
Gifting this Wonderful World with Explosions! -  この素晴らしい世界に爆焔を!
Spinoff of the KonoSuba series, featuring the daily life of Kazuma and co.
La vie de Satou Kazuma, un hikikomori aimant les jeux, se termine bien trop tôt, dû à un accident de la route... Alors que ce dernier est décédé, une déesse nommée Aqua apparaît devant lui et lui propose de se réincarner dans l'au delà, prenant l'aspect d'un monde fantastique de jeu vidéo.Après s'être bien adapté à ce monde et vivant avec une petite équipe dont fait partie la déesse Aqua, une magicienne du nom de Mégumin et une paladin masochiste, Kazuma est chargé d'une mission : vaincre le roi-démon. Cependant, en raison de l'incapacité de son groupe à réussir des quêtes, ce dernier va très vite renoncer à cette idée et tenter de profiter de ce monde si parfait à ses yeux.Malheureusement pour lui, leurs chemins vont très vite croiser ceux des généraux du roi démon, et c'est ainsi que les galères vont commencer.
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! - 七夕
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url]
Моё путешествие -  このたびは -  作品集このたびは -  Est Em Sakuhinshuu -  My Journey
A collection of short stories about love and family and life. The first story is about an omiai and the qualities sought in a marriage.
From Attractive Fascinante: Kojima Shouji stayed at his dad’s friend’s house when he attended college. Hayase was lazy and Shouji often ended up doing all the household chores. Gradually, he found that he has feelings for Hayase and he confessed while they went on a trip. Their feelings were actually mutual. Hayase got to travel around for his work and Shouji found himself getting used to not having Hayase around. Is it coming to an end?
このうたは君の為に -  Kono Uta wa Kimi no Tame ni -  This Song Is for You
From Midnight Scans: Akira, a student of the music department, played the violin only for Ibuki who is her teacher and lover. Akira is entirely devoted to Ibuki while Ibuki's love devours all of Akira to where she has lost the distinction of herself. She believed that Ibuki was her entire world. That was until she met Seike Hayato, a classmate who is the complete opposite of her... An intense, sad love story unfolds on stage in the world of classical music!
Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tame ni -  Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tameni -  To Make This World a Flower -  この世を花にするために -  この花
Ryotaro is a boy who loves robots and lives out in the country with his three sisters but he's headed to Tokyo for high school. Before leaving, he runs across a humanoid military robot and has a fateful encounter with its pilot, a cute teenage girl who calls herself La Vie en Rose. Ryotaro will almost certainly meet her again in Tokyo, considering his family connection to the production of these humanoid robots--his father worked with them.
Set in a village inhabited by Youkai, Konohanatei Kitan presents the lives of several fox mononoke working in a hot spring inn. The stories revolve around a new employee, Yuzu. Yuzu had always been living in the mountains, but now has to adjust to a new life working in a high class inn. She is oblivious and clumsy at first, but with her simple cuteness, she is able to get along with all the other foxes.
今夜もじれったい; Can’t Wait Until Tonight
Un jour, un jeune homme est retrouvé inconscient à l'extérieur des pièces partagées où Ayato vit. Malgré les avertissements de l'un de ses colocataires, Ayato permet à la personne de vivre avec eux temporairement. Il s'avère que le jeune homme, Ryou, était l'ami d'enfance d'Ayato quand il avait deux ans. Tous deux ont déjà été séparés il y a onze ans, mais sont maintenant réunis. Ayato, rempli de bonheur en se rappelant leurs premiers souvenirs, est progressivement attiré sur Ryou. Cependant, Ryou semble être sombre et mélancolique, comme s'il cachait quelque chose d'important... ?!
Feast To You Tonight -  今夜も君にごちそうさま
Taisei, a college student who runs the gourmet food club, falls in love at first sight with Hanaoka, the beautiful shopkeeper of a side dish shop, and the rice he cooks.
Higuchi Rikiya, un jeune étudiant de 18 ans décide de s'inscrire sur un site de rencontre gay, bien qu'il soit très timide. Il est bien décidé à changer. Mais est-ce que tout va se passer comme prévu ?
