
Lire manga Dernière page Les hommes du premier monde ont laissé pour héritage à leurs enfants une terre dévastée par plusieurs années de guerre. C'est dans cet univers où cohabitent, tant bien que mal, hommes et chimères, que vont se rencontrer deux personnages différents en tous points. Yori, un petit prince renié par son clan, et Seven, la dernière chimère de type Elfique de ce monde. Poussés par des raisons divergentes, mais animés par la même soif de vengeance, ils vont vivre de multiples aventures aux quatre coins d'un monde bien étrange, sur les traces de sept cristaux Elfiques qui, une fois réunis, est la seule chose capable de mettre un terme au règne du plus grand fléau du second monde: les dragons.
Saigo no Yuuransen -  The Last Pleasure Boat -  最後の遊覧船
After becoming the target of an internet witch hunt, and with a fast approaching deadline for her new script, writer Youko Kojiri flees to her hometown. But on the cruise connecting the lake's piers, many loops and turns are awaiting her.
the last day of kisekamimura -  鬼脊上村の晦
A man returns to his ancestral hometown in the hopes that he can break a curse.A short story by the author of Blade of the Immortal.
末世凡人 -  moshi fanren
Zuo Tianchen est le dernier être humain vivant dans une ville infestée de zombies. Juste au moment où il était sûr de mourir, il se retrouve dans son corps d'il y a dix ans quand la ville n'était pas encore contaminée. Il jure que cette fois-ci, il protégera les personnes qui comptent pour lui et retrouvera la fille qu'il aime.Suivez ses combats pour survivre, équipé de ses souvenirs des dix prochaines années !
마지막 지수
Our protagonist, Yang Ji Soo, dreams of becoming an author. Once day, playboy Hae Sung, famous for only dating girls named 'Ji Soo,' approaches her. Although she's already dating Do Hyuk and feels uncomfortable with Hae Sung's approaches, something bothers her. 'How does he know so muchc about my dating history...?'
최후의 질문
"La dernière question a été posée pour la première fois, à moitié en plaisantant, le 21 mai 2061, à un moment où l'humanité a fait son entrée dans la lumière. La question est venue à la suite d'un pari de cinq dollars sur les highballs, et c'est arrivé comme ça..."-Ligne d'ouverture, La dernière questionThe Last Question est une nouvelle de science-fiction écrite par Isaac Asimov en 1956. L'histoire traite du développement des ordinateurs (intelligence artificielle) appelés Multivacs et de leurs relations avec l'humanité à travers les cours de sept contextes historiques, à partir de 2061.C'est une fiction qui suscite la réflexion et que même la plupart des amateurs de science-fiction peuvent apprécier, même ceux qui n'aiment pas la science-fiction. Et ce classique intemporel a été adapté au format webtoon par Ryul, un illustrateur actif de Ruliweb, qui est une communauté web coréenne pour les fans de sous-culture.
The legend of dragoon was given to me when I was 6, not having a ps1 myself, I went to my neighbors house to try it on his. It was Love at first sight, since then I've never lost my passion for this masterpiece. Having always drew since I was a child, I've worked to continually improve my techniques being completely self-taught. One day I had the idea of mixing the two passions and thus transforming The Legend of Dragoon into a Manga. It's a great project and one that I am very passionate about. My intent with this Manga project is to make the Legend Of Dragoon known to those who do not yet know about it, while also striking old emotions into the oldest most loyal fans.
De : Easy Going Scans Une princesse fait appel à un héros pour tuer le nouveau roi démon et c'est ainsi que l'histoire commence.... !
カムイ外伝 -  Kamui-Den
The rogue ninja Kamui is struggling to free himself from the iron fist of his own clan. As a ronin, he should not exist. In his flight from his clan he meets another ronin ninja, a woman named Sugaru. Sugaru, wanting only to live in peace, is very distrustful. Her paranoia is shown to be justified. The manga covers Kamui's struggle to leave his past behind and Sugaru's failure to do the same.
거울아씨전 -  Lady Mirror
Doppelgangers. Mice that take the form of humans. With murder intent, the look-alikes and the originals are both pressured to fight in their own ways. After an ambiguous event in their life, Ji-Suk and So-Hee's love life has been shattered. While trying to reconcile with her, Ji-Suk meets her look-alike, and that's how this story starts. What will he do when he, too, has a look-alike destined to kill him? And what's the secret So-Hee will never tell?
