
Every day is boring, too boring... Until a witch casts her spell on it? Masa, a second-year student at a third-rate art school, draws because he doesn't know what else to do with his life. Then he meets Aoi, an attractive first-year girl, who seems, somehow, like she might be a witch. Will Aoi and her secrets light the fire in the gloomy Masa's heart? Though it doesn't seem much like living, life goes on, as young men yearn only for yearning. Though every day seems so inconsequential, the special spark of that time of life defines what it means to be young.

Loi d'Ueki

Law of Ueki -  Ueki no Housoku
Un groupe d'êtres puissants appelé tenkaijin organise un tournoi spécial. Les règles du jeu : chaque tenkaijin sélectionne un enfant au collège pour être son champion et lui accorde un pouvoir spécial. Les enfants s'affrontent dans une bataille acharnée, mais s'ils blessent des spectateurs innocents, ils perdent l'une de leurs capacités naturelles. Chaque fois qu'ils gagnent une bataille, ils acquièrent une nouvelle capacité. Le vainqueur final du tournoi se voit accorder le pouvoir de son choix, et le tenkajin qu'il représente réussit à devenir le prochain dieu. Kosuke Ueki a été choisi pour combattre dans le tournoi. Son pouvoir spécial - la capacité de transformer les ordures en arbres.
ロリコンサーガ, Lolita Complex Saga
Dojigiri city is a city surrounded by mountains, and the population is only 9000 people... But this city has one thing that different than other cities... ALL WOMEN FROM THIS CITY ARE LOLIS!!
ロリコンフェニックス -  Lolicon Phoenix
Times continue to grow worse as criminals go after little girls. The police are always too late or keep losing their target. Who will protect the happiness of little girls?! A half-naked, bird mask wearing, NEET*, lolicon will. An ally of justice! A phoenix that will protect the little girls from perverts, molesters and degenerates that lurk the neighborhood! *Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training
ろりぽ∞, 无限萝莉波, Roripo Infinity, Ruripo Infinity
"Even if we suck at soccer, we still have maid cafés...!"In a not-so-distant future Japan, the popularity of maid cafés have skyrocketed, and maids are revered as national idols. Battles are fought between the maid cafés to determine which one is the best at serving their masters, and they are all aspiring to be like the supreme maid and waitress (which is an anime character), Minori-chan! Kamagaya Misaki is close to achieving that goal - all she needs is Minori-chan's original maid uniform, which is rumored to exist in real life! However, it seems that the secret behind Minori-chan and her uniform is...?
ロリポップ・ドラグーン -  Lolipop Dragoon -  Lollipop Doraguun
Ikeguchi Wataru has a sexual addiction! But the young virgin has to take care of it himself. Logically, of course, this is all caused by a parasitic demon who eats arousal. Maybe that perverted foreign doctor and the Chinese Taoist potions master can solve the problem.
A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive?
Bu hikaye bir inek çocuk ve kabadayının okul projesi için eşleşmeleri ile başlıyor. Daha sonda yasak bir alana girip radyasyona mağruz kalıyorlar ve bazı güçler elde ediyorlar, siyah bir araba onları takip etmeye başlıyor ve ( en önemlisi )yavaşca gay olduklarının farkına varıyorlar...
召唤万岁, Zhaohuan Wansui
The Soaring Dragon Continent is a world of summons, you can only become strong if you become a summoner! Yue Yang, an average high school boy, was suddenly transported into this world. When he woke up, he was greeted with a lot of worried faces and found out that he had assumed another person’s identity. Turns out he’s the good-for-nothing third son of the Yue Family, who had just recently drowned himself because of a failed engagement. Unlike the third son of the Yue Family who was useless in summoning, Yue Yang succeeded in making a contract with a summoning grimoire on his first try, even when the other guy failed for the past fifteen years. Others would have a headache making contracts with beasts afterwards, but countless beasts tried to gain favour with Yue Yang instead, acting like a good kid before him. Yue Yang the brat, however, didn’t feel grateful at all: “Scram, Mythical Beasts! Do you think you are cool like that? Go away from me now, I only like beautiful summons!” Even when royal families approached him for his talents, the shameless brat replied, “I’m not interested in government stuff, I’m only interested in beauties!”
Suivez l'histoire de Violet la voleuse et de Eric Randolph la policière.
Suivez l’histoire de Violet la voleuse et de Eric Randolph la policière.
Cigarette Anthology MENTHOL シガレットアンソロジー メンソール
Une anthologie d'un adulte gonflant à la fumée bleue tranquillement
Longtime Lovers Manhwa
Aucun synopsis disponible.

