
This fiction tells the story of a Digital World controlled by a scientist computer named Yggdrasil. Because Digimon had multiplied so much in the past, Yggdrasil, the host computer, was unable to handle the load and the Digital Hazard occurred. Yggdrasil then created the "New Digital World", consisting of three layers for the past, present, and future - Urd, Versandi, and Skuld, respectively, and then let loose with Project Ark and the X Program to eliminate any Digimon Yggdrasil no longer wanted. However, the Digimon adapted by obtaining a program called the X-Antibody, which strengthened them, changed their form, and made them immune to the X Program. Yggdrasil sent in the Royal Knights, thirteen Digimon devoted to keeping order in the Digital World, and at this point Kouta, Yuuji, and Shinji, three humans, somehow found their way into the Digital World and met their partner Digimon, Dorumon for Kouta and Ryuudamon for Yuuji. Kouta and Yuuji resisted Yggdrasil and the Royal Knights, but Shinji apparently sided with Yggdrasil.
모과를 기억 하세요? -  모과를 기억하세요? -  Do You Remember The Mogwa? -  Do You Remember The Papaya? -  Do You Remember The Quince? -  Mogwa-reul Giok Haseyo? -  Mogwa-re
Sun Jong est une jeune fille solitaire qui évite toute compagnie et qui porte un masque. Sa grand-mère décide alors d'embaucher un beau garçon et lui donne pour mission de devenir ami avec sa petite-fille.Sun Jong acceptera-t-elle enfin d'enlever son masque?
바람피지마! -  Chỉ mình anh -  Don't have an affair! -  wag mo kong lokohin
If it's singing he can do it, if it's sports he can do it, he's can do everything except studying. Korea's ultimate pretty boy Lee Jehi Now, he meets his childhood first love, and ultimate hardships are coming his way. Oh~It's Seo YeonWoo Look at her turning the heads Is she better than me? Huh? Oi! Oi! Where are looking at! How can you look at others with a guy like me in front of you! I told you Don’t Cheat on Me!!!
바람피지마! -  Chỉ Mình Anh -  Don't Have An Affair! -  Don't Play With Love
Il peut chanter ou faire du sport si on lui demande : il est peut tout faire sauf étudier. En Corée, l’ultime Beau Gosse est Lee Jehi maintenant. Il rencontre son amour d'enfance, et les difficultés s’accumulent sur son chemin. Oh ~ c’est Seo YeonWoo, Regardez-la, retournez vous, Est-elle mieux que moi? Hein? Oh! Oh! Où est-ce que tu regardes ?! Comment pouvez-vous regarder les autres avec un gars comme moi en face de vous! Je t’ai dit de ne pas me tromper !
Oneshot from Sayuri-hime 2 "Dream Trip" is a mini-sequel to Chi-Ran's "Dream Drops"
ドリフターズ, 漂泊者
Zein Gospell is unlucky. Pursued by mysterious organizations and mercenaries, he lives on the run because they all have eyes only for his power ... His immortality. However, is it possible that even a person fated for misery becomes a hero? Follow Zein in this abnormal world and find out.Read It on the official site because I'm dumb asf and can't manage to publish the chapters here:
フェアリアルガーデン, 妖精花園
Noah is a young boy whose parents are world famous as scientists who developed "Fairia seeds." Fairia seeds are special flower seeds that can "grow" fairy-like beings called Fairia. Fairias have become popular pets since the seeds became available for sale. Popular with everyone else but Noah. Noah swore that he would never keep a Fairia again after his mother used his Fairia in an experiment and killed it. One day he picks up a houseplant from the garbage and brings it home without realizing that it is a Fairia plant. When it flowers, out comes a beautiful girl the size of a pea. He names her Claire. Claire is a special kind of Fairia called Fairial that can make themselves human-sized. Now, Noah must find out the secret behind the Fairia seeds, if he wants to keep Claire safe.

