Europe du 19e siècle, à la guerre succède la paix. Mais qu'est-ce que la "paix", exactement ? A part éventuellement un temps de répit avant la prochaine bataille... Au sein de la nation de Weißen, le commandant Bernd Baltzar a gravi les échelons plus vite que n'importe qui. Mais suite à une alliance avec le Baselland, il se voit catapulté comme conseiller dans une académie militaire de ce pays un peu à la traîne. Qu'en ressortira-t-il ? Et quelles aventures l'attendent là-bas, dans ce pays qui n'est pas le sien ?
Alita is a powerful cyborg with a soft heart and a mysterious past. Her second lease on life isn't easy: her heart is broken, she gains and loses friends to the cruel world of the Scrapyard far below the Utopian city of Tiphares, and she serves many masters in her quest to protect the innocent and create a new life for herself. Related Series Gunnm Gaiden (Side Story)GUNNM: Last Order(Sequel)
Girls, guns, and grenades! Meet Rally Vincent and Minnie May. By day, they work at the Chicago gun shop that they own. By night (or holidays or week-ends), they moonlight as a pair of bounty hunters called the Gunsmith Cats. Rally is an expert at firearms, being able to judge the condition of a gun with a glance, and being an expert marksman. Minnie May is younger and less disciplined; and has an absolute fascination with explosives. Lots of explosives. Especially big ones. Together, they form an unbeatable team; much to the consternation of the local ATF bureau. Set in the city of Chicago, this action-adventure series features a lot of gunfights, car chases, and general mayhem.
Rally Vincent and Minnie-May Hopkins are two regular American girls. Regular American girls who own a gun shop and might have dabbled in prostitution, respectively. And who happen to be a crack shot and an explosives expert, respectively.These might be odd skills for American girls, but these two happen to be Chicago's top bounty hunters. Rally can shoot the trigger off a gun from a good distance, and May generally wreaks havoc with explosions and cuteness. And together, with some very useful friends and associates, they make up the Gunsmith Cats.Burst finds our ladies back at work, back in action, and... back in trouble.
Ponta is a Labrador retriever puppy, the Koizumi family's pet. She's full of energy and usually up to some kind of mischief. But when Grandpa Koizumi, an amateur inventor, creates the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta's curiosity causes trouble. She nibbles the bone...and turns into a human girl! Surprised but undaunted, Ponta ventures out of the house and meets Mirai Iwaki, the most popular boy at school. When Mirai saves her from a speeding car, Ponta changes back into her puppy self. Yet much has changed for Ponta during her short adventure as a human. Her heart races and her face flushes when she thinks of Mirai now. She's in love! Using the power of the Guru Guru Bone, Ponta switches back and forth from dog to girl...but can she win Mirai's affections? Winner of the Kodansha Manga of the Year Award!
Sho and his friend, Tetsuro, stumble upon a strange orb-like mechanism, the Guyver Unit, in the woods. It physically bonds with Sho and turns him into the alien soldier, Guyver. His mission is to protect the Guyver Unit from the Japanese corporation known as Chronos. They are after it and two other units just like it. To retrieve the object, they send out vicious monsters known as Zoanoids. So no one is safe in Sho s life; not even himself.
Persistent mediocrity hasn't dissuaded Fukutsu Toshi, captain of a lame high school baseball team, from his love of the game. But when the principal, dissatisfied with their winless performances, threatens to take away their playing field, Toshis is forced into action to turn things around with all out efforts. But facing him at every turn is endless adversity. Nothing is ever easy for him, but luckily, Toshi has the determination to beat it all. -Bakaupdates
Mei Hino is a geek who draws fan comics about her favorite dating simulation game (which revolves around King and the multiple guys who fall in love with him). After having trouble with her rent, Mei has to start living with a stranger called Seiji... who looks exactly like King from the game!! Seiji tells Mei not to fall in love with him, and she responds by saying she doesn't find him attractive at all (because she's not interested in real men). This hurts Seiji's pride, and he sets out to prove he's still desirable to women.Will the geek girl get her king!?
On the floating island of Lithos, war is ever-raging and there seems to be no end in sight as the three nations that live atop it vie for control. However, as the battles rage on, it is discovered that the crystal that makes the island's floating possible is diminishing in power and the risk of the island falling becoming ever closer to reality. Seeking to find another place to live, the three kingdoms appoint their own elite soldier, a "Dragon Rider" , to fly to the ground below in search for the utopia known as "Arcadia" where there is no such thing as war.
