
エキストラストラ★ -  临时演员不临时 -  Extra Strous ~天才臨演~
A marvelous actor who has stage fright plays various roles in real life! The agency Catherine is the company which sends so-called extras in real life. Yaegashi Taiga, a marvelous actor that has stage fright, tries his best to fulfill the requests he is given by this company. One day, he is told to work on a request with the newbie Amae Shizuku... But Shizuku has a secret and...?! Please come to our office if anything troubles you! The excellent extras will support you throughout your daily life.
During an investigation, private detective Amaki comes across Kou, a man with a mysterious aura about him; a man with strangely sharp perception and eyes that shine like a beast’s. Since his meeting with this man, for some reason wild creatures that are not supposed to inhabit the city keep appearing around Amaki... Who is this Kou? The author goes all out, a Shamanic Fantasy begins.
Wimpy Sena Kobayakawa has been running away from bullies all his life. But when the football gear comes on, things change--Sena's speed and uncanny ability to elude big bullies just might give him what it takes to become a great high school football hero! Enjoy all the bone-crushing action and slapstick comedy that this heartwarming coming-of-age story has to offer.
Midnight Feeding in that Room -  餌付けは夜半、あの部屋で
Inclut le one-shot Zombie Cycle de BL of the Dead.Il s'agit d'un spin-off de la série BL of the Dead.
Akagi Gunma is a young, impetuous, and rash teenager who decides to move to the big city to fulfill his dream of racing a Formula One car.The story follows how this simple farmer boy from the country moves on to the city in pursuit of his dreams.Note: [i]F [/i]received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1991 for seinen/general manga.

F no Meikyuu

ฝ่าวงกตปริศนา F Labyrinth (Thai) -  Fの迷宮 -  F之迷宫 -  F的迷宮
Qu'est-ce que ça ferait si vous aviez le même visage qu'une fille qui a été tuée par son frère ? MOCHIZUKI Remi en fait l'expérience avec son frère, un détective et une de ses connaissances qui a une faculté magique.
F-Anos, Fallen-Angel of New Order Sin, FANOS
Don't think too much of what the title could mean but delve into the depths of a futuristic world that only gets colder and darker with each revelation. He has no name. He has no identity. He walks aimlessly. His only motive... change at the Highest Tier.
Tiem Sum accidently sees a cute silver fox turning into a guy. He confronts her and tells her that she has to marry him, since she saw him naked. While trying to woo Sum, he is also looking for his lost brother

Fading Vows

Oath as the Morning Mist -  誓如朝雾
Je vous déclare maintenant... colocataires ? ! L'organisatrice de mariage Muran a finalement emménagé dans son propre appartement, mais elle est tellement emportée par l'excitation qu'elle finit par dépenser tout son argent en décorations. Maintenant, elle a désespérément besoin d'un colocataire. Que se passera-t-il lorsque son collègue proposera son jeune frère, Sachung ?
フェアリアルガーデン, 妖精花園
Noah is a young boy whose parents are world famous as scientists who developed "Fairia seeds." Fairia seeds are special flower seeds that can "grow" fairy-like beings called Fairia. Fairias have become popular pets since the seeds became available for sale. Popular with everyone else but Noah. Noah swore that he would never keep a Fairia again after his mother used his Fairia in an experiment and killed it. One day he picks up a houseplant from the garbage and brings it home without realizing that it is a Fairia plant. When it flowers, out comes a beautiful girl the size of a pea. He names her Claire. Claire is a special kind of Fairia called Fairial that can make themselves human-sized. Now, Noah must find out the secret behind the Fairia seeds, if he wants to keep Claire safe.
Setsuna, a young boy has strange powers, including the right to have prophetic dreams ...
フェアリーキューブ, フェアリーキューブ:妖精標本, 妖精標本, 妖精標本 (フェアリー キューブ), Fairy Specimen, Psycho Knocker, Yousei Hyouhon
Ian and Rin used to just see spirits. Now Ian is one. Using the Fairy Cube, Ian must figure out how to stop the lizard-spirit Tokage from taking over his life and destroying any chance he has of resurrection.V.3 contains an unrelated short story called• Psycho KnockerAshina Tomo is your average school girl who somehow constantly has terrible images of a train accident. One day, on her crush’s birthday, her best friend brings her to an isolated print club machine which is rumored to allow prayers to come true. What would happen when your prayers come true, but not the way you want them to be? By a cursed print club machine nonetheless.
페러리 하트
This is a story of fairies, told in a place without a name. Once in every 100 years, a young fairy from in the deep bush must come to the human world to become an adult. They use 'power' to attract a human male, to fall in love with. Afterward, the man dies. But, the fairy to whom he'd given his love will grow wings and become a beautiful adult. This fantasy romance story starts off with a fairy of Grass, named Grassbee, going to the human world to become an adult. Will she be able to attract a human male? Will she be able to become an adult fairy and get fairy wings? Magic can only do so much...
仙王的日常生活 -  Fairy King's Daily Life
C’est l’ère de la culture des immortels pour tous ! Tout le monde travaille dur pour faire voler l’épée impériale et cultiver l’immortel ! Wang Ling en est un contre-exemple ! Une fée ? Cultiver ? L’élixir ? Il s’en fichait, mais la réparation s’intensifia comme un plug-in. Un Yu Jian de 3 ans et une divinité de 7 ans, il voulait vivre une vie bouddhiste discrète mais il est tombé dans un lycée ordinaire ! C’est vraiment fatigant de devenir accidentellement le centre d’attention… oh… comme l’Invincibilité est solitaire.
Fairy + Glass, Fairy Glasses, Fairy+メガネ
A crossover between Fairy Tail and Yanki-kun to Megane-chan.Included in the 11th volume of Yankee-kun to Megane-chan

