
GUNNM: Last Order, Боевой Ангел Алита, 銃夢: Last Order, 铳梦 Last Order, BAA LO, Battle Angel Alita - Last Order, Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Battle
After being killed by the doll-bomb Alita is resurrected by Nova and given an even more powerful body. Then she finds herself in a devastated Tiphares, where a battle between Tiphareans with brain-chips and those without is raging. At the same time as the automatic security systems goes on a rampage killing anything that moves. Set in an alternate future where Alita is reconsturcted by Desty Nova Alita is Lost in a future she does not Understand. For Alita everyone she loves is gone or have moved on. Alita starts on a quest to find Lou Alita starts on a journey That will change her future and make her come face to face with her past.

Battle Mexia

Battle Mexia, un RPG de combat où chaque action et ressenti semblent réels. Dans un futur où les jeux-vidéos dominent toute la classe. Si tu es un joueur professionnel, l’Etat s’occupera de toutes tes dépenses. Qu’arrivera-t-il au personnage lorsqu’il entre dans une école où Battle Mexia est le principal sujet de conversation ?
Rokudou Tousouki -  Tournament of the Six Realms -  六道闘争紀
In a world where humanity escaped underground to survive, En is an impoverished boy who lives off the trash of those more privileged than him. He spends his days in the slums, looking through a trash heap for the decomposing bodies of "losers," those who were defeated and killed in the "Battle of the Six Realms." To participate combatants have to undergo an expensive "body modification surgery," and En sells these modifications, machines attached to their bodies that significantly increase fighting ability. Uninterested in the tournament and its champion, unlike everyone else, he aims only for a worry-free life. But one day, a chance encounter with a mysterious man shatters his reality and puts him on a different, more gruesome path.
BattleMan F1西ドイツホッケンハイムGP観戦记
Battleman was created in Japan in 1990 as part of a collaboration between Akira Toriyama, Shūeisha publishing, Honda Motors, racing team McLaren Automotive, and the Formula 1 administration.As part of Shūeisha’s sponsorship deal with the Mclaren – Honda racing team, Akira Toriyama flew to Hockenheim, Germany to watch the team compete in a Formula 1 race.After race After Toriyama created the Battleman manga.Toriyama intended to be a journalist sports report of the exciting events. Except he presents the entire manga through the voice of ‘Battleman,’ a superhero-esque character obsessed with Formula 1.description from
Faites attention aux beautés
Beastification Syndrome — In a society riddled with a mysterious disease that transforms one's body and mind into a beast, the incurable and unpreventable disease struck fear within people. Those infected are quarantined by the "Ministry of Health" workers. In a world where becoming a beast means the end of your life as you know it, Kazu learns of his best friend Masa's beastification. Wavering, Kazu makes his decision... How much longer, will you remain my best friend — The duo's future, torn apart by an unknown disease.
How much longer, will you remain my best friend — The duo's future, torn apart by an unknown disease.
Bad Boss -  Being the Bad Boss's Man -  My Darling is a Gang Leader -  当不良老大的男人 -  일진짱의 남자
Because of his involvement in a fight, the school's star student, Xu QingSong, becomes acquainted with the young delinquent, Zhu Chen, and falls in love with him at first sight. Then, for various reason, Xu QingSong becomes the boss of a gang. He launches an offensive against Zhu Chen, who is now his second-in-command, and leads the Sea Flower Gang on a rampage to... er... to rectify the town of Taifang.
ビーバップハイスクール, Be Bop Highschool, Be-Bop High School
Sequel of Beach Stars, the story begins where it stopped in the first one.Nanase, who's now the representative of her prefecture, has finally joined the Madonna Cup and will do everything in her power to defeat her one and only target: Hayakawa Sanae!
とある科学の一方通行(アクセラレータ, とある魔術の禁書目録(インデックス)外伝, ベアゲルター, Beagerutā, Beagerutaa, Die Wergelder
The action story revolves around battles over money between three woman: a "passionate psychedelic revenger" named Nami, a "china dress-wearing killing machine" named Je-Mao, and a female gang leader named Shinobu Aza.
野獸與盛宴 -  Beast & Feast
While investigating a murder case, Detective Hishinuma Kazuha is reunited with mobster, Hyoudou Itsuki. During their junior high school days, their relationship was like oil and water; Kazuha minded his own business and Hyoudou was emotionally attached. Hyoudou is at a bargaining point as he approaches Kazuha: he'll divulge important information about the case in exchange for Kazuha's body. Kazuha refuses such an unfathomable request, but Hyoudou, the unrestrained beast, takes control... These two interwoven men and their superb, wild, beast-like love!

Beast Complex

Bīsuto Konpurekkusu -  Звериный комплекс -  ビーストコンプレックス -  비스트 콤플렉스
Un recueil de nouvelles qui mettent en scène des animaux anthropomorphes et leurs difficultés à coexister avec différentes espèces. Le premier manga d'Itagaki Paru.
Youko is a normal high school girl attending a not so normal high school. You see Youko's school used to be an all boys school, so after transferring to this school she is the only female in her class, and that surely can cause a few problems! She is being constantly teased by her classmates, especially by Mastsushima Soushi, who she hates the most!But not everything is bad, Youko is in love with Narumiya Kouei, the only one who helped her since she entered the school. But if the one Youko loves is Narumiya, why does she finds it so hard to stay away from Mastsushima, who she 'hates the most'?
塔の獣 -  Beast of the Tower ( English ) -  tou no kemono -  وحش فى البرج ( Arabic )
Orphaned, blind in one eye, and hungry, Lukka tries to trade his shoes for a meal. Unfortunately, the villagers don't much care for their local homeless cripple, and he's shoved into the path of an oncoming carriage. Luckily for Lukka, what could have been a terrible death turns out to be a kind twist of fate. The passenger, Edgar, is a nobleman with striking blue eyes who invites Lukka to help him end his solitude. The two grow as close as brothers, and Lukka blossoms into a bright, helpful servant and a loyal friend. But once every month, Edgar leaves the estate for three days and entrusts Lukka to feeding his "pet" in the tower: a beautiful black wolf with clear blue eyes.
꽃을 문 짐승
Une jeune fille de notre temps réincarnée dans une époque passée ? Un père immature ? Un grand frère surprotecteur ? Un prince au cœur de pierre ? Une jeune fille innocente ?Et oui, Beast With Flowers est bel et bien une histoire d'amour !


