
きらきらのなつ, 短篇集, Kira Kira no Natsu, The Basics of Stealth
A collection of stories including• Shinobi no Iroha (The Basics of Stealth)
きらら, 再续前缘
Twenty-four-year-old Kirara is on her way to her wedding when she is killed in a car accident. However her love for her fiancé is so strong that she is permitted to return to earth as a ghost to see him. But she is sent back 8 years in time, to when she and her fiancé first met. However her own meddling in the past may make her 16 year-old-self turn away from her would-be fiancé.a

Kirara Fantasia

きららファンタジア, Kirarafan, Manga Time Kirara Meets Fantasy RPG
Etoilia, the joyful and prosperous land governed by the goddess Sola.Towering at the heart this land is "The Tree of Words". At the top of the Tree lies the Temple, which shines radiant light.With the power to observe other worlds, the goddess Sola noted the everyday lives of the people living in those worlds.The books she had written are referred to as "The Scriptures", which are loved by the people, and became an object of worship.The Scriptures recorded various tales, and through reading them, the people were able to acquire the source of life force, "Crea".With the Goddess as the center, the world was full of "Crea", and Etoilia sustained a great period of peace.ーHowever, that peace had suddenly collapsed and crumbled awayThe Goddess Sola was sealed away by a certain someone.With the Scriptures becoming dull and fading in significance, the "Crea" on this world is gradually diminishing.Among this anomalous situation, one person and one creature rose up."Lamp" and "Match", who once were servants in the Temple, set off on a journey in order to rescue the Goddess...ーBy seeking after the legendary summoner.(Source: MangaDex)
¿Podrías limpiarlo? Kirei ni Shite morae ma suka Will You Clean This For Me? 綺麗にしてもらえますか。
Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka takes place at a seaside town laundry shop called "Kinme Cleaning," where the proprietress Wakana Kinme is a cheerful, hardworking girl who loves hot springs. The "bittersweet" story stars Kinme and the people around her.
斬り介とジョニー四百九十九人斬り -  Kirisuke and Johnny, The Slaying of 499
きりのもりほてる, 霧の森ホテル, Kiri no Mori Hoteru, Kiri-no-Mori Hotel
Nobody know where it is, but it's a place that offers shelter to those who hate their lives or are trapped in the labyrinth of their own hearts... a mysterious hotel. Even now, those who are tired of their lives come to stay in the "Kiri no Mori" Hotel...
きりひと讃歌  -  Eulogy to Kirihito -  Kirihito -  Ode to Kirihito
Two young doctors, the passionate and well-liked Osanai and the ambitious Tatsugaura, are both investigating the mysterious 'Monmo' disease, found only in one remote village, which causes bizarre bone deformation, making its victims take on a beastlike appearance before their deaths. Osanai, caught between the allure of his urban medical world and the rural peace offered by the remote village, does his best to help the victims retain their humanity in the face of a medical establishment which views them only as guinea pigs and oddities. Meanwhile, Tatsugaura schemes against Osanai and tries to infect his rival with the disease in order to gain fame from researching the results.
霧籠姫と魔法使い -  Kirikagohime to Mahoutsukai -  The Mist Cage Princess & The Wizard
From AQUA Scans: A cranky misanthrope sorcerer, Neverheart, reluctantly went into town one day and discovered a fairy that had been injured in a side-show act. With one look at the fairy Neverheart decided that she suited him and claims her as part of his collection... The new series of the fantasy expert Nesumi Chisato begins!
桐岛、部活 -  桐島、部活やめるってよ -  聽說桐島要退部 -  Kirishima Is Going To Quit Club -  Kirishima Said He Will Quit Club Activities -  Kirishima -  Bukatsu Yamerutteyo
Kirishima est un garçon populaire et un athlète de son école. Pour une raison inconnue, il semble avoir disparu après avoir quitté l'équipe de volley-ball. Sa disparition est finalement devenue le centre de ce recueil d'histoires où diverses personnes, toutes connectées à lui d'une certaine manière, chacun ayant un point de vue unique sur les connexions, les relations, les frontières sociales et ces événements.

