
ジャッカス! ~触っていいって誰が言ったよ?~Jackass!~ Who said it was okay to touch me?~
High school student Hara Keisuke suddenly finds himself wearing a pantyhose while putting on his jersey. This happened because his sister was wearing his jersey the day before, but Keisuke doesn't find the right timing to laugh it off. The one who helps him in this situation is his good-looking best friend Shinoda. Perferming perfectly in tune they get out, but when Shinoda watches Keisuke take off the pantyhose he suddenly changes...?
邪道~天網夜譚~, Ja-dou 2 - Tenmou Yatan, Ja-dou: Tenmou Yatan, Jadou Tenmou Yatan
Teio is the celestial son of King Soryuu (the Emperor of Thunder), whose mission is to hunt and kill demons in the human world. He works for and respects his father's will … until he meets the handsome and entrancingly-frail Keika, a beautiful demon with "faintly-colored violet skin, white hair, and violet eyes." For our young Lord Teio, it is love at first sight. Instead of killing his enemy, he decides to bring the beautiful evil up to heaven with him. What will happen between the childish celestial and the bewitching demon?


ジャガーン -  Jagaaan
Shintarou Jagasaki, un officier de police vivant avec sa petite amie, déteste son métier à en mourir. Sentant son mariage se rapprocher, tout lui porte à croire qu'il passera le restant de ses jours à vivre une vie ennuyeuse dans une famille banale... Un triste destin pour un homme ambitieux ! Mais un jour, un monstre mystérieux lui apparaît dans le train, et voilà qu'il peut désormais tirer des balles en se servant de sa main droite comme d'une arme, exactement à la manière de Maître Buppanatsu, l'aubergine mascotte de la ville !
じゃじゃ馬グルーミン★UP, Grooming UP, Jaja Uma Grooming Up
Kuze Shunpei, a high-school student, is on spring break going to Hokkaidou when he loses his wallet. Stranded in the mountains with no money and his motorcycle having run out of gas, he passes out in the snow on the side of the road. When he wakes up he finds that he's been saved and brought to the Watarai farm, a horse ranch that breeds race horses. There he meets a host of various people, ranging from stable hands to the owner and his family (which includes four daughters). Shunpei is completely unsuited for the farm life, and his city upbringing contrasts sharply with the hard labor required to help the farm out. Yet despite all this, he tries his best to become accepted. However, he constantly gets into arguments with Hibiki (the second daughter), who views him as useless. Things come to a head when Shunpei scares one of the horses, who throws Hibiki (Hibiki is a rider). Ashamed, Shunpei flees back to Tokyo for the rest of the spring break. But back in Tokyo, Shunpei begins to long for the simple farm life. Will Shunpei ever be able to return and prove himself to be worthy of being a member of the farm?
ハラペーニョ -  Zombie Oldie
Collection of various Karasawa gag stories, each exploring a slightly different style of art and humor. Topics are super-heroes, samurai, martial arts, animals, and zombies.
Jamevu -  ジャメヴ
Another Earth has been discovered by an astrologer in the US, giving it the name "Jamais Vu". That Earth is soon discovered to be a group of aliens, going around the galaxy before arriving in the actual Earth to kill people and appear like them.
ジャメヴ -  Jamais vu
Another Earth has been discovered by an astrologer in the US, giving it the name "Jamais Vu". That Earth is soon discovered to be a group of aliens, going around the galaxy before arriving in the actual Earth to kill people and appear like them.
Мясная лавка Чан Гуна -  장군정육점 -  Jang Gun Jeongyugjeom
Un quartier commerçant est en crise à cause de certains sbires locaux qui dirigent une boucherie menacent d'autres magasins de ne faire affaire qu'avec eux ... Mais le scénario change avec l'arrivée de ce mystérieux nouvel homme, Choi Jang Gun qui vient d'ouvrir sa boucherie, La boucherie de Jang Gun.
Мясная лавка Чан Гуна 장군정육점 Jang Gun Jeongyugjeom
Un quartier commerçant est en crise à cause de certains sbires locaux qui dirigent une boucherie menaçant d'autres magasins de ne faire affaire qu'avec eux ... Mais le scénario change avec l'arrivée de ce mystérieux nouvel homme, Choi Jang Gun qui vient d'ouvrir sa boucherie, La boucherie de Jang Gun.
Par le créateur de Crows, QP, Worst...Jank Runk Family suit un groupe de personnages essayant de survivre à l'apocalypse, cependant, ils ont des ennemis ...Le manga est un croisement avec le manga OREN'S (Bientôt chez la Golden-Trad), que l'artiste Yanse Kazu et Takahashi ont lancé en septembre 2015 dans le magazine Bessatsu Young Champion d'Akita Shoten.
ジャパン (武論尊) -  Japan (Buronson)
Yuka Katsuragi, a beautiful TV news reporter, has attracted the affections of a Yakuza thug, Katsuji Yashima, who travels with his brother all the way to Spain to find her, only to have his affections rebuffed by Yuka. A terrible earthquake hits, and Katsuji, his brother, and Yuka, along with four high-schoolers in Spain on a field trip, all fall deep underground. While trapped below the surface, they encounter a mysterious old woman who reveals to them prophecies that the wealthy nation of Japan will meet the same demise as the once-prosperous city of Carthage. Katsuji and the others insult the old woman, who then sends them to see the world of the future with their own eyes, a future of desolation and death...
Published in "Monkey Brain Sushi: New Tastes in Japanese Fiction".[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]

