Gal ga Rakugoka ni Koishitara - Gyaru ga Rakugoka ni Koi shitara - Gyaru ga Rakugoka ni Koishitara - When a Gyaru falls in love with a Rakugo performer - When Gyaru falls in love with a Rakugoka - ギャルが落語家に恋したら
Fifteen-year-old Kuzuhara Tsubomi's family is a hundred years old and counting, and still a prestigious family. Tsubomi is not only the only heir to the Kuzuhara family, but she is also a delinquent kogal who won't listen to her father. For that reason, her father hired her a tutor in order to make her a better heiress.
A Story About a Lone Girl Who's Not Good with Gyarus - Gal and Bocchi - Gal and Loner - gyaru ga nigate na bocchi joshi no hanashi - Gyaru to Bocchi - ギャルが苦手なボッチ女子の話 - ギャルとぼっち
Stone-faced Hina Kawai says she is not good with gyarus... but that's not an impediment for Hayashibara, her classroom's most noticeable gyaru.[*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
Ryan “Galex" Miller is not your average kid. Ever since he turned sixteen he's been having strange dreams about a city he's never seen before, a green haired man trying to destroy him, and a stone slab speaking about the savior of the galaxy!Here's the problem though-Ryan is the most unmotivated kid ever, however thanks to a close call with an assassin and the awakening of his powers Ryan understands that in order to master his new found power he'll have to travel the galaxy... If he has any hope in saving it!!!
On a wharf on Tokyo Bay is a small gallery named Gallery Fake. The owner of the gallery, Fujita Reiji (藤田 玲司) , was once a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He was a learned curator with remarkable memory, keen aesthetic sense, great skill in restoration of paintings, and knowledge of many languages, so he was called "the Professor." However, because of trouble in the workplace, Fujita was forced to quit the museum. Now he is an art dealer who sells paintings, authentic and fake alike, at extraordinary prices. His motto is, "One without aesthetic sense can't help being cheated out of his money. And, by being deceived, one may learn to distinguish the real one from the counterfeit."However, Fujita is not a villain. He truly appreciates art and the artists who spent their lives to create it. He is not someone who just earns money by selling fake paintings. Sometimes he takes paintings from a wicked politician who considers art only as a means of exchanging bribes. Sometimes he tries to restore destroyed paintings. Readers get to like him for his passion and true love for art. He often touches the lives of those he encounters, and people are attracted to him in spite of himself.In 1996 Gallery Fake received the Shogakukan Manga Award.
After the passing of the Equal Opportunity Employment Act, everyone has equal rights in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are still many logistical difficulties yet to be overcome. Like, how's a centaur supposed to sit at a desk made for humans, anyway?A collection of one-shots.
Milieu de l'ère Edo. Une région est devenue le lieu de rassemblement privilégié d'adeptes des arts martiaux. Le nom de cette région est Unabara, "Le repère des démons". Washitzu Naosata, le seigneur d'Unabara, décidé d'organiser une gigantesque compétition d'arts martiaux pour savoir qui est le plus fort. Celui de ses 31 fils qui saura trouver l'expert en arts martiaux le plus fort deviendra son sucesseur. Washitzu Naoyoshi, le 27ème fils du seigneur, part à la recherche du légendaire Kurogane Jinsuke, capable dit-on de massacrer 1000 adeptes des arts martiaux. Mais Kurogane Jinsuke semble avoir disparu et Naoyoshi va rencontrer Gama, le dernier élève de l'école Ogame. C'est finalement Gama qui va accompagner le 27ème fils du seigneur d'Unabara à la Grande compétition. Une histoire pleins de promesses et de combats.
Tomu est un étudiant qui vient d'arriver dans une école de riches très réputée. Celle-ci a été créée pour mettre en avant le japon et former des dirigeants. Peu intéressé par le pouvoir et les études, notre héros décide de lancer un défi farfelu à toute son école : transformer une pièce de 100 yen en plusieurs milliards de yen en l'espace de quelques mois grâce à des paris. Ces jeux d'argent devront respecter une simple condition, la somme pariée devra être le double des gains de la partie précédente. Bien décidés à lui clouer le bec, les étudiants lui lanceront des défis les uns après les autres et Tomu ne pourra pas les refuser.
