
コータローまかりとおる! L -  功夫旋風兒-忍者篇
Sequel of Shin Kotaro Makaritoru
A mini Twitter comic about Kotoha and her desire to obtain a PS5.[*][url=]Artist's Twitter[/url]
ことこと。, ことこと。 子と孤島, ことこと。 ~子と孤島~, 南岛教师, Koto-koto - Children and the Island, Kotokoto
Ao-ko Nagisa is a brand new teacher. She's posted to a tiny island on the edge of Japanese territory called Kotoko Island, 30 HOURS by boat from Tokyo. The island is so small there are only five students at the school. Everday becomes an adventure as Ao-ko gets to know her students, the other islanders and the island itself (including dolphins and other assorted wildlife.)
コトノバドライブ -  Kotonoba Doraibu
Suu-chan profite de sa vie paisible, alternant entre son travail à temps partiel et ses expéditions à mobylette. Et de temps en temps, d'étranges scènes s'emparent d'elle, des scènes qui ne durent que cinq minutes..
When Fujita was in high school, she had but one romantic encounter – and it was with another girl. It happened one day when they ended up kissing. However, somewhere inside her, she knew a girl kissing another girl was wrong, so she chose to remain as just friends. Even when graduation came, she could not confess her feelings, and so the two girls split ways. Five years later, Fujita still thinks back to that romantic encounter. Meanwhile at work, due to one of her colleagues going on maternity leave, a new designer is brought into the company… and who does that designer turn out to be? None other than her high school crush!
Kou-1 desu ga Isekai de Joushu Hajimemashita -  Высокий замок в ином мире -  高1ですが異世界で城主はじめました -  高一就是异世界的城主 -  고 1 그렇지만이 세계에서 성주 시작했습니다
"Invoqué accidentellement par une carte ancienne, élève de première année du secondaire, Kiyokawa Hiroto est contraint par l'arrogant Seigneur du château d'exterminer le vampire qui hante son château. Se liant d'amitié de manière inattendue avec une fille de la tribu Mummy, Hiroto a habilement réussi à capturer le vampire avec son aide. Cependant, il est bientôt encadré par le seigneur du château. Avec bravoure et gentillesse visant à être un Seigneur, le fantasme d'être convoqué dans un autre monde commence !
El resultado de cuando viaje en el tiempo a mi segundo año de secundaria y me confesé a la profesora que me gustaba en ese momento. -  Hasil Dari Ketika Aku Melompati Waktu ke Masa Saat Aku Kelas 2 SMA dan Menyatakan Perasaanku Kepada Guru yang Aku Suk
J'étais employé d'entreprise dans la trentaine, quand je me suis réveillé et que j'ai découvert que le temps avait fait un bond au printemps de ma deuxième année de lycée. À l'époque, il y avait un professeur que j'avais regretté de ne pas avoir avoué, alors je lui ai avoué dans le feu de l'action, et maintenant nous sortons ensemble ! Cependant, le professeur est celui qui ferait de n'importe quel homme une personne bonne à rien, alors je finis par être beaucoup gâtée par elle. Tout en sortant secrètement avec mon professeur (amant) surmené, une douce vie d'école remplie de flirts m'attend. Une lycéenne de 2e année avec un moi de 30 ans à l'intérieur et le professeur (amant) que je veux dorloter, notre comédie romantique quotidienne commence.
This is good. -  こういうのがいい
Do what we want, when we want, with the person we want. Such a relationship needs no label.- [url=]Author's Pixiv[/url]- [url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
公僕の警部 -  The Police Inspector of Public Slave
A helpful text message went out to people whose lives were in danger, guiding some of them to safety. This guidance system called itself the "Police Inspector." Later, a few people whose lives had been saved by the "police inspector" received another text, asking for help. This is how a group of three disparate people, high-schooler Natsumi, Shogo, and the gangster Teru, found themselves together, taking cues from a mysterious texter as they tracked down a criminal. But who or what is this mysterious texter, and can they really trust it?
A short story from acclaimed Japanese auteur Katsuhiro Otomo: Social misfits On, Hanaken and Shinta spend an afternoon in the park shooting the breeze. As they wonder what direction life will take them, a chance encounter with an older generation leads to confrontation.
Prince of Happiness -  The Happy Prince -  The Prince of Happiness -  幸福の王子
When humans are at their happiest moments they emit an aura that is delicious for certain fairies. This story is about a guy who has a fairy follow him around because he will soon emit that aura and the fairy wants to eat it...but all this guy encounters is one-sided love or failed relationships, is he really ever going to emit that aura?
幸福のスゝメ -  幸福のススメ (日輪早夜) -  Happiness Recommended
This is a prequel to Kimi no Ondo, with the other twin as the main character. -dropped-
[i]Will begin serilization in Monthly Shonen Magazine Edge on April 17, 2021.[/i]
香贺同学的咬癖症 -  コウガさんの噛みぐせ
The New Guy Is Looking at Me Like He Wants to Be My Pet! -  後輩くんがペットになりたそうにこっちを見ている!
