Ashihara Himari déteste les hommes. Ou plutôt, elle ne les comprend pas. Afin de remédier à ce problème, ses amis décident qu'elle doit se déclarer à quelqu'un. Mais que faire si ce que quelqu'un accepte de façon inattendue ...?
A legendary god of destruction appears before a young girl! It's a comical 49-page oneshot of destruction and restoration! (Published in Jump GIGA Summer vol. 3, August 2019)
Noritaka Sawamura is a teenager; until this day, everybody has been making fun of him. Now he enters the high school which is an opportunity for him to restart a new life! He loves a girl of his school, but he needs to be a little bit stronger to be recognized by everybody. So he joins the Thai boxing section. His entertainment is very special, due to his master who seems to be a little mad. Noritaka will make you laugh, for sure! Note: My favorite passage is when Sawamura spins through a window with a helmet, his trousers missing, with crap coming out of his ass, and everybody looking at him. He is the most ridiculous man in the world at this moment!
God created angels to guard the peace in human world. Akamine Ryota is a promising senior at the angel training school, but because he lacks full control of his powers he's not allowed to graduate. Fellow students Shirogane, Aotsuka and Kurosawa are in the same predicament. Together, the four are sent to Earth - to purge the human world of evil and to finally complete their angel qualifications! (from east-27)
Une boîte qui permet de réaliser trois voeux... Du moins, c'est ce que Keita pensait.Mais à l'intérieur de la boîte, il trouva une fille. Et cette fille n'est pas un génie mais une princesse démoniaque, se prénommant Maki, venue pour s'emparer de l'âme de Seita.Mais pour pouvoir en prendre possession, Maki devra d'abord exaucer les trois voeux de Seita...
Kasugai Youichi just entered high school and started living on his own. But his new next-door neighbor, Nishimori Shizuku, is the ultimate sheltered girl. The smallest ordinary thing is new to Shizuku, who grew up never leaving her house. Naturally, there's no way he could leave such a cute girl alone!
Ben ile Ben - Hakoniwa no Toriko - Le prisonnier dans le jardin miniature - Me and (the Other) Me - Pinky Promise Princess - The Prisoner in the Miniature Garden - ゆびきり姫 - 私と私 - 箱庭の虜
Watashi to Watashi est un recueil d'histoires courtes de Mizu Sahara.1. Hakoniwa no Toriko : Il est reclus depuis 10 ans dans cette grande maison donnant sur un parking pour vélos. Un jour, une fille s'approche et perturbe le monde dans lequel il s'est caché.2. Yubikiri Hime : Kiriko est une petite fille qui fait des promesses inimaginables avec des personnes qui s'attendent à ce qu'elle les paie, mais elle attend avec impatience le jour où elles manqueront de doigts pour faire des promesses ou les briser.3. Watashi to Watashi : Deux filles du même nom ; l'une est belle et athlétique, l'autre maladroite et peureuse. Mais laquelle est la plus chanceuse ?
Elite Development Education Academy, Noblesse Oblige. The grandson of the academy's chairman, promised heir as the next chairman, Inaba Hakuto. The kind-hearted, younger brother who supports him, Inaba Kokuto. However, with the chairman's death, the fate of the twins begins to greatly warp. The one who holds the key is, the demon who resides in the mask... Masquerade...
"Un jour de printemps, les fleurs de cerisiers flottant dans les airs, sous l'effet d'une brise…"En ce jour banal, une lycéenne, Ichijou Seika, d'une peau blanche et pure comme la porcelaine, rencontre Manabe Akiharu, un jeune peintre de génie. Ses tableaux reflètent son innocence, l'innocence sur la société, sur la vie, sur l'amour.Que leur réserve l'avenir, à cette pureté pas si innocente, à cet innocent pas si pur ?
Based on a popular otome game, Hakuouki follows Chizuru and the Shinsengumi in an alternate reality. Chizuru travels to Kyoto in search of her missing father but after being involved in an incident, ended up being taken in by the Shinsengumi where she meets the members including the famous Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi. Chizuru’s father was conducting government research for strengthening the Shinsengumi and developed the ochimizu. The ochimizu is a formula that gives demon like strength and regeneration effects but once taken, the user experiences extreme pain and eventually turns into a blood hungry monster. In an attempt to defend Chizuru, Hijikata takes the ochimizu and although the situation was saved, he is now affected with the illness. Okita is also forced to take the formula when his tuberculosis prevents him from defending Chizuru and himself. Feeling responsible for their actions, Chizuru must fight her feeling of helplessness and find the courage to support the Shinsengumi.
