This manga story is based on a thriller by Keigo Higashino. The main protagonist, the shy Jun Naruse, is a rather average guy who works for a electronic company and loves to draw. He falls in love with Megumi whom he met at a shop selling drawing materials and an intimate relationship develops. A few days later the office gets attacked and when the criminal tries to shoot a little girl he saves her by jumping in front of her. A month passes until he wakes up again and is told that half his brain got destroyed and he only survived because someone donated half a brain. Everything seems to be fine, he quickly recovers and is happy, however he begins to the donated brain the reason for that? Or is it just a side effect of the medicine?
Satori Senjuin is a dense high schooler whose ebi sushi key holder comes alive one day as she's going home. It turns out Punipuni, a mousy-like little creature, who's from a different dimension, took the key holder's form. When Satori gets home, even more surprises wait for her. Her computer, that she supposedly turned off, starts talking, and it's telling her to become a Dimension Counselor?! What's that, and how does one heal a broken soul?
Il y a 200 ans, une guerre planétaire a quasiment anéanti l'espèce humaine. La terre n'est plus peuplée que de machines livrées à elles-mêmes... La jeune Roue est élevée par Zett, un robot pacifique, véritable père de substitution, qui la couvre d'attentions. Leur quotidien est bouleversé par l'arrivée d'un nouveau venu, Chrome. Tout juste activé, il prend le rôle du petit frère naïf et maladroit dans leur étrange famille. Zett tente tant bien que mal de lui faire intégrer la notion d'autonomie... Pas évident pour un robot !Tout s'accélère quand un "fou", un androïde fou, détruit Zett avant d'attaquer Roue. Pour Chrome, l'heure du choix est venue : il devient le protecteur de la fillette ! Il se révèle être un combattant surpuissant et écrase son adversaire. Heureusement, l'unité centrale de leur père adoptif est intacte : il ne reste plus qu'à lui trouver un corps compatible... Mais vers qui se tourner dans ce monde vaste et plein de dangers ?
A collection of three short stories.- Ace of HeartsAkizuki Akira is the Jaguars' ace, but even he can't beat the Elephants' star player Edajima. When Sakura Misao joins the team it seems like they might have a chance, but Akira can't stand to be shown up by a girl and quits the team. Not one to disturb the peace, Misao leaves the Jaguars to find a new team, but when she finds a spot with the Elephants, who will win the final showdown?- TeensThe morning of his first day at a new school, Wakamatsu Jirou accidentally helps capture a dangerous criminal, and rumours spread like wildfire. Now a living legend, he's the first and only line of defense against the delinquents that make everyone's lives miserable. Only problem is, he doesn't know the first thing about fighting!- Fresh Leaves in the WindClass 5 wants to win the upcoming girls' softball tournament, but with school idol Yamazaki Misa on class 2's lineup, not even their own male classmates want to cheer for them. When an unathletic yet perceptive student by the name of Mizutani Hiroshi offers his aid as their coach, he might just be the perfect secret weapon.
Himeno s chest will hurt if any boy touches her because she has the diamond of the heart. However, when she was young, she befriended two boys -- the gentle Mamoru and the blunt Keigo -- who are able to touch her without harming her. Without knowing about the diamond of the heart, both Mamoru and Keigo promised to protect Himeno. When some people threaten to take Himenos heart, who else will protect her but her knights?
The girly but bloody otome game re-imagining of Lewis Carroll's classic fantasy novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with bishounen characters and added romance. A parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland where Alice is smart and non-doormatlike. In this story, Alice is not all what she seems. She is practical, strong, yet darkly cynical. Instead of the traditional story, Alice is kidnapped unwillingly by a mysterious (yet somewhat bishie-looking) man with bunny ears into a place call Heartland. Stuck in Heartland due to a trick by the mysterious bunny eared man, she meets the residents of this world. Along the way, Alice meets Blood, handsome mafia leader; Ace, the psycho yet charming knight and more�What should Alice do in such a world!?
Alice has been allowed to stay at the Hatter's Mansion. As Alice questions his ways there, Elliot breaks out into laughter which causes Blood to injure him badly. Alice frantic by what happened becomes angry and Blood walks off saying he's bored. Elliot confesses this is the first time anyone has cared much about him, which surprises Alice. Elliot then tells Alice something that leaves her shocked.
ハートの国のアリス~時計ウサギと午後の紅茶を~ - Alice in the Country of Hearts: White Rabbit and Some Afternoon Tea - Heart no Kuni no Alice - Tokei Usagi to Gogo no Koucha w
One shot 1 et 2Yui, enseignante en classe de soutien scolaire a toujours aidé ceux qui en avaient besoin. Aprés avoir vu son voisin, Sakimoto, tomber dans les pommes en plein milieu de la rue, ce fut tout naturel pour elle de s'occuper de lui. C'est ainsi qu'elle commence à découvrir ce qui se cache sous les apparences.One shot 3Nao femme de pouvoir et ambitieuse, a peur de s'attacher, Kurata saura-t-il percer sa carapace...en recouvrant le monde de fleurs...? One shot 4Kayo et Takahiro, tombent amoureux et sortent ensemble, elle est plus âgée que lui, sauront-ils affronter les préjugés, ceux des autres et les leurs...? One shot 5Seul 36 centimètres les séparent...
No matter how many times she sleeps with Arai, Negishi realizes that neither her nor Arai’s feelings were being conveyed. Their sex felt “like” love, but only feeling “like” something wasn’t the same thing as having it. What is Negishi supposed to do in order to get Arai to understand her true feelings?
