Il y a longtemps, dans le but d’éliminer les humains, des magiciens ont créer les « demon disease » ! Ces monstres étranges, s’introduisent dans le corps des humains, sous forme de maladie… Les humains, infectés par ces maladies du démon, se retrouvent possédés, et éliminent toutes les personnes qui traversent leur chemin.Pour vaincre ces horribles créatures, une seule solution : les médecins des ténèbres ! En plus d’être des médecins « normaux », ils possèdent un livre étrange, le KaitaiShisho, qui leur permet de combattre et de guérir ces maladies !Dans cette histoire, nous suivons la progression de Narutaki Soutarou, jeune médecin accompagné de son infirmière Izumo Momo, dans leur lutte sans merci contre ces monstres !
Mais qui est Kid, l'insaisissable ? Ceux qui ont déjà lu le manga "Détective Conan" l'ont sûrement déjà rencontré, cet incroyable voleur-magicien vêtu d'un costume blanc à la Arsène Lupin. Mais personne ne sait qui se cache derrière ce personnage portant plusieurs surnoms tels que Kid, l'insaisissable ou Kaitou Kid, Magic Kaito, voire Kid1412 ? Quelle est la vraie identité de ce voleur et ses intentions ? Un jour, Kaito découvre par hasard que son père, le grand magicien Touichi Kuroba, était en réalité Kid, l'insaisissable. C'est alors qu'il décide de revêtir l'ancien costume de son père en espérant pouvoir trouver des indices sur la disparition de celui-ci.
A five man band of thieves whose specialty is wine travel the world, appearing here and there under the name “Phantom Thief Levain” to save bottles of unparalleled wine from the villains who hoard them! A brand-new action title from Shu Okimoto and Tadashi Agi, creators of the definitive title in wine manga, “The Drops of God.”
Pokemon Seven(a.k.a. Hiori) is a notorious theif. When his sister Lily is kidnapped by Team Galatic, Hiori goes on a mission to save Lily. Will Hiori and his partner, Lucario, be able to save to Lily?
"Pirates are the lowest~~!"Rose, a young girl who stubbornly believed herself to be such type of high-class princess. The one who came to “kidnap” that slightly restless girl some how ended up being a heinous pirate, a crew member of the "Phantom”…!? Blood will race, set sail on a love and romance adventure—Ahoy!!
During the time when the world is full of barren lands and big ships sail out to the vast oceans, a very rare type of sub-human–mermaid–was born. Normally, they have white hair, but only in water does the color change. Among the aristocrats, they are traded for large sums of money. Hisui is a merman with scarlet hair, and he’s kept by a lord. However, as he’s stolen away by the pirate Ikuta and gains freedom, they start their journey together!
Une nuit, Eizo, un malheureux esclave d'entreprise, sauve un chat et se fait renverser par un camion. Le chat qui semble être lié à un monde parallèle, en échange de son aide, accorde à Eizo une compétence de son souhait et le réincarne dans un autre monde. Eizo, qui a l'artisanat comme passe-temps et souhaite utiliser cette compétence pour gagner sa vie, choisit de se réincarner en forgeron. Il commence donc sa vie dans un autre monde en tant que forgeron, comme il le souhaite. Cependant, les créations d'Eizo se situent à un autre niveau qui va bouleverser ce nouveau monde.
Des cheveux argentés et un talent indéniable à l´escrime, les deux meilleurs atouts de Leonora. Le premier va mettre sa vie en danger, le second la sauver dans bien des situations. Le célébrissime peintre Léonard de Vinci a réalisé le portrait de Leonora adulte dix ans auparavant, et là légende raconte que ce tableau détient le secret de l´emplacement d´une épée légendaire qui offrira le contrôle de toute l´Italie (divisée au XVI°s.) à son possesseur. Léonora ignore pourtant tout de cette épée, et part à la recherche de de Vinci pour en apprendre plus, sous les traits du jeune écuyer du trop séduisant prince de Naples en exil dont déjà elle se sent tomber amoureuse.
