
一代诡妃 - 
La princesse fantôme Nalan Tianyue se nourrit de l'énergie Yang des hommes afin de cultiver son pouvoir.Trahie par ses adorateurs, la famille Gu, elle les a tous massacrés et a péri... puis s'est retrouvée dans le corps de la fille d'un ministre qui n'a aucune capacité de culture.Fiançailles rompues, victime d'un coup monté et sans moyen de cultiver... rien de tout cela ne la met à terre.Quelle blague, elle va regagner son pouvoir et regarder le monde entier de haut !
Ghoul Crush
Unit 96 of Sampaguita Residences is haunted-- not that Sison particularly believes in all of that... much to the chagrin of the actual ghoul that haunts there, a sapphic spirit once called Laguna. UPDATES EVERY SUNDAY STARTING 01.30.21
petite histoire entre Erwin et Livai
Shiryou Hen -  Giant Robo: Shiryou-hen
3 bandes dessinées (une histoire en 5 parties de Mitsuteru Yokoyama qui a couru de novembre 1967 à mars 1968 dans Shogakkan Comics, un manga Giant Robo réalisé en juillet 1968 par un des assistants de Yokoyama pour le magazine élémentaire de deuxième année et un one- shot de 1972 pour Fun Kindergarten
ジャイアントロボ:地球の燃え尽きる日, 機械巨神:地球燃盡之日
In the mid-1990's, Yasuhiro Imagawa adapted Mitsuteru Yokoyama's original manga, Giant Robo, into a 7-part OVA series entitled Giant Robo: The Animation - The Day the Earth Stood Still. Imagawa's adaption strayed far from Yokoyama's Giant Robo, featuring a mostly original storyline which included characters and elements pulled from several other Yokoyama projects, such as Tetsujin 28 and Babel II. Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Burned is another story set in the universe created in Giant Robo: The Animation, in which young Daisaku Kusama commands Giant Robo, the mightiest robot of our world, in the battle against the underground terrorist organization known as Big Fire.
ジャイアントロボ:地球の燃え尽きる日 -  Giant Robo: Chikyuu no Moetsukiru Hi
In the mid-1990's, Yasuhiro Imagawa adapted Mitsuteru Yokoyama's original manga, Giant Robo, into a 7-part OVA series entitled Giant Robo: The Animation - The Day the Earth Stood Still. Imagawa's adaption strayed far from Yokoyama's Giant Robo, featuring a mostly original storyline which included characters and elements pulled from several other Yokoyama projects, such as Tetsujin 28 and Babel II. Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Burned is another story set in the universe created in Giant Robo: The Animation, in which young Daisaku Kusama commands Giant Robo, the mightiest robot of our world, in the battle against the underground terrorist organization known as Big Fire.
Giant Step is a shounen, sports comedy. With it's relation to Prince of Tennis being in some of the art of attacks and their relation to tennis. If you have already read Prince of Tennis or even a little bit of it and it was too serious for you then Giant Step would be good to check out.
Gichigichi-kun -  ギチギチくん
Gichi Gichi kid is a full manga about a boy with magical powers. The same adventures of children with the unique Maruo´s vision and elegant drawings; this kid is always making good for the people; nothing to do with the autor usual works.
義風堂々!!直江兼続~前田慶次酒語り -  Gifū Dōdō!! Naoe Kanetsugu - Maeda Keiji Sake-gatari -  Gifu Doudou!! Naoe Kanetsugu - Maeda Keiji Sakegatari -  Gifuu Doudou!! Naoe K
義風堂々!! 直江兼続 -前田慶次月語り, Gifu Dodo!! Naoe Kanetsugu - Maeda Keiji Tsuki-Gatari, Gifuu Dodo!!


Yamada Yoko est un lycéen passionné par les films, étant lui-même fils d'un producteur de cinéma. Un jour, alors qu'il sortait filmer avec ses camarades de classe, un poster mentionnant Papiko, une actrice à la poitrine généreuse, l'interpelle…


Mini série de 6 chapitres par Kentaro Miura, l'auteur de Berserk, qui prend place 100 millions d'années dans le futur, avec pour fond un conflit mythologique opposant les forces de Zeus et les forces d'en-bas dirigées par le géant Alcyon


Seconde Guerre mondiale. Un soldat blessé à l'esprit dérangé kidnappe le prête qui essaye de lui venir en aide avant de déserter. Au beau milieu du désert africain, avec peu de rations et une santé mentale disparue depuis bien longtemps, tout ce qui leur reste est le plaisir et la douleur. Et peut-être finalement la mort…
ギッミク -  Attack Love
Kenji is friend with this guy who keeps insisting on sleeping in his bed! And he does creepy things to Kenji. Still, why does Kenji feel somehow happy about it?
Gin iro no Seven ; 銀色のセブン
Rencontrez le garçon le plus sexy de l'univers!
Effleurer le ciel, 銀になる
Ery was living her ordinary, dull high school life until one day when she saw a guy in the park. Curiosity made her follow after him, and she reached a skating school. Unhesitatingly, she joins the school, but…Contains an unrelated story Summer Fairytales aka Summer's Fairy Tale (also included in Bathroom Guuwa as chapter 3).  
Gin no Kaze Tooi Toki -  銀の風 遠い刻 -  银色风拂纱梦 -  Gin no Kaze, Tooi Toki -  Silver Wind, Distant Time
A collection of one-shots... 1) A long time ago there was a princess who was not afraid of the silver demon. Now after several years she has been reincarnated...

