From Tokyopop: Daphne in the Brilliant Blue take place in a near future in which the remaining population lives in underwater cities, with waterways as streets. Years ago, while conducting underwater experiments, all contact with the surface was cut off. With the remaining human population now living underwater, The Deep Sea 9 Cities Association represent the last hope of mankind. Ai Mayuzumi is the daughter of the head of the research lab, and is an expert water jet bike driver. When the terrorist group Error, attacks the city, Ai becomes involved with the counter-terrorist group Stelnas, comprised of an all-female team, and led by a girl named Kei, and asks to join them. The group initially resists her efforts to join, but a surprising "gift" that Ai possesses, along with the way she handles herself during a kidnapping attempt, eventually sways the opinion of the members of Stelnas.
Can happiness be found in the delicate balance between passion and love? Twins Shun and Shu have had no luck in love. However, a chance encounter reunites former lovers Shu and Naomichi after their breakup of three years ago. While the two had a budding relationship in the past, things fell apart and they went their separate ways. Now, fate brings them back together once again. Could it be that relationship that they once shared in the past is what they have been looking for all along? Can they both find the meaning of real love?[b]Includes story, 2 chapters long, called [i]Love Star[/i].[/b]
Touma, the next in line to succeed as the head of the Hyuga Group, spends his days beating up street punks and chasing after pretty women. However, everything changes when his father, the head of the group, assigns him a new bodyguard. His bodyguard proclaims: "I am ready to sacrifice my everything for you no matter what the cost," yet what is he hiding from the young master?
Hitoshi Kobe is a terrible student and an even worse athlete ... though he does have an incredible talent for creating Artificial Intelligence programs. Thirty is his best artificial intelligence program yet -- and, more important, the only girl who will talk to him. Hitoshi's life is forever changed when a freak accident brings Thirty to life ...
Toujou Souko attends a Catholic high school for girls and spends most of her days ditching class and trying to hook up with guys. She's in a hurry to fall in love and often gets into trouble. Ueda-sensei is Souko's homeroom teacher and all the girls idolize him on campus. He thinks Souko's a good kid and is looking out for her best interests... Yet he never meant to encourage to her to try and seduce him... What begins as a passionate affair becomes a true and undying love... Ai Girl is an angsty love story loaded with melodrama. It should be noted that this series has adult themes and high smut content.
Il y a des rencontres sous le signe de la destinée, et c'est précisément ce qu'a ressenti Mao en découvrant un beau et étrange jeune homme sur un cerisier en fleur. Le temps d'une rencontre, sans mots échangés et déjà c'est le coup de foudre réciproque et le sentiment d'une douce romance qui s'installe, pourtant l'un et l'autre partiront chacun de leur coté. Les parents de Mao ont toujours été absents de la maison, et il a été décidé qu'à partir d'avril, la lycéenne vivrait seule chez elle, mais, peu rassuré, son père a fait appel à son demi-frère pour veiller sur elle.Telle une rencontre prédestinée, nos deux amoureux se revoient pour la seconde fois, leur histoire va enfin pouvoir commencer.
愛に生きたいだけなのさ - Ai ni Ikitai Dake Nanosa - Ai ni Ikitaidakenanosa ~BL Tantei~ - Live for Love - Live for Love -BL Tantei- - Live for Love - عيش من اجل الحب (a
Yasuie dirige l'agence de détectives Kiryuuin dans le quartier de Shinjuku Nichome à Tokyo. Sans clients et sans argent, c'est une lutte constante pour vivre et payer le loyer. Au cours des sept dernières années, Yoshiyuki, l'assistant et partenaire de Yasuie, a accepté de traverser avec lui les bons et les mauvais moments - même en tenant compte des avances ludiques de Yasuie, qui frôlent le harcèlement sexuel - mais la vie a tendance à changer les choses. Face à l'ultimatum de sa famille, Yoshiyuki doit choisir entre un avenir sans argent avec Yasuie et un style de vie plus traditionnel. Yasuie pourra-t-il convaincre Yoshiyuki de rester avec lui ? Même si Yasuie avoue la véritable raison pour laquelle il a fait entrer Yoshiyuki dans le métier de détective, cela suffira-t-il à faire changer d'avis son partenaire ?