Jaryuu Tensei

邪竜転生 -  The Fierce Revolution ~ The Strongest Organism Which Can Kill The Devil And The Hero
L'histoire raconte l'histoire d'un gars décédé des suites d'un accident de voiture à cause d'un jeune couple en train de s'embrasser (quelle malchance !). Et il s'est réincarné dans un monde fantastique - mais sous la forme d'un dragon ! Un extrêmement puissant ? Voyons comment "notre" personnage principal vit comme un dragon !
ジャウハラ幻夜 -  加哈拉幻夜 -  飞橙学院 -  Jauhara Lailah -  Jauhara Lyra -  Jauhara Raira -  Jawhara -  Jawhara Lailah -  Jawhara Nights
From Nevermore Scans: Jauhara Genya: A good looking thief x a handsome prince, where will they get their treasure? Halvard is a country surrounded by sand and blistering winds. In here is Ghee, who's family's occupation is that of a thief. And as long as he is Royalty, for the sake of capturing Ghee, Urupika has been pursuing Ghee. One day, by accident, the two of them fell down into some ancient ruins. Within these ruins was a secret from the founding of a nation.And to search for this treasure, they seized the key to their family's secrets...?The riddle of the treasure hunt is approaching, an arabian romantic fantasy begins.
Can a doctor and his patient ever find romance? Wait patiently, because this is one checkup you won't want to miss!Narusawa and Naoki have way-overstepped the bounds of their doctor-patient relationship. Naoki is instantly attracted to Narusawa, and will stop at nothing to be together with him. One glance into Naoki's despaired eyes and Narusawa caves instantly for Naoki's advances. Will this relationship go beyond a simple fling?The manga is written and illustrated by Tamotsu Takamure, but is adapted from a yaoi novel by Sakae Maeda. 

