
きょてんゆうほうき -  虚天遊方記 -  Gods of Avarice -  Kyouten Yuuhouki
1) Gods of Avarice (2 parts) 2) Daybreak 3) Mosaic 4) Lost Angel
上班族殺手 -  今日からヒットマン -  Hitman - Part Time Killer -  Kyo kara Hitman
Pauvre Yuuri ! En se portant au secours d'un camarade de classe, c'est lui qui s'attire les foudres d'autres élèves et se retrouve la tête la première dans les toilettes… Comment ? Ces toilettes ne sont pas ordinaires, et le propulsent dans un autre monde dont il est le roi ??? Attention, car il va bientôt se retrouver entouré d'une famille et d'amis complètement déjantés !
Король демонов с сегодняшнего дня! -  Отныне Мао, король демонов! -  今日からマのつく自由業! -  今日からマ王 -  今日から(マ)のつく自由業! -  从今天开始做魔王 -  ผมน่ะหรือคือราชาปีศาจ -  ผมน่ะหรือคือรา
From Today on -  It's My Turn!!
Mitsuhashi Takashi et Itou Shinji sont deux adolescents qui ont perdu foi en la vie. Désinvoltes, blasés et sans avenir, ils sont transférés dans un nouveau lycée. Une nouvelle vie qui s'offre à eux, et Takashi et Shinji ont bien l'intention de saisir leur chance : ce nouvel établissement est l'occasion de se forger une nouvelle image ! Ensemble, ils décident de devenir… les plus grands délinquants du Japon !
きょうから四姉妹 -  Four Sisters Starting Today
Sakura Manabe is a 16-year-old high school student and is living with her 12-year-old sister Momiji and 27-year-old sister Botan, who works to support the three of them. Their 19-year-old brother Kashiwa has been away at college for two years and has suddenly decided to come back to live with them. However, when Kashiwa arrives, Sakura and the others discover that Kashiwa has now decided to live as a woman. Sakura and her two sisters now have to cope with the new reality of having another sister.
Kyou kara, Kimi wo Share Shimasu -  Сегодня я поделюсь с вами. -  今日から、君をシェアします。
Disclaimer - The smut here isn't 4P LOL, it's a normal 2-person romance and actually only 1 scene but better to put the smut tag for people who wants to avoid it.Akari’s grandmother told her to move out of their house and live at a new place. Turns out the place his moving in is a share house with 4 hot guys living in it. In exchange for free rent, Akari’s grandmother wants these four to make her into a better woman. Will they be able to transform Akari into one?
I’ll Be with Them Today -  Today, Right Next to Them. -  今日 も, 彼ら の お隣 で
When a new family moves in next door, Nao is curious to meet them. After watching them move in, she discovers that the family has two sons: Kyousuke, a handsome and playful boy who’s the same age as Nao, and Tomoyasu, the younger brother with a scary face and unapproachable personality. At school, Nao finds that associating herself with the attractive brothers could put her in a difficult position, so she pleads to Kyousuke to keep their situation a secret. How will Kyousuke react? And how will Nao, a seventeen-year-old with no experience in love, deal with his response?!
今天的5年2班 -  今日の5の2 -  今日的5年2班 -  Kyo No Go No Ni -  Today In Class 5-2
Ryôta est du genre à se la jouer cool auprès de ses camarades de classe, et particulièrement auprès des filles. Mais il se retrouve toujours dans des situations où il passe pour le pervers de service. Il lui arrivera tout un tas de péripéties. Qui a dit qu'un primaire ne pouvait pas connaitre une histoire d'amour de lycéen ?
今天的明日香, 今日のあすかショー, 天然萌少女明日香, Today's Asuka Show
Read some slice of Asuka-chan's normal life. And see how interesting some daily activites of a cute high schooler girl can be.
今日のケルベロス -  地狱三头犬的日常 -  Kyou no Kerberos -  Today's Kerberos
Depuis un incident ans son enfance, Chiaki n'a jamais été en mesure de se ressentir réellement de la joie ou du plaisir. Un jour, son père lui envoie une mystérieuse boîte en carton. Une fois ouverte, une jeune fille qui dit s'appeler Cerberus sort de la boîte ! Cette jeune fille, qui a trois personnalités en une seule, jure de protéger Chiaki de tout mal. Est-ce que Chiaki va être capable de vivre avec cette petite fille trois-en-un ?
今日のユイコさん, Today’s Yuiko-san, Today’s Yuikosan
京男と居候 -  京都男与寄宿女 -  The Kyoto Boy and the Freeloader
Ever since she was called a kokeshi doll by Rita Yanagi after putting on a kimono, Akane has developed a hatred for both kimonos and Rita. However 10 years later, she is forced to stay at the Yanagi's kimono shop after her parents take a sudden trip overseas, meaning she has to live surrounded with both kimonos AND Rita! Will her attitude towards kimonos and Rita ever change?
今日はノー咲夜デー!, Today is No Sakuya Day!, Dia de Folga da Sakuya!
[spoiler]Ultimamente Sakuya tem atendido muitos pedidos de uma vez, fazendo monte de coisas ao mesmo tempo,o que a deixou muito cansada, Meiling resolve ajudar com as tarefas.[/spoiler]
Light BL Anthology
今日、カレー!, 今日咖哩
Haruse Urara is a little girl who helps her papa with his curry shop. Traveling in the car that makes up his shop, they sell curry all around a small, supernaturally quirky island. Two teenage girls--the rambunctious and cheerful Subaru, and the shyer, less adventurous Yoriko-- also work with Urara and her papa. Each day, they come up with new curry flavors and get to know the strange, friendly, and occasionally magical inhabitants of their tiny island!