À l'institut Cherryton, herbivores et carnivores vivent dans une harmonie orchestrée en détail. La consommation de viande est strictement interdite, et les dortoirs sont séparés en fonction des régimes alimentaires. Tout pourrait aller pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes... mais la culture ne peut étouffer tous les instincts. Quand le cadavre de l'alpaga Tem est retrouvé déchiqueté sur le campus, les méfiances ancestrales refont surface !Legosi est la cible de tous les soupçons. Parce qu'il était proche de Tem, parce qu'il est une des dernières personnes à avoir été vues en sa compagnie, et surtout... parce que c'est un loup. Pourtant, sensible et timide, il fait son possible pour réprimer ses instincts. Hélas, ses efforts vontins face au vent de discrimination qui souffle sur le pensionnat...Le seul qui pourra apaiser ce climat de terreur est le Beastar, le leader de l'école. Pour l'heure, les candidats se préparent, les élections approchent... Le favori n'est autre que le cerf Louis, étoile incontestée du club de théâtre auquel appartient Legosi. Bien décidé à remettre les carnivores à leur place, il fait mine de ne pas craindre les crocs acérés du loup gris. Mais peut-être serait-il mieux avisé de ne pas le sous-estimer !
Beastars Final Stage
Fan-manga based on the end of chapter 192 of Beastars.A few things to consider:-all of the story and charactersbelong to Paru Itagaki, so pleasesupport the official release!-chapter releases will probablybe inconsistent-I made this not to promote somecanon, but rather to show how Iwould conclcude the arc in my owneyes, as well as tie up some loose ends.-Some panels may look veryexperimental; this is my first manga!-the setting will be at night instead of dayWith that being said, I hope you enjoy! -dylan
ビートレス ディストピア -  BEATLESS-dystopia
--- Je crois en ce sourire. Même si tu si tu n'as pas d'âme ---2105 après J.-C. JaponL'humanoïde androïde hIE prend une part dans la vie des gens et gère les choses que les humains ne peuvent pas faire. Endou Arato, contrairement à ses amis Kenko et Ryou qui détestent les hIE, ressent de la sympathie pour les hIE qui sont censés être de simples objets. Une nuit, Arato se fait soudainement attaquer par la chute de mystérieuses fleurs de cerisier qui HIE qui rendent fous les hIE. Arato sera sauvé par Lacia.


Alors que le royaume d'Elpasa tombait sous le joug du plus grand héros de l'Empire, la princesse Béatrice, pour survivre, prit l'apparence de "Chloé", une esclave. Mais c'est alors qu'elle a attiré l'attention de ce même héros...


C'est l'histoire d'un garçon qui rencontre chaque nuit une fille dans son rêve, ce qui lui permet de pouvoir vivre dans ce monde et de le supporter.
Beautiful Legends, une unité considérée comme légendaire. Une certaine fille qui a obtenu la vie éternelle par une peinture, un pratiquant d'arts martiaux, un loup-garou, Frankenstein et un vampire, lutte contre les méchants qui menacent l'humanité pour des raisons personnelles et professionnelles.
Taken from Anime News Network: Beautiful People is a manga comprised of six profound and thought-provoking short stories. It includes a tale of a vampire who raises a child as her own, a story of a young man who copes with an alcoholic father amongst other problems with the help of an online friend and four others short stories.
Dès qu'elle est tombée dans le monde des hommes-bêtes, un léopard l'a ramenée de force chez lui. En effet, Bai Jingjing est complètement perdue. Les hommes de ce monde sont tous beaux au-delà de toute comparaison, tandis que les femmes sont toutes si horribles que même les dieux tremblent à leur vue. En tant que fille de premier ordre du monde moderne, Bai Jingjing se retrouve assise au centre d'un harem rempli de beaux hommes - au plus fort de son existence.
Hei no Naka no Biyou Shitsu -  Hei no Naka no Biyou-shitsu -  The Depth of the Sky -  塀の中の美容室 -  高墙里的美发店 -  高墻裡的美髮店
[From Nakama] High school teacher Keigo is reaching the end of a major decision... being held by Eita, who he just met. The following morning after waking up, Keigo’s hair is cut short and he’s in a major panic!! “I cut it!
Bebe is an elderly cat nearing the end of his life. He reflects on his beloved Isuku, the human he loves most, and of the unspoken love that Isuku feels for his best friend, Hibiki. When Bebe is no longer around, will Isuku be all alone?
Suivez les derniers instants d'un capitaine du premier escadron de la shinsengumi, Okita Soji, et c’est remémorations des guerres qu’il a mené et ces combats fabuleux avec des adversaires plain de loyauté d’honneurs et de courage. L’auteur raconte sa version de l'histoire.