JC Ecchi

Heisei Sexual Education Reform -  Right in the Middle of a Feast
1. En plein milieu d'un festin2-5. Triple H6. Jeu du bandeau7-9. Réforme de l'éducation sexuelle Heisei10 - Bain gluant
To You -  The Immortal -  Fumetsu no Anata e
Un immortel fut envoyé sur la surface de la terre et rencontra un jeune garçon vivant tout seul, au milieu de la Toundra. L'être immortel peut prendre l'apparence des choses mortes, mais seulement si "impetus" est plus fort que son apparence précédente. Quelles rencontres et quelles expériences l'être rencontrera-t-il sur son chemin alors qu'il vit éternellement ?
Je n'aime pas ce sourire -  I Don't Like That Smile -  Sono Egao Suki Ja Nai -  その笑顔好きじゃない
Sumire, fille a la réputation sulfureuse.Ritsuki, le tombeur du lycée.Il n'en fallait pas plus pour lancer les paris. Que le tombeur numéro 1 mette la marie-couche-toi-là dans son lit. Mais si tout se passait toujours aussi facilement comme prévu, où serait l'intérêt. Derrière certaines réputations, bonnes ou mauvaises, se cachent souvent des personnes dont peu connaissent les secrets. Ristuki et Sumire vont découvrir que finalement,ils ne sont peut-être pas si différents que ça.
我才不嫁反派皇子, I Won’t Marry the Villainous, Prince Prince Bastard’s Parenting Book, I Won’t Marry The Enemy Prince
Le "Dieu de l'Annihilation", Yan Xi, a vaincu le pays ennemi et a ramené une des princesses du pays. La poupée Tao Xiaowei, âgée de 5 ans, dérange tous les poulets et les chiens du palais, tandis que le prince de sang froid fait sa première expérience en élevant un enfant. Quelques années après avoir vaincu le pays ennemi et être rentrés chez eux, le couple se met en route pour détruire d'autres adversaires et taillader les rivaux amoureux, les deux ne se tenant que dans les yeux.
I turned into a girl but NO ONE fucks me
I Am A Piano
L'itinéraire allégorique d'une jeune fille/piano sous les doigts de plusieurs amants.
I Became A Dog?! -  Yi Tiao Gou; 一条狗
Un jeune homme ordinaire se retrouve sans savoir comment dans la peau de son chien, le bien nommé Unchien... Comment est-ce arrivé ? Comment va-t-il gérer sa vie à quatre pattes et surtout comment va-t-il empêcher ce couillon d'Unchien de faire des conneries alors que ce dernier occupe son corps humain d'origine ? Vous le saurez en lisant Je suis Unchien !
With 18th century Paris as the stage, in the age of automates, the city is attacked and put under siege by a maniacal Count and his giant automate. It's up to Jeep to take up her family's destiny and call upon the support of her imprisoned uncle to defeat the wicked Count before he destroys Paris and its people!
Jessie finds her grandfather's diary and discovered that her grandfather died young. Fortunately her witch friend decides to help and summons her into a magical realm called the Death Dimension. There she could bring her dead grandfather to back to life!Jessie succeed but soon the people of the Death Dimension realize they need Jessie to help them get rid of a criminal they've been unsuccessful to capture for over 3000 years.
"Jesus. Teacher, healer, savior. The story of one of the most revered figures in human history is revisited in this full-length graphic novel, featuring breathtaking full-color art by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, the creator of ""Joan."" This faithful adaptation of the New Testament text follows Jesus from his days at Calvary to the time of the Crucifixion and beyond. "
ジュエルとカナリー -  Jewel to Canary
Jewel and Canary are twin brother and sister. One day they had a fight. Will they be able to make up?
ジュエリー★EYES, ジュエリーEYES, 魔幻之眸, Jewellery Eyes
Runa has a special hypnotherapy power that she inherited from her parents, and with it she can repel perverts/molesters. However, due to this power she can’t find her first love, and it can’t help her fall in love. How will this power affect her crush, Kitagawa-kun?
La dulzura de los muertos vivientes -  降智小甜饼
¿Un apuesto príncipe zombie con un pasatiempo que consiste en pelar dientes de ajo? ¿Y amar a un tonto vampiro blanco que odia el ajo? ¡El cómic habla de la dulce advertencia que se avecina! ¡No hay vergüenza en la vida diaria entre el apuesto rey de los zombis de doble cara y el tonto y hermoso vampiro! Son un par de tontos que han estado en el mismo barco durante años. ¡Consigue las recompensas, baja tu ingenio profesionalmente, finge o piérdelo!
ジグ+ザグ, 青春男子寮, Jigu+Zagu-, Zig Zag (HOSHINO Wakako)
Fujisawa Kazui followed his recently departed grandfather’s will to stay in Seisou Gakuen’s Tsukigase Dormitory. The cowardly Kazui has two roommates- one is Kawasaki Ryouhei, who has a very big secret (!!) and the other is Mario Bertini, who talks in a strange Japanese accent. With these two as roommates, what kind of a school life would Kazui have?!