Can You Just Die -  My Darling?I Love You. So I Kill You.Moon is KillThe Moon Is Beautiful Tonight -  but First -  Dieรักเธอสุดหัวใจแต่ยังไงก็ต้องฆ่าเธอ (Thai)今夜は月が綺麗ですが、とりあえず死ね今夜月美愿君亡오늘밤은 달이 아름다운데요 -  일단 죽어
Taku Kamishiro est un lycéen en apparence banal qui aime venir en aide aux autres. Il est également amoureux de la jolie Mika Hanasono, qui a le même âge que lui. Il lui donne rendez-vous le lendemain d'une journée d'école pour lui avouer ses sentiments. Le soir, alors qu'il réfléchissait à quoi lui dire exactement, il aperçoit à la fenêtre un homme qui tente de violenter une femme. Faisant mine de ne rien voir, il finit tout de même par prendre son courage à deux mains afin d'aller l'aider. Mais il se fait attaquer par un homme complètement défiguré qui lui crie qu'il est contaminé qu'il va être également infecté par "ses émotions" s'il ne s'enfuit pas. Mais en se réveillant le matin, alors qu'il allait en cours accompagné de son amie Mika, il lui prend l'envie soudaine de la tuer ?
今夜、ミスターで -  今夜让我拴住你 -  It waits with tonight "Mr." -  Konya, Mr de -  Konya, Mr. de
From Yaoi Is Life: You know...I was in love with you. There was a reason for Chika, employed and hosted at the gay bar “Mr.”, to not be able to return to his hometown. It has to do with one of his childhood friends, Kyouhei, but...? Besides the title work “Tonight, at Mister“, also contains an unnumbered chapter « Welcoming Morning » and the story describing the adult love of “Mr.” owners, Yuudai and Momo, “Goodbye Mister”.
Konyaku Haki Sareta Reijo wo Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto wo Oshiekomu Oishi Mono wo Tabesasete Oshare wo Sasete, Sekaichi Shiawasena Shojo ni Produce! -  Konyakuhaki Sareta Reijou wo Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto wo Oshiekomu ~Oishii Mono wo Tabesasete Os
In the back of the forest lives Allen, the people-hating wizard. He is feared by the people around him and called the "Demon Lord".One day, while living out his life as a hermit, he finds a young girl named Charlotte who collapsed. Although innocent, she was accused of evil wrongdoings, had her engagement broken and was forced to flee her country.Upon hearing that, Allen recalled the bitter experience of being betrayed by a party he once believed to be his companions. Hearing the story of the 17 year old’s exploitation, Allen decides, “I'll let her live in my mansion, and I'll teach her all sorts of bad things…"[url=]Artist's Twitter[/url]

Koohii Jikan

Coffee Jikan -  Coffee Time -  Kōhī Jikan -  珈琲時間
Il s'agit d'un recueil de nouvelles qui tournent autour du café d'une manière ou d'une autre.
氷のキスでとろけたい, 热吻圆舞曲, I Want to Melt with a Gelid Kiss, I Want to Melt with a Ice Kiss, I Want to Melt with Ice's Kiss, Misu no Kiss De Toroteki, Red Lip
Sugimura Nozomi made a pact with her childhood friend Hyoudo Rei who both have a passion for ice-skating that when they grow up, they will both pair up to get into the Olympics. But then Rei moves away.Years later, Nozomi transfers to a school famous for its students' emphasis on ice skating. There she unexpectantly meets up with Rei only to find him indifferent to ice skating. But Nozomi will not give up on her dream even if Rei has and she's determined to make it to the school ice-skating club and bring Rei with her as her partner.Includes two oneshots, Red Lips' Trap and Super Prince.
Kohri no mamono no Monogatari -  The Ice-Cold Demon's Tale -  Truyền thuyết băng quỷ -  ตำนานภูตน้ำแข็ง -  冰之魔物語 -  冰之魔物语 -  氷の魔物の物語
Au fond d'une caverne, prisonnier de la glace, un démon nommé Blood dévore les humains qui osent y entrer. Il attend l'humain, qui au seuil de la mort, pourra pleurer la larme la plus pure du monde : le joyau de larme. Ce joyau a le pouvoir d'exaucer tout les voeux et le démon compte bien l'utiliser afin de se défaire de sa prison de glace.Un jour, un jeune homme du nom d'Ishuka entre dans cette caverne. Bien qu'ayant été capturé par le démon, le jeune homme n'a pas peur de la mort : Son cœur, très malade et fragile le condamne déjà... Par la suite, touché par la nature gentille et innocente d'Ishuka, Blood commence à changer et son coté cruel s'efface peu à peu...