Lorsque le riche, adorable et cœur brisé Keiichiro Kuroda se voit demander un prêt par son ancien amant, il fait un pari avec cet homme : il laissera 5 millions dans un parc avec un petit message indiquant "à utiliser librement", et si l'argent est retourné à la police, son ex pourra lui emprunter de l'argent ; mais si quelqu'un trouve et garde l'argent, Keiichiro pourra définitivement se détourner de l'homme qui lui a brisé le cœur.Mais lorsque la première personne qui trouve cet argent se révèle être un beau jeune homme qui a des problèmes, est-ce que keiichiro pourra abandonner sa quête de revanche et tomber de nouveau amoureux ?
By Backlash67: Fujino Misato, the cute young florist and landlord, is being bullied by debt collectors. Enters Sakanoue, a silver accessories designer. Sakanoue intervenes in a dispute between a perverted debt collector and Fujino. Upon rescuing Fujino, Sakanoue gets fussed out by the seemingly ungrateful Fujino. A short time later, Sakanoue’s manager, Kaoruko gets an apartment for Sakanoue that is located in Fujino’s building. Sakanoue disguises himself in front of Fujino and moves into Fujino’s apartment building. Fujino treated the disguised Sakanoue rather cordially but when Sakanoue’s true face is revealed Fujino’s personality does a 180. Thus start the quirky cat-dog relationship between Fujino and Sakanoue. Fujino’s prejudices and Sakanoue’s hidden identity causes great strains in both of their lives. Can these two stop their constant bickering long enough to establish a loving relationship?
from Blissful Sin: Asuka is the lover of his stepbrother, Rei. However, the differences in their personalities, the appearance of a rival, and other obstacles! This is the story of their love overcoming perversion. “Vivid!”—A new title never seen before, about the love of a beautiful vocal artist. Asuka and Rei’s special feature compilation!
From Bakeneko Scanlations: Because of his father’s job transfer, Sakura had to transfer schools. The person who was waiting there was someone who holds the title student president, a huge sadist “demon”! From the moment they met, Sakura had been locked on as his target of love, having his body stolen, rudely stole him entirely. On top of that, the demon Masaomi’s father is the president of Sakura’s father’s job… in other words there is no escape!!!
The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship.
[From MangaONE]: This is a story about the Over-thinking pig with his frustrations with love, his suffering, and how he eventually tries to cheer up. Of course, while we watch and laugh at his bitter experience, we simultaneously recognize his circumstance in our own troubled relationships. Only when we can understand how feelings change when in love will we find true happiness
This is a story about the Over-thinking pig with his frustrations with love, his suffering, and how he eventually tries to cheer up. Of course, while we watch and laugh at his bitter experience, we simultaneously recognize his circumstance in our own troubled relationships. Only when we can understand how feelings change when in love will we find true happiness.
Hitoshi est un jeune étudiant, médiocre en tout sauf en informatique. Avec une cote de popularité proche du néant, il n'a pas de petites amies, et passe son temps libre a s'en inventer en les créant lui-même sur son ordinateur. Un passe-temps qui prend une nouvelle dimension le jour ou, suite a un violent orage, son programme le plus abouti, Satie, se matérialise devant lui...
Un médecin de 40 ans vivant au Japon est soudainement transporté dans un autre monde. Et en prime, il a retrouvé sa jeunesse ! Il perd presque tout espoir après avoir été vendu comme esclave et avoir vécu le pire de ce monde quand, soudain, il est sauvé par deux beaux bêtes ! Une histoire d’amour tendre dans un autre monde !