Rika Niikura, 28, is currently hiding the fact that she has feelings for the young company president Satoshi Kojima. The two of them were friends as kids and were reunited by chance at Satoshi's company, but he doesn't seem to remember... Rika, on the other hand, still thinks of him as her first love. Everyone's getting married and having kids, and she knows she's falling behind, but...! With all that on her mind, a young yet dependable new employee, Takeshi Kiryuu, joins the team. Rika is charged with training him. She realizes that the gentle boy will be an asset, but then she lets her guard down...! She receives a passionate booty-call on the night after they just met, and he asks to be her pet!! What on Earth does that mean!?
後遺症ラジオ, Kouishou Radio
A collection of horror stories.
Komichi Flower Song -  Komichi Hana Uta -  Komichi Hanauta -  Kouji Hana Uta -  小路花唄
向日性のとびら, Le Syndrôme du tournesol
Cys Buegette learns of the sudden death of his brother he didn't see for 10 years. His only legacy: a disk and a son, Kai. Kai now lives with Cys and every night, comes to his bed.
Legend of Shougokyu 紅霞後宮物語~小玉伝~
攻殻機動隊, Ghost in the Shell, Kōkaku Kidōtai
Призрак в доспехах 1.5 -  攻殻機動隊1.5HUMAN ERROR PROCESSER -  Ghost in the Shell 1.5 -  Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor
Deep into the twenty-first century, the line between man and machine has been inexorably blurred as humans rely on the enhancement of mechanical implants and robots are upgraded with human tissue. In this rapidly converging technoscape, the covert-ops agents of Section 9 are charged to track and crack the most dangerous terrorists, cybercriminals, and ghost hackers. And speaking of ghosts, when supposedly dead people start turning up walking and talking, Section 9 begins to look into the possibility that corpses are being "puppeted" from a remote location, and some serious powerbrokers may be pulling the strings. Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor presents for the first time in America the "lost" Ghost in the Shell stories, created by Shirow Masamune after completing work on the original Ghost in the Shell manga and prior to his tour-de-force, Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface, but never collected until now. Focusing on Section 9 agents in their daily battle against technocrime, Human-Error Processor has all the mind-twisting cybermadness you've come to expect from Ghost in the Shell, but set in a more police-procedural context with action and suspense galore. Taken from Dark Horse Website
攻殻機動隊ARISE 〜眠らない眼の男 Sleepless Eye〜 -  Ghost in the Shell ARISE -  Ghost in the Shell Arise - Nemuranai Me no Otoko Sleepless Eye
紅殻のパンドラ-GHOST URN‐, Benikara no Pandora
高校球児 ザワさん, Koukou Kyuji Zawa-san, School Baseball's Mr. Zawa
Miyakozawa Risa, known as Zawa-san, is a member of Nissen High School's prestigious baseball club, but she's a girl... She trains and practices hard knowing she'll never be allowed to play in a real game.A quirky manga, focused more on the characters around Zawa-san reacting to her rather than baseball heroics or high school romance.Nominated for the 3rd Manga Taisho Award (2010).
高校鉄拳伝タフ, High School Exciting Story: TOUGH, High School Iron Fist Legend: TOUGH, Koko Tekken-den TOUGH, Koukou Tekken-den TOUGH, The Legend of the Hig
Nobody enjoys a good fight more than "Kiibo" Miyazawa, a high school student whose father is training him in the family's secret martial art. Kiibo dreams of becoming the next Bruce Lee, but his awesome fighting skills may soon surpass his idol's
High School Exciting Story: Tough -  Koukou Tekken-den Tough -  Shootfighter Tekken -  Tough Season 1 -  Koko Tekken-den TOUGH
Eureka 7 - New Order -  Eureka Seven New Order -  Koukyou Shihen Eureka Seven: New Order
Related: > Koukyou Shihen Eureka Seven
後宮デイズ~七星国物語 -  後宮DAYS~七星國物語~ -  Harem Days - Story of Seven-Starred Co
Hisui, qui travaille pour la troupe de théâtre du Coq d'Or, est une orpheline depuis que ses parents ont été tués lors d'un grand massacre dix ans auparavant et que son frère Kohaku a été enlevé. Lors d'une représentation, l'empereur la remarque et c'est ainsi qu'elle rejoint le palais afin de divertir les concubines. Mais le palais est un endroit dangereux, pourra-t-elle survivre aux manigances des concubines et des hommes politiques ? Pourra-t-elle découvrir la vérité sur son frère et le retrouver ?
後宮デイズ~七星国物語, Harem Days ~Story of Seven-Starred Country, Koukyuu Days, Koukyuu Days ~Shichisei Kuni Monogatari~
Endless Comfort -  A Permanent Place -  恒久の在り処
Deux ans après le décès de sa mère, Masaki retourne dans la maison où sa mère venait se reposer et où il passait tous ses weekends. Il y fait la connaissance de Yuu, le nouveau dresseur de chiens. Ce jeune homme d'apparence joyeuse et sociable cache pourtant au fond de lui un lourd secret...