Fallen Angels

타락천사 -  Tarak Cheonsa -  Tarak Chunsa -  Thiên Thần Tái Thế
Hajin Seo avait pour habitude d'être une fille joyeuse. Mais tout en essayant de protéger son amie Mina, elle a dû commettre une série de choses qui auraient pu être évitées. Et l'incident l'a amené à penser qu'elle a tué son amie qui a juste été sévèrement blessée dans l'incident. Jeha Han, le frère de Mina est prêt à tout pour se venger de la personne qui a blessé sa soeur....
Fate/Grand Order - Interlude d'Okita Sōji 「Ici Même」
Grail Mystery in the Imperial Capital - Fate/Type Redline -  Teito Seihai Kitan Fate/type Redline
Remake de la guerre du Graal impérial tiré du manga Koha-Ace. Le protagoniste est Akagi Kanata, qui est transporté 75 ans dans le passé pour participer à une guerre du Graal en plein milieu de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
From Lililicious: Madoka tells Mayu she likes her and then runs away when Mayu asks her out. Mayu tracks her down and the two of them begin dating, but there's something Madoka isn't telling her...
금지된 키스
Haeun est une jeune collégienne timide qui n’a pas encore connu son premier baiser. Son frère adoptif, Shin, bien que plus jeune, est une véritable idole au sein de l’établissement et prend un malin plaisir à la tourmenter.Par un malheureux concours de circonstances, notre héroïne fera la rencontre de Shihu, un collégien du même âge mais à la fortune bien garnie. Contrainte d’être sa gouvernante (femme de ménage, entre autre), Haeun découvrira le caractère enfantin de Shihu, ainsi que le monde dans lequel il vit.Dans le même temps, elle retrouve son amour d’enfance en la personne du professeur intérimaire. Bien décidé à renouer le contact avec lui, les obstacles sont nombreux, notamment grâce à son frère qui semble plutôt concerné...
A Classroom Only for Us Two
C'est le dernier jour d'école avant les vacances et Yuki attend l'occasion idéale de donner ses chocolats à Koharu et de lui avouer ses sentiments, mais elle ne peut se résoudre à le faire alors que la classe est toujours remplie de ses camarades!Elle supplie même le rideau de les cacher et de lui donner la chance de sortir les chocolats de son sac. Quand Yuki aura-t-elle enfin le courage de se confesser? L'occasion parfaite se présentera-t-elle ?

Gachi Akuta

Gachiakuta, ガチアクタ
Un bidonville où vivent des descendants de criminels...Les gens au-delà de la frontière les regardent de haut et les discriminent en tant que " peuple tribal ".Ludo, un garçon orphelin, vit dans le bidonville avec son parent adoptif, Legt, et gagne sa vie en utilisant ses extraordinaires capacités physiques.Cependant, un jour, il est accusé d'un crime qu'il n'a pas commis, et est jeté dans le " gouffre " que même les habitants du bidonville craignent.
学園女王 -  Academy Queen
From Aerandria Scans: Higashisanjou Ayako is called the queen of Hibarigaoka Academy – she’s smart, beautiful, cool, and practically perfect at everything she does. However, little does everyone know that she has another side to her. One day, Yuzuki Haruka, who everyone calls the king of the academy, finds out Ayako’s secret. Will our queen have a peaceful and perfect life again with her secret in the hands of this little sadistic king?
Mizuno Kaori attends an all-girls high school and likes to spend time with her friends after class playing soccer. They'd like to create a club, but they're one member short of creating a team and people think it's foolish for girls to play soccer. Studying at the same high school, Umezawa Hikari is very popular among the boys but doesn't talk much. What most people don't know is that she plays soccer pretty well and dreams of becoming a national player competing in the World Cup. She then joins Kaori's group with plans to challenge a boy's soccer team from another high school. If they can defeat the boy's team, then they can let people know that they really mean business and this will also serve as a small step towards her dream.
Đến vương quốc ma -  도깨비 왕국으로 간다 -  Bogle Goes to the Kingdom -  Go to the Demon
Durant la nuit de l'enterrement de son grand-père, Hwang Keum Lin a vu un voleur tenter de voler quelque chose dans la maison de son grand-père. Elle court après lui, essayant de l'attraper avant qu'il ne prenne quelque chose de précieux, mais il disparaît comme par magie. Sa cousine ne veut pas la croire peu importe ce qu'elle lui dit, heureusement rien ne manquait. Cependant, qu'est-ce que pouvait bien chercher ce voleur, et comment a-t-il pu s'introduire dans le meilleur système de sécurité que l'argent peut acheter ? Hwang Keum Lin en sait peu, mais ce n'est que le début, et sa vie va être bouleversé dès ce moment... et tout ce qu'elle pensait connaître se révélera bien différent....

