Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.
戒指中的王子 - Ring Finger Princess - The Secret Prince in My Ring
Houjou Hinaki est une jeune fille possédant un anneau, cadeau lui venant de son père. Cependant ce n'est pas un anneau ordinaire. Quand elle l'embrasse, un jeune noble, Sae, apparaît devant elle et lui accorde tous ses souhaits. Toutefois, Sae a été piégé par l'anneau et ne peut tolérer de rester plus longtemps avec Hanaki et Yume-sempai, un camarade de classe vraiment bizarre. Il recherche désespérément une manière de sortir de la prison de l'anneau.
La top modèle Alysha a été sélectionnée pour devenir le visage de la nouvelle campagne d’une grande société de cosmétiques. Quand elle découvre que le photographe de cette campagne est le renommé Ross, elle est obligée de faire face à un souvenir désagréable datant d'il y a cinq ans.À cette époque, Alysha était une fille de la campagne qui souhaitait être top modèle. Pour réaliser ses rêves, elle a fait irruption dans le studio de Ross et l’a soudoyé pour qu’il fasse d'elle son modèle. Mais le prix à payer s'est révélé trop élevé et continue de hanter Alysha. Après cette première rencontre humiliante, pourquoi Ross choisirait-il de travailler avec elle maintenant ?
It is 1943 in Soviet Russia during the war. Nadya, an officer, and Vasenka, a witch, are looking for their allies. All they can do is walk until they find them. In the mean time, they get into silly little adventures and experience some weird stuff.
It is 1943 in Soviet Russia during the war. Nadya, an officer, and Vasenka, a witch, are looking for their allies. All they can do is walk until they find them. In the mean time, they get into silly little adventures and experience some weird stuff.
Seto est devenu mannequin suite à un coup de foudre. Son cœur à été capturé pendant qu’il regarde la télé. Sur l’écran un mannequin a renommée mondiale défilé, Touwa. Maintenant qu’il travail enfin dans le même milieu celui-ci avoir arrêté sa carrière, son rêve de l’approcher semble s’éloigner et sa carrière peine à démarrer. Que vas devenir Seto ? Pourras s’il réaliser son rêve et rencontrer Touwa ?
A slice-of-life story about a new employee who can literally read emotions and an inexpressive but actually very kind senpai at work.[b]Links:[/b][*][url=https://twitter.com/t_rsa][img]https://i.imgur.com/dQCXZkU.png[/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][*][url=https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/164460][img]https://i.imgur.com/oiVINmy.png[/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][*][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcopbiQLc9itfUDnPdyMzTA][img]https://i.imgur.com/TysezOa.png[/img] Artist’s YouTube[/url]
Kuuki no Soko is a collection of short stories drawn by the genius mangaka, Tezuka Osamu, between 1971 and 1972, and is known in Japan as a true masterpiece.Belonging to Tezuka's most mature period, it touches many genres: from pure science fiction to historical fiction to contemporary drama. We find stories of industrial espionage, animal testing, and racial animosity, as well as stories about the more complex dynamics of the human mind.And the human mind is the leitmotif of the entire volume, namely the duality present in every one of us - mercy, love, and understanding, existing together with cruelty and violence until something upsets the balance and we discover a side hidden even from ourselves... a side we are not always prepared to confront...
The story is set in a world where humanity, driven off the land by the threat of magical armored insects, now live in aerial floating cities. Thus wizards - aerial combat mages who fight the insects with magical powers - came into being. Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of "Misutogan." He was once celebrated as the "Black Master Swordsman," the elite ace of the S128 special team. However, he is now despised as the "traitor of the special team." One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered 10 consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls - Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel - with one or two peculiar quirks.
A devastating disease called Melancholia spreads across certain areas of the city, causing the unfortunate person to lose their memories of their most important person. Kazanami Toki is unaware that he has caught the incurable disease, but "by chance" he meets his forgotten lover, Hanamiya Yuna. After their fateful encounter, he is left with a strange feeling he is unable to understand...
On a mountain formed by trash thrown away by the people below, a young girl adept with repairing almost anything discovers an ambulance. Not only an ambulance, but there's someone inside... missing an arm? Who is this mysterious person? Why are they there and who threw them away? Find out in this one-shot, Kuzukago Mountain!
A manga about the four brothers of the Kuzumoto family, a group of people with supernatural powers. This year they are selected to be the "Supernatural Management Team", a group tasked with preventing any abuses of supernatural power that would cause disturbance to the ordinary people of the town or allow the discovery of people with supernatural powers. The story focuses upon 14-year-old Sora and how he and his three brothers work to protect the peace in their town.
