: Sayaka VS Sayaka
魔法少女・オブ・ジ・エンド, Magical Girl of the End
魔法少女 俺 -  Magic Girl Ore
魔法少女サイト, Mahou Shoujo Sigh
The Legend of Jeanne d'Arc
Mahô Shôjo Tart Magica : The Legend of "Jeanne d'Arc" est un spin-off de Puella Magi Madoka Magica.L'histoire prend place aux alentours de 1428 avec la Puella Magi Jeanne d'Arc, aussi surnommée Tart.Décidée à accomplir sa divine mission qu'est de libérer la France de l'occupation anglaise lors de la Guerre de Cent Ans, Tart sera accompagnée par Liz Hawkwood, Melissa de Vignolles, Eliza Celjska, toutes des magical girls. Sans oublier l'Incubateur fidèle à son devoir : Kyuubey.
Magical Girl SPEC-OPS ASUKA -  Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka -  Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka -  魔法少女特殊战明日香 -  魔法少女特殊戦あすか
Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Iori is a timid, feminine boy. Masaru is an aggressive boy who leads the other boys in bullying Iori. One day, they encounter a pair of strange extraterrestrial bunnies who turn them into magical girls in order to fight aliens that are invading their town.
Mahoutsukai Countdown -  Wizard Countdown -  魔法使いカウントダウン
Haru Miyoshi, a researcher who loves his "alone time," agrees to a blind date just before his 30th birthday. However, his date's younger brother, Kei Akiyoshi, is there to greet him instead. Knowing that his sister stood Haru up, Kei is nice enough to join him for a few drinks. Comforted by Kei's kindness, a drunken Haru admits he's tormented by the urban legend that says "men who don't do it by their 30th birthday become wizards," when Kei leans in and steals his first kiss...!
当魔法师弟子微笑的时候 -  魔法使いの弟子が笑う時。 -  When A Magician's Pupil Smiles.
Ouka Namae est un garçon qui ne "ressent rien" Quand on le frappe ou qu'on s'en prend à lui, il ne lève même pas un sourcil. Il ne peut pas obtenir les vrais sentiments de l'être vivant. Ce garçon doit faire quelque chose liée à une «personne importante», qui est la seule méthode pour obtenir des «émotions» ... C'est l'histoire de l'obtention d'émotions d'Ouka Namae. Une fois que la fin approchera, serait-elle signe d'une fin heureuse? Ou serait-ce...
Double Seven Arc
La deuxième année a commencé. Mikihiko a été promue au cours 1, Tatsuya est entrée dans le nouveau cours de génie magique, et des problèmes surgissent entre les jeunes sœurs jumelles de Saegusa Mayumi et Shippou Takuma, représentantante de 1ère année, membre du ménage Shippou de la Maison des 18 assistants.
魔法科高校の劣等生 九校戦編
C'est la suite logique de Mahouka, et il s'agit de la Compétition des Neuf Lycées (de magie, bien entendu). On va retrouver nos héros, croiser des membres des autres lycées (sur l'image un voit un membre éminent du 3ème Lycée) et les évènements qui vont aller de travers ?
Nyuugaku-hen -  The Irregular at Magic High School -  The Irregular at Magic High School: Enrollment Arc -  The Irregular of a Magic High School -  The Poor Performing Student of a Magic High School
De Yen Press : Nous sommes en 2095. La magie a été apprivoisée comme une autre forme de technologie, et la pratique de la magie est maintenant une discipline rigoureuse. Frère et sœur Tatsuya et Miyuki Shiba sont sur le point de commencer leur première année à la célèbre First Magic High School of Japan. Mais les règles en béton de l'école signifient que la brillante Miyuki entre dans le prestigieux Cours 1, tandis que son frère aîné, Tatsuya, est relégué au Cours 2 - et ce n'est que le début de leurs problèmes. Adaptation du roman lumineux V01-V02
" Magic " est le fruit d'aucunes légendes ou contes de fées. C'est devenu une réelle technologie depuis près d'un siècle. Divers pays dans le monde sont enfermés dans une course favorisant l'apprentissage de " Magiciens ".