Kiruru Kill Me

Kill Me. -  きるる KILL ME - 
Aoi, qui est l'un des plus grands entrepreneurs du Japon, a un prix sur la tête et le nom de l'assassin qui vient la réclamer est Kiruru Akaumi. Mais celui qui a commandité ce coup... c'est Aoi lui-même ! Il est tombé amoureux de Kiruru dès le moment où il l'a vue et, afin de passer plus de temps avec elle pour approfondir leur relation, il a lui-même commandé à la société Kiruru de le tuer.
只是被鬼龙院萱吸血的简单工作 -  鬼龍院カヤに血を吸われるだけの簡単なおしごと -  Kiryuin Kaya Chi Wo Suwareru Dake No Kantan Na Oshigoto -  Kiryuuin Kaya Ni Chi Wo Suwareru Dake No Kantan Na
C'est un travail tranquille, se faire sucer le sang par Kaya Kiryuin. Ou peut-être pas … ?
Karato vit une vie comme les autres, il a ses amis et va à l'école... Bref rien d'anormal. Un matin, sa cousine Sakura au tempérament un peu foufou lui offre un réveil... électrique ! Sa maison est envahie d'éléments chimiques, appartenant à son père, un scientifique. Et ça s'étale jusqu'à la cuisine, dans laquelle Sakura lui gave son petit-déjeuner. Le soir venu, Karato souffre de douleurs intenses au ventre au point de croire qu'il va mourir, et c'est alors que son ventre se déforme et laisse sortir... Une fille nue ! Et pas une simple fille... Apparemment ce petit-déjeuner n'était pas si sain que ça...
Karato vit une vie comme les autres, il a ses amis et va à l'école... Bref rien d'anormal. Un matin, sa cousine Sakura au tempérament un peu foufou lui offre un réveil... électrique ! Sa maison est envahie d'éléments chimiques, appartenant à son père, un scientifique. Et ça s'étale jusqu'à la cuisine, dans laquelle Sakura lui gave son petit-déjeuner. Le soir venu, Karato souffre de douleurs intenses au ventre au point de croire qu'il va mourir, et c'est alors que son ventre se déforme et laisse sortir... Une fille nue ! Et pas une simple fille... Apparemment ce petit-déjeuner n'était pas si sain que ça...
寄生兽 -  寄生獣 -  ปรสิตเดรฉาน -  Kiseiju -  Parasite (IWAAKI Hitoshi) -  Parasyte
They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human flesh. They are everywhere. They are parasites, alien creatures who must invade- and take control of- a human host to survive. And once they have infected their victims, they can assume any deadly form they choose: monsters with giant teeth, winged demons, creatures with blades for hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purpose behind ordinary human faces. So no one knows their secret- except for an ordinary high school student. Shinji is battling for control of his own body against an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come?
Kisekae Yuka Chan -  Dress-up Yuka-chan -  きせかえユカちゃん
Yuka's sister was having a re-search for her, and it was of... what type of girl liked the boy Yuka loved! So, in order to answer the question, she cosplayed everytime she went to a shop he worked in, being a different person with every clothe she weared. So... What did she find out?! Will Yuka's feelings be returned?!
Il y a 10 ans, le père de Keiko Onouchi se remaria avec une femme qui deviendra comme une mère pour Keiko.Mais récemment, sa mère de substitution tomba malade et prononça ces derniers mots envers Keiko : " Trouve le fragment du miracle... ".En co-pro avec Ookami no Mitsugi
キセキの恋バナ, Kiseki no Koi Bana, Kiseki no Koi-bana, Power of Love (FUMIKURA Saki)
Sad, painful, and at last, sweet. Please read about these love stories.There are power stones rumored to give you miraculous powers...One day, Touko accidentally meets a boy, and falls in love with him. She buys a power stone that's said to fulfill her love, hoping that she will meet him again, but...?!Compilation of short stories:Kiseki no KoibanaArtistic DevilKoisuru KaradaMy Sweet DragonSweets no OujisamaArashi no Oujisama
奇跡の恋人 -  Imaginary Lovers
A volume of sweet, beautifully drawn oneshots from one of our favorite mangaka. 1) Imaginary Lovers: a man reunites with his college love after three years only to find out that his thoroughly male love interest has apparently conceived, given birth to and raised a son in the three years since they parted. That this is anatomically possible doesn't even occur to our slightly dopey seme, who's just overjoyed at the prospect of getting back "the one that got away" plus a rather adorable half-sized extra. 2) Brothers: two very different boys learn to co-exist when they suddenly find themselves living together and expected to act like brothers. 3) Supreme Logic Study: two college students bask in domestic bliss after ten years of friendship, totally unaware of their true feelings for each other. 4) Twin: when Wataru dies in a traffic accident, he thinks he has no lingering attachments to the living world... if that's so, then why can't he pass on to his next incarnation? And what's keeping the sad-eyed boy who shares his lonely rooftop? 5) Bet: a bet turns into something much more infuriating... 6) D.H: a boy is enlisted to write love letters for his less-than-literate best friend... unfortunately, the object of his friend's affection is his own secret crush.
騎士堂倶楽部 -  Kishidou Club -  Secret Club "Kishidou"
"Masters" own "steeds" to fight it out in a secret club, where the loser is "punished". Another Summary: A night club where many steed came to compete. However, the loser will suffer the ultimate humiliation by becoming the show for the spectators. And that ultimate humiliation is to be ...
Kishuku Gakko no Juliet -  La Juliette de l'internat
À l'académie Dahlia, deux maisons — les "Blancs Félins" et les "Noirs Canins" — abritent les élèves venus de deux pays différents. Entre les deux groupes, une grande rivalité fait rage. Cela entraîne régulièrement de nombreux combats. L'histoire tourne autour des leaders de ces deux groupes, Inuzuka Roméo et Persia Juliette, qui finissent par tomber amoureux malgré leurs affronts. Pour cacher cette relation et ne pas être considérés comme des traîtres par leurs camarades respectifs, ils alternent entre combats enflammés en public et mots doux en privé. Parviendront-ils à anéantir cette rivalité ? Une tâche bien difficile les attend...
キス -  一吻定情 -  一吻定情KISS -  beso(español latino)
From Perpetual Dreams: Through piano lessons a love slowly grows between the cool adult, Goshima-sensei, and one of his students, a high school girl named Kae. The most popular stylish love romance.
A conventional tale of "friendship becomes something more" when one friend secretly falls in love with his best friend who’s quite a womanizer. Things start to change when that friend knows that his friend likes him, and they find themselves feeling awkward with this discovery.
Ryoko est étudiante au lycée privé Tsunushi, lycée spécial de part sa section artistique. Ryoko n'éprouve aucun intérêt pour cette section et pour ses élèves ! Un jour, Sei, le prince de la section art va lui voler son premier baiser....

