Quand on aime très fort quelqu'un, on perd le contrôle de soi-même et on blesse l'être aimé, voire soi-même. C'est la situation de maître Jin. Depuis le jour où il a rencontré le beau et gentil petit garçon (qui ressemble à une fille) que son père a adopté, il l'aime et le protège comme s'il était son propre petit frère. Mais au fond de lui, il éprouve un sentiment bizarre lorsqu'il est près de lui. Quand il apprend la terrible vérité sur la raison de l'adoption du jeune garçon, le coeur de Jin est déchiré...
An injured man guilts college student Eiji into bringing him home to treat his wounds, but Eiji becomes alarmed when he realizes this man knows the older brother who Eiji lives with.
When Masami's father died, he was told by his grandfather that he had to move out. In order to find a new place that he could live in for 80,000 yen a month, he asked his unrequieted love "Kagome" to look for a new place for him. But unfortunately, because of that, he has had to join the "extremely normal phenomena observation society" that she founded. And on top if it, there are rumors that things seem to "appear" at the things that the she finds...
On Kabuchi-jima, an island ruled by Princess Kaguya, ten children were raised as sacrificial victims. Several of the children thought they had escaped their fate when they escaped the island. But nearly a decade later, the kids are still dying in the order and at the time they would have as sacrifices... Their only hope now is to reunite and return to the island to seek out and destroy the source--the legend, the blood-lusting Moon Princess--before time runs out.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai – Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to Official Doujin - Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai : Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
L'académie de Shuchi'in est une des écoles les plus prestigieuses du pays. À la tête de son conseil des élèves , se trouvent Shirogane Miyuki & ; Kaguya Shinomiya, deux prodiges parmi les prodiges. Le temps qu'ils passent ensemble à la tête du conseil les a indéniablement rapprochés l'un de l'autre, faisant naître des sentiments amoureux, mais leurs fiertés les empêchent de faire le premier pas ! Il ne leur reste alors plus qu'à forcer l'autre à avouer , chose plus facile à dire qu'à faire ! L'expression " à l'amour comme à la guerre n'a jamais été plus vraie que pour ces deux là " !
One of the most infamous criminals of this country is literally a monster. Vampire Zeo is immortal and invincible. He takes whatever he wants from whomever he wants whether it's from a company or even the government. And when the police or military or even seasoned assassins that specialize in monster killing go after Zeo, they all end up running away with their tails between their legs.So when a young girl named Lin tells Zeo that she has come to make Zeo atone for his crimes, he laughs it off. However, Lin is from the Church, and, although she is weak, she uses a special spell that combines their souls together, making them essentially one person. Whatever pain she feels, he feels and if she dies, he dies too and vice versa. However immortal he may be, her death would mean his own demise and he has to protect her from those who want Zeo’s head on a platter. Her original mission from the Church was to make him stop his criminal activities, but when Lin learns that the Church wants him dead, she questions her orders and joins forces with Zeo until she learns the truth. [vyc]
From Del Rey: Werewolves, demons, monsters, vampires. All these ferocious creatures are afraid of the same thing: the beautiful Princess Hime, an awesome warrior who fights off the forces of evil with a chainsaw and a smile. Not only does she look great in a tiara, she has power that allows her to raise the dead. She’s a girl on a mission, and with the help of her undead servant and a supercute robot, there’s no creature of darkness she can’t take down!
Yuzuki qui participe à une section d'entraînement de Noël, fait la connaissance de celui qui sera son coéquipier... Kikou Atsuya, jeune garçon taciturne que tout le monde évite à cause de son regard, et de sa réputation. Mais est-il vraiment si violent que ça ?
In the winter of the third year in middle school, a christmas camp with the one she likes! What might it be that they're doing grappled under the same roof - "KARATE"!!! What genius Shiraishi delivers for christmas is a sweat-dripping lovey-dovey thing!
Shizuru, la présidente des élèves, est belle et travaille dure. Même si elle tourne court à toutes les confessions qu'on lui fait, Ran, le vice-président, continue toujours de la suivre au point d'être appelé son chien. Cela pourrait-il atteindre son coeur ?