Akane Sonezaki, an illustrator who can see the spirits because he was born in a Buddhist artist's house. Because of his constitution, the paintings he draws sometimes have special power. As a result, I was caught up in a mysterious event. A story of mysterious ties and bonds that draw the hearts of people released by painting!
Anthologie regroupant des histoires courtes de différents artistes japonais en un volume, mettant en scène les différents personnages féminins du manga original Kakegurui (Gambling School en version française) après l'arrivée de Yumeko Jabami.
It's his long-awaited wedding day, and the Fox Spirit of the Silver Order, Ginrei, is making his marital vows towards his long-time fiancee Menou, the Fox Princess of the Agate. Enter Handa Shin; 23, jobless, homeless, and currently taking shelter from an unexpected summer shower in Ginrei's shrine. Catching sight of the food that has been placed there as offering, he devours it, nonchalantly remarking that he'd "agree to become the bride of the fox spirit" if it meant he would get to eat such delicious meals everyday...
1-3)Series of short stories revolving around the same boxing club 4) a couple that only has sex when the uke is dressed as a girl and the uke's insecurities. 5) a student passes by a shrine every day and the priest notices him too. 6) the youngest of three brothers is a little too well liked by his siblings. 7) a new worker at a motorcycle shop has to tolerate the bosses son.
Two sisters that are livin`in the same room. Their connection is a bit more than a normal sister-sister relationship. One of them eventually has some cruel reactions. What will be the end of it all, well read and see. (- NephThys -)
Depuis qu'ils sont tout petits, Yukihisa et Takashi ont toujours été ensemble. Mais ces derniers temps, Takashi a commencé à se comporter étrangement envers Yukihisa, refusant même de l'approcher, ce qui rend Yukihisa quelque peu perplexe. Takashi ne donnant aucune explication quant à son comportement, Yukihisa commence à douter de leur amitié, se demandant ce que pourrait bien cacher Takashi qui refuse de s'approcher à moins d'un mètre de lui.
Satoru earned a name as a genius boy detective, and the police rely on his reasoning skills. His secret, though, is that he is able to see the ghosts of the dead, and they provide him with the hints that lead him to solving cases.Now that he's a teenager, he has attracted a strange 'ghost' named Kako, who claims that she is actually a god. She goads him into taking more mysterious cases, in the search for a vengeful spirit that wants to kill humans.Now they are a team... where he solves the cases and she purifies the vengeful spirits!
This is an autobiography of the author, whose real name is Akiko Hayashi, which begins while she's in her third year of high school. Through her friend Futami, Akiko starts going to an art class led by Kenzou Hidaka, an intimidating teacher who spends much of his time yelling at his students and keeping them focused on drawing with the use of a bamboo sword. Akiko is initially confused by the behavior of the teacher and her fellow students in the class, but she keeps going regardless, eventually becoming the manga author she is today.
Kei is a normal--if very pretty--young boy in high school. One day, he falls ill and is taken to the hospital. They find, much to everyone's surprise, that "he" actually has a female genotype even though "his" phenotype is male!! A little bit of surgical work solves the problem, and cool male hero Kei becomes innocent female heroine Kei. And what a female! "He" was cute before, but she is a beauty now.
True Calendar (T.C.) 71 - A new age where 70% of the human population lives in space thanks to the development of "Dyson Sphere", a city in space. The world is divided into two main powers: The Dorssia Military Pact Federation, a power which grew out of a military alliance, and the Atlantic Rim United States (ARUS), which grew in power as it expanded its trade agreements. The minor nation of JIOR has declared neutrality between these two forces and maintains its peace through economic prosperity. Within the JIOR's Sphere, Haruto Tokishima lived an ordinary life as a high school student in the division known as "Module 77"—until the Dorssian military begins their sudden invasion! But the whole world will be shaken when Haruto meets the mysterious humanoid weapon, Valvrave!
Hiro and Tsukasa discover a man-made fissure in their shrine's nodule in the countryside. A spark of curiosity takes their normal lives away from them. Their existences are erased from the world while doppelgangers take their place. The story of 5 childhood friends as they attempt to take back what was theirs.
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