La légende de Midgardia -  Midgardia
거울아씨전, Lady Mirror, The Legend of Lady Mirror
Doppelgangers. Mice that take the form of humans. With murder intent, the look-alikes and the originals are both pressured to fight in their own ways. After an ambiguous event in their life, Ji-Suk and So-Hee's love life has been shattered. While trying to reconcile with her, Ji-Suk meets her look-alike, and that's how this story starts. What will he do when he, too, has a look-alike destined to kill him? And what's the secret So-Hee will never tell?
Phantom Hourglass
Tetra et sa bande de pirates sillonnent les océans à la recherche de nouvelles terres jusqu'à ce qu'ils découvrent une mer recouverte d'un épais brouillard où mouille un navire abandonné. En voulant l’explorer seule, Tetra se fait enlever par d'étranges puissances maléfiques. Link part à son secours, mais tombe à l'eau. Échoué sur la plage d'une île mystérieuse, il reprend conscience, réveillé par la voix d'une fée. Avec son aide, il décide de partir à la recherche de Tetra et de libérer le monde d'une terrible menace...
Zelda no Densetsu - Kaze no Takuto - Link no 4-koma Koukaiki
The Legend Of Zelda : The Wind Waker est un recit du voyage de Link. Durant son voyage, il rencontrera beaucoup de monde et se retrouvera dans un nombre indéfinissable d'ennuis avant d'être finalement confronté à son destin.
Après un an et demi passé dans le paisible village de Toal, le jeune Link peut etre fier de lui : sa gentillesse, son courage et sa dévotion lui ont permis d’être totalement intégré dans cette communauté. Mais Link a peur que les villageois finissent par découvrir le terrible secret de son passé, au point qu’il n’en dort plus la nuit ! Et si ses cauchemars annonçaient le retour imminent des êtres maléfiques du monde de la pénombre ? Comment faire pour les empêcher de semer à nouveau le chaos ?
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s BOOTH[/url]
ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース (かぢば あたる) -  The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1995)
ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース -  The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (2005) -  The Legend of Zelda: Kamigami no Triforce (HIMEKAWA Akira)
Based on the original video games. Late one night, a young boy named Link is called to by a mysterious voice. It turns out to be Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, who is imprisoned in her own castles' dungeon. Link heads out to the castle only in time to see his uncle fall to Agunim, Hyrule Castles' wizard. Link's uncle gives him his sword and shield and tells him to save the Princess and he might learn about his shadowy past. Link frees Zelda from her prison, and they escape to the church, where Zelda reveals that Link is the Hero of Hyrule, just before Agunim appears and kidnaps her. Now Link is on a quest to retrieve the legendary Master Sword and save Princess Zelda and the Land of Hyrule.
ゼルダの伝説 4つの剣+ -  The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure -  The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Plus
From ANN: After a new evil is released, Link draws the Four Sword and is split into four. Along with three other Links, he travels through Hyrule, rescuing each of the seven maidens that have been captured by Gufuu. Although they aren't very fond of the idea, the four Links must learn to work together in order to destroy their new foe.
ゼルダの伝説~夢をみる島~ -  Dreaming Island -  The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening -  The Legend of Zelda: Yume o Miru Shima
Link's ship, while sailing away from Hyrule, is struck by lightning. He ends up as a cast away on the uncharted Koholint island, where he mets new friends and foes and is faced with a huge dilemma if he ever wants to go back to his homeland. It is surprisingly close to the story told in the game. It still manages to expand on it in a fun way.
ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 -  Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -  Zelda no Densetsu: Mujura no Kamen
Link was done traveling through time and battling evil, and left Hyrule on a personal journey, to find a friend with whom he had parted ways. As Link rode Epona through the woods, an imp named Skull Kid, who was wearing the powerful Majora's Mask, and his two fairy friends accosted him. They stole Epona and the invaluable Ocarina of Time, and ran off with them. While chasing after Skull Kid, Link stumbled into Termina, and was turned into a Deku Scrub by the naughty imp. Link soon discovered that Termina's moon would crash into Termina in three days, and that the power of Majora's Mask was to blame. Link remembered the Song of Time that Zelda had taught him, and used it to travel back in time over and over. While reliving the same three days over and over, Link found masks that would give him different powers and abilities, and helped the Terminans sort out their disheveled lives. To save Termina, Link must release four spirits sealed in four temples, in order to call the four giants, the guardians of Termina. Link must also defeat the power of Majora's Mask, which controls Skull Kid, to save Termina from the moon's destruction. Summary taken from
ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ -  Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Summary: Manga based on the famous N64 game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Before life began, before the world had form, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule. They were Din, the goddess of power, Nayru, the goddess of wisdom and Farore, the goddess of courage. Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to create the earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to give the spirit of law to the world. Farore's rich soul created all life forms who would uphold the law. These three great goddesses returned to the heavens, leaving behind the sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce has become the basis for Hyrule's providence. Where the Triforce stood became sacred land. In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, the Great Deku Tree served as the Guardian Spirit. The children of the forest, the Kokiri, lived with the Great Deku Tree. Each Kokiri had his or her own guardian fairy, except one. His name was Link. Early one morning, Link was having a nightmare. It was the same nightmare he had everynight. During a storm, Link would find himself standing in front of a mysterious castle castle. A rider on horseback, carrying a girl, would race by. The girl would look at Link as if to say something. Then another rider would appear. This big man clad in black would look down menacingly at Link. Link would then awaken. "Link! Hey, get up, the Great Deku Tree wants to see you!" As Link opened his eyes, he saw a fairy floating in front of him. This fairy's name was Navi. Navi was sent to summon Link to the Great Deku Tree. "Oh Navi, thou has returned1" said the Deku Tree. " Thank you, Link, for coming. Thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full of nightmares. A vile climate prevades this world. Verily, ye have felt it. The time has come to test thine courage. I have been cursed. I need you to dispel the curse with your wisdom and courage. Art thou prepared?" Link entered the Great Deku Tree and broke the curse. Well done, Link! I knew that ye were worthy of carrying out my wishes. A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse on me. Emplying his vile sorcerous energies, the evil one is searching for the Sacred Realm connected to Hyrule. For it is there that one will find the divine relic, the Triforce, that contains the essence of the gods. Whoever holds the Triforce can make their wishes come true. Thou must never allow the desert man to lay his hands on the sacred Triforce. Thou must never suffer that man to enter the Sacred Realm of legend. Link, go now to Hyrule castle. There, ye will surely meet the princess of destiny. Present this stone to the princess. I have foreseen that she will understand everything. The Great Deku Tree gave Link the Spiritual Stone of the Forest. Before dying, the Deku Tree's last words were, "The future depends upon thee, Link. Thou art courageous. Summary taken from Note: Prologue written in Western format (read from left to right).
ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 時空の章 -  The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Nut -  Space-Time Chapter
In Oracle of Ages, Link awakes in the land of Labrynna. He helps Impa find a beautiful singer named Nayru. Suddenly, Veran, Sorceress of Shadows, departs from Impa's body and reveals herself. She inhabits Nayru, who is really the Oracle of Ages in disguise, and begins to control her actions. Using Nayru's power, Veran travels into the past, causing havoc in the present. Veran plans to gather power from Labrynna's sorrows to begin her age of shadows. With the help of Nayru's hasty friend Ralph, Link must use the Harp of Ages to travel back and forth between ages, gather eight Essences of Time, and rescue Nayru from Veran's control. summary taken from
ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 大地の章 -  The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Nut, Earth Chapter
Link, a boy born into a family whos ancestors were knights, is never gvien a moments peace because of his grandfather who is always trying to teach Link how to use a sword. Link runs away from practice to think and then decides to take the swordsman's test to make his grandfather happy. There he meets a young warrior boy around his age and asks for a duel, link beets the boy but runs from the fight. He soon gets lost in what he thinks is the castle and sees three triangles that look like the mark on his left hand. He is soon sucked into the world of Holodrum to take the triforce test. Sucked into this unknown world, without a soul to call his friend....what can Link do?
ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎのぼうし -  Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
Based on the Gameboy Advance game
Seisan Shoku o Kiwame Sugi Tara Densetsu no Buki ga Ore no Yome ni Narinashita -  Seisan Shoku wo Kiwame Sugi Tara Densetsu no Buki ga Ore no Yome ni Narinashita -  生産職を極め過ぎたら伝説の武器が俺の嫁になりました
I walk in a different world with my strongest management and smithing ability!I belonged to the management team of MMORPG "Armed Edda", and when I awoke one day, I was embraced by a red-haired girl in a strange world. What's more, my figure and ability are exactly like the game's debugging character, Blacksmith Laguna Smith, and the girl Rein who helped me is the legendary weapon ``Reyvatein'' that I trained in the game! When I live, I start to explore the mysteries of the world....!? Using a trained Legendary weapon as a bride, fantasy begins!Author's Twiter: [url=]@amauisiroichi[/url][url=]Alternative Raw Source[/url]
[From Lililicious]: The Little Mermaid is a yuri version of the fairy tale by the same name. It's an illustrated text story.
La petite sirène mais en version yaoi