Gin No Saji

C'est la nouvelle série de Hiromu Arakawa, la mangaka de Fullmetal Alchemist !
Hana thân yêu -  Silver Valkyries
Ruka, qui n’a jamais eu de petit ami en 17 ans à cause de sa timidité, rêve d’un chevalier blanc qui l’appelle. Un jour, elle entend parler d’une rumeur sur une pierre ayant la capacité de procurer de beaux rêves à son propriétaire. Suite à des évènements étranges, Ruka essaie la pierre et est transportée dans un rêve, mais ce qu’elle y trouve n’est absolument pas ce à quoi elle s’attendait. Elle ne se réveille ni dans son lit, ni même dans son monde, mais dans un monde où règnent les Valkyries.
銀の闇迷宮 D・ウォーカー -  Dark Walker -  Darkwalker
From Boku-Tachi: Natsumi Orihara has been having trouble sleeping lately, as strange things have been invading her dreams. On a day that is unlike any other, a new student arrives in Natsumi's class and proclaims to Natsumi that she has overflowing energy... and then Natsumi has what seems to be a waking dream that feels all too real and unbelievable! Just what exactly is going on? What does the new student, Tenkawa, know about these dreams?
Giban Kaleidoscope is the story of Sakurano Tazusa, a beautiful skater girl who is on her way to becoming the best skater in the world. Unfortunately, one day, she screws up at a competition, and that sets her career downhill. Her school life is also getting harder than she expected as she has to deal with Pete the ghost, a dead skater who was recently killed and who has begun to haunt her. Despite her initial reluctancy, she gradually starts to be more open with him, and her mind is now full of questions about Pete and his reasons for haunting her.
銀蝶奇談 -  Silver Butterfly
[From Attractive Fascinante]: 1-3) Silver Butterfly (Ginchou Kidan) The Heavenly Jade Pavillion is the house for many beautiful hustlers and their protectors. Patrons come in nightly to take advantage of the culture and beauty of these hustlers. These men share their love nightly, but are they allowed to fall in love? 4) Darkness and obscenity In the Heavenly Jade Pavillion there are many beautiful hustlers and their protectors, each with their own talents and mysterious lives. The lovely S&M hustler, Yagarasu, who hides his eye behind a patch, is visited by a man from his past. Why is Yagarasu's past appearing now? Will he be given a reason to put aside his whips and chains and only give pain to one man? 5-6) Blue Sky Love
Silver Fang Legend Akame
Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. 
銀牙伝説ウィード -  銀牙伝説WEED -  银牙虎纹猎犬物语 -  Ginga Legend Weed -  Silver Fang Legend Weed
A wild dog named Weed happens to hear that he is the son of Gin, the great leader of Ohu, who lead the dogs of Ohu to victory in a fight against the monstrous bear Akakabuto. Weed wants to find his father no matter of what. On his search, Weed meets many friends and enemies.
publié pour la première fois le 24 juillet 2009 et est la suite de ginga densetsu weed ( une partie du manga est disponible en animé ) . L'histoire est centrée sur les enfants de Weed - Sirius , Orion , Rigel et Bellatrix - et plusieurs autres enfants des vétérans de Ouu.La série suit la progéniture de Weed : Bellatrix, Rigel, Sirius et en particulier Orion.
La série raconte l'histoire d'un chiot Akita Inu appelé Gin (en japonais pour "argent") qui quitte son maître, un jeune garçon nommé Daisuke, pour rejoindre une meute de chiens sauvages. La meute rassemble des chiens forts de tout le Japon pour combattre un ours dérangé nommé Akakabuto (en japonais pour "casque rouge") et ses sbires. L'histoire commence du point de vue des humains, mais bascule ensuite vers les chiens. Takahashi aurait été inspiré par un article de presse sur des chiens de chasse abandonnés par leurs maîtres et qui avaient commencé à vivre comme des animaux sauvages.
銀河パトロールジャコ, Galactic Patrol Jako, Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
The offspring of Ohu army's sworn enemy, the giant bear Akakabuto, has come back to take back what his late father once owned. A bloody time begins again when the ruthless bear Monsoon is on a path of slaughter motivated by revenge and his burning hatred of dogs.