Look Back

Fujino épate ses camarades en dessinant des mangas en quatre cases pour le journal de l'école, un talent qui fait sa fierté. Sa tranquillité est remise en question lorsque Kyomoto, une autre élève qui ne vient plus en classe, demande à publier elle aussi quelques cases. Fujino se trouve alors stupéfaite face au détail des croquis de sa camarade qui dépeint des environnements avec réalisme, tout son contraire. Cette claque va pousser Fujino à se surpasser en tant qu'artiste, malgré son jeune âge.
BBF -  Better Boyfriend
"If I were to become a guy, then I would never make a girl cry!" Said Jun, who just had a break up with her boyfriend. "Then why not become one?" An old woman told Jun... which startled her.
Loop nous raconte la mésaventure d’un riche héritier, victime d’un cambriolage. Malheureusement pour lui, il a eu vite d’être capturé, enfermé, pour enfin être assassiné de sang froid par ses bourreaux.L’histoire aurait pu s’arrêter là…si seulement il ne revenait pas inlassablement à la vie pour revivre encore et encore la scène de sa mort, avec toujours la même conclusion…Réussira-t-il à sortir de ce cercle infernal ?
Li Yue, qui veut garder le contrôle du Groupe de la transcendance, et Jiang Yuqi, qui considère le Groupe de la transcendance comme un tremplin pour retourner à Pudao, ont des contradictions inconciliables entre les deux, s'étouffant et s'exploitant mutuellement, mais elles continuent de se produire. pendant la période. Friction et affection. Au final, ils ont soutenu...
ロスト~異界の獣たち -  Lost ~ Beasts of Another World -  Lost: Beasts of another world -  Lost~ Ikai no Kemonotachi
From Kindan-no Aku: Yui Kiryuu is a street performer who relies on (and takes pride in) her beauty and dancing skills. In order to save her friend Cecille, she makes a contract with a creature from another world--a Tinas. Her end of the bargain, however, is the thing she treasures the most...
迷走记忆, LOST + BRAIN, Lost Brain, LOST+BRAIN 迷走记忆
This is the story of a very smart student called Hirama Ren who is used to always getting the top results in his school, and is the chairman of the student's council. One day, he walks past a group of bullies and asks them to leave--and because of that, they decide to teach him a lesson. They decide to beat up a couple of guys and they reported it to the teachers, blaming him.Hirama becomes enraged by it and so he decides to attain some power that could allow him to change the world to a world that he wanted; one without such pathetic people.Coincidentally, his vice-chairperson called him and asked if he was fine with her inviting a hypnotist for some event at school to hype up the school population. Thinking that the ability of hypnotism is just what he was looking for, he agrees to it. During the "trial" test of the hypnotist's ability, he set up some plan and later on used it to test if hypnosis was able to hypnotise people who were avoiding it. With his new found knowledge, how will Hirama use this new power to reshape the world?

Lost Boys

Alors que Mizuki se reposait tranquillement, il ne se serait certainement pas attendu à être emmené au Pays Imaginaire par Air, le chef des garçons perdus, et ceci dans le but de devenir leur 'Père'.Seulement, Mizuki ne sait pas comment s'y prendre car il n'a jamais eu de père sur lequel prendre exemple et fait comme il peut pour remplir son rôle du mieux qu'il le peut alors qu'il se sent attiré par Air...Ce livre contient une histoire bonus mettant en scène le capitaine des pirates !

Lost Children

Ran, spécialiste de l’arme blanche, est un soldat embarqué dans un groupe de rebelles. Dans une société régie par un système de castes, les Gathiya sont voués à une vie de misère. Ils placent leurs espoirs de changement dans l’armée révolutionnaire à laquelle appartient le jeune garçon. Mais lui rêve d’autre chose : retrouver Yuri, son frère de cœur, sa seule famille… Loin des combats qui rythment le quotidien de Ran, Yuri mène une vie de recueillement dans un village sacré caché au cœur de la jungle. Mais il est lui aussi confronté à la violence des hommes qui s’entre-déchirent dans des luttes de pouvoir. Dans toute cette folie, il ne peut oublier l’existence de son ami. Ils sont nés dans des milieux opposés, et rien n’aurait dû les rapprocher. Pourtant, le destin a créé entre eux un lien plus fort que tout… avant de les séparer dans de cruelles circonstances. Sans le savoir, ils sont au cœur d’une révolution qui bouleversera tout un royaume !