Toko is a shy, awkward girl who hates her summer holidays. They just don't seem to end, and she's right. She is stuck on August 31st. Every day's the same as any other August 31st, except when a new character comes and changes how her whole day goes, and what she learns later on is not what she wanted to know...
Toko is a shy, awkward girl who hates her summer holidays. They just don't seem to end, and she's right. She is stuck on August 31st. Every day's the same as any other August 31st, except when a new character comes and changes how her whole day goes, and what she learns later on is not what she wanted to know...
Raito Sasaki is your average gamer, but he wants to be one of the best.He decides to spend his money on a Trainer, little did he know that his coach is a gyaru gamer girl!Will our protagonist be able to concentrate on the game?
From Viz:Something is rotten in Okinawa...the floating stench of death hangs over the island..What is it? A strange, legged fish appears on the begins Tadashi and Kaori's spiral into the horror (and stench) of the sea.---*Includes two bonus stories called • The Sad Tale of the Principal Post in vol 1.• The Enigma of the Amigara Fault in vol 2.
The Night Tale of Gyokusenbou - Matsuwaru Koe - Intertwining Voice - Karada no Jikan - Katei no Jijou de Kitsune ni Narimashta. - Because of Family Circumstances - I Became a Fox - Toganin no Mori - Sinner's Forest - 玉仙坊夜話〈ぎょくせんぼうやわ〉
Miyuri ne supporte pas la brutalité dont font preuve les garçons. Et particulièrement ceux faisant partie du club de judo. Pourtant du jour au lendemain elle deviendra la peluche vivante du terrifiant Saenami-sempai. Comment a-t-elle pu se retrouver dans une telle situation... ?!
Kobayashi Shinobu, first year high school student, transfers to a new school only to get dumped by her boyfriend and have a teacher who breaks all her conventional preconceptions. He smokes. He leaves class without warning. And at night, he works as a host. Will their relationship develop into something more than student and teacher? Read H and find out!!
Hiro et Hatsushi se sont inscrits dans un lycée où il n'y a pas d'équipe de base-ball. Leur médecin a été catégorique : si Hiro lance des balles, son coude lâchera sous trois mois, et si Hatsushi continue à jouer receveur, c'est sa hanche qui en paiera le prix. A peine arrivé dans le nouvel établissement, Hiro tombe amoureux de Haruka, une jeune fille aussi jolie que maladroite. Grande fan de base-ball, elle tente de créer un club amateur. Le meilleur joueur de l'équipe de foot, espérant la séduire, engage un match de base-ball entre son équipe et ce club amateur. Hiro et Hatsushi, qui ne supportent pas son complexe de supériorité, décident d'agir.
Myunga est une jeune fille qui ne s'est pas réellement intégrée dans sa classe, malgré son statut de vice-présidente des élèves. Ses camarades préfèrent d'ailleurs abuser de sa bonté pour lui demander des faveurs. Elle le sait et a l'habitude. Même à la maison ce n'est guère plus joyeux : sa mère passe son temps à lui reprocher son manque d'assiduité et ses résultats scolaires en baisse. Elle est amoureuse d'Eechan, le Président des élèves, surnommé Bacchus. Il représente à ses yeux une véritable bouffée d'air frais.Toutefois, son quotidien morne et solitaire se retrouve bouleversé grâce à Hanako, une jeune japonaise tout juste arrivée en Corée...
Menga is simply known as the vice rep and is bullied. Hanako has moved to Korea but was robbed the first day and has nothing. Na Hong Soo is known as a troublemaker and is in constant trouble. And Eechan is the student body president, very popular and known as Bacchus. It seems they have nothing in common, but this will change soon.
Shibata Seiko remplace une professeur dans une école de garçons partie en congé de maternité. Un poste de rêve puisqu'elle désire plus que tout enseigner.Lors de son premier jour,elle tombe dans les bras d'un homme superbe mais qui se montre quelque peu déplacé. Avec ce mauvais souvenir en tête , elle se présente au bureau de sa nouvelle école et qu'elle ne fut pas sa surprise de retrouver l'homme en question qui s'avère être aussi professeur !!
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