From Aerandria Scans Fujieda Memori works his butt off every day as a competent bodyguard in his brother's company. One day, a man called Yuuki Shin appears and says that he's interested in becoming a bodyguard. To test his ability, Memori was to work together with him. Memori was about to trust Yuuki, but then he found out about Yuuki's real identity...!?
Sayo is a "modern" and uninhibited woman whose greatest passion, however, is her work. Her workaholics ended up removing all the men with whom she had a relationship, who complained about how much Sayo was "married" to her work. One day, a new employee starts working in her company; Ryouichi Kiriyama seems different from any other man she has ever met, but she still doesn't know that underneath Kiriyama's facade, he hides something else... Will their relationship ascend the 'game' they've placed themselves in?[hr]Retail: [url=][/url] (chapters)
Akira always recklessly runs head-first at any problem. Having just transferred into Nanjou High's part-time evening classes, he picks a fight with the full-time students' baseball club, a favorite for Koushien who are monopolizing the playing grounds. In order to challenge the full-time baseball club on equal footing, Akira will aim for Jinguu, the home of "the other Koushien" for part-time high school students!Volume 2 includes the oneshots Inochi no Mound and Mou Hitotsu no Koushien.
Tagamori Shinta is a student who routinely confesses with complete sincerity to any girls that he likes, failing every time with good reason. One day, after another failed attempt, he stumbles upon a strange shrine and ends up making the most important wish of his entire life. A romantic comedy packed with action on a celestial scale.
"Faites de votre mieux, Chrono-kun !" est un manga court qui a été inclus avec le guide du jeu japonais. En pleine gloire, ce manga recrée le début du jeu, où Chrono rencontre Marle lors de la Foire du Millénium. Le style artistique est une bonne imitation de celui d'Akira Toriyama, un plus pour ceux qui en ont envie.
Do Your Best! Nakamura-kun!! - Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!! - Hoshi Furu Yoru on Kiseki! no Maki - Go For It - Nakamura! - ¡¡No te rindas - Nakamura!! - ガンバレ! 中村くん!! - 加油!中村君!! -
Nakamura est un garçon timide qui a le coup de foudre pour l'une de ses camarades de classe, Hirose, sa camarade de classe rêveuse au lycée. Mais il y a un problème : ils ne se sont pas encore rencontrés. Et Nakamura est un vrai maladroit qui risque de tout gâcher avant même d'avoir commencé !
L'histoire prend place 15 ans avant les événements de la série principale, GANGSTA. GANGSTA:CURSED se focalise sur la jeunesse de Marco, à l'époque où il se faisait appeler "Spas" et appartenait à la seconde Brigade Esminets (la Brigade Esminets présente dans GANGSTA. étant la troisième) avec Striker, Beretta et bien d'autres encore...
Nicolas et Warrick sont deux "hommes à tout faire" au passé mystérieux qui se font appeler Benriya.Le Benriya exécute tout type de contrats, allant du simple nettoyage, à l'exécution au sens propre du terme. De nombreuses personnes font appel à eux, notamment Chado-san, un officier de police pas très net, dont on peut dire qu'il n'en a pas fini de supporter nos deux protagonistes.Suivons donc les péripéties de Nicolas et Warrick au sein de cette ville bouffée par le vice et le crime !
Ganota Utsuki is an odd one – she just started her new job at a new company and already she acts like she owns the place. And, she tends to live her life as if inspired by Gundam…
What happened when all the men left the house? Ylva-chan the great pioneer takes the things right in hands. Literally. She doesn't want to cook the dinner, she wants to slash it. Follow the quest of the shieldmaiden of the chores for this unexpected old Norse slice-of-life.
Julie’s family is very poor, and since she’s plain and ugly, as her sister has told her time and time again, she does most of the chores in her house. By accident, she meets the Yee family while trying to get her plane back from a tree in their yard. She meets the family again a year later and is adopted into their family. Soon she becomes a pawn between Mr. Yee’s new wife and his oldest son Ryan, both of which will use Julie as a means to hurt one another. Can Julie survive her new life till she’s of legal age to leave?
From Aerandria Scans: What happens when an overly trusting prince and a super paranoid witch go in search of the powerful witch Garbera in a whole jungle of suspicious creatures and powerful magical traps, all for the cause of fulfilling each of their wishes?
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