A forty-year-old single woman, obsessed with City Hunter manga, is hit by a train only to find herself in the world of her favorite manga. Big fan of Ryou Saeba since her teenage years, she will do all she can to live a love story with him.
Ce manga est basé sur l'anime du même nom et conserve tout l'humour de la série ainsi que les allusions shônen-ai. Pauvre Yuuri ! En se portant au secours d'un camarade de classe, c'est lui qui s'attire les foudres d'autres élèves et se retrouve la tête la première dans les toilettes… Comment ? Ces toilettes ne sont pas ordinaires, et le propulsent dans un autre monde dont il est le roi ??? Attention, car il va bientôt se retrouver entouré d'une famille et d'amis complètement déjantés !
Become my woman from today ~ Sweet fake marriage with a doting yakuza ~ - Kyō kara ore no on'na ni nare yo ~ dekiai yakuza to amai gisō kekkon ~ - 今日から俺のオンナになれよ~溺愛ヤクザと甘い偽装結婚~
¿Es un amor prohibido o no? Touya, el hermano gemelo mayor, se pelea con su hermana menor, Maasa, por un asunto trivial y se escapa de casa. Cuando se dirige casualmente a la azotea del condominio, se encuentra sentado allí a su amigo Kazuma, que también es gemelo. Los dos hablan de la situación del hogar de cada uno y se envidian mutuamente. “Ojalá pudiéramos intercambiar de hermanas.” Los dos chicos lanzan esas palabras al cielo nocturno. ― Ocho años después, la relación de Touya y Kazuma sigue siendo la misma de siempre. Excepto en un punto... "Me gustas Touya", Touya suspira ante las palabras pronunciadas por Maasa. Este es el inicio de una historia de gemelos cruzados, donde sus sentimientos y percepciones se cruzan.
From Nakama: A phantom thief has been creating an uproar, passing through every defense and stealing countless works of art! When he takes a liking to the "maidenhood" a guard sacrifices to him, he leaves without stealing the goods... The guard of a certain art museum is completely taken in by that scheme. Their relationship began with contractual sex but before they know it, the two of them are attracted to each other. However, the thief's younger brother kidnaps the guard to get revenge on his elder brother and a big group gang rapes him-!
Kotoko Iwanaga, 15 ans, est tombée amoureuse de Kurou après l’avoir aidé à l’hôpital. Cependant, Kurou a déjà une petite amie et Kotoko ne peut donc rien y faire. Deux ans plus tard, après l’avoir longuement observé, le garçon se retrouve seul et c’est ainsi que la jeune fille décide de l’aborder. Leur conversation va finir sur l’enfance de Kotoko, qui, à l’âge de 7 ans, s’est retrouvée dans une forêt avec des esprits avec qui elle a conclu un pacte : devenir leur dieu de la sagesse. En effet, les yôkais, et autres esprits japonais possèdent une intelligence limitée et demandent alors des conseils à Kotoko. En échange, ils aident la jeune fille dans d’autres tâches. Mais lors de sa disparition, elle a également perdue son œil droit et sa jambe gauche. Curieux des propos de Kotoko, Kurou décide de la revoir plus tard. C’est ainsi que va commencer leur duo pour combattre et aider les esprits de ce monde !
Hiiro is a covert agent being sent to investigate the disappearance of his fellow agent and friend, Chris. Hiiro's orders are to kill Chris if he's betrayed their agency. Which side is Chris on?
Another Day of Loving Instead of Killing - Kyou mo Korosezu ni Ai Shiau dake. - Today, We Continue Loving Each Other Without Bloodshed - Today, We Continue Loving Each Other Without Killing One Another - 今天也放下屠刀只談戀愛吧。 - 今天也放下屠刀只谈恋爱吧。 - 今日も殺せずに愛し合うだけ。
Kodai Okuhira, is the director of a large corporation. Yukino Miyachi, his excellent and beautiful new secretary, is an assassin who had a mission to kill Kodai. The night that she was going to carry out her mission, she makes the mistake that changes her destiny significantly. It is very difficult to fulfill her job as an assassin, a newly married life and a husband with a great sexual appetite!
This is a story about a Kuu, who is thinking about her prince all the time, she has dreams of him all the time, of him telling her to come with her. One day, as she goes back to school, she meets with someone who looks like him, exactly. Not before long the story gets complicated with mechas and stuff, what will be of Kuu?
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