Fairy Tail

Lucy, jeune magicienne, rêve de rejoindre la fameuse guilde de magiciens, la Fairy Tail. Après sa rencontre avec Natsu et Happy, un chat intrépide, le rêve de Lucy devient réalité ! Mais la guilde de Fairy Tail est réputée pour le caractère imprévisible de ses membres. Natsu en est le meilleur exemple, anti-héros drôle et bagarreur ! Cette guilde semble être à l'origine de nombreux scandales.
Histoire principale : Fairy Tail.
Un Spin off Fair Tail tourné autour du personnage de Gray !
Fairy Tail - Sequel
Pas de résumé pour le moment
Fairy Tail
Ce spin-off, initialement annoncé sous le titre Zokuhen, rebaptisé avant sa parution le 25 juillet 100 Years Quest, raconte la suite des aventures de Natsu, lucy et de la guilde. Nous retrouvons ainsi Fairy Tail, après la fin du manga, pour assister au déroulement de la quête de 100 ans.
Fairy Tail Gaiden - Kengami no Souryuu -  Fairy Tail Spinoff: Twin Dragons of Sabertooth
The spin-off of the popular fantasy manga "Fairy Tail". Sting, who became the master of Sabertooth, Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva together perform jobs together, but...? What is the danger approaching their guild and the whole continent!? The episode that was not shown in the original story is now being told!!
Fairy Tail the Movie: Priestess of the Phoenix
Prologue of Fairy Tail the movie: Priestess of The Phoenix. An introduction of the movie's protagonist, Eclaire and Momo, how they met and how they went on their journey.
Lucy meets Elie and Haru meets Natsu. What will happen between them when Lucy and Natsu are trying to find someone that sounds a lot like Elie?
Hana et ses amis sont à la recherche d'un emploi quand ils tombent nez-à-nez avec une guilde... de magiciens ?!Cross-Over entre Yankee To Megane-Chan (Drôle de Racaille) et Fairy Tail !
Feiku Fakuto Rippusu; フェイクファクトリップス;
Rivaux depuis le lycée, maintenant vendeurs dans la même entreprise, se chamaillent et parient constamment sur des choses pour voir qui gagne. Cette fois, le gagnant est celui qui fait tomber l'autre en premier, mais uke ne sait pas qu'il l'aime depuis le lycée...
Your Heart in My Hands -  페이크 헤이트
In high school, Kyle watched his best friend and first love crushed by Owen, a social media model who secretly toys with gay men to break their hearts. When Owen shows up at Kyle’s university, Kyle decides to take revenge by pretending to date him and then dumping him horribly. But Owen is more charming than Kyle thought, and it might be harder than he expected to stick to the plan… (From Tapas)
”_ Être riche pour mourir heureux !!! "
Natsume seeks shelter from the rain, as does her old classmate Iwasa who just so happens to hate her.