
Bunk Beds -  이층 침대
A young girl from the countryside visits a rabbit cafe but instead of the usual cheery and family-friendly place that permits their customers to pet, handle and play with live rabbits, she finds herself in a gyp-joint?


無頼庵, Buraian
When his family dojo is forcibly taken by Yakuza due to his debt Yachiyomaru with his bodyguard Burai An stand against them in order to retrieve it! Before they know it, in prevailing over trials one after another, a deep affection is born between them...!
Après avoir commencé à travailler comme garde du corps au bar burlesque "Rainbow", Kuroba fait la connaissance du danseur Kaede, qui n'a pas l'air japonais. Kaede est fascinant, mais intimidant. Il est capable de fasciner les clients, ce qui en fait l'un des meilleurs danseurs du bar. En surface, il semble fort et confiant, mais sous ce masque, il y a un homme qui sait ce qu'est la peur, et Kuroba ne peut s'empêcher d'être attiré par lui. (en cours de trad Us)
Burn Up -  Burn-Up -  Burnup
This is a one volume long manga book with three short stories which follow the adventures of "Warriors", a special ops team that specializes in national security. From fighting man made bio weapons to capturing a pervert on the loose and ending up stranded by space chaos, Burn-Up is a must see for any "Oh!Great!" fan.
Cette histoire parle de la lutte acharnée entre les forces de l'ordre et ceux qui veulent bouleverser le monde.Au siècle de Cᵗʰ, le bureau central de la municipalité, Graymark, condamne à mort toute personne, quelle que soit la gravité de l'infraction, afin de réduire le taux de criminalité et la population proportionnellement à l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie due aux progrès de la médecine.Il s'agit d'un conflit entre le bureau central et l'armée révolutionnaire qui tente de renverser ce système.
Toki Mishiba, Nobuto Nakajyo, and Kazuo Saitoh are hired to play the Biz Game, a game much like capture the flag, only with company secrets and insane amounts of money involved. At first they think it's a crazy but fun way to get some money, but as the game goes on, they hear stories about mysterious deaths on the news, and recognize the victims as members of the teams they've beaten in the game. When one of the losers of a game dies right in front of them, they realize what is really at stake - their very lives!
バス走る。, 佐原ミズ短編集, Sahara Mizu Short Stories, Sahara Mizu Tanpenshu, Sahara Mizu Tanpenshuu, The Bus Takes You and Runs
This volume contains two parts, Bus Hashiru and Nanairo Sekai. Bus Hashiru is a collection of five short stories centered around bus stops. In all your encounters with strangers that take place there, isn't there a chance you might discover something you hadn't had before...? A new take on life, or a lost love - nothing is beyond you.1) Sky-Winding Bus Stop2) Sakura Street Bus Stop3) Wasurena Hill Bus Stop4) Weather Forecast5) Dudleya Road6) The Glasses Thief (see Nanairo Sekai)7) Adult-Uniform (see Nanairo Sekai)
武神戯曲, Beijing Opera, L'Opéra de Pékin, Story of Beijing Opera, The Story of Beijing Opera
Tokyo, 2002. Tatsuaki dares to learn something novel to the most of Japanese: Beijing Opera. One day, he receives a Kouu mask from his master. Just for fun he put it on and is instantly transported back to Beijing, circa 1924! So begins Tatsuaki's adventures in the Beijing Opera House.
 Buso Renkin is the story of teenager Kazuki Muto, who dies trying to save a girl who was being attacked by an eerie monster. The next morning, however, Kazuki is left wondering whether it was all a dream. Lo and behold, the girl, the monster, and his death are all real! The girl, Tokiko Tsumura, was actually trying to slay the homunculus (a beast that can take the form of humans, but whose main source of food is people), but Kazuki got in her way. To revive Kazuki, Tokiko replaces his heart with a "kakugane," an alchemic device that allows him to summon a lance with which to fight the monsters. It turns out that Tokiko is a member of Renkin Kenshi (Alchemist Soldiers), an organization sworn to protect the world from the diabolical creatures. Soon, Kazuki joins Tokiko in her quest to terminate the sinister being that creates and controls the homunculus. 
武装少女 -  武装少女マキャヴェリズム -  Armed Girl's Machiavellism
L'Aichi Symbiosis Academy était à l'origine un lycée pour filles de haute classe, quand il est devenu mixte, les filles, par peur, ont demandé à être autorisées à apporter des armes à l'école. Quand cela a été forcée, un comité de discipline de cinq membres appellé les "Cinq épées suprêmes» a également été formé. Après de nombreuses générations, les cinq épées sont finalement devenus un groupe qui a réprimé les étudiants problématiques et l'académie a commencé à accepter ces étudiants problématiques afin de les corriger. Nomura Fudou a été envoyé à l'école après avoir fait partie d'une énorme bagarre, ce qu'il va faire quand les seules options dont il dispose après l'inscription sont: d'être expulsé de l'école ou être corrigé comme le reste des élèves de sexe masculin, et... en étant forcé de s'habiller et d'agir comme les filles!
