
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7
Universal Century 0136, shortly after Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam - Skull Heart.
A collection of short vignettes detailing adventures of the Crossbone Vanguard space pirates throughout varying years of the Universal Century.
機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム 鋼鉄の七人 -  機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム 鋼鉄の7人 -  Kidou Senshi Crossbone Gundam Koutetsu no 7 Nin -  Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Koutetsu no 7 Nin
While in their usual patrolling duty, the Crossbone Vanguard managed to find jovian forces trying to kill an escapee. While rescuing the woman, they happen to stumble in Jupiter's newest "wipe out the entire world" scheme. Unlike the previous times, they actually are too late to organize counter measures and there is almost no hope of stopping them due to many adverse circumstances. ...The pirates must now fall back on desperate plans, taking huge risk while trying to stop the abominable "Zeus Thunder" project before mother Earth is completely engulfed by the flames of war.
機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ月鋼 -  Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron Blooded Orphans Steel Moon
La guerre désastreuse qui engloutit toute la Terre se termina, semble-t-il, grâce aux Gundam déployés durant celle-ci. 300 ans plus tard, certains ont été cachés, certains oubliés. Argie Mirage, un garçon qui porte le poids du passé, du meurtre de sa famille par un Gundam, fait la rencontre de Volco Warren, un garçon qui souhaite reconstruire le Gundam laissé par sa famille. Pour détruire un Gundam, pour reconstruire un Gundam. À la croisée de la destinée de ces deux garçons, l’Astaroth se réveille après son sommeil de 300 ans. Spin off de Mobile Suit Gundam — Iron Blooded Orphans
Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 dj - Erde-san o Maintenance desu!
Gundam 0083 Rebellion, Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Rebellion, Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Rebellion
Kidou Senshi Gundam Age: Hajimari​ no​ Monogatari​, Mobile Suit Gundam Age: Hajimari​ no​ Monogatari​
Hundreds of years have passed during the space age that began with man’s settlement of the space colonies. While an era of peace had arrived, it did not last long. Following the sudden appearance of an unknown enemy, the peaceful days were lost. And so, the curtain rises on a new battle that has continued for one hundred years.
Char's Deleted Affair -Portrait of a Young Comet, Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair [C.D.A] - Portrait of Young Comet, Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Deleted A
A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam, and a prequel to Gundam 0083 and Zeta/ZZ Gundam, CDA tells the story of Colonel Char Aznable directly after the One Year War. He heads toward Axis after the battle of A Baoa Qu with the remaining Zeon forces, where he meets a 14-year old Haman Karn, who begins to fall in love with Char. Char must also deal with Colonel Enzo, who plans to restart the war with the EFSF.
機動戦士ガンダム クライマックスU.C., 機動戦士ガンダムクライマックスU.C.-紡がれし血統(きずな), Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C.
機動戦士ガンダムF90, Mobile Suit Gundam F90
Phantom mobile suits, oh my! Renegade Zeon mobile suits steal the newly developed Gundam F90 during it's testing phase! The Federation Forces give pursuit to Mars where the Oldsmobile Army is about to unleash it's ultimate assault against the Earth! Who will survive?!