From the Animeraider: Tachikawa Tetsuya in an incoming freshman at a new high school and he’s a great archer. He wants to join the archery club to meet the one they call “Kami no Ko”, better known as Fudou Gonzaburou. Tachikawa is good, but he’s heard that Fudou is even better. The archery team at this school is in fact very good. Tachikawa also meets a pretty girl who is already a member of the club (he accidentally walked in on her while she was changing). She’s not very good from the look of things, but she is his senpai and he defers to her. She takes an immediate liking to him and kisses him after practice. Let’s try just to get past the fact that this girl is actually a boy, named Fudou Gonzaburou…
Tachikawa Tetsuya in an incoming freshman at a new high school and he’s a great archer. He wants to join the archery club to meet the one they call “Kami no Ko”, better known as Fudou Gonzaburou. Tachikawa is good, but he’s heard that Fudou is even better. The archery team at this school is in fact very good.Tachikawa also meets a pretty girl who is already a member of the club (he accidentally walked in on her while she was changing). She’s not very good from the look of things, but she is his senpai and he defers to her. She takes an immediate liking to him and kisses him after practice.Let’s try just to get past the fact that this girl is actually a boy, named Fudou Gonzaburou…
The story is set in a middle school in Shishibone city. Tomohiro Miyajima, the main character of the story, and his group of friends are busy studying for an exam. One day, in search for a thrilling mystery as well as easy money, they take several donation boxes and fabricate a curse to scare everyone: “Ohone-sama’s curseâ€. After scrawling 骨 (bone) all over the chalkboards and spreading rumors of the curse, the donation boxes are quickly filled and the curse becomes a major legend of the school. Of course, only Tomohiro and his friends knew the curse was fake. It wasn’t possible for anything to happen.
When Kamiyama Keito saw Oomiya Honden High School's (a.k.a. "Denkou") Rock Band "Kei-On" club, he was immediately struck by a sense of awe and admiration. Once he was admitted into the school, he immediately joined the club. To the despair of Keito, the club was run by two degenerate senior students who forbid any real practices. Once spring break turns around, Keita finds out that the two seniors were arrested for possession of marijuana, in turn pushing the club into the brink of termination. With the help of the only other member of the club, Tsukumo Shintaro, will Keita be able to prevent the termination of his club?
"Les magiciens guérisseurs ne peuvent pas se battre seuls." Keare, qui était lié par cette connaissance commune, a été exploité encore et encore par les autres. Mais un jour, il remarqua ce qui se trouvait au-delà de la magie de guérison, et fut convaincu qu'un magicien guérisseur était la classe la plus forte. Cependant, au moment où il a réalisé ce potentiel, il a été privé de tout. Il a donc utilisé la magie de guérison sur le monde lui-même pour revenir quatre ans en arrière, décidant de tout refaire.C'est l'histoire héroïque d'un magicien guérisseur qui est devenu le plus fort en utilisant les connaissances de sa vie passée et la magie de guérison.
En todo el mundo, las personas se están convirtiendo en monstruos y se apoderan de impulsos asesinos. El joven Asuma Sudô lleva una vida tranquila y nunca ha tenido que lidiar con ningún monstruo. Obsesionado por las chicas desde su infancia, se enamoró a primera vista de una alumna de un instituto para solo para chicas. Fue entonces que por un increíble golpe del destino, le ofrecieron ingresar a este establecimiento, a pesar de ser un chico. Asuma se encuentra así junto a la chica de sus sueños, ¡pero, no sabe que esta escuela secundaria es en realidad una organización especializada en el exterminio de monstruos!
Un homme, dépité de son travail quotidien, est impliqué dans un événement totalement inattendu ! Après s'être fait attaquer par un kaiju et avoir été envoyé à l'hôpital, il se transforme lui-même en kaiju, une monstrueuse créature, lui donnant une nouvelle chance d'accomplir son rêve !
Sans une seule amie, Chigawa Kon, collégienne, vit sur une petite île et se plaint de ne pas être encore "tombée amoureuse", contrairement à ses camarades de classe. Elle joue souvent près du "Trou", une grotte près de la mer où vit un monstre mangeur d'homme, d'après des contes populaires... Un jour, alors qu'elle rencontre une autre fille qui laisse tomber accidentellement son smartphone dans la mer, ils tombent d'une falaise ensemble mais survivent miraculeusement. Il s'avère que Furuka est aussi toute seule.
