Itsumo Misora est l'histoire de six enfants, séparés en deux clans ennemis. La plus âgée, Misora, fait d'étranges rêves à l'approche de ses 13 ans, sur un évènement qu'ils ont tous les six vécus il y a quatre ans de cela. Un même mystérieux destin semble attendre nos six jeunes héros le jour de leurs 13 printemps. Adachi nous démontre une fois de plus son talent dans cette série où se mèlent humour, sport, amour et paranormal.
Itsuya-san suit une enseignante d'art magique qui se rend dans une petite communauté où elle commence à résoudre les problèmes complexes de ses élèves et de leurs familles.
At the outskirts of town in a mansion, which is rumoured to house devils, live the masters of the household: the young miss (master?) Lily and the strange young master (a NEET) It. We follow them as they carry out strange requests, ones which normal humans cannot settle themselves. Yet again, today, a young girl that wishes to find her black cat has paid a visit…
Manga centers on a military academy middle school student named Iwamoto, tasked by his headmaster to investigate the Donji Festival in the town of Shikibe, with the goal of ascertaining whether the town's "Shining Miko" is merely a trick or real.
Woo-jin is headed home for a memorial service. Da-hong is searching the countryside for someone she used to know. Their paths cross when Woo-jin ruins Da-hong's fruit basket (which she had bought as a gift) by accident, and ends up taking her to her destination in his car as an apology. Unexpectedly, the place Da-hong has been searching for is Woo-jin's own home?! What is their relationship to each other...?
Ruho Miyatsuki est une élève modèle qui aimerait vivre une belle histoire d'amour et avoir enfin un petit ami. Ayant besoin d'aide, elle va s'adresser au groupe de thérapie de son lycée................................
Qui aurait pensé que Masumi, le roi des visages impassibles et d'énigme, avait un faible pour Yuki ? Yukine ne l'as certainement pas remarqué jusqu'à ce que Masumi décide de lui dire un jour. Yuki a du mal à le croire car Masumi est populaire auprès des femmes et se dit même avoir une petite amie. Alors que Yuki panique, Masumi lui fait savoir qu'il trouve adorable à quel point Yuki est expressif avec son visage. Yuki n'a jamais été avec un garçon, donc il rejette Masumi au début, mais comme Masumi continue à avouer ses sentiments passionnés et passionnés pour lui. Il commence à développer ses propres sentiments pour ce garçon... !!
Un chant se mêle aux sons d'une harpe en plein cœur d'une forêt sombre. Mais derrière ces notes savoureuses se dissimule un poison. Voici l'histoire de la rencontre d'un elfe et d'une humaine
La guerre entre les deux clans s'intensifie. La plupart des Genji (Clan Minamoto) sont tombés, et ont été faits captifs. Parmi eux se trouvait le jeune Yoritomo, un héritier survivant du clan Minamoto. Yoritomo a été gracié par le chef du clan Taira et fut exilé à Hirugakojima, une petite île dans la province d'Izu. Yoritomo vit paisiblement et a une vie heureuse dans son exil, ne pense jamais à prendre sa revanche.Un jour, un moine est envoyé sur la même île, apparemment banni pour insolence envers l'Empereur. Par hasard, ce moine sans manière appelé Mongaku est une connaissance de Yoritomo. Mongaku croise Yoritomo et essaye de le convaincre qu'il est temps pour lui de se venger du clan Taira. Cependant, Yoritomo réfléchit aux mots de Mongaku....
A cool transfer student, Takuma, suddenly appeared in front of the perfectly ordinary Naoki.After that meeting, Naoki began to see things not feasible in this world. Naoki, unable to react to this, was told by Takuma:"I'm a sorcerer. And your ally."Between them is a grand past that only Naoki can't remember.
Il était une fois une courtisane tombée amoureuse d'un fabricant de masques Noh appauvri. Cependant, quand son amant l'a rejetée, la courtisane s'est jetée d'un pont en désespoir de cause. Elle a laissé une note le maudissant ainsi que ses descendants. Aujourd'hui, l'un des descendants de cet homme, Izou, découvre que le masque de gardien de sa tempe s'est fissuré et que le fantôme du passé est revenu pour son amoureux.
Takaaki is a popular model and a childhood friend of Izumi. He is also the significant other at the same time. They looked as if they were at their happiest, until Izumi’s “illness” brought them to their greatest challenge.
Even though J no Subete is 3 volumes long, each volume is a dynamic story in itself covering a particular stage of J's life. His life is a dark story and it's a very psychological manga.Book 1 is about all of J's trials and tribulations throughout childhood, during highschool as he tries to find his place in the world and when he meets the somber Honor student Paul...
Main chara is originally the Japanese country voted as a talented player red star hawk. After leaving national sports team for period of time, he joined the youth army once more for the world blue cup. Facing powerful enemy from various countries, how to overcome the difficulty and obtain the world blue cup?
Akaboshi Taka is a 16-year-old boy who loves to play soccer. After being abandoned by his father, he tries to find a job to support himself. His dream is to become a professional soccer player and he goes to every professional club in Japan to try his luck.
De l'auteur de Addicted to Curry et Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga: La bande dessinée Twitter qui génère du buzz sur Twitter! Les femmes qui ont du mal à rejeter les autres, écouteraient-elles des demandes indécentes, si elles étaient faite en dogeza?! Les poitrines et les sous-vêtements de ces femmes que vous pouviez aimer voir auparavant, maintenant en couleurs!
Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven.Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon?
One of the Japanese promos calls it "Da Vinci Code meets Jurassic Park". I think that sums it up pretty nicely. It's got dinosaurs, spies, intrigue, action, and conspiracy, all rendered in lovely film noir-esque art with a little fan service cherry on top (Lily!). And for the slightly geeky, it's got cool (and sometimes obscure) references to art, literature, film, history, science... you name it. Definitely a manga for adults!
Cicero City, a city infested with immigrants where people of all races scramble to find work and shelter. Infested with destruction and slaughter, it's a chaotic society. Living on the outside of society, the Jackals are professional assassins with no allegiance, available to the highest bidder. This is their story.
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