Lost Domain

Une histoire fantastique qui suit Ren, un jeune loup-garou, alors qu'il tente de s'adapter à sa nouvelle vie dans un nouveau village. Mais de nombreux mystères planent sur lui... Une malédiction, l'augmentation de démons et d'un dangereux portail qui serait la connexion avec le Domaine perdu, "Lost Domain".
ロストセブン, Lost 7
Tanlou is one of the roaming Blair tribe: a stubborn lot who keep to themselves and frown upon interaction with "outsiders". He, along with six of his friends find a young princess from a nearby castle, wandering in the forest. She begs them to help her, but their help comes with a price. Tanlou is cursed by the head of his clan, and the seven men are banished. Still, they feel compelled to help her. The princess' name? Snow White. After a vicious battle to regain Snow White's kingdom that leaves the princess gravely injured, the evil queen unleashes her wrath, and the unthinkable comes to pass when two of the seven mysteriously disappear, leaving behind five bereft buddies who have no idea what has become of their comrades.And thus begins the plight of Tanlou and his friends...
Затерянная вселенная -  ロスト・ユニバース
Kane Blueriver and Canal, his AI companion, are trouble contractors who take jobs which require their special skills. This could go from armed escort, to patrol, to capturing dangerous criminals. Milly is a private eye who has to be the best at everything (uchuu ichi!!). When the three of them get together, they run into one mess after another, gradually uncovering more of a mystery that ties the legendary Lost Ships to all of their pasts, bringing them closer and closer to a discovery that something called Nightmare would rather not have them find...
Leave it to us to solve the trouble! Introducing a special edition of the Sci-fi/Fantasy series.After a deadly battle with Stargazer, who attempted to destroy the world with the power of Dark Star, a new enemy approaches Kane and his team. How will turn out their final encounter with Fauni, a mad scientist plotting the destruction of mankind? Find out in the sequel to the original manga story!
Having been torn from the earth in ancient times, Planet Mamango is now re-approaching the earth after a lapse of 5 million years. One night, a private detective named Ban Shunsaku encounters a murder, and meets boy researcher Shikishima Kenichi, who holds the key to solving the case. Shikishima discovers that a stone from the Planet Mamango generates huge amounts of energy. Making a rocket out of the energy stone, Shikishima sets up an exploration team and departs for Planet Mamango. The rocket heads straight for Planet Mamango under the command of Shikishima, along with Captain Butamo Makeru, Ayame and Momiji, who are cabbages created by the captain, a rabbit named Mii, and Ban Shunsaku. In due time, the rocket lands on the Planet Mamango, where the group finds a “The Lost World,” an ancient environment where dinosaurs walk about and ferns and cycads cover the ground.
迷走记忆 -  LOST + BRAIN -  Lost Brain
This is the story of a very smart student called Hirama Ren who is used to always getting the top results in his school, and is the chairman of the student's council. One day, he walks past a group of bullies and asks them to leave--and because of that, they decide to teach him a lesson. They decide to beat up a couple of guys and they reported it to the teachers, blaming him. Hirama becomes enraged by it and and so he decides to attain some power that could allow him to change the world to a world that he without such pathetic people..the people who hides from responsibilities, look for shelter from others when in trouble, etc. Coincidentally, his vice-chairperson called him and asked if he was fine with her inviting a hypnotist for some event at school to hype up the school population. He thought it might be THE ability that he was looking for, so he agreed to it. During the "trial" test of the hypnotist's ability, he set up some plan and later on used it to test if hypnosis was able to hypnotise people who were avoiding it. With his new found knowledge, how will Hirama use this new power to reshape the world? taken from Endless Abyss


戀慕 -  연모 -  Hoàng đế Giả Trai -  Yeonmo
L'impossible se produit en Corée du XVème siècle. Une princesse déguisée en son frère jumeau par sa mère se fait sacrer Roi. Mais une fois la vérité découverte, elle est condamner à boire du poison.Cette histoire relate les évènements de la vie de ce Roi oublié.
ラブ&カタストロフィー -  Love and Catastrophes
collection of 6 oneshots. 1. Escape. Akio is a juvenile delinquent who just got suspended from school for beating up the PE teacher, Koizumi is a model student. One day Akio runs into Koizumi at a convenience store and before you know it, they're driving around in a stolen car. How come Akio even knows Koizumi's name? And why is he stopping the car in this out-of-the-way place? 2. Soulful Cherry Bomb. For the last year and a half, Shuuji has been dating Kawano, but since Kawano got married a while ago, he's been coming by less and less, and when he does show up, they only have quick sex. Still, Shuuji is not so hard up that he would pay any attention to the crazy high schooler he met at the laundromat, no matter how much that kid says he likes him and wants to go out. Not even when the kid goes to ridiculous lengths to convince him of his sincerity. Or? 3. No Place to Go Home to. Odagiri Motoharu is a novelist who's taking a break from everything by renting an apartment in his old hometown, away from all his obligations in Tokyo. He wonders whether anyone will really miss him, whether anyone actually cares about his, rather than what he can do for them. Hirotomo lives next door, with Katsurou, and while the latter's girlfriend is there, Hirotomo is waiting outside, in the snow. Odagiri feels sorry for him, and takes him out to eat. When they return, Hirotomo shows his gratitude in a rather forward way, and that sets off a strange affair.