Going to You

Đến Với Anh -  너에게 간다 -  Coming To You -  No-ege Kanda
Kang Eun Woo est la triste et célèbre "princesse" que Kang Joon Hyuk adore. Bien que beaucoup pensent qu'elle doit être très belle car Joon Hyuk est aussi une bombe, elle ... mange et dort peu (c'est à peu près ça). Pourquoi Joon Hyuk prend-il soin d'elle autant ? Eh bien, je ne sais pas, mais si elle vous touche, alors vous serez prêts à être anéanti !


Bando Eiji est un tueur à gages (bien qu'il déteste être appelé comme tel...) avec plus que quelques vis sans tête... Cette mini-série en 3 chapitres du créateur de Hellsing suit les escapades du dément Bando alors qu'il choisit une cible après l'autre tout en confondant l'enfer des observateurs avec sa disposition mentale désarçonnée.
Hakase No Tsukurishi Inu, The Dog Created By The Professor
In a futuristic world, Professor Tsukise has created the living machines known as Chimera. On the eve of their public unveiling, Tsukise struggles to accept the ethical ramifications of his creation. Should the Chimera be released to the public and more importantly, what should happen to his own Chimera, Kusanagi?
半熟姫 -  Hanjuku-hime -  Hanjukuhime -  Kiss Friend
Emimi had had several boyfriends. However, she disliked any intimate contact with them. Whether kissing or even holding hands, she got disgusted and simply breaks away. One day, she realized that her long time friend, Shinji, did not gross her out and asked him to kiss her. That, of course, is the beginning of a romance.
Bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang remaja yang di usir oleh orang tuanya,dan di suruh tinggal di rumah tua peninggalan kakeknya,tidak di sangka rumah tersebut banyak gosip bahwa rumah itu "BERHANTU".
Satori Senjuin is a dense high schooler whose ebi sushi key holder comes alive one day as she's going home. It turns out Punipuni, a mousy-like little creature, who's from a different dimension, took the key holder's form. When Satori gets home, even more surprises wait for her. Her computer, that she supposedly turned off, starts talking, and it's telling her to become a Dimension Counselor?! What's that, and how does one heal a broken soul?
ヘブンズ ドア
[Summary by: Love_Blossom] Harumi has been in the hospital practically her whole life because she has cancer. She finds out she only has a few months to live and wants to do dangerous thing. Masato just got hospitalized today. He meets Harumi and they talk about how life is so short. Then he holds out his hand and says, "Lets go to the sea!" And so, for the few days they have to live, they enjoy it to their fullest. See what happens by reading(:


ヘルシング, 厄夜怪客, 皇家国教骑士团, 皇家國教騎士團, Hell Sing, Hellsing: The Legend of a Vampire Hunter, The Legend of a Vampire Hunter, The Legend of the Vampire Hunter
Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, an organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing also has a few secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. Although he dislikes being a servant to the Hellsing family, he certainly enjoys his job as Hellsing’s vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and a former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is still a valuable member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined. A group long thought dead has been plotting in secret since their apparent destruction over 50 years ago. Plotting to plunge England, and perhaps the entire world, into war.
The pasts of Walter, Hellsing and Millennium are revealed in this exciting prequel to the main Hellsing storyline, which takes place during the WWII era -- September, 1944 to be exact -- somewhere around Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland.
少女본색 -  소녀본색 -  Ảo mộng
Just when Park Sang-Euk was about to take a hit from the opposing gang, he was saved by a mysterious masked girl. The girl took down the jjang and his cronies in the blink of an eye! And now Sang-Euk is determined to find out her identity.
秘蜜少女, Don't Make Me Fall For You, Dream Drops, Girls' Secret Nectar, Secret Girl, The Yuri Cage
A collection of stories:1) Himitsu Shoujo (Girls' Secret Nectar)About a girl whose supernatural ability helps her get everything she wants in life... except the most important thing of all.2) The Yuri CageIt's about a girl who buys a "yuri cage" with a strange little girl inside. 3) Planet Aimer-lis4) Don't Make Me Fall For YouA transfer student finds herself the newest target of the biggest playgirl in school.5) Dream DropsThe main character buys some magical drops that are supposed to make her dream come true.6) Love