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Silhouette Formula 91 -  Mobile Suit Gundam Silhouette Formula 91 -  Mobile Suit Gundam Silhouette Formula 91 in UC 0123 -  機動戦士ガンダム シル
Universal Century 0123. In the midst of doing simulations, pilots Tokio and Kevin Forrest encounter an XM-01 Den'an Zon Mobile Suit running tests for the nearby Crossbone Vanguard. In order to preserve their secrecy, the Crossbone forces attack the Anaheim test ship Bladewood. They expect an easy victory, but are repulsed by the Bladewood's mobile suits. In order to enact repairs from the damage they sustained at the hands of the Crossbone Vanguard, the Bladewood enters a nearby abandoned space colony in the Zebra Zone. Inside the colony Iris, Tokio and Kevin are attacked by a Geara Doga. They successfully capture the machine and find the pilot to be a young girl by the name of Layla Lagiorr. After initially remaining silent she has an emotional outburst in which she explains that there are Zeon Remnants living in the colony and that six years ago the Federation came and slaughtered most of them. Confused by her story the Bladewood's crew decide to attempt to contact the Zeon Remnants and attempt to ascertain what is going on. They do so and discover the harsh reality of Federation forces that relishes killing the remnants of Zeon in a way similar to the Titans. Meanwhile the Ra Cailum class ESFS starship Ajax arrives at the colony in order to "aid in repairs" and transfer personnel under the command of Baz Galemson. Together the Zeon Remnants and the crew of the Bladewood realize that the situation surrounding them is not as it seems. Eventually, it is revealed that the crew of the Ajax knew of the existence of the Crossbone Vanguard and requested their help in "killing 2 birds with 1 stone", namely a group of Zeon refugees and the Bladewood crew. In desperation, Tokio steals the RX-99 Neo Gundam Unit 2 and joins forces with Layla to take down the corrupt Baz and the Ajax.
Gundam Thunderbolt, Kidou Senshi Gandamu Sandāboruto, Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt, 機動戦士ガンダム サンダーボルト
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Side Story -  機動戦士ガンダム サンダーボルト 外伝
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Side Story is a manga written by Yasuo Ohtagaki, published by Shōgakukan and serialized in May & June issues of Big Comic Superior.
機動戦士ガンダム U.C.HARD GRAPH 鉄の駻馬, Mobile Suit Gundam: UC Hardgraph Iron Mustang
From Tokyopop: Daughter of a brilliant professor, Asuna is a below-average student at Ecole du Ciel, where teachers and other students constantly belittle her. However, with the world spiraling toward war, Asuna's headed for a crash course in danger and love, as everyone prepares for combat...
機動戦士ゼータガンダム1/2 -  機動戦士Zガンダム1/2 -  Gundam Zeta Half -  Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam Half -  Mobile Suit Z Gundam 1/2 -  Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Half
機動新世紀ガンダムX ~アンダー・ザ・ムーンライト~, 機動新世紀ガンダムX ~UNDER THE MOONLIGHT~, Gundam X: Under The Moonlight
Sequel to the series!
キガタガキタ!~「恐怖新聞」より~ -  Kigata ga Kita!
There exists a horrific newspaper called the Fear Newspaper that foretells of people’s extreme misfortunes. Kagata Mei, a male high-school student, has been cursed with this evil spirit and has to fight against it on a daily basis. He is forced by the Fear Newspaper to stop the events on the paper from occurring or face the consequences of his life being shortened by 100 days for every article he is unable to prevent. What makes this horrific situation even worse is that no one else but Mei can see the cursed newspaper and so he is left to undertake this task alone.
Onidake no Yoru -  鬼狱之夜 -  鬼獄の夜
In the closed village, there was a demon who eats people and commits a woman to death...! The excursion of the childhood friends who should have been fun turns into a hellish picture by getting lost in the cursed abandoned village. Erotic horror!
きぐるみ防衛隊; 人偶娃娃防卫队; Kigurumi Boueitai (Guardians); Kigurumi Guardians
La vie de Hakka bascule le jour où un envahisseur vient d'une autre planète et que des grands animaux en peluche viennent pour protéger le monde de l'invasion. Elle, ainsi que d'autres personnes sont choisies pour être les gardiens et faire équipe avec ces animaux en peluche pour sauver le monde ! Une chose étrange autre que ces animaux en peluche, c'est que lorsque le gardien reçoit un baiser de l'animal en peluche, celui-ci se transforme en un bel homme !