Chapter 1: Kanbe is in love with his boss, Tatsuya, who is sexually harassing him, so he decides to visit a fortune teller. Will the fortune teller be able to help him? Chapter 2: Tatsuya takes Kanbe to a high class party where they meet Kazuki- Tatsuya's old student from when he was a tutor. Kazuki might look young and innocent but the truth is that he's a little devil with a sweet face and now he's dying to nail Kanbe! Could this be a threesome? Chapter 3: When Kanbe negotiates a contract with another company, the handsome manager has one condition before accepting the contract- Kanbe must sleep with him! What will Tatsuya do when he finds out about this indecent proposal? Chapter 4: Homeroom teacher and nice guy Tokunaga agreed to go out with his slacker student Mochizuki if he will start being more serious about school. One day, Mochizuki overhears Tokunaga talking about him with another teacher and it looks like he's not such a nice guy after all?! What will Mochizuki do? Chapter 5: Shibata Keigo, a top who likes the "young, short and cute" type, finds himself attracted to Saiga Naoki, his suburdiate at work. Saiga is not really his type- he's beautiful, tall and older than what Shibata usually goes for but it looks like Saiga has a crush on him and even asks him to accompany him on a business trip! Shibata agrees but he's in for a big surprise when the two finally get into bed. Chapter 6: Saiga discovers that Shibata has been fooling around with cute young guys again. Punishment is in order! Chapter 7: It looks like Shibata can't help being attracted to cute boys. Saiga has some plans to settle this once and for all...
Sakuya, the lead singer for the hard-rocking band Lucifer, is the unattainable object of desire for millions of hopeful women. Aine is the demure high school student who suddenly finds herself in the middle of a raucous rock'n'roll circus. Together they're writing the book of love 1/2 one hit song at a time!"Love Celeb" is a Spin off of this series.Read this manga from right to left
In this school, legend has it that there is a "Love Expert" who can help girls fulfill any of their wishes. Follow four different girls on their journey of transformation and love, and watch them overcome their fears and insecurities with the help of their Love Experts. -- moonsong
The legend has it that once upon a time, a pact was sealed between the Shinto priest of the town of Amide and a mermaid. Ever since, abundant fishing has guaranteed the town’s prosperity. This pact has always been honored by the priests of the Yashiro family. However, the legend has attracted both media and property developers, and the acting priest has acceded to their demands. Yosuke, youngest of the Yashiro family, has doubts about the existence of the mermaid, but will soon change his opinion as strange occurrences begin to unfold…
The main character is Pan Gamma Vi Gen. He is the captain of the legendary black vessel. Pan Gamma Vi Gen is lazy and clumsy -- that is him when is resting. But once Pan decides to work, he is the best man available. Pan says things that normal people can hardly understand. And he doesn't say much, he only gives lots of clues.Everything starts when Captain Pan let Mia and Tuban Sanoo be aboard. Mia is a princess of a fallen country and Tuban is the best, people say, swordsman as well as strategist. Although Pan Gamma Vi Gen is the main character, it seems Pan, Mia and Tuban are the main characters as Mia and Tuban appear in all episodes. Mia is looking for science to restore her county, Ontana. Tuban is protecting Mia as the will of someone Tuban trusted. Pan Gamma Vi Gen agreed to take Mia to where she could locate the science in exchange of her virginity. (Don't get Pan wrong here, I believe he meant something else but at this moment, Mia's virginity is all I can guess.)
Hiiro, the sexy beauty, and cool technician named Shizuka, begin a physical love! Now they're the school's biggest (problematic) couple, making love when and where they please, even reaching the point of public training! The relationship keeps escalating. Where will it go?!1. Kyoyou Hani (Range of Tolerance)After Shizuka sees Hiiro enter a hotel with another older man, he suspects that Hiiro is cheating. So he sets out to show to Hiiro just how forcefully loving he can be!2. Kairaku Hani (Range of Pleasure)3. Genkai Hani (Range of Boundaries)4. Kyokugen Hani (Range of Limitations)5. Rinkai Hani (Range of Criticality)6. Shubi Hani (Range of Defense)
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