Le rêve de Noel est de devenir pâtissière en souvenir de sa mère décédée. Elle se fait malheureusement refouler lors de l’examen final et par le garçon qu’elle convoitait. Soudain elle tombe de l’arbre sur lequel elle était perchée pour déprimer et se retrouve pendant l’ère Meiji sans comprendre comment !! Elle rencontre ensuite le beau compte Shourenzan qui la conduit dans son palais pour.. faire des pâtisseries à ses invités !! Comment va-t-elle se sortir de ce pétrin ?!
HALF & HALF(1996)A debut manga work by Seo KoujiHALF & HALF (2007)Nagakawa Shinichi and Sanada Yuuki both get involved in an accident and die together, but they are given a chance to live again. A voice lets them survive for seven more days. However, that after the time limit, one of two must die again.Also, their lives will be shared, including emotions (guilt) and physical sensations (pain). They are told not to leave the other's side, else both of them die. Now, with each of them wanting to save his/her own life, how will the next seven days of non-separation be like? Will they get along?Half & half (2012)Serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine
Shinichi Nagakawa et Yuuuuki Sanada sont malheureusement impliqués dans un accident et meurent sur le coup. Cependant, on leur donne une chance de vivre une fois de plus. En effet, Dieu les laisse vivre pendant sept jours, mais une fois le temps écoulé, l'un des deux devra obligatoirement mourir. Pendant leur court séjour, leurs émotions et sensations seront partagées entre elles.......
What do you expect from an unusual campus life with the un-ordinary Hayeon and bizarre Juan?!Hayeon, who can detect ghosts by feeling their energies, meets Juan who is confused about whether or not she can see ghosts too.But ever since their meeting, strange unknown beings continued to hover around Hayeon.New York by Sejeong, author of "Ghost's Wife"!
Oz Williams is a kid genius who has a special power when it comes to helping the dead get revenge! 19th century London is the place where kid detective Oz Williams and his unusual assistant live. Oz helps solve cases that the police have trouble with and in the end, the murderer always ends up killing themselves due to a mysterious power oz shows them in order to take revenge for the dead. Oz has the ability to hear the dead and in the form of a Jack-o-lantern, the dead take their revenge on their killer. Oz loves sweets and always wears a Halloween costume all year round, so that’s why he is known as the Halloween detective! Description by LuffyNoTomo.
Inconnu des humains, un monde à part, peuplé de créatures surnaturelles, existe à côté du monde des humains. Certaines personnes de ce monde vivent secrètement parmi les humains, pour différentes raisons. Ce manga parle de quatre adolescents, Minami, Shiro, Tohru et Takaya, qui ont tous des liens avec le monde surnaturel. Ils prétendent vivre comme des humains ordinaires mais ils travaillent à temps partiel pour aider à résoudre les incidents surnaturels dans le monde humain !
Reiko, Kazu and Yukari are three childhood friends with a good relationship. Reiko, the self-proclaimed older sister of the group, tells herself that they are like family, and throws away her love for Kazu. As for Yukari, she also has feelings for Kazu. Thus, one day, the relationship between the three begins its gradual descent into madness... A shocking psycho-love story between young people begins!!
Dans la fourgonnette qui les mène à la prison, un yakuza fait la connaissance d'un jeune arnaqueur au visage d'ange. Soudain, la fourgonnette est prise dans un accident, et ils en profitent pour s'enfuir. Pour échapper à la police, ils se réfugient dans un collège en pleine montagne.Bientôt repérés par le directeur, ils se voient déjà derrière les barreaux... Mais à la surprise générale, le directeur propose au jeune escroc de devenir professeur dans son collège !Tout en cachant sa véritable identité, il devra donner des "Hammer Sessions", sorte de cours "chocs", afin de remettre les élèves dans le droit chemin. Ce prof hors norme va-t-il réussir à ramener l'ordre dans ce collège où les élèves ne croient plus en rien ? !
Kimiko Mihoshi and Gao-kun, the rumored class delinquent, recently became class representatives. While searching for Gao-kun to invite him to a class gathering, she stumbles across him with two nerdy guys and immediately assumes that he is bullying them. She interferes, but only to find out that the three of them are actually close friends, and the rumored delinquent is actually a really nice guy. Furthermore, he even asks Kimiko to be his girlfriend?! What will Kimiko do? Thus begins a new romantic comedy!
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