The Reality of a Co-ed High School -  The Reality of Coeducational Highschool -  共学高校のゲンジツ
A comedic take on the daily lives of students in a co-ed high school.
A Life of Competition -  きょうぎせいかつ
If only I was born on a different planet...
Enhanced Human Tale: MAD WANG 1160
MAD WANG 1160 takes place in the year Universal Century 1160, some 1072 years after the events of the Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - Another Z Gundam Story. The three main characters, Shiva Yips, Decoder S. Wallenstein and Mell Mekanika awake from cold sleep (cryonics) in each of their colonies and are swallowed up in the Earth vs. the Outer Space Alliance's battle. 
境界線上のリンボ, 境界线上的林波, Kyoukai Senjou no Limbo, Limbo on the Border Line
Fuu is a girl who was born as an elf/human hybrid, which caused her to be unwanted by either side. Fuu leaves her hometown and arrives at a place called "Limbo", a world where hybrids like Fuu gather. Day by day, Fuu's interactions with the residents of Limbo let her heart and feelings grow bit by bit.
共鳴するエコー, Asymmetry, Kyoumeisuru Echo, Lonesome Echo, Runner's High
Collection of short stories:• Kyoumei suru Echo• Runner's High (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 1)• Unbalance (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 3)• Asymmetry
鏡面のシルエット, 镜面的剪影, Kyomen no Silhouette, Silhouette in the Mirror's Surface, Silhouette in the Surface of the Mirror
Elna was entrusted with ruling a country at a very young age when her father, the king of a small kingdom, fell very ill. With such a heavy burden placed upon a mere teenager, the king gave Elna an important piece of advice about how he made his time of rule a success: find your shadow. By finding her double, she will find the will to live and be brave even in the most dire situations. Elna does find a person who looks identical to her, but it turns out fate loves to play games. Teshio used to be a simple peasant who had a problem of always being mistaken for a girl but he is about to go from rags to riches because he becomes the new shadow for princess Elna.
強制ハーレム契約 -  强制后宫契约 -  The Obligatory Harem Contract
Our protagonist Haruka has been given the gift of precognition. He’s led an ordinary life so far, without really giving question to his special ability. However, one day, he foresees someone close to him die in an accident while travelling. It’s only after he sees this insufferable vision that he gathers the determination fight against the future, but… in such an unthinkable way. What will the future hold after Haruka rises up against a fate that’s already been decided…?
帅哥老师真命苦 -  教師も色々あるわけで -  最恐教師~教師も色々あるわけで~ -  Ein Lehrer zum Verlieben -  Kyoushi mo Iroiro Aruwake de -  Kyoushi mo Iroiro Aruwakede -  Lovely Teachers! -  Saikyou
Komori Tadamachi loves teaching at an elementary school, the only problem is fellow teacher Takigawa Kyou. Always being compared to the perfectly composed and devastatingly handsome Takigawa (even by the students!) is really destroying Komori self-esteem. Still, Komori finds himself being drawn in by Takigawa's effortless charm...
教師にやらせな!S・T・J -  教師にやらせな!S☆T☆J -  辣妹女教师S☆T☆J -  Kyoushi ni Yarasena S.T.J -  Kyoushi ni Yarasena STJ
24 year old Juri IKEUCHI is quite the scandalous teacher. She races around in a red convertible, she smokes at school, and she dresses with daring style definitely not suitable for a teacher. Almost immediately after her arrival at school, she clashes with 17 year old student Tadashi KAKEI. He is Juri's opposite. He is an extremely straight-laced, by-the-books, intelligent student. He doesn't think much of IKEUCHI-sensei's flaunting of the rules. Of course, once IKEUCHI-sensei realizes how cute KAKEI is without his glasses, well, the hunt is on!
Youth Begins in a Corner of the Classroom -  教室の片隅で青春がはじまる -  青春在教室的角落裡開始了 -  青春在教室的角落里开始了
"I want to be the main character." Everyone must have thought so once. But that's not easy... A youth omnibus story dedicated to us of those times.
狂想のシミュラクラ, Simulacra of the Crazy Idea
Teenager Kurikura Kansuke lives in a small village with his family but tragedy strikes one day when his younger sister, Ayame, is brutally murdered. Six years later, Kansuke, in his search for his missing older brother, finds multiple women who all call themselves Kurikura Ayame. Kansuke learns that out of grief for Ayame, his brother created dolls, each with a part of her corpse and enhanced for combat. Kansuke vows to find his brother and stop the mindless violence.
Kyozo ni Koi -  虚像に恋
吸血姫, 吸血姫 ヴァンパイア・プリンセス, Kyuuketsu Hime, Kyuuketsu-Hime, Vampire Princess
It is the Meiji era. Yui is completely bewildered by her sudden transfer to Kaede Juku, a prestigious girls' school. At that time, Yuu, the daughter of a large enterprise, appears before Yui.Yui and Yuu's friendship immediately deepens. Although it seems as if they will spend time together peacefully, Yuu appears to have a mysterious air about her somewhere...
Como Seducir a un Vampiro -  How to Seduce a Vampire -  Vampire ni Aisareru Houhou -  吸血鬼に愛される方法
Watanabe rencontre Mizuo, un homme ensanglanté et mal en point qui va retrouver ses forces... en buvant son sang ! De mésaventures en mésaventures, Watanabe finit par être embauché par ce vampire et se rendre compte que d'autres moyens plus "charnels" lui permettent également de se régénérer. Pourtant, au lieu de fuir, Watanabe désire rester auprès de cet homme dont les yeux lui rappellent quelqu'un qu'il aurait déjà rencontré auparavant... Cette attirance serait-elle liée à un funeste destin entre deux espèces ennemies...? Beaucoup d'humour, de mystère et de tension dans cette intrigue qui porte la passion au domaine intemporel.