omae no kawaiikijima kun
Tachibana Sousuke est un bel élève des honneurs qui tombe malheureuse un jour: il perd ses lunettes, puis son portefeuille et, pour couronner le tout, manque presque le déjeuner alors qu'il gaffe à moitié aveugle. Un type qu'il rencontre à la cafétéria l’aide, mais comme Tachibana ne peut pas le voir clairement et que le gamin s’enfuit avant de pouvoir demander un nom, il est obligé de s’enquérir de lui auprès d’un camarade de classe, qui appelle son sauveur "Kijima". . " Pensant au gentil blond tendre d'une autre classe, Tachibana commence à écrire les lettres érotiques de l'autre garçon et les laisse dans son casier à chaussures. Mais un malentendu à propos des lectures de kanji le conduit à glisser les missives de plus en plus obscènes dans le casier appartenant au "chat noir maudit" de l'école, Kijima Subaru ...
As if having giant monsters and robots threatening to destroy it wasn't bad enough, Japan now faces another crisis: demons. Kijimutan tells the story of Yuna, a young samurai woman seeking to feed her own ambitions as well as to fulfill her own sense of self. As Yuna and her faithful friend, Musashi, go on their journey, they come face to face with the Shouki, the evil spirits seeking to destroy the very hearts of the people. Faced with the possibility that there might be an enemy within every person they encounter, the two warriors will have to struggle in order to succeed. The Shouki may be a great threat, but the greatest peril to their quest might lie within the heart of Yuna herself
Kijin Gentosho 鬼人幻燈抄
Dans un magasin multimédia, Shiga Kazushi, un nouvel employé à temps partiel, est transféré du rayon CD à la librairie où travaille Ritsu Izaki. Relégué au rayon de la littérature enfantine, il se relâche pas mal et s'endort souvent au travail. D'un autre côté, il semble attaché à Ritsu.
聞かせてよ、愛の言葉を -  让我听听情话吧 -  Kikasete yo, Ai no Kotoba wo -  Kikaseteyo, Ai no Kotoba o -  Kikaseteyo, Ai no Kotoba wo
危険なハニー -  Dangerous Honey
Histoire 01 : Que se passerait-il si un parfait inconnu, bisho de surcroit (bah, on est un peu dans un shojo, faut dire =p) atterrissait en pleine nuit dans votre jardin et qu'il vous prenait l'envie insensée de l'héberger chez vous, à l’insu de vos parents ?Histoire 02 : En général, dans les shojo, les megane no bisho (traduisez par les" bishos à lunettes") sont loin de nous déplaire, sauf que là, le bisho en question porte des "culs de bouteille" et seule sa petite amie sait à qu'elle point il peut-être bisho. Alors, quand par un concours de circonstances il doit les enlever, je vous laisse deviner la réactions des autres...Histoire 03 : Elle a deux amis d'enfance et comme on est dans un shojo, ces deux gars sont les beau-gosses du lycée ! Le tout est de savoir vers qui son coeur balance (si ce dernier balance, héhé), le blond de type chat ? ou le brun type chien ? Les paris sont ouverts...Histoire 04 : Elle est maladroite, tête en l'air, mais bénie soit-elle, son voisin et sempai n'est autre qu'un gars ultra bisho, intelligent, sérieux... une sorte de gardien quoi, et même si elle l'aime comme une folle, il ne la voit pas comme une femme, sauf que...Histoire 05 : Elle le connait depuis toute petite car ils sont voisins. Beau gosse ultra populaire ET ultra narcissique ! Il se la raconte au possible et elle déteste ça. Elle, tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est un gars simple et fiable, un peu comme son petit ami ! Le problème, c'est que l'ombre de son voisin plane toujours au dessus d'elle, que faire, hein ?
After watching a TV special starring an evil princess character, Kikka believes she can rule over her entire class by subjugating her homeroom teacher, Tsuji. However, she unexpectedly approaches Kikka herself...(Description from Manga Time Kirara MAX's April 2021 issue)
Opportunity Planetarium
Un manga silencieux.
聞こえない声 -  Kikoenai Oto -  Silent Voice
Imai, who belongs the baseball club, has feelings for his clumsy kouhai, Hikita. Hikita, whose face falls into a continuous scowl when he's nervous... That kind of Hikita is cute, nothing else to it. "When you're this cute, I'm the one who has to be careful..." Even while touching in this helpful senpai's heart of hearts, he wants to touch Hikita's naked body...?!