Because Shinjo Mayu stopped her job relationship with Shogakukan, she continued her incomplete manga in Asuka and called it Ai Ore! This can be considered a continuation of Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! or even as a second series.When Akira announces he was a boy in the first book "Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero" so does the fact Akira goes to Dankaisan the boys school next to St. Nobora (Mizuki's school) Things start to get rough when pressure against Mizuki dating a boy from that school rise.
Jun-kun est un jeune homme qui travaille dans un bar. Toutes les deux semaines, son patron organise une soirée BDMS où Jun doit enfiler son tenu de dominateur et jouer un rôle qu'il incarne à la performance.Un jour, un client l'invite à passer la soirée avec lui, et il se laisse aller pour un soir. Mais comment réagira-t-il en comprenant les vrais sentiments de ce client au sourire charmeur ?
Engagé comme serviteur dans la demeure d'un aristocrate, Claude ne ménage pas ses efforts pour prendre soin de la famille qui lui a offert un toit.Mais lorsque le maître de maison et son épouse viennent à décéder, Claude doit maintenir l'enfant gâté qu'est leur fils Antoine dans le droit chemin et lui enseigner comment devenir un parfait gentilhomme.Alors que le maître et le serviteur se rapprochent peu à peu, un amour interdit grandit entre eux...
La chouette est un démon qui consomme l'amour des gens.Sa tâche étant facile, il s'ennuie. il trouve alors un défi avec Maria,une jeune fille qui n' aime que Dieu. Peut-il lui faire tomber amoureuse ?
Collection of oneshots. Very steamy!1) kimi dake ni kikoeruWhen violated by the perverted school doctor, Mizuru calls out the name of his best friend Natsura. But it's his best friend, he can't possibly be in love with him...right?! With Natsura being mute and Mizuru not being true to his real feelings, will these best friends have a happy (and smex-filled) ending?2) ai wa karada de kataru monoIbuki has known that he is different from other boys since he was 12, but he has been able to keep it a secret. However, his dad's new Italian apprentice (who wants to bathe together!) is about to shatter Ibuki's resolve!3)Hachiya always felt Hozumi's eyes on him in high school, but never talked to him. Now they meet 8 years later in a gay pub but is it just coincidence? Or destiny?4)Takashina has an imaginary friend name imaginary sex friend that is! But he wishes to fall in love with a real man. Maybe his friend Toriumi could be of assistance?5)Okabe is an artist who doesn't go out much. The first man he fell in love with is getting married soon, what is this difficult feeling? In comes Akiyo, a gay janitor who touched one of Okabe's sculptures. Can this straightforward and simple man show Okabe the world outside of his easel that he's been longing to see?6) Our Sin7) Lovesick Baby
Figures are one of the many things that otakus love. Kotobuki is one of those otakus that love figures. One day he looks through his aunt's storage and finds a Japanese doll. His aunt warns him that the doll is cursed and has been put away for a long time due to this.So what?Kotobuki only sees the Japanese doll, named Ai, as another figure to add to his collection. Ai, existing as a doll to scare off people, feels insulted that her scares aren't working, but at the same time she realizes that Kotobuki isn't just an otaku, he has pride and love for figures, and Ai is no exception
Akira Shiraishi, a young high school boy with feminine features, joins Blaue Rosen, the all-girl band that Mizuki Sakurazaka, an androgynous girl of the same age, performs lead electric guitar in.Their high school life is anything but typical: Mizuki is the "prince" of her all-girl school while Akira is the "princess" of the neighboring all-boy school. A series of comical events brings them closer together, even as the prejudice of the people around them tries to pull them apart.- Sequel - Ai Ore!
Juying is a huge fan of mega superstar Jack Lee. In order to rearrange her feelings from a failed relationship, she flew alone to Jack's country. However, upon arrival at Hong Kong she was dragged into things by suspicious men. At the height of danger, a man who looks like Jack appeared to her rescue...Contains 3 oneshots:It Just Has To Be YouStrawberry HouseA Willful Love
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