Femrude est recueilli par un Fenrir légendaire alors qu'il n'est qu'un bébé. D'origine japonaise, le jeune homme de 12 ans qui renaît passe ses journées à être gâté par sa nouvelle mère adorée, tout en étant élevé avec beaucoup d'amour. Pour rendre la pareille à sa précieuse famille, il reproduit la cuisine japonaise dans ce nouveau monde, un plat après l'autre. À sa grande surprise, non seulement sa mère (Fenrir), mais aussi les hommes-bêtes vivant dans ce monde aiment sa nourriture. Résolvant les problèmes les uns après les autres grâce à son caractère honnête et doux, et à son aptitude à attirer les deux races, il a pour objectif de devenir un pont entre les humains et les hommes-bêtes ! Même les magiciens vont sauter ! Cette fantaisie gourmande et cotonneuse est sur le point de commencer ![hr]Espagnol :[spoiler]Femrude es recogido por el legendario Fenrir cuando era un bebé. Originaire du Japon, ce jeune homme de 12 ans passe ses journées à se faire mimer par sa nouvelle mère, qui l'a fait naître avec beaucoup d'amour. Para retribuir a su preciosa familia, reproduce la cocina japonesa en este nuevo mundo, un plato tras otro. Para su sorpresa, no sólo su madre (Fenrir), sino también los bestias que viven en este mundo aman su comida. Résolvant les problèmes uno tras otro con su carácter honesto y gentil, y las habilidades para atraer a ambas razas, su objetivo es convertirse en un puente entre los humanos y los bestias ! ¡Hasta los magos saltarán ! Esta esponjosa fantasía gourmet está a punto de comenzar ![/spoiler]
21st century’s most successful chef, Roman Brenon. The one who saved him was unknown pianist, Yuri Jung’s music, when he was suffering due to the side effect of an accident. But unfortunately he can never play the piano in front of people again because of his illness, when he finally found him.But the moment he was rejected and going to give up, he realized. He was endlessly captivated by him.
Ro Jaeho' et'Joo Ian' sont les fils de familles Alpha qui sont ennemis jurés. Cependant, leurs petits frères "Joo Jihwan" et "Ro Miho" sont en couple... ? Ian rejoint les vacances de Miho et Jihwan en Amérique et y rencontre Jaeho par hasard. Il y a une étrange tension dans l'air entre les deux frères aînés... "Joo Ian, tu... tu n'avais pas l'habitude de sentir comme ça avant !"
From Tokyopop: Daisuke Aurora works with the special division of peacekeepers in the city of Jewde, one of the largest cities on the planet. He and his android partner, Heat Guy J, team up to make sure that anything illegal stays off the streets and out of circulation. However, their presence doesn't sit too well with the local mob leader--a ruthless, unbalanced, well-armed son of the late Don, who is out to prove that he is not too young to take over the family business. In the city that never sleeps, will Daisuke and Heat Guy J end up sleeping with the fishes? Wiki: Coinciding with the anime series in 2002, a manga version of Heat Guy J was released. It was eventually distributed in the U.S. by TOKYOPOP in 2005. It was written and drawn by Chiaki Ogishima. While the main characters and general setup were similar to the anime, the manga has its own unique storyline and supporting characters. There is only one volume in the series, and it includes several pages of bonus material related to the show.
The main character Haruto who has the marking of a supreme king, unknowingly opened and entered the gate to the world of divine spirits. There he meets Feilen-kamisama who makes a contract with Haruto for an unexpected reason. Later Raika, nation of thunder, comes along and makes things more confusing for Haruto! What happens after this? A riot that flips his life upside down… or flat to the ground…
wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Those seven deadly sins are the sins that the lord have to erase them. Ayumi, Sai, Natsu, the three close friends go to the same school. Ayumi Utadaki famous for her devil voice, while Sai Nadeshiko famous for the devil eyes, the eyes could read through a person soul, last but not least Natsu Nadeshiko famous for her devil ear, she could hear any scary sound that normal human can't hear. The different is that this school is not normal, this school is a haunted school, almost all the student there are sinner, what kind of sin? 7 deadly sins. those students in this school suspect those 3 new students, so they do no matter what to kill them because if they dont kill this 3 student Lucifer will kill them and burn them in hell.They do this for they own existent, among those 3 who is the real Lucifer, who contain all 4 devils traits, devil voice, ear, eyes, and heart? Go to Forum Discussion
Emi a un ami qu'elle contacte par SMS, Kei. Ils se sont promis de se rencontrer cet été, mais Kei ne vient pas. Il se trouve que Kei est mort ! Alors qui envoie les messages à Emi ? Et au même moment, Emi rencontre Kazumi qui lui rapelle Kei. Qui est exactement Kazumi ?
Sudou Mikuzu has a very special talent - she can see ghosts. And because of this predisposition, she's become a magnet for all sorts of unwelcome monsters. Luckily for her, she meets Seto, a friendly, cross-dressing young exorcist. Sudou needs protection from all the creepy phantoms bugging her, and Seto needs to practice his exorcism skills. So the two decided to pair up and help each other. But will the partnership last?
L'histoire se passe au Royaume-Uni, au 19° siècle. Heaven est une jeune détective toujours accompagnée par Hawson, son subordonné. Un jour, un client leur demande de retrouver un trésor à partir d'une simple lettre manuscrite laissé par sa défunte tante... Accompagnez Heaven dans cette aventure et découvrez son talent de déduction hors-normes!