From Essence of Purity: In the beginning, there was a demon in a cave: Blood, trapped in ice for many decades. In order to break the curse that bound him, he searched for the "tear jewel". One day, a youth called Ishuca appeared before him. He was suffering from an illness, and had come to the cave to die. Blood was touched by Ishuca's kindness, and began to feel drawn to him. However, death soon came to Ishuca, and, saddened by the death, Blood began to weep. His tear became the "tear jewel", and Ishuca's life was saved through its power. The two set off on a journey. On the way, Blood was reunited with some old companions, but - since the demons wanted him to return to his old self, and Blood wanted to continue to travel with Ishuca - his former companions became his enemies. Upon confessing his own past to Ishuca, Blood promised never to kill another human. Having completed their journey - and with the aim of finding the jewel that Wild, the jewel-dealer, had asked for - they find themselves at the Toei Cliffs . . . !? Volume 8-9 is a special one, as it talks about Rapunzel's side story. There's an additional volume called Koori no mamono no monogatari Gaiden, which is an anthology of short stories featuring different protagonists of the story.
Dôjima Kenji et ses amis ont décidé de passer leurs vacances d'hiver à chasser des fantômes, sauf qu'à part lui et Takamine Karen, la seule fille du groupe, tous ont dû annuler. Et ce qui ne devait être que l'histoire d'une chasse aux fantômes va vite prendre une toute autre tournure...
これが恋というならば, 如果这叫做恋爱, If This Is Called Love, Kore ga Koi to Iunaraba, O, This Feeling of Love!
You can't compare me to the perfect sister! I don't know any sister but when I entered in a far away high school something happened...
これが恋というならば -  如果这叫做恋爱 -  If This Is Called Love -  Kore ga Koi to Iu naraba -  O, This Feeling of Love!
You can't compare me to the perfect sister! I don't know any sister but when I entered in a far away high school something happened...
これはゾンビですか? -  这个是僵尸吗? -  这就是僵尸么 -  Is This A Zombie?
Ayumu Aikawa est une des victimes concernant une série d’assassinats mystérieux. Yû (Eucliwood Hellscythe), une nécromancienne, utilisa son pouvoir pour redonner vie à Ayumu, ce dernier ressuscite comme un zombie. Suite à ces évènements, il se réveille dans le monde de Masou Shôjo. Il devient alors le serviteur de Yû, supervisé par une fille guerrière qui se nomme Haruna.
Korekara Doushiyou -  Where Do We Go From Here? -  これからどうしよう?
Kikuchi and Akitsu have an unusual yet comfortable friendship all through high school. But after high school, they've lost contact with each other until their path crossed again on their first day of work! On the surface, Akitsu seems to always verbally abuse the levelheaded Kikuchi. Until one day, Akitsu realizes that he has fallen for Kikuchi! Would Akitsu cross the line between friendship and love?Also included, the story of Shu and Shindo. After two years of absence, the gun-shy Shu runs into his previous lawyer lover and protector, Shindo. Will Shu overcome his fear of love this time and come together with Shindo bodily and wholeheartedly?
殺されるなら、いっそ桜の木の下で -  Dead Friend's Love Letter
Un jour Yukino reçoit un étrange message de sa meilleure amie: "fuis!" Quelques heures plus tard, elle apprend que celle-ci s'est suicidée. Des rumeurs circulent disant que la jeune fille aurait mis fin à ses jours parce qu'elle était persécutée et son dernier tweet laisse entendre qu'il s'agissait de Yukino elle-même. Mais alors, que pouvait bien signifier ce dernier message...?
殺されるなら、いっそ桜の木の下で, Dead Friend's Love Letter
One day, Yukino received a weird messagefrom her best friend Saho.Then when she came to school she heard abouther death. Truth is, she killed herself becauseshe was persecuted by her schoolmates...So why is her last message "run"...?
About an assassin who likes watching the romance of others.
Hôn nhân 0 ngày quen biết. -  Kousai 0-nichi kon -  交際0日婚
Quand la mère de Kaoru se remarie, les nouveaux membres de la famille viennent vivre avec eux ... dont Touma, une super célébrité ! Cependant, quand Touma rentre à la maison, c' est un gars différent ... Kaoru ne peut pas le croire, mais il découvre son côté solitaire et décide de s'occuper de lui ... un peu trop !
The original Kotaro Makaritoru contained 7 Major Archs and 1 side series. Initially the comic was filled with slapstick comedy and small sexual humor, but as the story progressed, the comic became more mature and serious. However, some of the classic humor remained. Koutarou Shindou - A high school aged karate expert who is descended from a long line of ninja. While he may be a fighting genius, he lacks common sense and any inhibitions whatsoever. He spends most of his time getting into trouble with school officials, and trying to steal girls' panties; especially Mayumi's. He is very protective of three things: his long hair, his panty collection, and Mayumi.