Kiss Friend

Emimi a déjà eu plusieurs petits amis. Mais pourtant, elle a toujours détesté et refusé d'avoir des contacts physiques avec eux. Un baiser ou ne serait-ce que se tenir la main la dégoûte et elle a toujours fini par rompre. Mais un jour, elle réalise que son ami de longue date, Shinji, ne la dégoûte pas, et elle lui demande de l'embrasser.
Hime était dans le pétrin quand un couple de touristes est venu lui demander son chemin ... dans une langue étrangère. Un inconnu l'a aidée à s'en sortir, mais en échange, il lui a volé un baiser. "Est-ce qu'il ... est tombé amoureux de moi!?" Le lendemain à l'école, Akane, le garçon qui l'a embrassée, se présente dans sa classe en tant que nouvelle élève. Son cœur bat la chamade, elle lui parle, mais tout ce qu'il dit, c'est : "Embrasser, c'est comme dire bonjour." Il commence alors à la poursuivre en disant qu'ils pourraient faire plus, et ...!
キス/はぐ, キス/ハグ, Kiss / Hug, Kiss Hagumi, Kiss Hug, KISS+擁抱, Kiss/Hug
Ryuu, a super-business-like transfer student from England with black hair and blue eyes just arrived! During the night of the Tanabata festival, Ryuu and Yukino became attracted to each other at first sight. He then declares, "You will be mine!" This brought confusion to Yukino, who has zero experience in love. But could she actually be falling in love?
キス イン ダークネス
"I probably fell in love a long time ago..." Seven years ago, Atsushi locked his childhood friend, Kouichi, in a warehouse. After that,Kouichi developed a fear of dark places. Atsushi, who is tormented everyday with the knowledge of his crime, is pushed down by Kouichi, who says, "if you're sorry, let's do it." Darkness x Desire to monopolize; A sweet and harsh taste of love?! When you're forcing your love onto someone, is it because you're yearning for the other person's heart?
キスインザブルー -  Kiss in the Blue ~innocent~ -  Kisu in za Buruu
[From ShoujoMagic]: This is a very dark and angsty work, much more so than Miyasaka's other works. Saeki Chise has no recollection of the summer of three years ago. Whenever she feels as though her memories might be returning, her head begins to ache and Chise stops trying to remember. That's when Tamiya appears before her. He has a familiar face and photographs from the traumatic time that Chise's mind has suppressed. He uses the photos to blackmail her into becoming his woman...but then Chise is saved from Tamiya by Katsuragi Kaoru, the biggest delinquent in class! Chise begins to fall for Kaoru, but his role in this situation is not as innocent as Chise at first believes...
キスからはじまる -  爱由KISS开始 -  It Started With a Kiss
From Be With You Scans: A girl takes a pencil left out by the sempai who she has a crush on, but she was unknowingly being watched by another boy while taking it. In order to keep her secret, he demands... that... she... kiss... him!