A stylish suspense action manga depicting teenage battles!
Keel the hero of our story is looking desperately for Silva the so called "best monster fighter" to retrieve something precious that he took away from him, on his search he joins a beginner monster fighter girl, along with her flying pig monster and goes for an adventure to find Silva who for some reason has been missing for 3 years?!
仏ゾーン, 佛zone, Death Zero, Itako no Anna
Of Shaman King fame, here's another series by Hiroyuki Takei about a buddha with the 1,000 arms armor. Sennju, an emissary of the buddha Kannon, appears in the human world to find and protect the reincarnation of the buddha Mirokou. The emissary arrives on Earth just in time to save a young girl from being bullied by some rough looking men. Just who is this girl and will she believe that he's a buddha who was sent by Kannon?* Also included are three oneshots; two of them are called Death Zero and Itako no Anna.• Death Zero -A WWII pilot was shot done and killed, but he still had a promise to keep, that not even death could stop him.• Itako no Anna -Anna is an Itako, a priestess who can call upon spirits, learning the trade with her grandmother. One day, they run into a temple to find the master of the temple quarreling with a sword collector over whether the sword may be removed from the temple or not. And she and her grandmother decide to call upon the original owner of the sword and aid the temple master. 
My high school life is physically isolated @comic 物理的に孤立している俺の高校生活@comic
Isayama Natsu is a free spirit: he doesn't wear socks, he sets butterflies free from rooftops, and he gives blow jobs to other boys in the school tool shed. And Taneda Kouki, who believes himself normal in every possible way, accidentally sees the last one while taking a shortcut. Isayama bewilders and fascinates Taneda, who also begins questioning his own normality...
ZHONG Xiaohui's (little seal) mother is seriously ill. To save her, her daughter needs a fortune she does not have. Luckily LAN Dongcheng (winter morning), the young and rich hospital director, offers her a mean to earn the necessary money. Why would he do that? Does he have an ulterior motive? And could it have something to do with the butterfly tattoo on her ankle? It looks a lot like the one embroidered on Dongcheng's handchief… Love and betrayal are waiting to be discovered in this new Chinese saga!
バタフライ キス, Butterfly Kiss (SHINONOME Taro)
Homura Tsukishima and Sakurako Hirosue are roommates at Principia Academy, a school located on an island created specifically for researching "shiki", which is a form of power created by manipulating numbers.
Chouhana, 20 years old college student, is a freely flying butterfly and has never been captured. She always fools around with men and everything seems to be under her control. However, her life changes when she met her neighbor, a 33-year-old man…
ぶっとび!! CPU, Buttobi CPU, I Dream of Mimi, Surprising CPU
This story revolves around the life of Akira, a man who has been saving his money for over three years to finally obtain a computer. Unable to get the computer model he wants he is offered the same model from a shady man in an alley. What happens next is something that will change the life of Akira forever. For he didn’t look at the box closely enough to note that it isn’t Model 9821, it is actually Model 2198, a super advanced gynoid who’s sole purpose is to serve and protect her “master.
This is a story about a boxer who aspires to become a champion. One day as he is taking a walk he meets a woman... and then?
バイバイ・ブラザー -  再见哥哥 -  Bye Bye Brother -  Byebye Brother
La jeune lycéenne Kotono a toujours nourri un complexe d’infériorité vis-à-vis de Yûga, son grand frère bilingue, charmant, charmeur, à qui tout et tout le monde sourient... Pas de chance, alors qu’elle décide enfin de déclarer sa flamme à Haruichi, le garçon qu’elle aime depuis longtemps, son frère décide de rentrer au Japon. Et son charme est malheureusement toujours aussi efficace avec les femmes comme les hommes... de quoi exacerber la jalousie de notre jeune héroïne ! D’autant que ce grand frère envahissant semble s’intéresser d’un peu trop près à Haruichi !
秒速ゼロマイル -  秒速零英里 -  0 Miles Per Second
シーブロッサム ケース729
Kana Matsumiya a tout perdu lorsque son père a été arrêté pour avoir détourné les fonds du ministère de la défense japonaise. Elle a changé d’établissement afin de tout oublier, mais ne peut réellement échapper à tout cela. Mais voilà qu’un nouveau professeur intègre l’établissement et se rapproche étrangement de la jeune fille. Très rapidement, les choses se compliquent et la jeune fille découvre qu’un vaste complot entoure son père, mais aussi elle-même. La vie de Kana va très vite se retrouver en danger…
C系乙女恋盟, C Kei Otome Renmei, C系乙女恋盟
Contains 3 stories and unrelated story (oneshot).
C.M.B.森羅博物館の事件目録, C.M.B. 森羅博物館の事件目録, C.M.B. Shinra Hakubutsukan no Jiken Mokuroku, Christus Mansionem Benedicat